Partner Mini-Project: The French Revolution vs. the Egyptian Revolution The French Revolution was a very important event in world history. Not only did it completely overturn France’s political and social system, it marked the end of the Enlightenment and served as an example to other revolutionaries around the world. The Arab Spring uprising, which began in December of 2010 and is still ongoing, has many parallels to the events in France in the late 18th century, but also some differences. How similar are these two revolutions? Your task is to do some research on the revolution in Egypt, explore several areas of comparison, and come to a conclusion about whether these events are more similar or more different. Sources of information on the French Revolution: Textbook Sources of information on the Egyptian Revolution: Amazing interactive timeline specifically about Egypt: NSYTdUZUZfQ1ByWFlrR0pGUE90M3c&font=PlayfairDisplayMuli&maptype=TERRAIN&lang=en&height=800 Themes for comparing and contrasting: You must explore these themes: Causes of the revolutions Major events or phases in the revolutions Results of the revolutions Ideology of the protesters (major ideas) You must choose 2 of these topics to explore as well: Major Figures leading the revolutions “Ordinary” Revolutionaries Communication methods Role of the Military Based on your research, have a final conclusion about whether the French and Egyptian Revolutions are more similar or more different. The presentation of your information can be in a medium of your choice. It can be completed by hand or digitally. The final result should be thoughtful and creative. Some ideas are below: -Cartoon strips -Paragraphs -Venn diagram and illustrated timelines -Caricatures of the protesters and leaders -Annotated illustrations of major events -Infographics Your mini projects are worth 75 points and are due on Wednesday, January 29. Though they will not be formally presented in class, we will have a class discussion about the results of your research as well as the following questions: When is a revolution considered complete? Successful? Is the Egyptian Revolution over? What do you envision for the future of the Egyptian Revolution?