Course Syllabus - Freeport Area School District

The Freeport Middle School Language Arts Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Nichol
(724) 295-9020 ext. 2406
To be successful in life, students must be adequately prepared and able to communicate effectively with
others in the English language. The curriculum for Sixth Grade Language Arts is designed to continue
students’ exposure to a variety of literary texts with adequate understanding, and to refine grammar skills
and improve writing through the writing process. We also prepare the students to take the state mandated
PSSA Test, which will be given in the spring.
This year the students will be expected to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction including novels, short
stories, plays, and poetry. Novel activities will include a variety of comprehension skills, writing, and art
interpretation. The writing pieces will model the different writing styles. Writing assignments will
include timed responses, journal writing, essays, critiques, and creative pieces. Vocabulary, spelling, and
grammar assignments will also be an important part of this class. Because the classroom will be a
community of learners, the students will also be expected to work periodically in group situations and to
present information to their peers in groups or individually.
Our major units of study will include but are not limited to:
Literature key ideas, details, and craft and structure
Information key ideas, details, and craft and structure
Integration of knowledge and ideas in fiction and nonfiction text
Narrative writing*
Expository writing (descriptive, explanation, comparison and contrast, problem/solution)*
Technical writing (friendly letters, thank-you notes, instructions, web pages)*
Persuasive writing/Speech writing and delivery*
Sentence Fluency and Construction
Standard grammar and mechanics
*Throughout all of the writing, we will utilize the multi-step writing process to develop, revise, evaluate,
and improve our products.
All assignments must be submitted by the given due date and are due at the beginning of the class period
unless otherwise stated. All homework is due the next day unless otherwise stated.
Schoology: My classroom uses to keep students and parents updated on
daily/weekly homework assignments. From the Schoology home page, simply click on the calendar,
choose the teacher’s name/course name, and the assignment will be listed. PLEASE NOTE: Schoology
will not be used in the event of a teacher absence. Assignments should also be written in the student’s
planner at the beginning of each class period.
Late Assignments/Missed Work/Absent Work:
Any assignments not received on or before the due date are considered late. In order to receive credit for
any missed assignments, students must have an excusable absence. It is the student’s responsibility to
check with the teacher/Schoology regarding any late/missed/absent assignments and their due date.
A late assignment will be accepted the following day with ½ credit given. Any late assignment received 2
or more days late will be scored a 0 (zero). An absent assignment will be given the amount of days of the
absence before an assignment/test is due.
Grading System:
The grading system is the one set up by the district and will be utilized in LA class.
Students will be required to behave appropriately and follow the school rules as stated in the Freeport
Middle School Handbook. My classroom also incorporates the Incentive for Success behavior system
explained on the attached sheets.
Required Materials:
2 Folders
Colored pencils
Black extra fine tip marker
White board markers
Clean sock for erasing
Mrs. Nichol’s LA Class
Please return by________________________________________________________________
I have read the Syllabus for the Sixth Grade Language Arts Class, and I understand the course’s major
units of study, assignment policy, grading system, behavior policy, and required materials.
Parent/Guardian signature:
Parent/Guardian email:
Child’s name:
Child’s Signature:
Date: _____________________________________________________