Science: The children have some exciting science topics ahead after

Year 1 Yellow – Summer 1
Fantasy Settings: The children will read and
explore stories set in fantasy worlds, moving
through the sequence of reading, talk for
writing and writing, to increase their confidence
and independence as story writers. The children
will retell the story and explore the setting,
create their own story setting and write ideas
for their own stories about a new character in a
fantasy setting.
Seaside poetry: The children will have fun
hearing, joining in with and responding to
different rhymes, songs and poems. They will
collect ideas to describe what they see, hear,
feel, taste and smell and compose their own
poems orally. Later the children use models to
create their own seaside poems.
Skills: the children will be learning to add and
subtract one and two-digit numbers up to 100
and complete missing number sums. We will also
be developing place value skills which will include
understanding odd and even numbers.
Knowledge: the children will be consolidating
their knowledge of number bonds to 10 and 20
along with their matching subtracting facts and
doubles and halves of numbers up to 20.
Apply: our beach front shop is now open for
business! The children will have opportunities to
apply their mathematical skills and knowledge
within the context of paying and giving change in
the shop alongside solving one and two step word
Science: The children have some exciting science topics ahead after our Pushes and Pulls work has been
completed. Our next science topic is sorting and classifying materials and finally growing plants. The
children will be becoming super scientist with lots of experiments to help them investigate and learn.
Topic: Once we have finished our exploration of Antarctica we will all be off to the seaside. The
children will be learning about different seaside regions and what seaside holidays were like in the past.
Music: The children will be exploring different sounds and sound duration. They will learn about pulse
and rhythm and finally move on to learning about sounds with high and low pitch.
RE: In RE the children will be continuing to study Christianity by looking at important people within the
faith. Finally the children will be learning about important places of worship.
Please remember to have PE kits in school every day. PE is every WEDNESDAY, however, with the
weather becoming warmer, the children may have extra sessions during the week. Reading books will be
checked and changed regularly. Please read with your child every day and date, comment and sign your
child’s reading record. Numeracy Homework is given on a Friday, Spellings are given on a Monday.
Project Homework will be given every two weeks and linked to your child’s current Topic/Science. Please
help your child to complete their home work and return it to school.
Thank you for your continued support.
If you have any concerns and would like to speak to Miss Hammerton or Mrs Cartwright (Key stage One
Leader), please make an appointment either before or after school.