Topic plan for the year

Class 2 Topics 2014-2015
Autumn 1&2
People who help us
We will be finding out about the different people
in our community who can help us. We will learn
about The Great Fire of London, The Gunpowder
Plot, Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell. We
are going to investigate materials and autumn in
science and look at the importance of maps and
how to use them.
Spring 1
Magical Me
We will explore the amazing world of each child,
finding out more about family history, using maps to
find out where they live and explore our village.
In science we will find out more about the Human
Body and find out more about Winter.
Spring 2
Spring on the Farm
The children will be travelling back in time to find
out more about Queen Victoria and life on a farm
during this time. We will find out more about farms,
exploring where our food comes from, healthy
eating. In science we will find out about Spring and
farm animals.
Summer 1
Oceans, Coasts and the Seaside
We are off on a “Great British Holiday” and we will
be learning about the seaside and the coast. We will
explore the coastal landscape and dipping into rock
In science we will explore the season of summer and
find out more about the creatures and animal’s which
live at the coast.
Summer 2
Life in the 1950s
We will explore what life was like for children in
the 1950s. We will find out about toys from the
past, Punch and Judy shows, Queen Elizabeth’s
Coronation. We will explore Famous British
holiday destinations such as Bognor Regis and
Skegness and study a local coastal town.