Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Thursday 19th

17th March 2011
Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee of Pershore Town Council held at Pershore Town Hall,
34, High Street, Pershore on Thursday 17th March 2011 commencing at 6.45pm
Present: -
Cllr P Merry (Chairman)
Cllr J Grantham MBE
Cllr C Parsons MBE
Cllr K Rowe
Cllr M Rowe
Cllr D Shaw
Cllr V Wood
Items referred by members of the public
There were none
257. Apologies
Cllr D Hughes apologies were accepted as he was away
258. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Grantham reminded members of his ‘dual Membership’ of the Town Council and the District
Council, the statutory planning authority and as a result he would reserve his position on planning
applications until the full facts were available to him in the report to the Planning Authority.
259. Minutes
It was proposed by Wood seconded by Cllr K Rowe and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting
held on 3rd March 2011 be signed as a true copy of the proceedings.
260. Matters arising from the Minutes
The Clerk reported that she had reported the rainwater discharging on to the footway outside 94
Newlands and a response was awaited.
The Clerk had written to the District Council asking for notification to the Town Council of tree
works in the conservation area and a response was awaited.
261. Planning Applications
Victoria Hotel, 60, Newlands, Pershore
Change of use of the Victoria Hotel (C1) to agricultural workers accommodation (Sui Generis) involving
minor alterations to the external fabric of the property, extension of veranda, insertion of 4 doors,
repositioning of rear door and demolition of rear outbuilding & reorientation of external staircase.
Decision:No objection but members asked for the District Council to note the following: The planning application states that no work has commenced on the property but this is not the
 Wooden sash windows have been removed and replaced with hinged UPVC. Members were
concerned that this property was in the Conservation Area and would ask that the Conservation
Officer’s comments be sought
 Members would ask that the Housing Officer be consulted with regards to the necessary licence
for the property and the standard of occupation being provided
 Members had concerns that car parking for the property was inadequate in an area already
The Plum Tree, St Andrews Road, Pershore
Erection of 9 no 2 storey 2 & 3 bed dwellings with associated car parking and sewer infrastructure works
to site formally as The Plum Tree Public House, St Andrews Road, Pershore
The Arboricultural Assessment submitted with the application relates to the previously refused
application and is not relevant to the current proposals
The Design and Access statement still has a number of errors including issues relating to public
transport and the previous use of the land which was a midden and not farm land as stated in the
Members noted the loss of an amenity in the area and would wish confirmation that the property
had been appropriately marketed for the past 12 months in accordance with Wychavon policy.
In view of the previous use of the land as a midden members had concerns that ground
conditions on the site may be unsuitable for housing and further investigations may be needed in
this regard
Rear access arrangements for plot 7 are unclear
The design of the development is out of keeping with the area and does not comply with the
policies laid down in the District Council’s Residential Design Guide
Members had concerns that a section of the development had been previously open recreational
space and would appreciate the planning officer investigating whether plots 4 and 5 have been
proposed on an area that is deemed public open space.
5, Pensham Hill, Pensham, Pershore
Removal of condition 4 of planning permission W/10/01806/PP which required
submission & approval of details of method of construction of foundations of
No objection
262. Adequacy of water supply in the town
Cllr Merry advised members of the difficulties experienced by residents in the higher areas of the town,
particularly Allesborough Hill and the Loughmill Road estate where water pressure at times became very
weak. It was agreed the Clerk write to Severn Trent asking for the issue to be investigated and noting
that the difficulties would be exacerbated should further development take place in the town.
Cllr Grantham advised members that the District Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee were
looking at various issues relating to Severn Trent Water and the Clerk will endeavor to ascertain when
the matter is to be debated by the Committee and advise members accordingly..
263. Approvals and Refusals
In view of the time it was agreed this item be deferred to the next agenda
264. Items for future agenda
There were none
265. Items for information
The Clerk advised members of a public meeting relating to employment land off the Keytech Estate
which was to be held by Crown House Developments on 12 th April at 10.00am at the Town Hall.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 19:29
Date ………………………….