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Held on Thursday 28th NOVEMBER 2013 in the Council Chamber at 7.15pm
Present : Councillor N. Watson (Chair), Councillor H. Reed (Vice-Chair), Councillor V. Fox,
Councillor C. Fraser and Councillor G. Rose.
Absent: Councillor P. Batstone, Councillor D. Fox
In Attendance: Jeremy Read (co-opted committee member), Councillor N. Cowell, Councillor A.
Donaldson, Christopher Wilkins (Town Clerk), Adam Dodson (Head Groundsman) and Kate
Townsend (Administrative Assistant).
For each item, the
proposer is
named first
followed by the
No members of the public attended.
Apologies were received from Councillor Batstone (other public
These apologies were accepted by the Members present.
No interests were declared and consequently no written requests for
dispensation had been received.
The minutes of the Amenities Committee Meeting held on 26th
September 2013 (pages 1717 to 1720) having been circulated and
publicized prior to the meeting were taken as read and approved for
signature by the committee chair as a true and correct record.
There were no matters arising
The Committee RECOMMENDED that this committee should, at its
meeting in September 2014, undertake an annual review of services
to be provided and projects to be undertaken in the 2015-16 financial
year and, as part of that review, consider whether (and, if so, how
best) to apply the developer contributions held to improve cycling
safety improvements in that period.
Cllr. Reed
Cllr. Rose
The Committee RECOMMENDED that a decision on the proposal
from the Allotments Association be delayed pending further
investigation of the cost implications and funding arrangements,
discussion of ongoing responsibilities and a report on these themes
from the Town Clerk
Cllr. Reed
Cllr. Fraser
Cllr. V. Fox
Cllr. Fraser
Minutes of Amenities Committee – 28 November 2013
Chair’s initials:
Minute book page number
After receiving a verbal report on the proceedings of the Working Party
on this project from Cllr. Reed and considering the options presented
The Committee RECOMMENDED that:
 the purchase and installation of new equipment be phased
over several years;
 a limit of £24,000 be set on the cost of the first phase to be
implemented as soon as possible;
 the overall cost be limited to £45,000 with possible outside
funding being sought for the later phases;
 all new equipment should meet the criteria proposed by the
Working Party (namely – suitability for users aged 2-12,
incorporation of diverse and multiple play features including
provision for role-play, inclusion of features suitable for
disabled users, low maintenance, durability and relative
invulnerability to graffiti).
The Committee RECOMMENDED :
Cllr. Reed
Cllr. V. Fox
Cllr. Rose
Cllr. V. Fox
an immediate moratorium on consideration of requests for
installation or removal of grit bins pending the review
mentioned below (to include the bin requested for Stour View
that Yewstock School be advised to submit their request to
DCC as local education authority and highways authority
that the DCC bin refilling service be used this winter but the
grounds staff be permitted to maintain a small supply of salt grit
for use on Town Council premises
that the Town Clerk and Head Groundsman undertake a
thorough review of the Snow & Ice Policy to bring it up to date
and add criteria when considering requests for installation or
removal of grit bins and submit this to a later meeting for
approval once it has been cleared with DCC and Zurich
After considering the report from the Town Clerk
The Committee RECOMMENDED that the project should proceed as
soon as practicable and that to this end the Council should accept a
free transfer of the site from the present owners and agree to pay the
legal fees and expenses as per the estimate received from
QualitySolicitors Farnfields
Cllr. Rose
Cllr. Fraser
The Town Clerk reported that meeting of the Working Party is being
arranged for early next month to consider the “visuals” now received,
recent developments in connection with the site lease and next steps.
Adam Dodson presented his report attached on pages 1753 and 1754.
Minutes of Amenities Committee – 28 November 2013
Chair’s initials:
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The Committee reviewed recent developments on the projects listed in
the course of which the Town Clerk presented his report on the recent
round of allotments inspections attached on page 1755.
Jeremy Read presented his report attached on page 1755.
The Town Clerk reported that no correspondence within the
Committee’s terms of reference has been received
Cllr. V. Fox reported that he and his fellow district councillor Michael
Roake may seek Town Council support in representing to the
Boundary Commission that Hinton St. Mary should not be separated
from Sturminster Newton in the review of district wards
Cllr Donaldson reported that William Barnes Primary School will begin
interviewing next week candidates to replace the head-teacher
Cllr Rose reported that he is seeking sponsors for “Santa’s Stride” in
aid of the Air Ambulance.
The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.15pm.
Christopher Wilkins
Town Clerk
Approved on:
Chair’s signature:
Minutes of Amenities Committee – 28 November 2013
Chair’s initials:
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Head Groundsman Report
Winter Bedding
We have planted the winter bedding plants in Railway Gardens and all the tubs around the town.
Williams Nursery of Stalbridge had supplied the plants. We have planted Wall flowers, Polyanthus,
Dwarf daffodils and tulips. Northovers have supplied us with the compost (10 bags) free of charge,
which we were very grateful for.
Sports Pitch
Hinton Cricket club have contacted me to ask if it would be possible to hire the recreation ground in
the summer for children’s cricket at the weekends. They would like to hire the sports field and
changing rooms/ pavilion. I have spoken with the primary school also, as they would like a cricket
pitch next year. We will be able to combine the two quite easily. Hopefully we shall reuse the old
Cricket square after a few improvements. It would be great to have cricket back out in the recreation
General Work
The grounds staff have been busy clearing drains, gullies and paved footpaths around the town,
including Newton, Durrant, Bridge St, The Bridge, Penny St and Church St. This has tidied the area
and made it safer to walk, as well as prevent drains from being blocked. Other areas will be tended
to in due course.
After the storm and power cut at the beginning of the month, our alarm system failed. We called out
a specialist, who checked the system through and found that the transformer had blown. This meant
we had no security on the building. The company was asked to quote for a new system due to other
failures and problems within the current system which was coming up to 8 years old. The Town Clerk
and I met to discuss the security issues and what type of system other local businesses have
installed. Recently a local Council had been broken into and most of their machinery stolen. With this
in mind and the conditions set by our insurance company, the decision was taken to replace the
system as soon as possible.
Recreation Ground
We have been appalled by the actions of some individuals in the recreation ground. On Tuesday 19th
November at around 1800hrs, an elderly gentleman from Durrant was walking back from the Doctors
surgery. As he walked past the memorial garden he tripped and fell onto the path cutting his leg and
arm. The gentleman managed to get up and get home alerting his son. When they returned with a
torch to see if he had dropped anything and to see what he had tripped on, they were horrified to find
concrete blocks across the footpath.
The gentleman spoke with me about the incident and asked if anything had been caught on CCTV.
Unfortunately the cameras had not picked up anything due to lack of visibility. The concrete block
had been pulled from underneath our roller. This was put there as an added wedge to prevent it from
moving. This is not the first time this has happened, benches have been manhandled across
footpaths in the last couple weeks.
Due to the wet weather we encountered at the end of this year, machinery breaking down and the
sale of the ride on mower followed by a slight delay on delivery of the new machine, we fell behind
slightly with grass cutting around the town. This has now been resolved and we are back to the
standard expected. The Cemetery is cut on schedule every 2 weeks. (Unless the weather dictates
otherwise) This can take 1.5 days to 3 days depending on staff numbers and works required. When
we cut the Cemetery, we carry out a complete cut. The top meadow has been left as a wild area and
is only cut once a year for this reason. We also leave some older graves with long grass to give a
visual height difference when looking over the site, but more importantly to create wildlife islands.
We have seen an increase in toads and cinnamon moth caterpillars this year. The older graves are
mown during the winter, which is now underway.
Minutes of Amenities Committee – 28 November 2013
Chair’s initials:
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During the summer months Ragwort is removed from graves where possible. Improvements made
by the Council grounds staff over the last few years:
1) Installation of a compost/rubbish area by the mains water tap, made by grounds staff. Litter
waste is removed from site and the compostable material is removed regularly to a larger
heap at the top of the Cemetery out of sight which is reused as compost. Previously there
was a heap of mixed rubbish along the ditch which was burnt.
2) Spraying of weed killer is used on the main footpath, edges of the car park and around the
Chapel only. (spraying had not been carried out as often as it should have). No spraying
around gravestones or iron crosses is carried out due to the sensitive nature of a Cemetery.
3) Areas for wildlife have been introduced.
Winter work:
Hedge cutting is on-going. Permission has been gained from the land owner of the field behind the
cremation plots for access to cut hedges.
Gravel path from the top car park to the A357 entrance urgently needs attention.
Painting of the railings along the A357 entrance.
Drainage work needed at the bottom of the Cemetery.
Last winter a large area was flooded (including graves)
A trench was dug to relieve the water but a more permanent solution is required.
Bottom car park needs levelling and extra gravel.
In my opinion the Cemetery has never looked better. This shows with the amount of compliments the
grounds staff receive from visitors, local and from a far. This has helped with staff moral and
motivation. Very rarely do we ever have any negative comments or complaints. However, when we
do receive criticism it does affect the staff. As I have mentioned in several meetings, we all take
great pride in every aspect of our job.
Minutes of Amenities Committee – 28 November 2013
Chair’s initials:
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Report on allotments inspections
The Town Council’s independent inspector of allotments, John Salwey, undertook his second
round of inspections at Filbridge Rise and Chinnocks in October; accompanied, I understand,
by one or more members of the Allotments Association committee (who guided him as to
extent and number of each plot but did not mention the names of the tenants or seek to
influence his judgement regarding the condition of the plots).
Mr. Salwey presented his report to me early this month and in light of the contents I prepared
a schedule of actions for me to undertake which he saw and approved. After copying this
agreed schedule to the Association’s chairman, I wrote to the tenants of the relevant plots. All
of these responded to me very promptly. In most cases, I agreed with each tenant a set of
measures and a timescale for these to be completed.
In two cases, however, the tenants disputed the inspector’s findings. One wished to meet the
inspector on site and the other to have him review some explanatory literature regarding a
cultivation system. The inspector declined these requests; considering that both went beyond
his remit and might lead into protracted and inappropriate dealings and controversy. I
accepted his decision especially since he provides his services to the Town Council free of
charge. I have offered guidance and suggestions to both tenants aimed at ensuring that their
plots are considered to be in acceptable condition at next inspection and do not propose to
take any further action in the meanwhile.
The next round of inspections is scheduled for the spring; probably in late April or May. Mr.
Salwey has kindly agreed to meet with me before he undertakes them so that we can agree
more precise terms of reference for his role. I have also offered to attend a meeting of the
Association to discuss the inspection regime and am presently waiting to hear if that offer will
be taken up.
Town Clerk
Butts Pond Report
The work to raise and improve the surface of paths in Butts Pond Meadows has been completed.
The cost is being met by an approved draw-down of S106 funds.
The proposal for a gate and footbridge to link Yewstock School with the paths in the Meadows, to
give safe and easy access for classes attending the Equilibrium vocational training school, has been
put on hold. The school’s budget for this year will not allow any contribution to the work, and it has
been classed as low priority. This being so, it is intended to seek to re-examine the matter in the
spring, when it will be possible for the school’s financial position to be re-assessed.
Northovers have removed the bags of road salt from the boundary, and some re-growth of
vegetation has been observed. It has been suggested that when re-planting of the destroyed hedge
is undertaken, a low bund should be created along the line where spill-over from the yard has
occurred. The proposed meeting with Northovers has not yet taken place.
Post meeting note: I regret that I failed to report the Rangers’ comment on the complaint about the
mowing of a specimen of Viper’s Bugloss, made at the September. I have been assured that their
mowing scheme for the Meadows leaves substantial reserves for wild flower conservation. There are
other patches of Viper’s Bugloss in the Meadows.
Minutes of Amenities Committee – 28 November 2013
Chair’s initials: