Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Thursday 19th

THURSDAY 1st April 2010
Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee of Pershore Town Council held at Pershore Town
Hall, 34, High Street, Pershore on Thursday 1st April 2010 commencing at 6.30pm
Present: -
Cllr P Merry (Chairman)
Cllr J Grantham MBE
Cllr D Hughes
Cllr C Parsons MBE
Cllr K Rowe
Cllr M Rowe
Cllr D Shaw
Cllr V Wood
Items referred by members of the public
There were none
097. Apologies
Cllrs K and M Rowe apologised for their late attendance.
098. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Grantham reminded members of his ‘dual Membership’ of the Town Council and the District
Council, the statutory planning authority and as a result he would reserve his position on planning
applications until the full facts were available to him in the report to the Planning Authority.
099. Minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Parsons, seconded by Cllr Shaw and RESOLVED that the minutes of the
meeting held 18th February 2010 be signed as a true record of the proceedings.
100. Matters of report from the minutes
The Clerk advised that she had now received a response from Wychavon D.C. regarding the
various concerns raised at the previous meeting.
The continuing problems with personal information on the web site was a software problems and Cllr
Parsons would raise the matter with Mr Hegarty at their meeting in May
The Council relied on members of the Town Council to identify errors in design and access statements
and the Clerk agreed to raise issues with the leaking guttering at 45 High Street with the Head of
Community Services to ascertain what further steps may be taken in this regard.
The Clerk advised members that the Conservation Officer was still in
discussions with the owners of the Food Factory regarding their signage.
101. Planning Applications
Flat 4, 31, Bridge Street, Pershore
The division of an existing first floor flat into two
No objection
127, Farleigh Road, Pershore
Two storey extension to include disabled facilities at ground floor level and bedroom above.
No objection
Cemetery Lodge, Defford Road, Pershore
Refurbish 4 sash windows and replace two which are beyond repair.
Decision:- No comment as application in the name of the Town Council
W/10/00553 and W/10/00554/LB
Myrtle Cottage, 1, Broad Street, Pershore
Widening of existing vehicular and pedestrian access, replacement brick pillar and part of boundary wall
Decision:No objection but request that dropped kerb be realigned to accommodate change in
position of access.
Tiddesley Wood Nature Reserve, Besford Bridge, Pershore
3, wide grass protecting mesh along 100m track to provide extra traction. At a bend in the track it is
necessary to provide extra traction by putting down approximately 3m x 5m depth 0.3 m stone.
Approximately 3m x 2m x 0.3m stone will also be placed in the gateways at either end of track.
No objection
9, Maple Avenue, Pershore
Outline application for a two storey detached dwelling
Decision:Objection. Backland development with access and egress on to Station Road considered
dangerous, particularly in view of its proximity to Whitcroft Road. Some discrepancy noted on plans
where 2 bedrooms and 3 bedrooms stated, giving a confusion as to whether 1 or 2 car parking spaces
Garages area off Mill Lane Close, Pershore
7 no proposed dwellings with the relevant driveways and landscaping. Consisting of
3 no. 2 bed houses, 2 no 2 bed houses and 2 no 3 bed houses.
Decision:Members regretted the loss of garage space but have no objection in principle. However
the new design guide recommend a maximum of 12 car parking spaces in a row and the proposal
indicates 15 and as the Supplementary Planning Document for affordable homes applies members
request confirmation that these standards have been fulfilled.
Cllr Shaw asked that his vote against this application be recorded.
102. Worcestershire County Council Policy Review
It was agreed that the Clerk request the County Council for clarification of their policy on the size of car
parking spaces between two walls as the current standard would be too narrow in these circumstances
for a car door to be opened. The Clerk will write accordingly.
103. Recent Approvals and Refusals
The Chairman reported on recent approvals and refusals. It was noted that the consent for the flood
defences had not yet been received and the Clerk was asked to clarify the position regarding this
104. Items for future agenda
Residential Design Guide – The Clerk was asked to email the web link to this document. It was
agreed that this, and other recently received planning applications be the subject of a day time meeting
in the next two weeks and the Clerk will liaise with the Chairman for a convenient date.
Proposals to suspend the issue of paper copies of plans
105. Items for Information
The Clerk advised members of an application for a certificate of lawfulness on the bungalow at Orchard
Farm. Cllr Merry advised that the curtiledge of the property had been shown inaccurately and this had
been advised to the relevant planning officer.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 19:25
Signed…………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………….