File - Pershore Town Council

5th June 2014
Minutes of the meeting of the held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, on Thursday 5th June
2014 commencing at 7.00pm.
Cllr D Watt (Chairman)
Cllr R Grantham
Cllr C Parsons MBE
Cllr A Rowley
Cllr R Speight
Cllr C Tucker
Cllr M Winfield
There were 5 members of the public present to speak on the Conningsby Drive application. All
objected and advised that they had had no objection to the approval for 7 houses but 27 was, in their
opinion, over development of the site and would have a detrimental impact on some of their
properties, particularly number 57. They were also concerned about the removal of a number of trees
that would be necessary for the development to proceed.
422. Apologies
There were none
423. Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Watt and Winfield declared disclosable interests in agenda item 5, the Conningsby Road
application as they lived in neighbouring properties to the proposed development.
424. Minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Speight, seconded by Cllr Rowley and RESOLVED that the minutes of the
meeting held 15th May 2014 be accepted as true records of the proceedings.
425. Matters of Report from the minutes
There were none
426. Planning Applications
Land adjoining Conningsby Drive, Pershore
Outline planning application for up to 27 dwellings including access from Conningsby Drive and
emergency access from Three Springs Road.
Decision:Objection. Overdevelopment of the site and concerns that the proposed emergency
egress has limited visibility. There is no footway along that part of Three Springs Road nor is any
proposed and major concerns over the impact of construction traffic accessing the site through the
existing Conningsby Drive.
Land at Station Road, Pershore
Outline planning application for the erection of up to 50 dwellings with vehicular access from Station
Road, a sustainable drainage system, green infrastructure provision and associated utilities.
Decision:Objection. A proportion of the site is substantially outside land allocated for
development in the revised South Worcestershire Development Plan.
In view of the number of applications for residential development and employment use already
submitted or about to be submitted, the Town Council takes the view that all such applications and
proposals should be viewed together. The cumulative impact of all the developments affecting the
northern part of Pershore Town particularly on Station Road and Wyre Road should be assessed at
the same time. The overall assessment of the cumulative impact should principally centre upon:1.
Highways and transportation – the affect on Station Road and the junctions with High
Street/Worcester Road, the Pinvin Crossroads and the Wyre Road itself.
The urgent needs for the Northern Link Road to be constructed and financial
contributions from each developer towards the Pershore transport package.
Flood risk assessment and drainage strategy – surface water and drainage issues
including a comprehensive view of surface water management and discharge
arrangements of all the developments and their respective impacts on localized
Pershore Town Council will continue to object to the major individual proposals in this northern part of
the town until such time as a comprehensive view is taken in relation to the cumulative effect of the
development proposals.
Additionally with this development:a.
Members would request that the ridge line along the north of Station Road should be the limit
for any development and form the natural boundary of housing on this side of the town.
Members would reiterate that to enable future traffic alleviation schemes to be viable a
protected route through the developments to be built should be maintained through to Allesborough
Hill and Drakes Broughton.
Land off Wyre Road, Pershore
Outline application for the erection of 70 dwellings
Amended application:Reduction in number of units proposed from 70 to 64
Amended visual impact assessment
Revised indicative master plan
Pershore Town Council notes that this amendment relates to land identified in the recently submitted
SWDP for potential future residential development.
However, in view of the number of applications for residential development and
employment use already submitted or about to be submitted, the Town Council takes the view that all
such applications and proposals should be viewed together. The cumulative impact of all the
developments affecting the northern part of Pershore Town particularly on Station Road and Wyre
Road should be assessed at the same time. The overall assessment of the cumulative impact should
principally centre upon:1. Highways and transportation – the affect on Station Road and the junctions with
High Street/Worcester Road, the Pinvin Crossroads and the Wyre Road itself.
2. The urgent needs for the Northern Link Road to be constructed and financial
contributions from each developer towards the Pershore transport package.
3. Flood risk assessment and drainage strategy – surface water and drainage issues
including a comprehensive view of surface water management and discharge
arrangements of all the developments and their respective impacts on localized
Pershore Town Council will continue to object to the major individual proposals in this northern part of
the town until such time as a comprehensive view is taken in relation to the cumulative effect of the
development proposals.
Additionally with this application, members still have concerns about:1. The overbearing nature of the units on the corner of the site between Station Road and Wyre
2. The proposed removal of the hedgerow along Station Road which it is felt should be retained.
Land at Hurst Meadows, Wyre Road, Pershore
Outline planning application for the construction of 124 dwellings, green infrastructure, associated
drainage, roads, footpaths and cycling.
Amended application:Reduction in number of residential units proposed from 130 to 124
Amended application site boundary and revised indicative layout
Amended visual impact assessment
This item was deferred to the next Planning Committee.
W/14/00966/CU and W/14/00967/LB
Cemetery Lodge, Defford Road, Pershore
Change of use of lodge from residential to create a Family History Research Centre to include
removal of side window and replace with door for disabled access and demolition of 1990s
No comment was made on this application as it had been submitted by the Town Council.
427. Section 106 allocations
Cllr Grantham expressed his concerns that there would appear to be no opportunity for youth
organisations in the town to receive any developer funding. The Clerk agreed to look at all the major
applications where the developer had completed their S106 agreement and provide a list of what
allocations had been made for a future meeting of the committee.
428. Refusals and Approvals
The Chairman reported on recent approvals and refusals
429. Items for information
Cllr Rowley advised that the District Council were now in contact with the owner of St
Margarets with regard to necessary repairs to the garden wall which had become dangerous.
The Clerk provided members with an up to date map of planning applications and approvals in
the town
Members noted a letter from the Department for Communities and Local Government outlining
their policy for housing and infrastructure.
430. Items for future agenda
There were none
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.28pm.
Signed…………………………………………….. Date…………………………………………..