Classroom Guidelines

Mrs. Ram’s World Geography
Classroom Guidelines Sheet
Day 1: 90 maximum
Day 2: 80 maximum
Days 3 to 5: 70 maximum (MISD Secondary Schools policy).
Work not completed by the end of this window will result in mandatory Tutorials.
Students should write “LATE” on all late work.
TUTORIALS: Mrs. Ram is usually available each morning and afternoon. However,
scheduled duty, emergencies, may cause changes on short notice. Lunch tutorials are also
offered upon request. There are NO tutorials on Tuesday mornings due to departmental
GRADING: Grading will be done according to the policies set forth by MISD and the
MFHS Social Studies department: Major grades will make up 60% of the six-weeks
grade. Items in this category will include but not be limited to tests, quizzes, projects,
essays, etc. Minor grades will make up 40%. Items in this category will include but not be
limited to daily grades, homework, participation grades, etc.
TARDIES: Will be dealt with in accordance with MFHS policy.
DRESS CODE: Students are expected to be in compliance with the standard attire policy.
Jackets must remain in lockers. Repeat offenders will be subject to disciplinary measures.
DISMISSAL: The TEACHER dismisses the class, NOT THE BELL. Students will remain
seated until dismissed.
ABSENCES: When absent the STUDENT is responsible for retrieving and completing
missed assignments, as well as notes and daily work such as warm-ups, journals, etc.
Students should write “ABSENT” on all make-up work. Folders with work will be on
Teacher's desk.
Redo/Retake: It is the student's responsibility to work with teacher to schedule these
opportunities before school, during lunch or after school. Highest grade earned is an 80.
FOOD AND DRINK: These items are not allowed in class.
RESTROOM PASSES: Students will have three passes per six-week. Once the bell has
rung students will have one emergency pass per six-weeks. Per campus policy no student
will be allowed to leave class during the first 15-minutes or last 15-minutes of class.
ASSIGNMENT HEADING: Every assignment should have each of the following:
An incomplete heading will result in a 5-point deduction from the grade on the assignment.
An assignment with no heading at all will receive a 10-point penalty.
CLASSROOM DISTRACTIONS: Any action or item deemed a distraction to other
students or to the teacher must be discontinued or put away upon request. Repeated or
continued distractions will be dealt with accordingly. Students are reminded that
cosmetics, brushes, combs, etc. are for personal use prior to class. Per campus policy no
backpacks or purses are allowed in class.
WRITING INSTRUMENTS: All assignments for credit are to be completed in dark blue
or black ink, or are to be typed unless otherwise specified.
GEOGRAPHY BINDER: Each student may keep a binder specifically for World
Geography or a portion of a larger binder designated for World Geography. The binder /
portion should be a three ring binder of at least 1½-inches in width. The binder / portion will
need to contain separate sections for notes, handouts, and returned work. Materials kept
within the binder are to be kept semester by semester with limited exceptions such as the
maps which need to be retained all year. Each student will also need a notebook
(minimum of 1-subject) to be kept in the classroom for warm-ups, journal entries and
other in-class assignments.
1. Unless otherwise specified, all assignments are to be completed in their entirety by
each student. The common practice of “checking one’s work” from another
student’s work will not be tolerated, nor will the sharing of answers either in class
or out of class. In such a case all students involved will face disciplinary action.
2. A student’s work is to be original and not plagiarized.
3. Should any student be deemed in violation of the cheating or plagiarism guidelines,
parents will be notified and disciplinary actions taken.
4. Please note that other MFHS teachers will be instructed to take up all Geography
assignments being completed in another class without the permission of the teacher.