Mr. Soto’s 8th Grade American History II Syllabus Contact Information: (708)588-8843 Email: Be sure to check the district website, for teacher profiles, webpages, contact information. * Supplies – Students are expected to come to class everyday with the following supplies: 1. Your assigned textbook, when required. 5. The assigned pocket folder, with notebook 2. A red pen for grading. paper, (or spiral) specifically for SocSt. 3. A highlighter for note taking. 6. A 50, 75 or 100 pg. composition book for and making corrections. journal writing, (which will be kept 4. A writing utensil, pen or pencil. in the classroom). * Students who are regularly unprepared for class may receive detentions during lunch or after school. Regular unpreparedness will directly impact the student’s grade. Homework - Students will have until the end of a unit (or quarter – whichever comes first) to turn in late assignments and/or make corrections to improve their grade. - Late assignments will be given a reduced grade at the teacher’s discretion. Students who are missing assignments, regularly turn in late assignments, or have a considerable amount absences in a given period of time, may be held back from lunch, kept after school, or held back from reward days to review material and receive help on missing assignment. - Academic Advisory – The students mentioned above will also be assigned to our after school teacher guided academic program to help students get up with their studies Tests/Quizzes - Tests are mostly made up of short answer, multiple choice & fill in the blank style questions, and will usually be accompanied by written extended response, or essay style questions. Retakes -Students may re-take a test once, outside of class, and during a scheduled appointment. (See Test Re-take Contract for more information.) Notebook - Students will be expected to keep a neat and organized folder, with all the assigned & collected materials for a given unit to properly prepare for the unit test. - Folders may be collected periodically for a determined notebook grade. - Folder Clean Out -Students will be given time to clean out and dispose of unnecessary or old materials to prepare for an upcoming unit. Effort & Conduct Grades – “Effort” reflects homework completion and good test preparation, while “conduct” reflects classroom behavior and participation. Scores represent: 1 – Student demonstrates exceptional behavior, preparedness, effort & class participation. 2 - Student demonstrates satisfactory (average to good) behavior, preparedness, effort & class participation. 3 – Student demonstrates poor, inappropriate, or unacceptable behavior and little effort or sense of urgency. Final Quarter Grade - The final quarter grade will consist of a combination of test or project grades (approx. 80 - 85%) and homework or quiz grades (approx. 15 - 20%). Extra Credit: - There will be several extra credit opportunities offered throughout the course of the year, including Saturday Field Trips and After School Movies, giving students the opportunity to raise & maintain their grades. It is the student’s responsibility to take advantage of these opportunities when they occur. 8th Grade American History Curriculum Outline I. An Intro to U.S. History & Culture: “Who Are You?” & “History Is…” II. Remembering 9/11: Cause & Effect Life before and after 9/11. Liberty vs. Security III. The 5 Themes of Geography: Geography’s influence on the history of Chicago and the U.S., including its regions & demographics. IX. National Geographic Geography Bee X. 1920s- the rise of American popular culture, Prohibition, the crash of the U.S. economy. XI. The 1930s - the Great Depression and FDR’s New Deal. XII. The 1940s - World War II & U.S. culture IV. Remembering our Veterans - 11/11/14 *Community Service opportunities. XIII. The 1950s - the rise of the Soviet Union & the Cold War. V. Immigration: Ellis Island immigrants & immigration today. XIV. Martin Luther King & the Civil Rights Movement VI. The 2nd Industrial Age: The rise of the inventors, industrialists & unions. Capitalism and the Stock Market. XV. The 1960s - Vietnam, Berlin, Kennedy, & chaos VII. The Progressive Era: Teddy Roosevelt & women’s suffrage. XVI. The 1970s & 80s – Nixon and the end of Vietnam & the Cold War VIII. America Expansion Over Seas & World War I Due to time constraints and unforeseen, historic (current) events that will occur this year, any of the units listed above may be cut or condensed. I have read and understand the above information and policies. Must be signed and returned by ____________ ____________________________________ Signature of Student __________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian