Mrs. Armijo Room 36 Classroom Policies and Procedures Dear Parents/Guardians, My name is Michelle Armijo and I’m happy to report that your son/daughter has been placed in my class for 8th grade Science, 7th grade World History and/or English Language Arts/Reading core replacement System 44 Program, and/or 8th grade Math. In an effort to cut down on the many parent letters you get this year I’m sending only one letter to all of my classes. Your child is in my: 8th grade Physical Science 7th grade World Culture Read180 ELA/Reading 8th grade Math Many stimulating and challenging activities are planned which are designed to help students to work to the best of their individual abilities using the mandated core curriculum, while also addressing their individual needs and IEP goals. I am looking forward to being your son or daughter’s teacher this year and will do my best make this a most pleasant year. Classroom Expectations and Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Follow directions the first time they are given Respect others and yourself at all times. Allow Mrs. Armijo to teach and others to learn and participate. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Always do your best. Come to class with the necessary tools to participate. Leave profanity words and disrespect at the door Homework Policy The District Policy on homework includes 30 minutes of reading per night. Besides assigned readings, student should read for enjoyment for at least 15 minutes every night. They will have homework nightly, writing assignments to revise, as well as projects from time to time in science and history Success Please help in making sure that your son/daughter has all the necessary materials with them everyday. We will be engaging in many hands on activities as well as written activities and games that require daily supplies. Supplies Needed: Lined paper Sharpened pencils (4) Three ring binder with folders and tab dividers for each subject One subject spiral binder to use as an in class journal for writing Donations of hand sanitizer, Kleenex, glue sticks, lined paper, and pencils are always appreciated Grading The grading system used in my classroom is as follows: A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 59% and below Grades will be given based upon the following percentages: 60% Assessment (tests, quizzes, projects) 40% Classwork/Homework Their citizenship grade will be based on behavior. Parent/Student Acknowledgement of Rules I have read and understood Mrs. Armijo’s Classroom rules, homework policy, grading procedures and discipline policies. I agree to follow these rules. _________________________________ Student ______________ Date _________________________________ Parent/Guardian _______________ Date