MS Earth/Space Science Dear Parent or Guardian, Welcome to Mount Dora Middle School—Home of the Soaring Eagles! I would like to personally welcome you and your son or daughter to this year's science course! I believe that science is an interesting and exciting topic. By getting involved in your child's instruction, you can not only help your son or daughter to succeed, but you may also enjoy learning new material yourself! And why not? The more we know about the world around us, the more fascinating it becomes . . . This year your son or daughter will be using a textbook published by McGraw-Hill/Glencoe called Earth & Space Science. The textbook has a rich bank of science content and plenty of examples to help make that content relevant to daily life. In addition, the book clearly outlines lesson objectives and vocabulary. By mastering these concepts and terms, your son or daughter will gain a solid base in science and will be prepared for the next step in their science education. Your child will also have many opportunities to reinforce, extend, and apply what he or she learns with fun and meaningful investigations and activities. Also, you can rest assured that this program meets our state and national standards for science! My goal is to create a classroom environment that will help your son or daughter build a solid science vocabulary gain a strong understanding of key scientific principles and topics learn how to use mathematics to tackle scientific problems find out about the latest technologies and use many of them to learn more about science and our world see how science is related to all other disciplines effectively prepare for standardized assessments see science as worthwhile and meaningful develop thinking skills and the ability to challenge assumptions, think creatively, and solve real-life problems have fun!! I would appreciate your help in furthering these goals. Simply supporting your child as he or she explores science this year will go a long way! Sincerely, Kim Okey Mount Dora Middle School Room 4-006 383-6101, Ext. 3880 Planning: MTTF: 1:15-2:00 W: 12:45-1:15 Grading Policy and Class Requirements This year in science class your son or daughter will have many opportunities for learning, growth, and achievement. I will be monitoring your child's progress with the following grading policy. Category Classwork/Quizzes Labs Homework Tests/Projects Progress can be monitored on e-Sembler @ Science Grading Policy Grading Scale 1 grade 1grade See Below 2 grades Student school identification number is required to set up an account. Each of the above categories plays an important part in your child's learning. Homework Students will be assigned homework several times per week. Homework may be a reading assignment, a worksheet, review questions, take-home activities, or unfinished class work. I encourage you to review homework on a regular basis so that you know how well your son or daughter is doing. A homework completion grade will be given at the end of each 9 weeks. The homework completion grade counts 2 grades. Labs Students will be doing a number of exciting laboratory activities this year. To ensure that students have fun and succeed in the laboratory, it is important that they have a good understanding of safe lab practices. Please help me maintain a safe environment by reviewing the safety guidelines with your son or daughter. When you are sure your child understands and agrees to the safety guidelines, sign the safety contract together. With that signed contract and a B (80 or better) on the Lab Safety Test, your son or daughter will be welcomed in the science lab. Quizzes and Tests To ensure that students are regularly completing and understanding their course work, I will administer a graded assignment or quiz as needed. I assess student progress with a more formal test at least once per grading period. If your son or daughter earns a test grade below a C, please encourage your child to visit with me about ways to improve his or her progress. Projects Projects may be assigned at various times during the school year. Special projects are fun and challenging additions to your child's regular course work. Late or Makeup Work In certain circumstances, I may accept late work from your son or daughter (excused absences only). If your child has an excused absence, please encourage him or her to visit with me immediately upon returning to the classroom (or in advance if possible). It is the student’s responsibility to ask about missed assignments. Upon return from an absence, the student has 5 school days to make up missed work as set forth in the Student Code of Conduct. Earth/Space Science Notebook Students will be expected to maintain an Earth/Space Science notebook containing all science materials including an up to date Science Assignment/Grade Sheet. An Earth/Space Science Course Outline will be provided for you and your student to view/discuss the topics that will be covered in this class. Electronics Any personal electronics of any kind are to be turned off and out of sight at all times; otherwise, they will be confiscated and accompanied by a warning for the 1st offense and an office referral for the 2nd offense. Materials Required 3-ring binder (1 to 1 ½ inches) w/ pockets and clear view cover (Class notebook) 5 dividers w/ tabs McGraw-Hill/Glencoe Earth & Space Science (Interactive textbook---you can WRITE in it!) Pens and pencils (NO RED INK!) Highlighters/Markers, Crayons, or Colored Pencils (for home use) Attendance It is extremely important that students attend class on a regular basis. Attending class on a regular basis helps students to keep up with daily assignments and to connect the dots between concepts learned each day. It is amazing how much a student will learn just by being in class! Rule of thumb: Poor attendance = Poor grades. Behavioral Expectations All schools have implemented a positive behavior system which defines behavioral expectations of a student on the school campus whether he/she is in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, bus loop, parking area, cafeteria, common area, locker-room, or the restroom. The goal of this system is to promote a safe learning environment which offers an “opportunity to learn” which is essential to moving student achievement (Marzano 2002). My behavioral expectations for students to SOAR and LEARN are as follows: S.O.A.R.(school campus): S- Strive to be a willing, positive & active learner O- On time and prepared A- Always appropriately dressed & electronics free R- Respect for self, others and MDMS L.E.A.R.N. (classroom): L- Listen, reflect and focus E- Express yourself with appropriate language A- Accept responsibility for your education R- Respect diversity N- No contraband! No excuses! Please know that it is my priority to ensure that each student has adequate assistance and ample opportunity to succeed in this class. If you have any questions about the class or your child’s progress, please feel free to contact me at 357-4147 or by email at . After reviewing this information with your son or daughter, please fill in the following section on the next page and return to Mrs. Okey. ************PLEASE RETURN THIS COMPLETED PAGE************ TO MRS. OKEY STUDENT SECTION I, ___________________, have read and understand the policies set Print student’s name forth in Mrs. Okey’s class syllabus. I fully understand the importance of being present and prepared for this class. I also fully understand that any electronics in my possession are to be turned off and out of sight; otherwise, they will be confiscated and accompanied by an appropriate consequence. ________________________________ ___________________ Student signature Date PARENT/GUARDIAN SECTION ______________________ and I have read, discussed, and understand Print student’s name the policies and procedures set forth in Mrs. Okey’s class syllabus. We fully agree that being present and prepared for class on a daily basis is the key to being successful in this class. We also understand that the return of this signed sheet counts as a 100 in the grade book. ________________________ Print parent/guardian’s name ________________________ Date __________________________ Parent/guardian signature __________________________ Home phone number ________________________________ Cell phone number ________________________________ Work phone number ________________________ Email address #1 __________________________ Email address #2 COMMENTS: ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________