
Jim Schwamb, BayCare Health System
Thomas Yoesle, Orlando Health
Jose Rivera, Orlando Health
Formed 2004 with support of PwC
Dynamic survey of industry KPIs
Membership Requirements
◦ One billion in net revenue
◦ Operating CBO
◦ Able to identify and report representative KPIs
◦ Share valid KPIs on annual basis
◦ Share responses to challenges
◦ Share best practice approaches
No benchmarking tool that was valid
◦ Ability to collect and share data annually
◦ Ability to discuss/agree on KPI definitions
◦ Ability to revise KPI definitions as our industry shifts
No tool that was specific to large CBOs
Need to network
◦ Without distractions
Need to improve performance
◦ Share successes and “non-successes”
Twenty-four CBOs
In Florida
Lee Memorial
Orlando Health
Other states represented (NE, MN, KY, MO, VA,
PA, CO, OK, LA, TN, IA, NC, GA, IL, TX, and Al).
Review of annual KPI Survey
◦ Time to discuss KPI definition/interpretation changes
5010 & ICD-10 readiness
Patient Access quality issues
◦ Policy & Procedure discussion
◦ Regulatory requirements & how we have addressed them
Biometrics for patient ID
Time of service estimates & solutions
Who has implemented what vendor? How was the
Vendor discussion
Who are you using?
For what?
How is the performance?
What KPI’s define success for the vendor?
Predictive analytics for charity and form 990H
Employee turnover & retention strategies
Carrot vs. Stick? Automation is key!
Selling Bad Debt
What I.T. infrastructure can handle an ACO model?
Productivity enhancers
What training programs are being used/outsourced?
What incentive program structures are effective?
Accountable Care preparedness
What BI systems are being used for predictive analytics?
What does the market look like across the country?
Round table discussion
Each System Reports The Following:
Services billed (i.e. hospital, physician, homecare)
Systems Software Used
Cost to Collect (Total, CBO, PAS, HIM)
First Bill Pass Yield
Net A/R Days
DNFB & Hold Days
Collection % by Payer
Bad Debt & Charity Write-offs
Uninsured and Prompt Pay Discounts
Upfront Cash Collection to gross revenue (ER & other)
FTEs per 1000 claims (by function)
Salary Survey
Things are not going to get any easier
Medicare and Medicaid spending cuts
Technology changing rapidly
Larger Health Systems
Standardization more difficult
Our patients are changing
New healthcare models
CBOs with the most outsourcing have the
higher cost to collect (FTEs aren’t bad)
Training and managing quality of registrars is
Assertive upfront cash collection translates to
lower A/R days
The annual meeting has had many wins
Learning new approaches
Seeing different shops
“best two day meeting I have ever attended”