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Objectives and KPIs: A Guide to Goal Setting

 Why Objectives and KPIs are important?
 What is Objective and KPI ?
 Why do we need Objectives and KPIs?
 What should be include?
 How to prepare them?
 The Benefits of Objectives and KPIs
Why Objectives and KPIs are important?
What is Objectives?
Objectives are your overarching goals, the big things you need to achieve. So an
objective for a salesperson would likely involve increasing sales revenue by a
certain amount.
What is KPI ?
KPIs are Key Performance Indicators. These are the individual tasks which need
to be completed in order to reach your general objective. So to return to our
salesperson, they won’t be able to increase sales revenue without making a certain
number of prospecting calls, or by upselling a certain number of new products to
existing customers.
What is Objective and KPI ?
Let’s look at an example:
Goal or Big Objective - Decrease employee turnover rate by 25% over the next
OBJ1 – Providing one internal training and one external training per month
OBJ2 – Implementation 2 kinds of employees recognition program per month
OBJ3 – Implementation one communication channel and posting three kinds of
group activities or departmental achievement per month
OBJ1 – Providing the one internal training and one external training per month
KPI 1 – Inquire about the training from three training center and reporting
KPI 2 - Arranging with IT and Admin Team for the training room for 30 trainees
one day ahead of training date
KPI 3 – Request to the Finance Department for training fees one week ahead of
training date
To set a specific you must answer the six "W"
Who is involved?
What: What do I want to accomplish?
Where: Identify a location.
When: Establish a time frame.
Which: Identify requirements and constraints.
Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of
accomplishing the Objective.
To determine if your goal is measurable,
ask questions such as:
• How much?
• How many?
• How will I know
when it is accomplished?
When you identify Objectives that
are most important to you, you
begin to figure out ways you can
make them come true.
You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills,
and financial capacity to reach them. You
begin seeing previously overlooked
opportunities to bring yourself closer to
the achievement of your Objectives.
To be realistic, a goal must represent
an objective toward which you are
both willing and able to work.
You must have the resources and the
skills to get them done
To determine if your Objective is realistic,
ask questions such as:
• Do I truly believe that it can be accomplished?
• Have I accomplished anything similar in the past?
• Can I identify the conditions that would have to
exist to accomplish this Objective?
An Objective should be grounded
within a time frame. With no time
frame tied to it, there is no sense of
When do you want to accomplish your
Objective? “Someday” won't work.
But if you anchor it within a
timeframe (“by May 1st”), then you
have already set your unconscious
mind into motion to begin working on
the goal.
OBJ1 – To sell the 30 units or USD 10000 per month
KPI 1 – Contacting to 30 organization
KPI 2 - Visiting and presentation to 15 potential clients
KPI 3 – Send the proposal to 10 potential clients
OBJ1 – To renew the license of office’s 15 cars in January
KPI 1 – Issuing the cash from Finance 2 days ahead of actual day
KPI 2 - Contacting to the related department one week ahead of actual day
KPI 3 – Calculating the cost 2 weeks ahead of actual day
Measurement the Objective Achievement
Objective Achievement
To increase 15% of Employee Satisfaction
Success Criteria
Measurement Kids
If the employee satisfaction is increase over
If the employee satisfaction is increase under
10% to 15%
If the employee satisfaction is increase under
Compare with old report
and new
The Benefits of Objectives and KPIs
 Direction
 Motivation
 Recording Milestones
 Performance Evaluation
 Time Management
 Coordination
 Standardization
Thank you very much for attending my training and I
really appreciate it. If you need like the cooperate
training or ISO (QMS) standard for your organization,
please remember me and contact to me anytime.
Win Pyae @ Williams
( Management Consultant )