Monitoring and evaluation of service delivery and outcomes Sally Thompson Welsh Government Importance of monitoring and evaluation Commissioners required to regularly assess whether the spending plans and projected outcomes of projects / services are aligned to objectives of local and national strategy and remain fit for purpose Need to ensure value for money of expenditure against outcomes Importance of monitoring and evaluation Accountability Service development Having a clear understanding What difference do you want to make? (aims) Why are you doing it (i.e. the differences an organisation hopes to make for substance misusers) (outcomes) What are you going to do to accomplish the aims? (Outputs) Welsh Government expectations Each Area Planning Board Will be required to produce an outcome based commissioning strategy (April 13) Costed Implementation Plan (April 12) Work towards a Results Based Accountability approach and can evidence how this is monitored (April 12) Have a clear framework in which to performance manage the KPIs (April 12) Mandatory requirements in Wales Implementation of the national Key Performance Indicators (KPI) New suite of KPIs will become operational from July 2012. The revised KPIs are looking at both activity levels and outcomes for clients Proposed Indicators Increase the number of clients who engage with services between assessment and planned ending of treatment Achieve a waiting time of less than 20 working days between referral and treatment Substance misuse is reduced for problematic substance between start and most recent review / exit TOP Proposed indicators Injecting risk behaviour between treatment start and exit Quality of life is improved between start and most recent review / exit TOP No. / % of cases closed (with a treatment date) as treatment completed There will also be a BBV indicator added for implementation in April 2013. In true workshop style … What do you see as the difficulties / challenges of monitoring and evaluation of services within your areas? How do you overcome these? Or anything else you wish to raise …