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Aristotle vs. Shannon-Weaver Communication Models

Sheila Montiadora BSA 1B
Aristotle and Shannon 's Weaver Model of communication is have a the
same process which is sender,encoder,receiver,and decoder.In Aristotle's
model of communication the process of communication is somehow long
because in his model there is a noise or problem in the channel also in Aristotle
model the term of sender is information source,then the encoder is a transmitter
and the decoder is a reception and also the receiver is a destination . So in
Aristotle model we can notice that the communication process is flat which is the
receiver is didn't give a feedback that fast because of the problem in the channel
they use. And in the Shannon - Weaver's model in communication after sending
a message the receiver will decode it. After decoding message she/he will
interpret it to understand the message well and after understanding/decoding the
message the receiver will encode a message to give feedback and to complete
the communication process. And this conversation is just have a circulation which
is sender will encode message and the receiver will become a sender unti the
conversation end Both model is good and it explain everything to everyone how to
complete or how to have a communication.