-<- i.L -] tl,r u.t ,--,l d-ua-qAa 11or eb,f^ '* ..r^-t jt BDP. ta4 V.&z.g a6' )cq l.oy',-*tu(4+)etfl4 l-*lr * ir-i.f-ti lD a+ L"') 4".a*^ "''D' a,t D \ttu - p e4\L!"4- J ^tf )@ +cca .'DLu 'L-L. tuf,n-4i-*-iJ ::,Y'-;*irl-tze,); -Lr"'-.P,-* -t t'|'lL P"'/ "";-^, P*t"'*o ht \ t4.-'+ c^ P d ' ^ . - -2- CLa 6331f Te"a^fu,r-4",^-at*Z rydeil d D!rp[ J,tg(t., l*,!at Sott- 7t4A sI4.U f"r I Du. Paqld.4 LrLotdedrY) 6t lfrttDLe Y6'3 (/,D D.xa1 i. t>4yM Alt JLr. -fr^*c , t u'€t{-c'?te altnu Mc1,o-"''un) tffff". if rs il' kt+ P!4rr@N il;;.. r"^1"9 n a' hdl'A I i^o'ot.2 ;lqlt ),,' 15 i: Zrti* .d.c rJ;;' -- Fi ri% /'J T€rd€r lor M!. Powerag€ncy Bd c r' 6 tl2t r-rll.'s&.2j12 snooft dd effedile imptedeDtstion of MCNRECS h a) Cenhl@ n promptandlinelt labourpayoen!to JobCaid Hotdeu.Thjs ain is depcnd€.ron linely andprcnpl bill processing andqork lso kchnicsl and honitorinBman po$,erjn MC NRECS is cnrical ro prepaie 'Shclf of Prcj*ts and Annuat ^crions PlMs- rs bolhrequireestinalcpiepararion ofworks The rjmelv Lpnac n VIS ^ sel, a\ ocd.CraT Ppncfa\arte\et rmi^,,rs n al$ crilicalb goodcxecurion andnecrinCde man,lakoaMG NRECS. c) Thc Golenhenr in RD&PR dcpanmenr and Hon,bte ChairpeNon.SECChasin principlcfoundLhdrherch aneedto stEnsrhenrhe MGNREGSimplemcnlarion machinc4,in the b) d) wiLh opinion &om Fin,nceD€panmenr, a cov€mnent Order No. CraA pa 104:uknayo 2007,dared05.06.2009 wasissucooy RDPR, Covemmentol Kamacka, for engasingpeGonnel rhoueh outsourceb.sis(na-q-A)The numbcs ofFons rhich couldb€ fille'l up andshich arercruallyfilled up (b6ed on $e saidGO) areaLnag-B.Tneabshcr 'n rhisrcsordis ns tblows (The file caresorics whichsreproposed ro be fittcdup) tI1 in.d "p Hon'ble Chiei Ministerhad kindly amrcled rclision of Fr nomh patment Elcs ro cetuin categol.v ol abovc p€^onnel. AccordinglyGOGd A pat7820ll dated22.03.20t2bv RDIR = Rs200001, (Rs.13000 tu2000) = Rs.20000r (Rs.t3000'Rs2000) D i p l o m t C i v&i lA ! r r l o . F o r B.S+PCM'CBZ = R s1 5 0 0 0 r ( R s . l ] 0R 00 s2000) Rs.| 1000i-iR!.9000 Rs?000) I ND6i)).s rgot ziLl'l6ol,r 2€L! (0 lhn Increcse in pcr nonth paynenrrates w6 nece$ibkdis CEO,ZPshavecperLd.ltyciredrhelow palDc.r ratesa oneol mainF6on for.on fi tlingupof pos6throushout sou,ce basis.lnpani.ularpors ol tcchnicil6sh6m andCp DEG. ']11e aim is rogetqualiliedsooi pmtessionals andhavebigh$t smdardofworkouLpurftom{hem A ,.Concepr .ob' or srtrenr FearurcJon ideabehinddc presenr methodotosyof@kins Qurli.) dr QJ.l,fiedpehonnctrt-.o' ah Vjl po*e, csency,. e) Ir ca be sccnliom pea:r(d) 6 well s nas-BrharrhoMds o neld levelinplenenrational po$ haveienainedtrnfi ed.Nddnly_ notonly rhe pace .nd implemenraronof MCNRECS hs su,Iered, in lact even demandoflabour beconetou8hLobe mer. The dclals in paymenrof laboureis/qages ro JobCardHotde6h6 (o po6r lcd labour iesponseandslow execuio n js prepared h) ln abdlecircumdances s drati rcnderd@umenr cnd placednr thc file lnr perusaland approlalfor dhricr wiF rcnder lotsfor Me Powd Agency(aspersalie fearuEsandconuc'lnorc n Finrnrial impactofthe rcnderand ssesm€nr ofFund Fn$ oaall as per rhesuidelinesoftn'lia, N1ORDThc Gn Parchs\d R,,icrr \afaj"* c 'm Dt O'.orol c is sorshrro be bken ar Rs.6500/mond This \hall bc agd.s! created por ofGP DEOSdlbeirwift cnhanced remunenLion oftu.65oo/per monrh Ar presenr per monrhpaynemrs dilTercnr in CPs and rangchoh Rs 1500/ b Rs5500rnonrh.'tJrisincrea\ed . r J m e n tm r c sn e e d a5 tf l v l d l w f r \ c \ l C C l l o r ' b l ! m r n 6 h . l h e l i t e l v l d d r o n d .F i n d r l E , n f J . r o t . : i F M n n c t i , menbone.l ln renderdocumenb= Rs The aduel €xpensesfoi 20ll-12 undcr6% Adminhrdive expenses m orFlag-D=tu 72.95crcrcs 'l her€aore, all orherexpenses rcrnainingunchanscd Lheye&l_r s i L h 1 , l r <rpcndirn< addirioTl p ( s o n d l* i l b c r { s . =Rs (73+4iJ I l6 cro.cs. CN 69] '9c, zqt /@d4.2otz pEsenlFinancialYor *e are alrcadyin over).Thcrefoie.likely.xpenFs tor 3+2r) = Now. rbout Rs t600 pent in 20ll 12, snd rhus abourRs 96 aor6% adninnhNe cxpens€s.1hus. for rdous increasein ficld Man Po{er witl 'on, as rho rhe MCNRECScxpenditurc 'nseparveexpecrarions_ il k erpecredb es.Thus,Rs I20 crorcsro Rs t5Oc6res uchcsse@6% Adminkrdive Cosr. rhat yeaFwise actual Adminkrarive I availabiliry( @ 67t1% e(c-asappticable *.-F ;: l :'T ] i o'.) ThereloreadcquaGtunds lor adminGtEtiveexpenscsare A derailedexpecrcd/budger ior variousitemsof expendnure undei Adminisradve Expenseshas been workcd orr and placedat FIaB-D.This shall be the expendnuEwhich Srak will Co-ordinate a.d ensur€. Thereloretundswi be availaD,e f.r mee1 ' 9 p s J m e ,n r o p c a o . T . P c h o r " t , o n s r r c I . L charec on Adninhkarive Expendnureas per MCNREC5 x. Evenifrhe samepaymenlnons areexrended (al a laF. date) ro suchexislin8p€reo.alwhoareN4kken rhrough \€ee/nonrhlv pavmentnoms. rhe impacrwitt bc Lesshan Rii0 \oFs ol d', d,coulr h rd) bc lo.ed rSardn c.,5ling Man PowerAgencysho is prclidine personnet ar toNermLc ( pe. monlh)and.hadMn tenderbssedon Lt nom oftosey nonlhly patmenl r.re, fien such pe^onnelcannorbc Siven f N1,6.},) |. rh< ,bLlosinssrc ol ab!\e 5ubmtrsons. I Call Lendcr silh shon tm (:odJyt rot din Postr rgencies (districl qisc lor) as per dali rcndcrmclos.d 2. The raLePaymcntofRs.6.50O/-per monthi-orCP Rojgor sahayak{um-DEO may be dPp.oved lor fiis Lender at Hon ble Dy. CM level. f i l e 5 p a . e dl o r P c r u s : l r nadn r o v J l !F'---"..,r+' etutu&+e'e. E;o t"aw v:.n,qt ve*v\p t-l-ta> J dt -4'eiL r", Jlg"U, D.* CL4,Jr.rla U LIrs \,..,r, ^"Jb" ^ .^ +",. 'aiu-nta1n,\a t4SW lD ue- l.izA 16?9q f-- ^?4.J\ r',a^P@a Lsat a.",'t*o.+z> 'q 2 1u L, -'t- 4> /@a3't I ,r .ln 'nz, Arroir * It^* 4,'rDh Fdt t> qrtso.b+z^ LIlr ^F ir""l u tx dS4l 'lJ *n nlo /o'*ga A,Ja P"'"! ^D U"a u ao1^ ito .1-o"., tr' WP lu)a^ ,"1\6!,rh ez. la!/,^ \.+"2 y*y*az YEI'v. L"rtL(4n dJ +!a+E u(:B}|l 4Jl'ihb- * 1_r^zFsF L,itl be Ql1z.z.t6,.o.4^ a^ta 't [p-raar't , z Crr! 693 29 rDsl ?9>/.^5otd?r{), 0) cljl @sr s/'t-te'^ bt>Q kiJu" Y- L% \rr ete) 1' .^,,6b,,2'+].r| 'h""14 ^+ Bi;r \a"D+t;-la n'';'^G*"Itaz <.ln'M"o 4r$i' w oi4 r^1'tv93@ l 8" .' , urt a \s r1rl>"t- ft {''ffi7,{aa -9- !s 'd9 !d.rs lB.r5 moo 6!rd 5.jd r-€ ca:trd,.'c_ 5f$!i? ud5r 3r.{Er6 E{. :e3. *6€b@^ d &!3 d lddi C^-D 6934 &!$o3 io4!ii+g i,1&r! D:rE.r d{ed e6!d3 .Di N,,iojscddl"oij|elddd8.3-d' t:! eos3 =i: EG! &36eid E: eF6d (36.:.).endr I r'lxrrrcd rl^ :o3 4 !dd$r eciid :ee€.r i.c ro rnl pLrNrr .6*t 3doerlrEsgd .nrsd d b:r Er{ ,ro d9 -4:r:6 oFa$$do €d3 id+iid e€ rs*3e. 6 ii,ar --": ids43 3eT$ : bo dct #o e+ld*d :s :ej ierd dds.d+ -i Ba,heltq dg .*di 'M 11:idE^ r"r c\ 6c:adnc uanodcicoi t:3ds. .i:-J!a dri!$E^. (imoE g;r i;:rrrd (ifton!:Dci') jsdia (rE-nli:r:e') nj:r5sJ- - tA _ crnb 69.2q ngcd )q>/@ci .1tl's. 14l), i4 MEae) \uIQ'*3 ; nzfv p,n* V .vt*" \ y ecE" 4 f lo I'L drA"d4'f % KrPr4.l trao + * y'V" l^,'-, Y 'ffdao' "hdt "'+ t'.1,b1"1' r"t.,ll1f*,.JLtr*\" -'zrg"Er,rt,. K,.a"lL tr"t 'r.--r&. 4 q*'..- EJ"" t^'ttuk \?*& z '\.u-.a"p,, va,!n i!1 --rh, ttql ^r* D.<MJ --a Ae.Llh6 - r.ri.'> t;@ kx' d,Lat IfL n's^ <": s - lli >/oscr.. B€il a4 dd'iuA v.tt\^Aad , fiM, ro,r'\QtL ! , ^ tu^Nt l^2, Iaa\t GP c!o.63315 F. r1*-t^ | ^ 'f' o yucaa^* €1"4b ' b4wIt T ^lY'.en rtd\ E^a2'4V /4o +L 't'l& As sdwtW a-r yu{' ,'i)- * jt. - \ 2 - C U o - r - a ><r Dd 42l d^ 2+12- izlrol,'lL al, a|\ { rhi"itt, a+Fb{r ' \?r 6i|f s+5 lilesa P4E !6 t ro rre- lu.thts -i.* tGA"?c a)) lr@'l-^s '^ tc-"-"-b .'u *-J'1,6" a PbP Y,[-P+"Pe" o"hu+;z "stvo -^ ' l tL d'ah4'sl ro'at 'a o riD ' A'''{D 6**dt l"' 4 Q-41;'qt- C rrr 623i.,5 'Do! r12l.A$ . )'4)_ "qea ED1 a.lfY ,i:, He<.;rr' * f"*"u* q 'P.,.*- - X"f ilo a ')^r tu- r-as $ P,*1,1* il".* *tet 6\"*u't'-" ffffi"ri;#*p*^f"*J;'ff .e),r4#r 6"3:11 rl^eXl I fn*fffit't*-" 14- cNo. 63dA5 E +lT,:Y: , l"^:' \'T?'o,*,** -l*-4r")tr', t<) LrtA d 7 gs @e-292@$ e2 0 1 2 15-112012 n n the nen year Contracts tronaChrelS€cretary (Mohammadtrbdut euadee4 t, ,,1,'ae5'"a tu-66 #c:/ rC{s'{c". *al 3 s.a.-*y-, d^ec=/--<. tC, to.) rJ,]a.J..t i-4aa e,J-€-+ C.az" f o* ,* r\qpr qA JC#- core$<$* ,6J,/ /_J i"f,^zlrs' teoo- 4,o,C Ji(1rTo,+ "_ .aF? r>g e,E, -l^Jj ;r.,q1;/"-$*r eo * a9:A rda'ras .^9 . ,7a1" *pu a3a;l) utes+ 1) F, s,.l\*s4-t,> 40) ' A"bd,Jeod Qt"3-col.oA4- 6rotd s!4ttdl' .;a,A. a,',Jdid &,au"n,A fi*vq-Q^! 4,&, 'a-dD.)D '3r' EoFl{ f"t# 2- TE "'^b^'welvr! CL,'ILka.da- Ea . Odt" C"+s flt,lo, *"-"' $ \P t nrn'%^- d 3{8t",c*"* u"6xry "\ d.o6*a- .l),k*.,n 7 ';d X-{r.ia eo=eJldreJ*4 ,6 3.t"3€2.6 ,tt{ /! Fr{^ douodJ d6 aorf,d& t&gdJdd (d6ad! ffr. rga{g ,dqr) 3*J 9}s PzL( 6o s- 4 5d, 'a? 3i^'4"&tzav,t ry7'1,-,- kq') zotz d)a3" m.a cXrot dirDFIrd 6Edg o$@.d-d!dd $!dd :, o Jdollrt-d{ q$d€idi *o-a riol !rd3 o od,?,.ndSr L;A:, r9$rF jFrtd de.d dd.dq dod roo 6dns 53o e -n Dd3o$r" dtlE<td dLolne 2. $6E eoQ ao5F3$a^d. @rirc$ L *6s! B5f F $,od ndqld @d lD.ond J.do$q d.ld.in{ d6.Edc6q dom.\5f @d ddoss ,o4nc${ 6rd,si.,r 3(d odal t $oDe &irdcLR63d EqDndd6g. @a, d@Fd{ c3.' EF Jo 63d Jtci =a3d drd/Dsi.$ i.!.6'i doDd 05.0r5.2009dq J'6d sBa am^ cl,.dd.d DE +ri J,io.d ed.t 6qdl${ o JoJ sad ac sneJ cde63gd od @br io.d$ o;$Dod ldg 3..oad. 3 ddFdin toodJa, Jceo$5' $dcncq ircd :-.d €n{e osaeid dc-ado3, ges@ 6d Lodasd e6o3 {o:n.q-1. olt.Edo$$r s3o :Duo6.,n${ 6.ti 2007. 5&.d, dooo odoJdg oQeon$dg edDJ 104 c)sol-oe r.r 'e\ Jo{il? d:6; olr€io! csaon&oe:,di. olrrEdon od-Bn|i6eiaire-d. sceoiE De'o olnfEdoJr^ J,JJ${ 90:10l"uJd reoQ @A(.$ tr!{6 ioinc n _-d"r-r.td Jc $ld s dde @ d.cd $dt, !d${ o.ao D% i'-Fdd fgol a.Jrt.iii.a ,oddo.o bdndc 3r.ed o3,o.Ejoi ftoe @!:ot trcr{6 @d4.d s3o olDrBdob J!€:-.dd:i.lr, $G !6i !-rb $dqri l!${€ norr :i*t -Jdisil- nc1,l1o.j r4?ljs+=n.l :,raoooi do:teor.+i ejc.r;r-* gnJotg i-.ei -el - CabinetNote Ar" rorao,,n'r) 2072 /sublectrc.?24l2012 I ' Sub: IFplcFcnlalion of MGNRIICS in Kahataka Slatc'outsolrcing the peBoucl drough Man Powe. AgencicFapproval ior incuning exlenditure rcgdding I MGNRLIGAis onc of lhe la8ship hosrmdes olGovemcnr of lndia-It is beinginplcmc.Ied in all thc djsticts of thc $are 'Ilrc Act nainlv aims a1 cnnecine livelihood securiLydrhouscholdsin rural deas bv lroviding at lcast100daysof gu lcedwageenptoynenLin a lhancial vear. 2 . MGNRtsGs is a demand drivcn prosnnmc Thc schcmc is being schemeon cost shding basisbcrween implmcnted 6 ccnrrallysponsored Ccnt e ed StatcGovemmenlinthe Gtio ofnedly 90:10 L lbe Schemeis bcile implenenLedlhroughPmchayarRaj l!$nuLionsin thc stale.Prcvisionis madcn LheAcl to obLai!the senicesof lhc cxislingeaff ofLhc PRISand to outsourcc$e nan Powerrcquicd for Impledcntalionof Lheschemeas wcu. Thc penditu.eso incurcd on slaffwillbe meLour ot aslrovidcd undcrthc guidelincs 6% admrnislraLivc cxpendjLu.c With a view to sbenSlho thc P@chayat Raj Inslilulions Io. prcPef implcmcnralion MCNRIIG scbemc, the S1a1cGovcmmcnt vrdc order No -Q2- RDP 104 EGS 2007 dared: 05062009 had crcaredvarious Posts of prcfe$ionals ed for aPPointing tled on oxleurcing basis- Details de shoM in thc tuuldue L Even alter laPs. of thlee vem, ldge nmber of postsh;ve !o1 becn filled uP at thc PRI levels, as a result' the lrosrcss offie scheme hE bed hdPercd State GovelMcnl aner reviewing 1he $afi posilio4 ha decided to fit1 up lhe vacdl Posts lbrough Md Power Agencics oD oursourcibgby .entral tonder(disliiclwisc lor) ed dePlovmeDL at distrjcls, s per thcir requirenenl lollowing KTPP Acl 5 . In view oI ugocy, eligible biddd v&et action hd been rniliated 10 invitc lodds through e ProcEnent fioh the The detajls of the districlwisc posb &e show! in thc Atueprell. Tlc probable exPcnditure conscquenr to the filling ofthesePostswould bedoed Rs-4600 C'oe per mM which will be bome Nder 6% adninistlartve *P€nses of rhe scheme-Thc deployment of ficid pereom€l 's exPeded 16 cnable Kdatlka to ulilire MGNREGS fuds Borc effectivety for the state-The details in this rcgnd &e in the Annexurc IIL 5 'lhc l'inece Departmenl has been coduled in this rcgdd dd their vieqs 'FhanceDePadEnt@ncu6Io theproPosal andadv66 fEt thepedomane shouldbe i0 lhenexl ior @ntinuaton €valualed aneroneyearin oder lo enadeiakng2 deqsion shouidalsoputin plae effective year.conb&t is resldciled io oney@r onlv Depanm€nl 2 -- a3p€ope bolhlechni€y andfnancially checks andbdlances forFoperlunctioning ol (hese andensorelheaccounlability of lheregul4GP/TP/ZP slafi is notd lul€don lhe prebn ol / fft. v,cw, of Finace Dcpr& rceeds purlinginroplaccclfe\tl\e Lhc\ksed balaceswll be complicdwith &d onswd Ar 1hesme rme the GPnP/ZP Officials'accountabilit]will remainlndilutcd. Uoweve.,MGNREGSneeds noPowc. cngaeemert for two y@s to ensu.e Proper Plaming dd uliliation of mepower since execution oI ndy MGNREGS prcjecis exlendbeyondoneyear 8. As the propo*d expendilurewill exceedthe lmit ofRs. 5.00 ciores,n is consideEd necessry ro obuin rhe approval of the Cabinet as per Kdataka Govement (Ttusaclion ofBusinc$) R! les,1977. 9. Pendingradfiorion by the Cabinet]Ion'ble Chict Minisrc. hs aheady alproved this prcposal. lo.Under lhe ci.curstances cxplained above, apFoval solicited for lhe l€nder process alrcady initialed 10 Agenciestlroush tenderfor a periodoflwo yas (@ peryea) by $e deparllnentto, MCNRLC Schea. Q\W, RuEl De\ elotmenI ed Pmcha A^ -i ed68d:- I ojr aqddd &rd io!o6 6.t.d{o.Fe!.1-:o *@,.6 ;cotnd .".d sa!6.2OOb rJo.l '!,anro*912007. 2 , d F . d d e d l t i J of t r o d , 1 2 . o s d dod ..2006 dr, 6drod:4.5.2007. 2007 3. 3@.drJ cdft ao FJsd.104:dsDri€ 6eot:2 4 2007. d.oo, rF.dd rdr ro r_ll0lr/18,200/' N R E G A 6 @ o t : 1093 . 2 0 0 9 @ id.&dN or. mJor.6 @d4r.rJ M30 otu{ddondr{ c{d edrd @dG ol4rddo$dn Ddri ns- odr .l[lrJ$dtJd do, d€lorail)ddn, dndodr dod) eq3o$;6@6d, dd-d@d Ordd, dr,g .tro,mF, @otrt3,!6, mdm.id.$ do@onod Loddod ds,^,:do6"d- .drdtu iiJo @on.Ssdt dJ!d3mdo-, dodd, odr ,ldJdrrlF ed.lc d@orrdd €dr 6!c, 6@0?.1 4 2007 ood m6d oobdrd sddd..dogd 1091 drda.lCdJ{ .b,5-rJ *el-.J d e€r8, (Adminis$ativeAsslnrnt) Lodr €drdod od coJio!.dn.Obd, ddo.tt d d@n ;oro..!!fd Jo6o!+@€6 qodo.o6oi, sdodonr @ dr!{ doo id&, <ir@iJ., E@Jo$d, pdrlr, rir€0jhod @q.$(3)dd. @drd -.* 6u_dD dor €@ddir , d|n!-o 176 bsdJ.obo!crj?d, @o.$.:! uqbodido €tbd.Jo!, d.t^ c @s-ro ed$dE -44.} eJs,bd aJ..oaon tjodos$1 3@dd -!dr &.Jdoa do dJotrld@ddd9 Oedo 176 Sodtird.dJ sr itrFotud. dord @uro 6rr.ldo_ edsdi dlgoioodJ as_dJ 176 dadirrdrrJi *.do$di do$on8d ;doho loddod 176 @og? nooiold;dr nrdr_ 176 @o!v, *ao$ddrd, dfdolJd) tdo$D €rdra.SFJd. dd.J.g .$$ -qtu J@rd6a, 01606 au"dr do d$c..r Loddod 176 drrro.s, siFa drdr aoddd iodthlEdd (rEc Coordinaror) dfi o-rlda dad.lo-dd.5dd €dJd_d. *h.Jd., dordr djdo$o c.d!.nhd, dd.i).. @u"dJ d) d€9" @€l_!o(3)do_ dJ€alaodJ 6m"rr doeo$arJ Loddod, 176 rt6d d@onrd dr.jQdddJ. dJdtuBr €.iJ Jdo ddrlc cC.6d@nd. ?9@- dr dO ;6d @sndr d)A.d dr.daanod &61€df g6dd drdr;ocdr t6dJrJ? $ed t'o.dda dra ds6 *obo!O.J &oddo3 29 noolarEdd @.ti 29 d@cnddrd" dfddir drddJa,.Jo$ eqrodd do4eJ Jdor$ (3)dd" 29 d€ *deriJddi € @onFos.dt n@oiJdd ddorJcd){ irdtjda, iJdo drdo_Ji od ltrs Co-ordnator .odr d86tu odsdd dEdd AoedrA.J loddod 29 dbq6g dod6(Ca&d+ d(dd$drr dDd.$g-.lo$ eq?dd .dddo$$ Sd.6$d. edrlrood, €'erj.d. 41- 29.5.2009dd"ddiJg&.JdA dand. t@Ft]i @ar@od ee ( &&d :4.|,.@{Gj d&C, ztod?.?d, ' C, do.lr@d! 3. dft.drt edd o, ao$.dD., Daldad, dodd66 ?. @q6.s6d@ aa6dc, t@FOd d@.d ddd s_t @o$.dgErJCJ, l1 eolxd_&, 3&dorl4rde Eeat, .JodC@d) r 4. % sqo$odddr, do@o$# @86 Fo€o.dtj6o.F e@or, zrod?GdJ 15. $, e,t.,rJodd&, d.g 0.@i6 6csJ, tjo.jc@dJ 16. Od.FJtdJ, $ed e@st, d@.Ad)o dgE6, O djdo$d Sdr .to(_nd, 17, ad..td&, Sr.atDod acat/ 6{rFrf, 19, Odr.tt6, Od.i otrJqldt sQ.t esst, 6qodsd, rto.J ajoddqidJ .J, olD.d@ q@aj, sro?lsGd) dr ' 24. @d &dr.rdd(lNr,lc), sod cdd,,Jo.j do 25, Inforhation cenr€r/ system Manaqer, compute. Ce , RD & pR Dept, 2 6, ddbd iJJ,crrcJ/db{ddd g 8 9 e E ;9 q a 3- 3 B -9 e E c J g E I I € : : ? a E E g I I { 4 a FI 9 a : a ! c J d a ; a I i 5 $ -3o {5 I H a 3 ; E I I a ts e q a 5 9 E a F a : B 1 i t_ al - I o a 8 I I I : .: I t - ,^nnexurclll aehttul to noath aha zfft.Live ihpl.d.htction prahpt uare patne.ct 1nd tin.ly of nA ta the J.b NREA; it cord H.Ue6 qha enplat th.htelvet in un,k;led vorks This ain k d.pe.dent oh b)n.19 qhi.h, in curn, depehdt on ahd pr.npc bi| pr.p.r.tion uork 1-ne bi99.te chalenge to n..N the tn.ndato.y ekjg patnehtt to the lntkilled .|ab card Uold.B js ld.k ba ad.4u.te nunber m.lsr.en.nct at n.ld tlthnitul ,tafa b. a.ctatlt tdgq.r r.gula. uage Payn.ntt dn off.n.. under te.tiaa 25 ruod n.6uren.nts dhnh 1tz nr.gLlar ua|. patn.hts ir not anlt af Ndtiandl Rural €hplosment A.t; air..tlg r.trlts tn dra.ttt r.du.ton an it of doq. sz.k.rt ..athinq €v.h aL Lhe ttaq. of 'plahning 'hdl. delatt ...ur ih pr.paration of ''sh.lf of cts" and "a.nual a.tion Phn , ond, uh.n noninal "v"n 'shelf plo.t a.. pr.pcred th. a.Lu.l esLiaate. of uaAt i. .f Proj..tt 'rhsz delds, .re aho and nnnudl ALtion Plan doas .at |eL rzddy attibutable to ta.A af n.ld t..hni.al hahpod.. t. p..pare estinates .a the uotSe rhB delag, a.Lual ,tort ol ua+s a.. nohhht bo9eth.. th Lh. 'b.be For es - u.ttl end oa Septehbe. 2072, nore bhah 60% of 6Pt of bh. Sbobe Ad hot tb"tt a si,t|. @o.k buL .f a.thn 2472-13 Thit happ.ned po.elt be..us. durini critkal nohtht pla. bf .f Aprtl- Jtn. (b.for. on-tec .a nontoon) no prop.r estindc.t were r.adt fh. 6avL ol lndic hcr n.de (nd.a9.n.nL tna.rndtion 9y.ten) th. stdt& it n.hdatorg to update the nl9 of Ntc Detht a.r rel.a,e oa rtnde tb ln l<orn.taka all bhe uor*, ore detrced bt the Gran PanLhdgatt,and, odequate .onpth.dzoblo. has bee. aone "b the 6P l.vel Hod.v.r, bh. l..k .a 4ualtned Doca Enery op.rat.r .aute large 4dl. d.l"t tn rpdobion oa / t5 Aka, ch. 6ovt of lndia hdt pret.rih.d lnd.r tb, "op.ratioDal Gu lihet2O/2" that Araaa Rajga.r sahotak th.I b. oppoincedat ea.h 6P l.v.l and chit appointm.nt \hall b. Lhe frr.b thory. .n adn)nBtrative .o* ot nc NREGS Th:. 1c"t. ::::.i, :DD: h6z .t.atetl po,ts af eoen.ers, ti.td tethni.at .6:rb ,,5 coo inatarr. Me, .oo.urreh.. or Fna.r. D.pa.thenL. D::, lRuat D", opa.4 and pan.h.yot aot) i,uzd 6a Na i4 .n9a?n9 the peBannet coe2ted by LL. s.td 60 bhraurh butsourt.d b.tit ut)1. th. tot,t D"hb.t .t po.ts ar2 in ch2 'oid 60, ch. aetlcl .dhbe6 uhith hav. b..n e.9aged agatnst the hrmb.. af past. k a, F.lows (s .ab.gor9 of po,t, dr. n.nt@ned b.t.k _ agon,t whirh the en4.rement on outrour.ed ndnpoue. ba.n k 6.-^^-,\ .rzoted t. D..,tr;.t nf . to..d-atot , ,r* ,i i*r,,*",' i + 1..h At6tan( TA TAL the uon bte chnt n44let l(^ Jo ;; P4 | P-Pd"d ''o', I l" nL' "D f ] I A6 ,t Jgag )619 ho, ..nd,! aDp-oved p:h:d t. urtok tdt.eory af abov. perso.Der Aaardinetr, 60 Gra Ao Pa t7a 2ai dated 22-as-2a12 h., be.n isru.d by RD}R 7h. r.vaian w.t ....Bitoh.d Lo qeb 4dalned the tnportahb n.td post, ,uitabte .a,/idot.t to nan tt .an be s.en €ron t.bl. obave thzt Lhods.Dds of .riti.zt li.ld l.v.l p6tt ren.k.d uDnlba fo. ,rht ,.d6 tog.theh., ddv.Bety thpa.t.d .fa..ttve impt.m.oeabion af n6 N\E6S ih Karadt.ko bobh in qunbicA ahd 4uality. The delag.d payhenL, to tabotr.'s ha, t.d ta poar t.bour d.n.nd in ]<arDdtaka ov.t the ta,t teb y.a6 tn above .ohtdt, . de.Eion ca float tehdzr to .Drag. .,r.nciat (ieta mo.Power thrcuqh an auL,ou.ced nanpou,er agen., ho, be.n tokzn to .ot.t to L.yo"A .op af .ll pt.viort th.r. .dh h.t b..n ,.vin9, or 4% .t zr.i.se eh. the 2009- 303A,A9 22t6.93 733.02 2070- 2956.41 nt.63 t3.32 2071-/2 /933 5a 11629-44 tunAt .Dr! oth.r @ ,tated i, jut.rn..tion to zppro% th. t.nd.r p.r.9Nph, .bov.. eh... y.aB RDqR Depb The L.nd.r d..unenc k abt Lh.d h.r.w'eh at Po.t af Lh. frn..thl thp4.t.et L.a !ty2!t!!jlite (i) fh. CRt.un-DEa B rolqhc to b. ,ak.n eRsTo3v- P.r nanth pre,.rib.a wat. t'hi, .osc per nanth erit.t du. to nintatn fhis Pagnenb rate n.edt tPetilie tube bt L.bour D.parth.nt 4pprovaiof th. gov..nnent How.v.ri th. sane b nanaatory dt bhi' is Lh. mihinum prettlbed u|re rate Pe-tubhbh bf a data' (ii) (iii) (iv) nna..i.l ihp..t p.r te4r of 28s9 P.rtonnet .t Pe. Ldbte cbove.nd per nohbh p.yh.nt na.ns as Per minimutu vaq. tahe fh. aaA 6a d.ced 22 oA-2A12 wi b. R4t6OTLakhs fh. a.tual ddhrhBtrotive dPens.s" h ch. finan.i.l y.ar 2ott12 a€ nG NREAS do, RtT4 OTGorer fh*fore, uith all bbhe. 4P2n3.t rem.inin, un.hanged bh. adlibonal pe5onn.l (2839) will toke ch. yearlg qP.hset a, "adninistrativz a..otnt ta Rt(7c+46) = Rs12ocror.t (aPP.o\) (r) Howev.t, ot rcqa t th. pt.teht fn4n.izl gear (2072-13) o, 7 nanth. are al.eadt .ver, Lh. ihP|tc will b. fbr abott 4 nonth, and, ueng .bove n.thod, bhe Ltelg 9.a4t exPehtet fo. 2072 t3 = he'/ wil b. R,74 +Rs15 5 ('46/3) an "admtnitcrativ. (vi) Noa (!ii) Fr47 72, dPPra'lnobelt Rs16oocrores u.t 4Pended 'rhis nad. R,96cr.ret availabb e6% tn nO NR€65 th Rorn.toka of tat.l ap.hdicu.., for adninittrutive dPehset Pu.Po'.s The sdde tr.nd .F .xp.hdi'ur. lor Fyt2-73 .dn b" Pradned and, thut Rs96ar h *P.tb./ to b. 4rotlobl. for Fn2'rs o, q.ll in th. P.rtbnn.l in che ti.ld bh. ex.tutioh P... |nd .fF.cbiven.$ of nG NRE65 sh'l the ihprov. ih KdrnaLoka, thercFat., wieh P.oPer eftar't .e4ui,ibe tundt .f Rst2ocr P.. t.at .an be geh..abed out of 6% (riii) lc h ^p..ted th.t dith enrdtenzhb oa abott 2a39 ddnintshracivehe.d lltoreovet, bhe view oF the moRD' 6ovh of nat nat sht auav fron Deebtng lndio, ha, been thob stdt.6;vt ton. paft af 4Pehd;cu.6 fat fl6 NR'GS tnPlene.tat'on at pr.daut funAs fton 6al fiod to ttat. und.r 116 NREGS (tn .at _ a7_ !!d nc€!1C i*o5c. doddnd.$d ados adob 6d ilD(,d 292 @so1i. idlEcrid6Faod ,2012. 24.\.2Or2 adonc Soot A!io6o$$e drid ln ddo$od uaodd drd D{. 6b) drld io4)8d nroFo$ idd no$Lr udrdco toaf 10 d s.gdroadd tradddg.$. 29.tr.2012 t) x@Fdd 6rc6FF5F'is, trse 9qQ,i$e v * :{ -b r) F/ $tE<,,f Lt:L D ttfl fD-vl4 ^, 6W Q*" "d,rrac tub6)+{ exaTa+o* ,od$ 6,.4 no,* dA 6 ,,ss.eCxqg" I + ; *-a 5a\ '!u.l]G ,s" CS.d-eax trtrA:. "lere*Zt') $:rX9 ,9 ,9rSS,Oa$t s ^e.(r.,o 6 D,9 .5r.rr "Senf^+-S-1 $.,"J .Atd -.48-"414 Srntcq,,$.S{i3g5lA b-t e$",6e,r{ . GA Sft7at">rAt'r3s qA* xo AAF{4-S 'laot ^*-*9 ""w W, .*!9 6> dAEB6. e rF) e\) 's/t . 2/ odel,s Bq' qed qot)-dbr (A), epz{ a-ra9 S.g:€stzo.-nd€ne<4 tso Fbd &^ d$t+d') qnadod bfao| ' zin€6 bo',gq\ u+ 44, Fqod- 2r' 01 2,l3. t,.n.a.n .,e.2y,.c!,,(aJa dag,4e) 24 Pqrb 492 q)Atrce"< e ,dBd-J B'4.< a tt t29 44+ a46[ JE,A bcyaa ,c,,teets r6'd A6NB .b8 I cEnD -& a.D "t+ a.16d . \5 . \\. -dod \L 6 *, lrttib '8) 6da) oqt6 .tg ' a.na9ob ba Oalz'\F d .J b4.94 4+= uk*ls 2012 61 6 edna6Jnc))ado3^d. ido ddgd Ex!0126oJod l5-ll-2012dg * Jcndod !.J{c6e(ed "Finance Department concu6 to the proposal and advisesthat the performmce afte.I yed in orderto shouldbe evaluated in enablelak;ngsdeci\ioniot cont:nuarron the .exl yed. Contracl is resrricted to L ) e d o n l ) . D e p a r h e n"rh o u l d a l . o P u l i n place eflecri\e checksed balan.eslor prope. irnctioning of lhese Peopleborh technicauymd findcially and ensurethe accountability of ihe regular GP/TP/ZP staff is not diluted on the pretext of outsourcing". 68 s4ood 6dDoi l5-ll-2012dt3drac6odI dd.d sdQn iog lidr il"n)doJ 3al6hdFd ! :dolo nddg:d. o dgdJ. 'A" oodr d-@ ^ '1)69n6hd. ido !<o$ "TheviewsofFinanceDeptasresed putting into place effective checksand b'ldces will be compliedwjth a]rdenswed At the s6ne tint fte GP/TP/ZP officisls' accomtabiliry will rcmain undiluted How€ver, MGNREGS n€eds mepower vearsto ensueproPer since ion of manPower MGNREGSPrcjects extendbeyondoneYeai' 2012dldd no$r]d nCo$ EDc loc doai !J iod!,Jd e$d"neogdDhd. ndd nodl 2 6Diio ndd -oiJ)urd dl odo$d$a €$doe6:'6dd00d nso$Dd ddFdddi! * djld qdo$ r,{9dd&r dJ'6d'o6d} gs-!^dg €d( o!,got 6oDd;d.${ seFi "as'D'Jd--dsh^2 r{l & dodrbeioo cdo d)oasdod i!'zl:' <'dQ ia.a "!e'tild)ddRd L!3r6 id)t lo, it ")oD (,tiigoo d)oer'd r-a" Le"' 'L' \ ' tw t'4""'- d/U F|.) tar{ k'^ . va t. intt ( r 0^ h 1\4 t1a15'"9A1il 'rt''i n l +,LUrM) tP 'v'1 ^\ b'A^rnn W n. . "f7,ewJ- k v'a P"cef)le t z,?t,{ 13 ".F'1 e^ ?aqF4'4 A r,u4or, /z ^(ar-nt \l t ))u_ w ]> 4,,*r4t ^ a.o4-eu owvl* vs) 0r,^4 rf^f{-14 "fl d.qoe€. . Qk* v ,le lc) :k a;,,,r*a-l ',.,^le,ilLLA Ac(,eoe€ ? l%Y, qeY Gps n Sl-alzLe,t$ tr,ghe,o b L^ uoa'" d'Afu'ct l+ 6Ps Vaaebeata 'w 6tP' s'?tDfA '"* A-*)tea ' A Na..r,'!\,tr' fh'ltt YaEftPA "4 - Pre? Yr-z2u'e' ,^'"***t +""t l 1*,*-"1 J?rt"^ur"'t i,P" lt" , -,."u.^ n"'z* -' "b nuhj eIFghJ Ar"ryfiu,e fsp,*d 1 d w* ;rk +tllda"rllz'6-t;f "AdEtt afit".L -datme & t - t - *iroibd't au^l lfl 4 q,"z LeD7P, t"ail,e)"tb',zA"^6 ^y.tc ur414 6A tt4at ftaFLH,. t .uL #'.9o . n'.L+n " ''d, k odaJ', 'i;L'^1,1 '*,n'i, >./na,j "z,L pea i1aL,^Aat!'aD ra5;Lu, , 5q f b-l Ats . BDPP z^ rii^M/" n.-Lr-| f^t4r*, 1"t ""r1^4,r^l^ rL.,Ft *)u ea-i;" eA Y^!,\aI e^srMdvtu^ lauy-i ff.en ! ($"rralbr> M lo\ a'l\ef vacaLaa ^.r klto"^t l 'W""*0"6-,"b' f 9lv t+ tate *nzd- ' t teMff (ID ^'b'';4 () ntfr ,+ut>,qa't 6v9 wbt^ 'h2/.ilfltw Qvvz <kllrJL) SoAatv es rwtr - 9o use4e- -= to tn ;- ;o'di',h o oi*is us*+- 0t ? teloL t U+ 199=lz? ?enFe.^ '|^b.'Haft,- tq Acs/abrR{ t , T, '^*ze;) ...^fu,+- ^"A R6tr'ha.<!*",^t cnuifulahe,' \ ry lawunuak 6PJke"f^'lu"'v* AgwtwtlubsW'Ak -'-"| 4l?l\Y vt eag 'AF t')., €.dfiAl'eD 'l 'iHX Dcd c'"l /ry!i:3: et) !, q1 'f v '. a, Ery' q ,$,o*"<_ a-tuaorstratr've . _-_ --- -__f-*)^r+\te st^df be - (z) 6'crna tr2nt"a..q<^)^1d4 de ^" ^g,,'ratl5ilt @,,,-,nta;, rt4.-atlt 1+ q,heA*i,]a\ d1 e?'v\,itua!.D Iraz- 5y5!1uu6-4rav^l;* t- \r+r.{ v'oi,e s*a :P:.j; \ C^,\L.\ a ^^,1 ""a *4@-^ wt zttaitzdeV- d,+i fio 49 -ao PAbtdA ,'nts lc,".t, 6e.\,+y"A ,'^f1a;; u"BA li be. Vta@a * dt- - A- Qza.at e.q,,a, "nu.e, 6,eL.ulc) bahi''t w , -,,n1 t't qc CAR<) cyVe.ar\oz L.d.allt l$at w att kpr; L* $^,,^ \,fu<Nq * L,w* y *.,tau"T+ay. ^rik: ,"R . 6r, ^4iln " a t.' d'k bEo-r,-, - 4,*uli.,,,.tt a Uft^llt ^l'd,6^ ^ l $ ^ \ 7 syln. Ea ,8,1(," 1;" Yby'- |*- u^1*L\&, V,' ,-",*"+ 4 y**.'-"u,L l,)be larrt v a"l fXa,S! |rota{.--'x21, rw-^4Rs=W rgu+,r€lq 4, l, \\t4--ag,>;+)"\1t. 7aLvlL a.ta* ef & A klueL t e"J 6+ t<a t 5..A$zt't , ta1, €41k= cq3, 4'&!l.1,.-a, TeLt'wiaL(etl >la>,4rpc= g,t) . T-'- ,. tu1 b. l^^.e- yu,A,;^ oaL ':t \ o t) -d"n\ Df l) Petj ^6.rL bet^ ljyt 4 fttF.*L dtlii- ilL.4 o'.i'.1 w"a) @aL t \d t. yst t*a,tieu r-6-r"01 k^)t&, ^c\iq6lir'; lr"" watv^- ta rhd&" y";^L +"t* il,"* t-,t^-' er5t, o"'a fa*,,- S.Nr. "L ttt t^ ft.E 6rB)D^ 3 I l. 6 e^,.1* 4Ert 6\' : 5(21 T"d,-iq!, Q ovcp- t6+flt qo :l Aqu vzt Atr'."I +)ale!)) 3 (blHdYlF-9 1. rn,Yn,n!- Te 1 A "'.-fu 6lpeeTP lDz --tw NIL fP @ 64 l l I t*"34h q D s,th-y+aA, azo "^ AT-'ta l^"we u',{^ ' f"xiua6 ,dd^l ha,Qvvva|,rLL ,tl. lc4bw", 1 rctc ,ul tta Pe'&E'v,^zl- u.'Ft k112* * +Q u,44e\ ,2Q11 .5aWbnfll t ) 4' \et, ot';t a,u,<<bu: - &*e Fbie-wdf-.,"1w)roJ--,t Q] 'Lq\ se""Lhr 24eu vd?qLtiA e.ri-l ta Q Wil\ r p*! ]a- + h a,-ye, qnA rF.ain eF . lu.aat "".. PD L"Pr "*' l)Jzzn - 1'1- t4 )Ett Ge)pli- ^''\ trard bp.di"6[b\ 1'n'r tn e\a n.a b ytl3.etu.) >Et) ta^p ^.];21 Ya4etn?rMY )0 44/sk€ ^ LLt :. -nc]- .44ieuzhle,. l)t\ r 'cue * a. Nfr w 1". \\ajA ,p'",* < ,nll,\,t r "< +a)ez , sT- \",/at *) qbo a.ddlaEr4^al, 4qe .,r hil pDlap/{,it 4p c,"n\.e p^w"'att fibe |a!61s a{eu".r FosEa1 leCr-r*-4lo ld'taG-J' ( ") *q4 . _. : r r - ieLa; ks,l lcLt,kls"F [aat ry t. 7 6 ' NzDi[ @} Qi, FaT,qz{ 4Rs sh4l0 be W ^ h!.Ar- *yqfr'3 uuaae' }l.n !..,t *l r--$e*J) Qu) qfO g'q-t""6rr.^ (b. 3sr, -lr lAelAt" e.Lgialet \ s\,a b4 t'e, \2r-'r 51,6.U '-&il a'{;sz-al' Fsu ?l-/8''1d^^-d\ aa c1II Aeg+cz vwlAa (a> 6j\S _ Wytet, 4nX.l 1,12. -- t$t'/-Ptvltb^la -- '1,+a4 a Q,4t,,56b,bse,tlY,rL Raq'60 b'a"e': lX<az Qn\z 96 Lrj<.'tJf 1ota,!- q. !:Y".,^:Tf3.:,."ffL#, an \uala MGNP,A )1,"1 v'" lx"L P- 3 6Pr W1 d",o^eE-,',eaa+e"+zot weslq 1l Dl 1 " 6**"-a{' ;.""r.L '!l^L orrtu\@L -loll"'x /r\ t" VPvi z'^'.4 tBk)^ ,se4z, UP oM a ^_4n ,,Lq-a)t. *.,t.a"4 g\ ry\aLa",\,{lr >ath\,;,4 u r4, ' %).,rL- v# ,4+ LL"t't)z-^z-oataet Hs dn$e cihwijsi e.^,) wa,r\e ,a^ulJu"d- (P) oeoqrt&,,n"" k 4.t h $dd, ^a W uq"rtL* ' ^ A, 3?,/,ol&uA p.! ouotz;1 5o l"uL 'neo f al 4ol n^h+,r"erL vuie*ia'n. *t*1 ft. *')ot' 9,h^;+", h lrcit bgl'aav. R:) qfsc" 4sl LI *"*t sot..d . A "\r.+,^rJ" wrv- \do-vr\\a aut zLw^l' C--rr C-g''.,,a /ir,Vqa.^.r!4. Lg=lP* - !4ao *rar r-,^-or.'!-f v ---.. . | (\e\-\ Ip - .'\ $!!,.' ad \V-\1 "' L)>-/ "r-\'6 ^\t- !'v^l !aI99 .-,+ t-.^"'u'-!-l y$a4.{ ,- A'j* TAcl -9-.<\^,rr0'{v-[-N'^^ '{dA- q4-*^t V't:::' **.;#*$ii trs(sx 19 ftQ.^'5 97 67ia - 99 /e4.'/&t r .{&^::> ^!< et.f'.ra a Aelal)Sz€) / . 9jr7.t 8?b t,l-- /04) grtl ') ar IN) c^f ;. Sd4J# CqD \ 4.) 6sa .oat a'q t*(rt"'r\,.LlJ ,.gi 1et ,.w!,.l,"o"!' rorq,^^.[(^t{ ) ' q ro"s -2--,-''t- €./63J,j'/01 \.8(1/tv\v'' n"v*ff tF) tynl,r 4rt .{o : to{ 'd6; &45" 5/ q.ra a7 4', fua.g&7.dut't ,/,f a*r s'-ferf "tu ta .az'a 4,D r i-r-r, nu*- 'c*zs rna+^a! ayi e','ta3-r, _."7;"t 9.or4rr7--,<?' l"nti '' ' / .{. (t; l--L- t/n";6"e",) 2 11,r'7 M*- ur,rt+:Wti) 'h at zE\trL )nz,p ;f, &4 ,l'ra<t d-/A.qt"r. af< <.t"-t' 4 2 -t-s 'Ea 4ft-t' f' (aa24 B.a+6.rt1 A &t ) r'r; - 6r' '.'e ' .&.?n z "<<at <9,5 2 Jor 4-z-r.t 'e.*47 4F?"P tVd sil q. .tz'ro--nzz^t' 13ft_"!-o:! 42"42 :')'*5 22'+ fadJ 7-? aXa.{r e -/41 . .<.7q% .9 ,f, *^ dr?tr E'?.ra s'^t z1:2 '!:221 :1 s *avro 'tw'aj!{ tza' 'r;-snfq !e*'i:" e.n'/ 45a? lso trc"f.a'.a't, f! 414/^tt's Za" .'ry 4at{ Q,t/'t-a'a /l- 4 ?)(2/.? 'E2w- /o ezd a.,"d'5/4A abcrT -€"yt<'r ^-Q-z t/ 4ral n.-etSzaal aa iQl ;+.*td,.t ia4"'s-, .ptay3#ryF LDclad'r 4,aaaa t4l('ryn 5tu4 Fi 07a1,/t6ts,-Q,/ 'tp-{a',€)*7H- 7 *,r""72 VAr,o ^"!&* )v{ f'}T ''Pep'*aLii '-;5r':z't't "6 e',' 2a ><aa {" Ztrir"- t r la,z ' ruua I Qn fu4zzzu+a ft )zM ltLlL/ 2'+=4 uat@atu) Z' ?- t aA72{ .{- .--, ''-so" @ao ,s" ".e4""d,/ h^ da'Et a4fta'f,r" 'u"..4*.gal -tu L/#, l. ttx AOA J es-9 {.".'t4.st9"D .dcr,.J t? It 2_ a+g *'?^1," nau'f Jr" ^ Po,*-rrtou, ror,ros,6 a.S,Dun^ €pji-: .r.) ', 5\.;; ^t6 ,go':ta'2-!Aaj E+ rit @sbord.jd dea€ @ -dqP'j -fo!.Ea* (54€ d@eddJ3) d6d) $31 @dr dm i3tun3d 3,72,e7./'.lddn .Dcd o€ I'.6. em3: d #a){d .la-tn JoddP o €@r|3 € Bnaed.rde dr. 4.6. do. -1-"4-e .Eb€deE€ eollEod! dc{dc s-', ,:xJdc.l 3dodl mes$ dd3:"d e@dd o,-ed ;gd@d F.e@ed &ed o4_dr_4zd.dr 39 .C, o.rg.tdJ @d.jdl -lsd ?'d@ e\ 3.lEc ddate ai,!Bi!r cram Kool' qhdt€ks ftquired 'n v.riour di$ncs br Crnd'dares), DoPf F D P p L M C N R E C SD i ( raa' k c_ r \ . e n p " n P e d m a n p o w r r a g e n ( FI < RV € + o . { d { . a o eo't .-Id r .st"j a€ ).1', ^3-" t'(a, .'.() t{ s4"n "-.ru"JJ .s r,.rJaJ, .oi&, i!',,q, .s&rn t qr-,-.r * z_cG;s a d ^?* -ot .r,J Et,, ae.*eq, " <.>-oJ 6ed tx' 5.P, 3l ( al".,.'qa:t'g "tr!c,J-d. rw: .t0, c'^r {o o--rs &-leea.^ -a/)<'t11 -Xrr o a."r 6 <L,q_h$d t'.a E-rd+t + \.t + ll :.J.n,., n , d c{ 4"{ ".EJ 9q- eaa ) ) E)-!u8: :1 n A_ata c'L g:-:..:-:-::-z - ,r.( .q 6;21 " z ^. s t<, .Jr r - ;-j-f{ e-e .!, /{- n {r}, : .6qqrs[v-+a 4 c ry_ ^ "'--T "e du X 1"; &4El6a6& "rt p uaty,> ' ^-. "a t9 J^ Atz (N..r(r.,rtrr.,e*r- [""f; LDdat4 J 9Ar[;1;5"v".x{ li w 2 ) a^ 1.1,a 3 6}s" ,^ Ti,6t n f,l di..i r-d ic r"a, . F >, e 6ag F'}dJ3 "i,s -.,r 3J o- 7 6.,+ A grSq.cda,ftir I x -"{tD a$oD 6,f h -' l' 1 I tb'/ W Vqhz. I 6oSr(, t z 0 og! C4i;. 1|J-. rodC tso ol 0uJrirfu.{- ^l-r:-,.t, cer a- d,XJ oe ,9 A !, ne *,raEF.f 0" t>to- Frsros Glrr-l>c'r,.665; 9a€ AJAa'L.,b Su-*-a ^O"a9rr'6., ti,,AsDa'!-!,' 'O.J!f U4rt4rorr- du6- lnkJ a-r.rot-a-+u".r $t^-r.rr4r-"5-, 't t^,I,6a 6CZoL$.t"\rg . . o ^^ t tJ'rrid- .s.lL q{ . ,t"ts e:t 9 ,!'K a.jr{ bE f}.vt-r.t {^ ,t/ M ts-A-ck e.l,tP,,rl-,,." ) 6odJ rlo doJ 4d,J. I ^3-t4r,, x18/ A,3tu rrJ) .t-.d-{ ,l trtrJ<1,,1 (r+o 8,trr ao, .,isstg, M^' toea ataaf, c.!tF1o ry''rr" 466 li;' +,tZ 6Ja?rtr ?' a. '2 3't5 d /tT6t'.t fu Mlr .L, e -t;z.dd'sa 4 , /3 /3//9 " 6' (ttns "1 ) oo^R.2 lffi={4,9{as fet ,er'o.. n'a E/, d'il# .4/ ha x&x .tat,/ *l 4n',/,A,tc- '{k'',H 9/t" > 41) tr]XL (48 V/ 6po6 /a/t// -{ilr /'''4/' r--"',,,. t'tf 0so .x3 a /'9 \ejop eat n"z" d52 .dJ. i hr4 .t-s\;4e'{ d.{5.1-12 f"{.', 145. t/" t;2" ry"rd ^"u'u? 6ytnt!a.{2'} 62fl ;9razr,r tfu 7f /z'. qhlA L'(er r b 9j 6tsP= $av"97n^r'"*4 aI X,-,: qtr ,jM6, t Al' qr \ !41'L?" I ' ' -A di (\r @ ! S. $- s>/ A v r. J n"{r"u *.A,. ["Jeo.r {'dsE FiB 6r er4 fu{{td * ide se r"{,' F rr A J xctn" 9.APA-&" A-'ao a-Pa --P "e-at t ErrY6 J5l J 5 E-A d4-!t er a{u11- I .v*ry6,) u,rr 'ro4etu4 'naalt's &z 5 {u'u'4{r4 < P J26tu2 -aT) *rk' {d''ia2 t'*t i'l 'lxJ-' ,ac 4e/ 4f"st1'r t/'vm -wttoo,,r Fr*t< fr, dt'"t P6t PdQ , ,'t-i'n ir,.r' -i""ltii,t ' 4ax1o? 4"4a 'r<Jf "*' qto'n" HAm'-l 6ol9a,,wa\W ,71x 7.161id6"o4. 4"t ne o'5 7iuo6o 6d*A ;Mttr hlEltd a"f t:tb) L s'""fiuo#t*# .t ,v!K..,.W t- hry'gu qe ''.'or.o!t*i C tsl^^ 6re1 g!p< \: 'r".<, *urht >u rw ol t- 1r,l*J *-L& *7 uo L+tt3411tL 3- *+ "f"'-***l,l ") :ilAd\-l,,ssJ x-&1 trl 6"o{- U""tt ) '^ \s N ,er.*", ' 8l t- tt"0 ( Pr4;<0+ LL4 \<u7,-'<z ^n* \<4-! 6 a{r, 5 trFrLo 1\2-ltz EQ, 5q'-F A * (^ I? 28 Ak1t &.-.--i J, 8 s-. \2,o1,Laol' :, d i'; 5\ "5 J-n,r^ I D-D Gt g "A No A3 4 ,"" u '*= t b A,1o,t"^t &s \t 12-'a1 66 Ee\ F5dd"(dil +a€)- ?'^d'Lr' +L A4 B .he.al,3 ( a'' e".^t' e-.rJ'sE Fr'1"d Bm'szlul p.o" t" F g, s.'cA ?t"u-l L3JoF 3;a,-tbt'| ?a6i f,i . tz,oq, L o-al_-a,< e .}( ( 'P) Ld 6^ELf. $'ofi, s-S rcA,=\."'-J F&4qx, 11<. ^ ^+! .:&DNMD 4W Q"v d i/4>42i/P) /'-2 P+ot*rf ,l/s o)rror,, Ann"* 4/<.*,e 4"e-d)-t t?9 4ouH /7q r,.4_a,ta_a I ,)-1.., r,-'-)/ /,u,t' --E%^-srB'^et!i#* $'€t* lUo' t4 p -e3-badB tFf{tF' tt{ -tof 6i1 5rar' Y .\\, 4{, -6f N ltll ls li iRJ,,* x(r -."..o-,.ro( r { \'ko.-i t4 6) zjr 3 L_:-, r,lr'-- 6" &64tga|" 7 t1'Lo' 24t' d +-s6'5a 'Po: rt'o 6n'a/ a^tot <ro'nLb \ tY twsl P.n;oa : 7'@6 {14.a/14 - Lt' tt Da.Jtob or4'nld "F d. ,;ltu Lo L a n" ry'6 r14'q.! . $x e" tO o@,a {a'/ ,$ur t ax ,Ku6,'{f4R .<:ta1Sau* K1a tlq ad*5 K,ryw.$ n*d ' ', t4LvtLPA4tLa?t L"'! i"*u7L"'.*e'" ?i:'1!"2 .lyry' f'&-f 4nu,g I a 64 tv",p,oL'<d1 s 1..i". wC.n, r* f,rJ, {" e't {-'. {-,nu-lr. nt $ ,*t"za ^4,,-ua *'11 J. c""+),-+.. "1,p* . 6to'^q> fre\,\-6M .ra * ^*A +, J"^ J. *.+* - nu . t 'l a,le nl J*A.e /rU ) iow\'raL t rd\/L1 T od. - s.. . J tss \ " -ill Lt* a, kJ NL, .rf .e 6 ti,-t '^\'' s, ' ' P Ii F- dL,^\ -/VJ 1-r6\-rrL , / 1L_7r .! A^' "-f1' 4-"l ')61 1 ,y t'o+ v t ' \9 aoa$V uryry^** dr"@, g*P frllo'"^..n^ t o1-1p-rr$R ' qito. 7 u- srtd t,4t.1',"J (+1 o<>a:*o:4 " q aFd ,ro @ eqi$tdd, *5gFoq, 4-l? .r' hqrf, ffit*t \!r,{'}Odld L a F- 6 -"*'- IatruZ'X .., ^tr 4'" 6 c'-"t'1o ,{a I €3 E4'dt 2 ,"44 t'.1"o ca.+.,.,, l7 ./, , y' a.Of - ** ,r.t. .//,.uC.tj 6.tn4+;z,yt ' -s tz, & d 2z&s *-,a L ?.zt'td- ^.t -rr- -o-aa,zta'5 qstl ; ,1:r,"tt Von' (2,> .e-..2 -" "?i4 ?oL Fzza.*a-d. €EqA Ol 6.'% Q r* ,sl5,s t-]+ 6aru '"''AP 6a^t6 a*qot 1 L e,Ft,,ficfg , €. _{ '\ D ,1 l g aq*x?4 E t,.*x ; "..;) r - , 6- \ / w/ Att4 ' , D ^arf e"e-d t-'t >1; 21{/ ,tyo-':'c-r-v go'.'r qu\1 ' '-P 4 *-{6dv4{"d9 , lr 9 eA Jp,t- L /\'ll tw_ i9$orryF6; 0rt t7s) d-dd ioddrto iod.'d rjodo6 , * dqleoon ctodoc 2) de dqJeoon d.! doatdt d€ dqJeoo$ 6sood t 6ddd q,Jd 1-7fi-2a12 d dodo6 odoolJdid 6dood Go-o7-pors Ood eorl a6dod od6'.j ogea 2 s6ddd Edd oeqB $diodera6d).* 6dnod si-or-2or6 dod dr@o$ ed. 6Do adodd 6 .rorjd edooi) dDd dDdd doddeo dodrld eotd a@d dodo6djd . ddoiaJeoodr. .tloadd rlrdrjdH er€+/@e]g& aroaroo$orjd Dod eoers .jrodo6dd ddoltl) dd.d dbErrla .sd)d E&6 i1.o dH * adodd €oiJsrl dlodddio h@so-od odoo$ dadr edddood 6d6ol) r r2 se Erodo6$r 6 @daodsdidd. *.Drid. dlodbajd,ioddOod dDd .Jod@ Edobddd.i Edr{ 6 €odd! dodoG 6dodd d d)oddddo&6e)d L @.-w);i d,ad -?d66!.j6dddrd). eo6.dF€.a. dg €orid od6.j dodqrEdg d"",,\<, b ,' Tt,n4g.lue),,Ie, A3 y we) eact- ",lyagzz%@ yvoieitu E nl-."a ""*at r' "1" W ? rur(1qD Y- , 6iariwz 1a1 aa^l uaals af kbs \\^L .bp ,h-^ l-Abq) ' , / Izri.a ft \ "'adet Toczw ,P "Adi+r"".n eix'wo,J% b-,J "o$",lr',e: -'" *a Ju^. o,l^ii 'a 1,,''l-" q ,t'fft ^"'*,,:^'> M "- u^k r".A;+.: 4x*- U-aAns . *, h pna -:*Y* f{^---.J- .,+^* L k.u /?-"eJ' T^y-, l* * *f\4 0\,ia at t1 tf U"r'^^:4",- l-,X,* 6 v.,n.s-.-,.ts L nb"r WaL,A €l^sclanu. u ep,L"," 0 6"*t{ t) 4 l11t t- ' ' ' -' et*' Y'' xi csa,df v t er,oa {tQ f lD4 1ea) 6-rk'J- /r&traf /H, '2 's7/t"fi5f9 .52zo,gd- L tbz t- /Jdtt *d" Eut€Lr \q) t<) ars\r " r"4gP 9!E 6'id l:' .t? r) tqw /?5 il,ltt z) \qt lyl:Bs"n ttsu; 1i*rs1*4r^xyMtrffik, aA""Y@'n#'*'Y'4"-"d d1lrs.'d!'(:\"4' *t'-r1, ;ttl U;* 3'dre "+ t9&@' kL) A'81 t4'v' 2Dt2-' '\l'tNYzL- *iY,' ^yya r*"'' y.*' 4;ft' "*" Yl. 'St"tLL C'" tuz pi"ttt ^t"ry^* * )'1a' " "1 ^ t-t^ l"rtL ^ - ,"- *""t'l )4^"'('-t^ h^ne tuaBz 'wL'i4f \'r' ,*, l^ u' En^h*lu an -tn",.i.1-e I teo -"il ati y'gltl ,*"".t 8"5. oE ' ej) d'bdd q. 43 W ?eh@('\t* e"l-*,rfinz6rY'a) lbor bn l(l .X''\)D!A..' nldtl,j3 laD 6 br$e+ afat" 4t "4.';"iJa €*y,*." ,S). ,r- ""o^**,u;t4 dseryyz ),tTJ '!6ltl,{ t"r[ L $dD. fv"aa4l6'Ll,.\^+t^ ra^,,tb, L,b.r, W @W) bt& L5\1. TuLt*ilr o,_n.* Te.AevtlB +t r'D% Pa *^'xY:'a';:, r/-" \b,-b+^!T io d,.lJ u Qt lo< a"+e6 + No,z_avztla4e !^r7'^ffi <) -- Earfiy. b1. ta^, Prla'e6L-^ - ls a.,.e, u"3a42 ",rail*blz Cf )lb$Pr4s .fiN',-+ \sa'M. 4Ybtati n- 2,* caLnAoF A ".aV T1d Aa) Tva- t1*aitb + \rs'o sat1L6'".AEh F> fE 'w +"2 - Catuu^jturtutz q-+.loW uA.W' ,. fP*s* ,r**uv "+o h,n tttq, O w*"kqo ' y^- n,4^,11^ rabn^Ilc t re:tlvA a, y+ a4'zLl 1,- 4t{/4-t+t I'.a 7r [*.,t * f,tz C^l^-,|- rvrt rz*2p), 1 ,a ll l- s*,-r,t_ 4 p- *'^+ d a-r,-;-} +-Ji ^^-cZ 6-u+t*t h*,+@ lrn*At *J, Pr4 t,]i 1 *rft id4e .rb)L t--4- A a )r ,h-; ' E *-4- r-4 ^^{ r-r_'--6 @ A @ J r*l;*. 1" '@ 4 -;-;;,. 6-.-.rL f,rr.s 6* lr; .."L- t- *'4 *^J:E;. '1: t LN-J 3 l t) Un t':D't l1g 1 RtA- w.t:Ee) - ry )e6 LI 2a >?.r, (lb PuJrain€ o qti\W:(/c)l s^ \sQ. Lj.ay € ,-i 5-!\t c)(|, as,*\rr,a1c* rS, :- .s.-2,6l_ul5F s'! - , \ "6d"! / adF:,dod * iddrig$i tdiots eodd!$, ft$ddgorJiDod $Do6d ;oEld resdg sobl; 3$oddr6. ridiJi erooSJoc a:arJ" rcoec rqaxr nd. d rqgol DacDrd iEc-j eE') ,d doD.O:i,:eDdsddjlJ .ad. ei,)iloeo,,Ddod aod.be,i d.d ndiio$$r oeiarBbcr'r eiooJ sdsd ::o$re n:.dd 1Ji*d :e-oons$! rcl6r: eo^.J drooo)fto d)sl o:)€* dreo ndilc$6!d6) ,EDFd Ldo2JaJ 2. ,cdo$.b{ co,g$rtroind $.i{ glj)_g e3iootqd)i Dq aa)rE !nin& 51 ,io)ne b{ r:.,i eoJ -d ncd sa e na!,$igoJ trroJ:.ircloltdot $d l$D cJhd $cdcf <dedo dg-nd(d)_ drdtued sFtdd $(d edQoro ArdoDtud dce r.9&ocedr:e6, ErnJF! Er; dl Sddd droA $q moo$g6i no$irnd gd / e.o5oolnr ee4 ,rD^n d,odrDs.n?(J !"dhn)J ioi in. iiD;i i.lrr irddol$. di drd.D.s srit'dq oJgr$lljrd d$ edd qioc,5.${ LdoDad *.6d6od co'i !odo$ €slrlo$ idd €@5 eCsi sod !o4d nr€drird) L diii.sd @d lo.f do?5!o$t ord irQrcn$ le9l(2orsd d.nF{rd sQncbdr ncd, 44d eqria.$o3)!j ioo 230d eioJ 5t d"-o ,'d-' el)$ - . do c5.s 6rtr i@Fdd rbgdc,$d{ ao$ogind nc?s!c$d 0!6 .!ogd goodrd 9d.J6o$$.r dsid ^,&ood s eo8iiq [3odd dod]d9gol( 5 dod.bgil iodon dloeJi sont) IJgibi eogd ,cdc! i€d Jdd !@$ cCD cdd eod nc{ riDd,giid d).:j{ ;Cd d(!d od3 doEd iSdd ddqrfddF 9on9 s*dof ldobCrd$1 i6tro1)d,oeSC$ ddl dlgd En33 drad F6oi. {rrf&ortr 6!a6natDdd, 6. * Jidod !rio, s3.add: nda rcSJEAdDdFld, ,cdorod 7 d6(d3 ledi cilco d)q grdoa scrcsdsDiiDq Sondr s33c$nid * it r.3 OtlJn6n{r ddBrdd$ +rrdFsD od3 A,i$ l0 dlid;bl icBo!-.^ tcder !6o$rn Enq 6i:.o6. a:? l'.)t rorl, €q.6. -": ioljron&{ dqcnen .J$obsdJd. di $(ood sc3lld&r eCd6Adrcdr ndd ,oSLri nEoFddEianiiEoo$FdoFngr ncDd$4 drd.bsd S.dd -rt-., *dd) tjd{i