CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION GROWTH Th€ Srowrlr perfomde of l/, rvd siSnificdl iDlllcnced by thc nhiz, Cirhi"us tuigdlo eo and Catld catla ldels offadios S.eeppa.nd D€vd,j ( |991) tepoded $ar grcwtn Etc wG 3iSnificmtly dep.nd.nt on fcdi.S levels TlE linal Ncidls fish A.ci6 0a high.r sl 4 pqenr l.v.l of f..dhs thd .t Kh'n !! c!. (l t9l) cponed lhal mjor cs'p ll.s.rlins percent of body willtt of Renuta6dnyq and Icvel equivslefl to 5 had l'vcl ol lc'di;& ol lhe pFsdl studv suppon thc r$ulls lwice daily The 'indings vdgher (1e86) lh.y rporLd tnal hirl nk offeding tbov' Frenr ollh. innial bodv Eiglll of Mjd ch@El col fish (Cotlin Fr6l 8E!i6 wishl iah sbcn red 4 son {tEl sinilr ,indingr b@r GFdcd wilh 4a.di 4 feeding codd bc duc lo lhe also suppon $e 2 41, 1986)- Thc Poor gowlh 1o cary6 Mv not be lhe uetu! le€ls ol f"di'g for tlE obsed al 2 FGnt levcl of fed slpply bclow iti .eql. Tte finding! oflh' pEsent slldv Elulc orCho s! a! rla?6l Th.v shovtd lhal reduction rn tlE lercl f..diog Esnhsd in lovg fDal wichl ol njnbow lrcd Tn 6ulls su8ael lhat level of feeding ie moE suihbl. fo. betlq fsh Th? vlrittions in wights ot diers i.e., prcGin wben $ber€d tn€ vdiatio6 oflttr* r.E (he 4 of Frccnt go$r[. lrsh 3pccr6 w d rsnilianl wi'h E8; b 6rio oftninMllo lcg.toble polein wa 70J0 (Phase l)' sladtlially signilicdt wh.n €tio o'eimdl rc veselabl' Itt wd 10:70 proeh ih fish (Phe II). lllis sh.sed rhd r adaid rc]. dier pldy a in smwlh ra$ . Undcr phas I, th. hishs rof ik ad cano .zna ad Ca|o catla rfEt the eflet ofdi.B body to Ege|ablc lEietrs s.r. obsvcd in.usc ol Zdrd, it rE hishs in c* oI lsf/,) di.r .r 2 FE6t lev.l ol f..dilg. nuihu w {imal olrhEc tsh sp@r.s q be (40e4) prolcin di.t {heB Cithinus ,tigola oh high l€vel of f..ding, ihe finil ratio of Ar 4 nnd body w.ighb of Zabc, rohita, Ctnhnns dtigal4 on nEdiuD, li8h @d loe prcLin dieb, r.sp.clively. aor p@dt CirrihB krisala &d Catlo .oda fading d.e4. tor Lab.o rohita. Utrd.r Ph& ll, th. w T his shors simih d bod Mimm lin l wisirls levels of of lzr@ rchita wd Cithlnus nrtgala w.rc on higl Folein diel and of Cat?a @r. on low protein diet at 2 perenl lwcl of feding whe@s sc of 2 p.e vrirtios phase II .t 4 p€rcql l.v€l of feeding, rh. tr.rd ms lhe lc!.|of a..diIg. in rh. nighl b. dlc t {d of fist body to rh. chanee in witt ot bb.o nkta 6dd llve | .nd 6lio of rrinal lo wgelabl€ In phas II, this fishspecisntghtlEveprefercd!oeathightrclcindielinln.abseneofhiShprcponion of sin.l porein in thc dicl. A5 r€gnd3 oqall greert perfor@ ,JMA tbc d3h !Fci.3 uDdd pn!* I Lob.o rohita aod Cnrhh6 tut'gala hav. ihown beltq grc*th p.rfom&c. .o,/a on loq and high protein diell. Whcrca lnder phde rrisata \|6 berr.t rl\8 rhat Labeo The los rcltih ad I th{ lhc B@$1h ol Crrri"6 Labeo rohitq atd Ca a cd a @ bign Wnr.i. dict. This Cir ins urg4L hE€ fi. ond hish dicro.y prctein pdsibly Cala EEded poLnlial lo gow on di.l. h. @middd fd Labeo rohra ^ntl ltt Chrl'nn6 nDigala stEn cttrurr,l und.r rh,r th* lhF 6sh sFcic3 De.d.n Th. pe*nr Eurrs sub.hnrrak r€poned fi.I di.r.ry pmrin i .EiE sr5tm, Ar irfR@ cout.t bc d6M dificmr lcvds ofdi.r.ry Lhe ltndin8s @nr.nt at which of Srtvs ed ndnm for oBinlD grbtllh. Curte,o (taet, pG6t culk @ d$ in sod.n.c wilh varghcc (1936). Thcy fin8..linss vilt! 30 qbn d s gbr1h of DlEor or!6 oklrrcd abovc 45 percent though the eonomically oprinaldicbry plolein conrcnt was Tne Ih.y I p€rcnl the tindinsr of Rautmdhy, dE highgt SDwth in Cd,/a .4rl, ann Lab?o and nhitu .dd l() !E@nr dicc. The smNrh p6rt€m olfir fth sFci6 rndd Fte | .nd I.l@ly indicar.d $.1 .Iab.o tohira ad Cinhlns n'frS,/a n|d adjsrd io $6c .xl€nt ,gaiilr ncw cltrurc nEdia (inleroiv. culrur.) 4 @mped lo calz .,/ta md nqlhm h.ftnr of lhc dier wc dcriv.d by th.s. rrc spei6. Thc fiDdings ofrh. lrudy suh€lniill. ihc 4!. (t993). Thcy Eponed mdinh nrisata qa! Labeo nhita on 30 BulB ofja!.d g av.nsc inclEe in wiShl w.i.dainqt by FcDt pmrin di.r cfiarnbrny g d., (197]) Eponed conponlirly betcr Frfomsre ofcala.a,td in o intedle syscn rct ihe supply of .nifcirl (z// ,l!m adificidl fe.d. Holew, in lh. p!!gr Ct?r,,,r itrg mirJy on srudy rh. b€Dtu c@i|r.n W Cana te.d was vcry poor. Thc p6€nc. of Dbrot lie emyn6 i^ czlu (Rlmdc Md Kswalonmri. I 9 higb prctein di.r lilic gmund-nur oit 76) sussesl physiotosiql c,pabitiry of ro u lD! a ote, Th. orcrall f..d dd prot in.fljcicmic! i. ph!* rcsFcrivcry on lorv tFrein diet in ce Tle* dilrccd sisnilicorly fon v"tu6 oforher rhc tsh etla I Enoincd af Labeo tuhita rh bd 4 2 pe(.nt fisl spei6. Ar (0,25 .nd 0,64) t.v€t of f.edin8. 4 Fr€ tevel oa u9 fe'lin& led dd pbrcin ddlined. Howv.r, lh. emcicncics ulue nuimm 6hc of vee @n/].n vrh Ldb@ r.hita snd or rhc f€.d and tish $dr "p.ci6 trct in elfi.ienciq ChrhiB wlgata, Esp..ti|.lv on all l@hents (0-16 snd 0 17) los ptolcin diet, lh phase It the ov.rsll reed dnd piorcin cfuci.iciB sue ma*imum (0 29 and 0 59) Bpdively on high F otein di.ts i\ .e f..ding, Thee valree difieEd signifrcetly .o//a. Al 4 FMt ft. f.d (| wss 6rl€ fon lh. vst!6 of ed poicin r lhc Ldb.o rohita nid Catla f..d dd prclcin ctrcienci€s w'E tow di.t in lik phs I Thw e86,. I-hry Epon d oEl 35% dd delincd ftnd of f..d FE.nt ldelorfdding g.1. in$ nlieald 5t 2 petcenl level of lcvel of f..ding, th. bcsl valuc! of Korded (0.r5 md 0.38) on high eF€livclt, Cn ot cs. ot Clnhin$ Nisola .fiici*i.s of l|.tFe fisn sFcies at 4 nndinr! coirci& with tlE Esults of Cailin lowr f..di4 probin di.l h.d b.lcr f4d .mcicncv dr of*r G% vdc bodv G'Chr r' qtlish (0.72) At hiSls fecdins nLs bodt eogfi0, fccd Gllci.ncv vtls of otltuh Esulls Eponcd by Srcdpp. ard D.vaoj (l9l) contid dE litrdinss of pEsnt $udv (4% of M Tn€y shovld rhe hody $!r Cdrl, .,rta wieho had poo@ fry fcd .l 3ii fddirg k*k fc.l 4 8, 10, BPidlv (0-50) Thc 12 snd 14 FEd of f.dd ud prcrciD .mci€ncies at hieh'r f'cdins lcrcl The re'd dd pblein eflicid€ies \rw inpDv.d sigDilicdllv hiSlEr (4, dali*d md polein emcicnciq .r 2 P.'.e sl$ ftd !t low fddiic level nE L.ding Bt. pdsiblv bc due ro md'nm utiliaion of sn.ll anounl of.vailablc di.l Tbc reduclion in lccd ind prokin cflici.nci.s obedsl rvi$ Zdr., rolta Chthint Nisala u hit]ha t nnd Cala d .nd *iU incrc$ing diclsry proteh .otla EorEw this Ms pol.h .mcicncis wF of 'arc lftlt poleit Dol aue nr @corded on \"r l20 dr€r ir2 pcrccnt f€sd .nd poteid .m.i.nci6 dd 41. (1982) (1t76) Inc. pcr. lev.lot fecdirB whrtc ol4 s w 0E !@nr $!d, wE Haqu. (1988) ce .ortrEdictory, HokG, im@ins lcv.l lh.3. tEnd! ql.1989). Th.y found rh.l l.v.b of di.t !y Ille itrEiig rM& But rlE of Clrrluur DtaaL wit[ ed Tdcuchi g diftdt Cno A d. rcrb|cd thlr rad inr.I. .rd prct in .mciacy drio (r,ltr.) *irh incEsins lq.l of di.t.ry th. cfic.t of d.crcril3 tr.nd ul sinibr ro Lat.o rohha @n Atk uno. d(Gasi wirl iicr@ing di.idrt @rantl, cfftci€ici.s in tcvctoffccdinS rh. nndinss sqr of fed and of di.rary prctcin io in lirc wirh rh€ Bulrs of f..d .flici@y of carF incees my l.rls pm|cin on thc fccd .nd ro rh. conclusion rhd p6t in cflici.'Ei6 v.ry slei6, lcordina b ln. fish Thc prclcin dd.4rry @nEiio! cllici.tuics !ft16 Phe I *E @l.ular.d c l*l of f..din8 *hiL 4 p.E.nt lal of fcdins, Crrfirt 6 #'l4td ito*Ed tlE hiSlEsl rlF of 5.4 md 7-5 '| 8.1rnd 10.9 on low dict on low and high pdLin dieb olcdll bcst polcin poinl of ob$.lion thN fish sFri6 ed ir ftrF in(g, finhr nFnalhd.d val$s q.E 9.6 and | 4.6 for rl level of fcding, .rmiring by wlEE .Lposilion oi pbtcin F. r Horevd, rtalbtic.l @lysb shorql El @nrcRion .mci@ci.r in As Esdds tlE Plorcin .J|d 2 ol Lab.o ahXa.r2 ed tal ca thc C,rr,t@ Df4,/a nG d.|ji on hody @dposnion of @ dr. w@ hish.r .ners .onERion .mci.nciqs u ter plE. il, rh. bcsr Cial'Drr rr,8al, on low .rd ligl prlcin di.t rsp( Wh.@ .t of prctcnr and .n.rsy w.E 6.4 sd 8.1 4 p.Mnr lcvrl of fdding, th. muinum vrlucs .lso tu c4 ot C/plt 6 rrrSala oi loo pe|.ir ' di.l. Th.daliuingtEnd otprcLin. B s. Ph6e L te.diq Bllts The oblained s undr ftrc pr*ni ed dE fceding nlo of 5% of wel body \vcisht. study, higlEr values of and crergy conv€rsion,etlicidnc,cs w.E low.i Sinilar aeid hidrd sd .. lo* prukin did wh€qs oi m€diun &d hid ob$ryed on Th€y porcin 5nd .neret convcrsion .mci.rci.s at lhc lowcr feedhg dlc (2% or1rct body q.igho dnd minnnnm ellues In the snvdion cftci.rcie! tl4 pcrc.rl tcvctof rgn€ndl with rlE fiodiiss or cattih q 4. (t986) w€rc in nrxinln ener$, ltt @ rhoM by R'jbsBhi e!a!. lo@i prcroi cfnc'.fty 610 50,4 p€rced crude prot€in. cu.d (1989). Th€y Gpon.d in ohu qp+tivelt. Howwr, thc dieis the v6lues w$ ;i.k conrdinS r*llls \we dd 19 18 @nlraddory lo $e findrn$ ofFag.rlud g 4!. (198J). fhcr conp{E.l lh. eh(t ol15% (LP, dnd 519. (HP) prct in di.t on FoGin and .a.r&| 6nrc6ion .flrcj.nciF in dd EFrl.d rI. lhal hign porcan l.vcl. ulB of troLin anl.n€tgy Mmy 4 gl. (197?) Juqil. Coho @r@ion.Ilicidis sw de .gr..d sdno. hiShd al wnn dE FporL of F.g.rlund q d. (lgEl) in which th.) sl$rcd ihpov€d potein @nvdion qho dictirv polei' 9A iocEsi tom 25% lo 15% fingcrlinS carfish. di0cEnl polch dd tuilq Th* ob*rydiN EquiEm. for $ggca supFrtcd lhe 0r nighq Prelein EqliEm.fl for vi.e th.l diffdt fth spais hdlt bd @nwsion.fiicimy BODY COMPOSITION Like afaecred by dt body wi8lt of fish, lhe body conporilion of thEc fish species w.E atso thc lcwls of feeding. At highs fe.ding de in Phe I, noisllt contcn* d6da3.d *hile Prollii, f.l md sh conlcnti Uflld Phe ohly lsh contenG decGss.d. cont..B d.ccAed enit Ar ed sh lowt acerting @nt ntt d4Esd *hil. potcin ed conrcnb d., nr@*d code ! deqe*d while tish a12 fitrdi4s wE d I ol Lzhto tlhib enb inc@s€d wniL prcl'in' fat se p€niallv in hieher f'c<lins of enrt increed l'd"' ro'ia 'gtEoar id'' o whee wi! fi' suh of Gtrlin g bodv noi3tuE' porein a|ld dt) Thc low fal dd polein nccrnuhnon 'n nad lvhich Eldded mov b' dw b f@d $pplv b'low its lcv'l fcdine Frc6t pbgesire ftducdon in fat lnd Vsnstone, 966) A@rdins to dd sktu lo nobili4 netrly lsed up After diat, lh€ shin asuled s L'v' (1980)' fie fsh pbl€in is lipids fron tis tndsl $urce of fie has De€n phce Such a ilizcd' water mov€s in lo mr' ns Th' ftnds of noi$ure @nlcds iFEs$d wacr @nrcnts of th' bodv 'n 'l-he ovedll higher th€ tbove vo*ds pceDltsc of prclein md flr mong thEe frmd in ce of Cr?r,ti,$ tr'Sdlt @ hiSh prclein difereuoes anong sFcics w'e signifimt dulc aport'd bv llh did al bo$ fc'dhs md lrigh dieB $e dific!.nes mong low, m€diu in |nE Nitlr and prctein rcserves (Pdker tl 66r coEm'd Protins onlv *htn n$l' offish body s.r€ suppon.d bv N moisluie cnd asn @ misn'€ dd 4{r dc'pi it onl€ s inc@trl fai th. StoMl of lith md dus'd a liyer uldd phd \t|@ (1986). Th.y epolted lhdt ol Catla caltt \ube€ higt'r f'€ding rale Phe l, moistw co un&r fat conl.Dls d'cE@d T[* cu 'ar as dt ll in ontcnls iNrc&rcd qc'pt in l,Frein Dd wh.E pot incont ol5d.ct incred qepr wt' w* I'vtls Hos?v'r' non_sisni[csl wbile lhe rbr th€ bodv @rPosition Th' hltnm ud specics Pa*nr nrdines cffecl ot She(t (19s0) sho conclded rh!| tza t@uing lrd fading rEgic on body @dposirion ofcdla catta Labeo rchita ed Cttinut .arpiow mr sigrifimtl, di|I.Ml. Hov*r, lEinenB dtoncd by Javed (19E3) sc not in ehcda sF.i.s diff@nc6 obsrcd by fiin fircu e rh. djfrcEnc., of of tuxlinF ofihc tE$nr study .8Eddr with th. prcsnl srudy. Zenk. g sl.(1984) olso Epon€d $dl dicrlry cruds cod€nrs over 4t.3%, nei$d rh. qonrc smr far conrdrr ofrh. rh.a qa ! fat d.c|!e conlat! of thc of rhe c.|!s @ mr3 ldd cd6 sierifi@tty but b.low 41.3% dhdr.Fudy v.ry hid ircce of bodt @Fposition of lhE tish speics sisnifionrly negativ. conel.rion among mobrula, peLin at 2 pcrc. nt le in $e ofcarp. Corcl.tion Mlrsis rorrd chanSe dd far rcv@l.d @nr.$ ot ldbeo rcl of f.qljne exccpl lh. cor€l rtion noistuc dnd ash lvhich Ms nor- riSnilic&t. At 4 p€Mt l.wl of &cdin3, th. .orelation @ftici.nr3 ahong nroistur, pot.ii, f.t &d sh v@ sisDifi@rly rEgdirc $,bich shoe.d polnivc oftlalion. far rnd .slr conr.nb of @mci€ s mons hoisluE,, Catlu catlz dnwri loDq{har sihild Thc cofrlatioi Corlrrr wiAala s4 p^ of Lubeo rchita, \he pesent work subsidlirt d lh. nndinCs of rhE fisfr sFci6 bb?o rohita, Cdlu.dlo Mumy el d. (| 977) tlE sigtrifc&t ftearivc moisturc! dcnoosrErcd ih. diluting Tle corclation .oem€i€nls atd rartd 1988), wbo ed rol.l fia dl Cinh,t6 D/,Sdd _ Acoding ro .cl.ion tawd c!M$ ( for Eponed signili@dy iegative orclation ohorg, rot l pnrciro rhc nd noisl@ of@a lipidr on litid lrd w.rcr berween prctcin and tat coftents cd6s hds, ol Lubaa rchito sigilictrtrtly posirive but fot Cirthi'M ndgala .nd Catla.a?id rh. corclalioi tx Nas negafttly rcFsigdficinl al l)crce lewl ol rbcdin! Al 4 Pc,ce.r lcvcl of t_edi'& 2 contlaion b.rweeo prct in and fat coot.nts of all posnn€ and $b $re t clo* inle.nltlio$hip dong rcvcat.d findiner sutpon dE rcsulls of Z.nkr q d. (1984) dd EE 3ignificanllv ndri'nli The Prcsent tun spai6 ncal JaEd (1988) Thcv ob*dcd rlch @ftlation b.hrEtr Lr and pmch in CWti,B c@Pio Lab'o tohitd. Cltla 'dla Th. @frlatior *flicient! ht Ctuhin8 tuigala b€t*d 6h ed sA Cdld atla wt$d porein wF sisnifiddv "gatire for l'tbeo rot'nd @ftlatlon w noF pe@nt lev'l of L'ding s6 tignificdl !t 2 Fcnt ledina leEl This @ltrion 'r 4 u\d 98itu' fq Citthitd Dtlrata howevd lor signif!61 but mslnv. for 12, @ 'ohita Cdlo .a,ld @ftldion Th. corcladot 6 n saliwlv mn'sigtrin@t b.t$i pGnisly non{i8rifi@r for L '!h beo and fat al 2 rohita Nd CaId it w6 posilvely sigri6tu! shil' posirively siSdlicsnt aor lgnin@r b€en tlu. lo Such all $rc' diff.Ens pd'61 l4cl of f"ding lh€ corehio! fth s,e'i* in bodv conposilion 'atla ar 4 'xc'Pt B lound to be *rE@ fil Cirhisd ndgata F@nt lev'l or f'cding Cal' son8 th@ 'otla w which hsd tro$ nsh sD'cies nigbl hale inknsiv' svst€r' Mor'over' diI1irflr palkm of 8ro$4h Frfornue udo otlrr @!$s of ldiations in bodv conpNilion colld be lhe f?id iniak'' nct'bolisnl habits oflish' cflicicocy, ereqv e{pendirlt ud fFdins A! ll re nsh coclarion .nalvsis of bodv comPosition of $@ vas conc€nE<l, fcw vari.rion! *te Ecotded This v.gerflble prokin sourccs frighl be sliShtlv in u€nced t'vak species undd phe thri dtio of animals 10 $e bodv conpositun ot tfiN fish sF.i.r. lltc difl.Ena oa @ corcl.lion bd@n hoi.toE {nd pFlcin of found nr c6c Cdla.a,/d which chrB.d fom non*isnifi@l to rceBlircly sistificst dt 2 percent l.vcl of fe€ding. Sidilar conGnk otcal& cr?/z- As lh€ change was alm and I97D. Tn€ Edd of w6s lik. phAe @clalion Labeo m poLin @nrcn|s shoeed I ch48td liom sigtili@i. At 4 F@di level of w The corclalion non{igniti@t ofrt{rion baq@ motlw ..d sh vhile L4beo tohita 8d f€eding, bctren idca of NoislLre Muffit c! al @nt'n|s of Cirtuinut ntiAalu Cbl/4 cala show'd sonc veialioh The ch&gql fom reSaiivclv significdl !o positirclv non'ligrifcMl tuhib $nqr6}ilrb Cai4 ddrl! tlE c@ladon ol .oftldlion cocmci.n$ belsecn polein $€ lollow.t lhc s@ p'll'm ot ph'* wu similar to phe l. This tudhd @nfidcd 0E aod tar contots ( 'fti! @ftl.tion *a show.d veidion. n.gativc non+ignificui lo Positively I exced Z?6eo,orirz which far @clation @flici.nts b.l@n noisturc dd 6h co.ten|l w.e .orcdn//.. ttb.o rohirt coftl.tion bcncr moislut obsd€d bawsn ,noisnrrc and sd fd b{ee i' ca' changa 'ew level of feding 3igniliclnl' A @nt'nts ot 2 pe&e \E€ .l$ Kotd.d in ce of Ctthi,us ndgold ed Cald 'atla \,'iilc Lab'o tohiti fll cod€nls Gv.aled lh.€nd otphN I Th. €orclslion co'fficienl '!d ol Citthtn8 nngola *d Catla./,i4 reG chmsed fon n'gativelv non_sig'iUca to siSnilics This posilivclv sieni{ie trdd clos inlcFFlatonship mo.s nqt tur''nr! At 4 , thc slEnglh to SavG p'G tcacl of f€cdins' thc lEnd corelarion ccmcic.b betsedn ptoGin md l6t conl? s of fotlo\rcd phe I d.€!r cal/ ../la which fie id" ot thF cho8'd ton sisnificdt ' ot fish spccid 1wE also 1o rcn_!'81:iti@tr' 116 TIE of ins cmLri@ 6.i*d cqr.lotion of rta A1 4 S* in st onrcnl5 oflar.o toitird .r 2 t c,rri,B @.1 mis,/d b to p.6iIivc, t.v.l of f.atinr; $. c@l.rion b.t$@ P' od sh w sinilr s ph4l wlil. of ,r&o.,rr. !E |tad E mD-5isninc&t .nd of Cd,l4 calz noD lslly. thc lted of cofrl.!@ od sc s iafi,lt I v\ih inChUM 6.1gda atd Catl, cdtl, thc t@l shjfi.d fioD sianitidn t not w.bDgd fFn 3isnifiol lo ootrrigift€ t@ rg.liE Gp.ctiElt. srdlr ba*6 @dnd ! bct*er frt ed 6h sl$rtd cohpdttivcly ooE widnN d D.(l IGY€lt mn'!i8ni66l conllnts of&.diD€; to