ts8r,l 1? 8.3 ? i -!?1ti- 'r -a Proceedlng rilTgnnailoltAt" csilFEnsilcE o TfacH$tG Elt6Lt$H tsl F,4CULI| AF LENERS MAH}MMIDIYAH UNIYERSN PURVAKNNTO FonEle LAllGUtGg PROC]]EI)I NC INIIRNATIONAI CONIIRXNCE ON TIACHING ENGI,ISH A5 TOREIGN LANGUACI 2ND COTEfi TUBLISTIED IN A COI,LA.EOMTION B'JTWT,FN Muhammadiyah UniveFity r.rpustalaa! Nnsional Kai.to8 O.Imr Tcrbiter (rcT) lroceedrng hrtenalio al Co feicn.e on TexchDrg l]lrglish as torei311 kngragc \ri + 270 hall2159 mn x 17oo nn, ISIN r973 97$97919-4 8 ldjtor Selc.ijor : Dr. T.an I turqrnul Azres, r\r. p.t. nusiahudin As-SuatdL S.s. Condro Nur Atii l-ar'8!a3e lditor: tilrriniann) ]; !i Impl ession iJmi20lO B,na Ciba tusiak.r tubUshing kva Batuerro OzlvII No. 6 Woroaui, Cenli:lJasa Telp (0273),1(i170.1 Jl. rn Qtlelrorarion wirh " of Ia.trlty Lerters, L.Iilersii_v oi rurwokerr. ^rLrhanuradi),at Irrwokch, C.nhat Java. tndonera Jl. Mya DrLuhwatuh, 'relp. 02s.1,6116751 exl.i37, c flr.ril: .oreft u1h/a!rrxn..orr :i ..h!!nings h, S.j.,M Fun Eihan.ing LanguageAlv efe$ in Mult ljigua EFLcla$es Cefilngthe Mottlrom the compuie. n EFLTea.htngahd Ierhniqu€sJorEn.ouragncColegestudencio Le n ng Be.ornecoodReadeEandwrieE T€a.hing Presenrcont nuous Tens€ io Younc Learneisr cre3iiv€ a.tiv iiesio be done inth€ lndah Pusp:wat asriRelek Mudinncsh........ DercLopinerea.hincM.reri, i . .. ......... and 11€di:: sonle rdeasfor EyL santhyl'r:wanii&End:ngxu$in. An Efforl ... .... .... ....................... . ..... ... ........ oflmprovingsiudorts'ab lty ro9 rea.he6 ...........................................I14 nAna yzinglirorin E(or se.ogniiion r€n uringrru sm Lrierary works Jor Languaee Tea.h nC :nd LeanriiC Cla$room13lls ln an EFLseitrng Luilitstkh oh&saefudohman ................. ....................... ti.ip rmprov nc studenG' P or n Readingadn iy usirgsqrRrerhn qu€ widya Nnma a\!a1i & mamah sobariah sungtowat .. ................. ... . S'per,-ror o- 'cl h D.J e Pronoiingcodeiwi.h ng Prad (e5 .,sc.o dd"g toT€a.h oiher 5!bje.t'ihrough EngLiih Prohot ng L€son StudyTo mprove Enc irh Te:.rre6,competen.es LrsingvirtualcomnuiGtonToEn.ouragesrudents speakngAbirity D.ve op ng Language S.afioLdlig Mateftls forArgumenrar An ldea JorTea.hing ntermedhteWniingSki b vewfting: ... .... .........129 e,4.q,au1u.ta? t,4d/, e?M94 ta/4q.r.2 t-z-///c, zcto Promoting Lesson Study ro Impror€ english Teachers! ConrpereDces SrLsrn,) Y Jkdr. .r.'. , . \... r! " sutdru/tiunr a. id e rg p.oc.$, rh. readu ot!trlLLsh rs rhe klr n:rc rs or r.a c-1, :o..0 c..'.'.- 41. m "-rt" r.: d. o- r.! ..o ,". o. , " . :. . e r" .Ii...-" ".",,. L".. 'j ,, .". '. o. r., o "o .t ". ,rr .. . ,,'o-f,.'. ".. h t'. | ..0. od. .2. . ".. r{r. D, "'erl" ( oD elac.. IJr lrgtsh rn. nEDrbca In Do rcachnE ad!ih$. r1re noild rercher conducB rhc Mdlitrs-lsnrtr-Dc procss rlt ptan acN,rres \hiie D o. e.. oI F -r,r.g-t.d.. . r 01 rhe k$on plan seared h o!tr$ rerh; * p,t,.i "r,.,. rsfc ,l! .-, - t_.o ,. .,: "" | -" .. ...,h,., 1.. t. ,, inrptuve th.r r.i.]tr .omp.t*", p-n".nut p.aoros-t q-,,t. ,,",r co'np.ten.. As | .esulr rh. r:achas oitn-ghrh hrolved rn tesoD nrd, e rLr-a c m irn ! .4 8..,. . xe]eords Irso,irdl/, t, r,.i.r.a ptchc!,. dEaatt:hle hnsha ry,'a. ! h lD.lonesia Erylnh is $ l a iirorgn ltuguase as thcre is no rcadljnxde conte\i ;ril.drsg...-(o n!c...or r. .oL J..t., ,.m \-. o ro.t , ..r>, d'g.Ja-r.otg. r'lopi.l eJ L,;. rr.p .re,tr c_ _oo, ' ol enh.r ior-. .r I,r-o ..,. cdL.d.,,. ro,". ..toor,g..r.. r. qr r. .o r-, , po-e\ gu-co ol rk r.-,er.rt. l.t ,d- a.... ..t ,)..... I pr.decnn ed. br.. r,\.. o(r,.r-- .pr(n-c Iir EDglnh teaohngt.an rg lcdnier nr djc classrooms. rh. r.actrer of F.ltnh <.'o.''lJ]f'@'lrol'|'al'U'.''l'''|'.'e urr.fo!.. ,u.. ,e or. o.rt l-....^d.., ,^l.n I vJ.I. a l' .a .,J Lo t. . ,0, ,rJ.,., r,.,, r. ,r_. L. ,e o,(. J,o...rDB t. ..,d.,, . ...,, _,"o I s r "_r, rn._,." Bro\n's ideaj. KJtd (t!94 Lt) slates ihal a r.lcher E sr| dre specian! rdned to !e^on r glidc sluddns dlst rlenr to select qpropn e tcannng Dalgids. clbsrooN.n\nome.r Cher et mEonly ot stldmr3 nBlruaor udr lhflr at 12002) a3 ptati'rg a ..r" pu.iri," "n " (2008. 13t)statcs Lhar ihe ust major idle nj ttc lcvet.pnje ofthcn 6 Nosld lj l. ll r.rrd r..do..,,t r" .Jl , ..r r.,r,..c,,,J rJ,,. 'rJ.tr"..L oi..pr'or.onlc rr..g.d,eno..,....rr,,... ;tr .. .,, .,. ;. lrdrslircd to dre rtnderts T.i '0..,.1 J. t., . o r 'o r'l ,r..oro e I .o .t.rr, .( o ... or d l.., ft\q rf LiLt, w lta nrrbt Nrt,ntr tf,tttrtlnr 166 Itu.,' A,kt@ * 76tt', t lbt !. i'"i..-;.,.,. ;."''' ,..... sk ls, i erDcfiond a ?'eit" .1'a9a.te 2: 1- 2 ltLt 2ata | 1 r 20Or .q rr I d.l'e drd leiurcr' Jn' e l0r' Fclted lo b ro hd .pde"' B, r'"2001 410' rd$ rr'd a lar sLde redi(_edn-oscd nos edo' .'de.-."".h,lpkr'..,,r,o(rP\,,.o ' nndneEonal qnd'les n{ilh Tcchnrdl kDoi\ledge nrcludcs rlens $at a ldguage leacher: ll undcGtanas ille hrsuisiic s-\slclns olE.glhhFhonologv. gramnar, md discous€: r, ,o,,r..r' .,'"r L, pr'croh o "'o el'anr-rdkdrip dr" lsl \ p.'".l ,r "'rer'Fro'' , t",ir' ' '',.,.'.. e (.r, "ro {co.r-';h . ldr .F t'.. r ',".',.o'C,.V Lh. clos cln.echonbet$eetrlanguage dnn cnhurc: 5l nnddslands ,lj i""p, '"tr' tr* r'"la rhr Lgn resular rcadms &d confer'ncerronshop drrendance "p ll ,r il .rl 5) ln rhis.alegol. i eood languase tclclier liasa {ellrhoulhlouL. ni.rmed aplroxch lo languageleaclnng: rdcFt.nds and n\es aNide larietl ollccn.i.lnes: dllicierll\ dcsisN sd execrr.s lesson Plans: nomron lesom rslle' unfold a1d mahes ellictive didie$on alterr{1onsi effechlcll percei\€s stndcnis linluislic needs: u(s.Durdl rcedt'ar( lo students oorera r'1 dd"rnsorl 11'l-c ' ! i' ]'.,,i 8) c, c -' -...' uses aDpr.nriate princiFles of classroorn nrxnaeclnent: trre\.ijecu\e. or.rntiton cLear sk'lL; l0 c . \(r\ ao,'p . re' noo\ r0 r lliinorxlirclv;Eal$ bmnd ncv naleiiih nl.m;,ve. intinsnah L2i uses \" ' 'o n' r'r ic4 J $hen needed, and modvaftg recbniqucs 1o cFatc eJiecllle tests A !oo.ll.ncua!. ta.ner rn lh .de!orl \hotrld ! r, ^,. '. .;-;Iru r j onerca e d,ooe"er'r^" r''d! ' ritur I dri'r" 2l eijol peopl.. sho\ cithus.sn, rvan h. rappo'1 and approllnate hunor' ll valLre rhe ofinio$ and ab illes ofshrdenrsi jl,vl 1) *orkinr $nh studenis oll.sser ab cnaltcns* to tudents o f excctt ionalty highabih!: ne Darlenl in 5l ofl; s ..0r.,(h";_o.oJl\ddc.noc!(ro oledire! re o led \d' ", 'e( rl. n i r " . r'rgi d. rJre l'Le srl l Thr !.nDU rIotDcr\rnalqtrJ dd 'e rrc\ \tate\ rhir , ^ e,tj \et- -" - """.*,", 'ddcp 'd ' :, Lh. t.aclrer 6 lexible Ihcn th,.ss so srll: ri rhl.achernonnairn dd inquisitle Dnnd ir 1!.rg out n*v rvrys ol(eachingl ar h" t-hd rls n-m$i ;.d long-lem godls lor co'nnued trole$roDrl sror h: il th.rsch.r alnraifsa .xcnrli fi.s hieh dhr cal and nroralslandard po! : pooB '' l' rdl dd ob' 0 'r0 rl €" \o '. Y', -* l d ctu nl e.ru" d oi'onl qr' r'- r 'F p6ed b BrouiLrper''d ldo '." Jed.q-.! .1.. "- L,J , ,** "ry ,,t".*d rhroueh l-{sor sNd! ln leson srndv sllmenlbns are 'mpincallv jn the ano rL*."Errv trr"r. iel, a"a ad shai reallv happeis dunne lcachrs'leaming nroc'$cs ,tt1, t:f Ltn-\, Ttlrt ,aniiti 7hi -iti fatnn(ertt 767 es4w elalat €4al e ?-414 !4zt4at 2t t-271Lt 2A/A clasrooms LrsoD sudr" consisrs olthce $epr {llplxi:12)do,and(l)sqc Eicbollhe$cpshelps tlie memb{s teacher involved dereLop nrt teach.E coDpetemes. espcc a pr.Jts'oMl .iLl I Lesson rtudt r aDodel for teacher pnle$ronal developmenl trograns The pra.ticc ollesson sLudy sas lomerly onducLed in Japln, elemerlar, md secoMar' schools Widei_v lrerled s thc fnr.no$ plofe$ionll derelolnr.nt p!oera$. lc$on slud! is creditcd $nh drainatic success in irproving classroom practices rn! $e.rapancsc cl.rlcrtary scho.isyslem (!Q:/ nN lesonsrud!{onp netpages/Aboullsso$tudv hnnl) Snrce 1999. leson stndy h.s npidll enrerged u Dary srFs across dre UmLed Su(es h IndoNsir lesron srldy !d bccd practrced at thJee uriversili.s crrynlg ort progrdrs lbr educalng rcacncs lo bc sincc 2006, Umretsrhs Negei Yogtd<arla (rNY). Unndsiras Negen lvldare {l-Ilvl). md UniveNird Pendidike lnd.n€sia (UPI) NoN it is beine spcld ou! ddbcii)e practicad nr. lot ofuilesiries d sclo.ls 6 lios JapaNsc *!rdsr,&!,, ao{l t.xbn' "Lr1a, nans t?,ir,a! neans research or sLud_v -csson sLudy r use d 10 inprove qualiq ot leacning-ledning lr is mndDcteLl by a numbcr ollcach$s collaboratilcl_! N ! Th€ rem lcsson siudy instxctior orlesson;wh the e l lemnrg conDuily Tlercfore, lesson study is a knrd of a cyclical process collabomtivel"v done bt a sndll group of icehc in caclirlly conrdonng lhe goah ola particular $rblect llmirg a Lesolr. conduciilg a lesson, obsening a le$on, discussingmd !lesson (studynrg tlo\'stldco6 respond o these lessons mclLrdiq rlLcirlemrnrg. engagened, and ffcltnicnt o I cach othcr), ard !c\ ising a lessonro be conductcd iD coopemre clds€s ln shol1, tne 1eache4 cotrduct aresearch lesion ro thorougl,lt rn!.ovc iheirtcachine Cmine qu.lil. Tkou8[ Lhe rererch lesso\ Eachers becoNe moE obseNan and.ltenlile ro dr process bt Nhich lcssons untald rn lhci! class, and thcy glther drt! iiom ihc acLurl €acbing b6cd on the lesso" lle drat $e le$on stud_v group n6 lr.peed Tne resclrch lesson is iuowcd by Lhe debneiine se$ion, m which tedhers revie$ dE dan togedrer ur oider to: (l) 6ako s€nse of educational ided Nithin then practi.ci a2) clralldrge thctr ildividnal md shded pespeclives a!!ut rcachnrs Nd leanugi (l) lemr Lo se thor pmctice iion rhe studsnt s perrpocrile;dd4) eqoy oollaboratile supporl @.ng colleaeues ltu dara oflhe resedch le$or m nerelJ portrayed Eon rx ents' gel,notftomlhenodelieachers are4 unitor lesso\ d,llzilg (Tata!4hi tugel & 2004) !ll!:/dvw{.le$onsiud!qlouo nctolqcsAb.ntlessonStud! h$n FuJthennore. Le$$. (2000) nl hunl rNv states that lesson sLudt prolides one ray isrruchor md decrcd! lclchci isolation. t.acl.( lessorsrudv rer$harisle$onnudr n rllcn il il co hd) Eacnds cm slslemllically ihp.o\e bc sustalncd olcr rirne Lerson slLdy ed design lessons Rhile exaninnrg snc.e$irl Lcacling nra&giqs to increase student letrnnre lu the Foce$ of hson strdy, leadrer lvolk rogether to plm, teach md obseNe a coopeDLivelt devellped lessoD Wlnlc o.c &acher lnpleBeft Lhe Lesson n thc clAsroor otl)cn obscflc and iakc nol.s or studenl qucsriors dd ude*tdding Thc dc!.lopnreDt olan "ide3l le$on is nol ih€ critical comFonenr h thc prolides a ln proce$ for to collaborale cm dro (l) beuer u cnla horv $udc.rs lcanr, (2) lbr olher leache^. (ll) inprove rachnrs drough sysahaiic. n{uiry, dd (.1) blild a pcdagogical knoNledee bdc in rvhicn teach.a car lesson sludy rhe reacners creat. usable pnducls collabonlive benenl Eom one dotheas knowlcdge ofleachine (Celbin and Kop!, 2006) Therefire, {ic teachcB can inprorc thcir leacher conpetences lhrough an ideal lenue In coutast 1o sorkshops andseminan trr at dis cuss genera l t€ achnrg s rate gies lesson study looks direcrlt at ones classroon The teachcs ibcus fieir aciivnies on sudent leanrns, hoq to desisn nore eatuhJ o/ t dua, ,1!lbn dtnn rnid:it aJartualanr 168 I &4w - 7e4a, tqtal e ?,a/t" 2a4q4r.2 t-2v{4t Zao 2) Do II r, st D, Lhere ue a nodel tea.hcr, lbservcq, md docu r.Dlatior ted[ nrvohcd nr oM t6ks drd docs thc tsks lhulrareousl, ryirlout lesson stud! lach oftheD has his&u helpnrg or d$iurbng *ith one arolh.r p.,., t.bJrd..-t.,r..edrnrr! , er e rrd!n..i. I he,c r:do 'g-edlhgo,or..\..:lcredches obseryos and docuncnrdron tean. S&d detjvqs rhe leahing narenals bi bhselfrrthout r. l.!p rlnr LK rocrrtr, Ndudl an.t pr ro.J_trJr t. ,ode .c.,cr f,. oro Tl,. riooel.ea.le "\...e5 . fe-orroll rglFl r!Jc\ e 1.o. IerAis lerchine bcrl( thd Inal \rtlhout my obse^,e^ . , . e'tsI.,'.." S/he is darlb.ledro be wilt-;repdcd ...d .. o, n, b . J i..r,gct,....,o d.to\e t.,.c. nr ) rotr - fiori e nro .r ed..r .,-.t.. _ ,",., t,.., 'r !r e d'. To,le 'l I j i.c. rtr orr.r.!r. dc ,or J oveo .. ,.! 'o-ph t, ,, be.ause iheir 16k is to obsefre dd io rare a nor Drr hrDne's'rlr 'C r rl Lre L..r,p on Nnat happdr in tbe leachme): (j) not llloN€d to help dre studen$ Gven though the studonls ask sonerhmg to thc obs;e(, lhe obseNss de nd !Uo*€d to m$!er becausc they do not have mi neirl to tEtp or euid; thc srudenls iri rollonnrs the lersotr). (4) noi ro disturb iheluslisl Fachi;e-tclmr;, p;.s:(jl nor allo$ed to sr doM ([e observe^ Day approach hd Day go mud rhi ctrss natre cooplete dd rneticulou infoflnadon in ihe tnm otfieldnoks) ln thjs srep. rhe obsene.s mosny devet.! lhetr pedaAosicat conneterces Trov ob\^! 'oqUich l. coc.'erclner.,f lcmrr,aenJ 1, Lhe,,de e0 .cr,.d,9j he roJ( Li-der ued (_.F o -he. s. .rloe b !. <J or !1osr,.tda..,ru. 'r( .odrperences TLet also'o* indirlcLiy develop $en prote$ionat by trrening to rhe nodel 'e^her p oil d, n pajrng nkr ro l t. rnoo-t ja.oc, . -,r,. .p*, ",,,", '. ' capnalizaljon, s[xctue, grarlnw. d so ibrdrl r oftle Thc duly documentation rcad is ro docutoeft alt a.lvrries dning rhe tDglish rachilg-ledning p.ocess, ihe tuodet teachca activntes. sLud€nrt adNlCs ob*;-i a- r .c. dd ledr, rg d.r \ Ie . r. r,tu\eo.o xrr u..h n. .,.c,r dd to go aou.d rlF c13s Trie docLuenralioD rean is nol a|ored to ir;lp ard borher ary cr 0 .r.r oe $ct, p cpdeo Mo .\clt- rohr.. t..d .c J: rsulr s rl b. r.pl,)ed'r rl.. Si. .j o \e l re r r L_oper o, ., . rdenb The do.J.hcnrJlor p-n !.e-&t ., r. L".. In dre Sae step, the nodel tcacher reneds r!.tr!L he did dumrs his tea.hnrg. inctudis slraicgies ne employed AJI obserycs give rhen comeDts on rvhdt lraptned dunn; the Engljsh teaching-leming process no'n sbldeDrs, algel Il is noi allosdd 10 sive leding di DrLr 6t, H^rrgtr.r; gr \ t: 'no,j(lkd-he-d "l,ornr.en6-.,., ob,e ea Jerrode..edber reFnd.odd, tu,nr.he,,,.i.Dr\ \Rfl n4..; re!o dscLsallpvbleD. aced nD, .Ddnod..d.on\.r uD rd r..or ,n fl d. .^: ror cli.r conrolnL or cycle oflesson Lne studt T[e docunerrarion tem docu€!1s alt acrNities in S.c nep. Ftrll 4 ttttrt, .ttutaanalildt 1"hu^t1 oJ t?ttuokna t7Q Ulae. * 1"etl"'? €,tt.4 e ?r-/r' 4aataa* 4 1- 2 V1al 2o1o dhcussons are conducled in Englhh, lhetefore, all senbeB of G$on studv d !!l.o h(! r I q' tsrL .ornaer'.e and ' ld I stc fe fofiJnc_ r!'udr1g ontrJtola ne r I \ rr! - d ro prok. n; pdc.rt rnr' ..-iil lotrlden.$ Be deJ the n i be^ .'., eren oroUten . *crrs *4.'e hcr ll deals $al llev lno'ougnl! dete oo$er o,oso''."-1n,p","......n,r;mF.n.a.\rrDpen s hedd(oom rnerucr'or' an,o,g le All -, or l" rN -- r. rra.rr. rre' r,letrioaoe"s ol -de r'ue" Ttc e .oi .rudr \t .r) pon'le rmo46 d mororaro o rermg n*ail: cd be tcit'ed b{aA( fei de mr'bootrre \ nade dd l nn 'r1'<a'n "ed fte-ls 'hr;a.ler- .1'o"pre.er'nitoarrdsrglnldrl\ a\hrstr l-nglrb roonLhc)dl o \r''re la ."..,"-"""t;-" -"r'. 'dF_b *'5 *"i ae.p.o r,cr u'o.r "dli on n"endl' 'rr'' 'e ra e d leadrc "*. thoushts, and €xpene.€s As a esul! nrey bccone tuore confident '. \ $ftnurftv t; shd; id*;. because lb;y get d lot of experiences and thev &e no1isolared" an i.ieal lenue to dcvel oF lheir Le acner corl neten ces .-" arvture becaue thev lave With regard to tbe atov€ discussion, it is obvious that Lc$or S dv confeA posihvc , rc rr,e.-.*, .o'ffrenle dc e opnenl $\\l filJde'prof"sionrl pedagoeical .no. e 'on. corpetnce a'Fnomed in o ene\' rrep' P/'{ Do dd !rm'on"t ".' a..ei 'n or be al.mdl^e' \1. A.Jcd.11 ' gri ren\nr\' '"og ' Sruor car b. on' Engl$h rcacnets an.l esrabl$[ E;glirh prof* onal E glish comnunitt lo shm teaching ; ''"""'".". Io,.;r0,.aor Ie\'or 'tud- Drark' rolld'e regu'dlv c'rdLced domminL4 mo aissmimreo to all Enel$h teac|ers in dv level N sdl a lectureE To sm rn Lsson sNd! siould bc nrteDslv pom.led lo drv panies w|o d concem€d with the inprorcmd of;trhs profssional dcvel.pneff ard Var.tte, R. \1917) Clasf.oh Techn1|t\: F.t'iqn LansudEes and Ehglhh as a Se.a,tl Ldhgtag. New York HarcoM Brace Jovanovicl! Irc' tsro$r, H d(r9s7) t'rinctples iting@ee Learnng 2d reacltus {2"d Ed Ne$ JeNv Allen. E. li D ) PrcnticcHaLl (2000) Ptj,ciples .l Ldnsus::e Addison Weslel Lorgnan, rnc Bn$!. F D Ledni,s /,/ Ld.ltg (4h Ed ) Ne$ York (2l)or) l.a.hjn. Lt Pti'1ctples: )n lnkta'|jr' 'lPPnach to Lang"dge Pedasag l2"r Ed) Nerv York Addisoa wesl€v Lo4nan tnc ce$iD. w dndK;pp, B (2006) L0sso. studv.sa Model for B uildinC ledago g i cal Knowled;c ard lnlrovine leaclnig [Elecrolic vssioa] l"kmatia al Jowhal of BroNtr HD f.achth;d d Learhtu in Hilhzltd!.a,otVolurne lS Nunb'r1 250-25?' Accese; l4Lf A[il2010 &o'n hitD]/A\s nrvl.l edLnsodn s!/in de{2 htn IreD.litias 0005). LJ,ra,;_Lhda"s Rep bik hA.h.sid |"an't llTahuh 20A5 tuntanEG1tu ddn r',1, .r D.:eh fron l-cgalitas org ,r"*'1.*"tn'a".i^" "!t'""*,r"at"*r""*St"a" ". o|e.P "e'A P _d A'n') lr(1r:/ {$2.edc o(/lesso!!q!!l Accesscd l 'lu Apni 'tinrl|r rf Lrttlt, ll h "n"t. Acce$ed l'l April 20 l0 1,7 | 0 201 o rtt nntidt lnnttiltr,,J Pa\rl!rta A-/-e *7*/d, €4at e ?,e9" ta4r^q.2 t-zfttrpoto hLlo,,Iles.n{!drbloss.onlAccessed I,l!iAprtt0l0 Kral, T Norvldr, (1991) rd,.l.r Der.t.pnenj Udhhg the RiE t M,rcr (Sele.tcd Anicles iiom ttre English rcachitrg loruh 1989-l99jl WasrMglon rnglish Language prograis Dr!fio\ United Sutes nriirnnaion .^s.ncy AGP .ht) Aclitne! b E,..utuEt itv. No. ll]. Oclohtr 20dt Aurononvht]nl ,\!cess.d ll No\ 2Ol]g t.2018l M.Lratjon dnd Leame, )uto lbdepetuldnt Sl,.lt, TIE Int net TESL Joumal. httnrr'ritesl i .ftiqoJL*t!*, opflechnidoesNo$tan innlndrnt Uod:j!.t d etuoklna vot