Synthesis and Application of Fiber Reactive Dyes and Evaluation ofTheir Fastness Properties on Cotton Fiber Th€sis subnitted for The fullillm€nt ot the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY By SITARA RASHII) Department ofApplied Chemistry Utriversity of Kanchi 2012 Dedicdbn To My Family with Affection, Apprecfurtim & Respect CERTIFICATE It is certifi€d that lhe dissenation entitled, "Svnthesis and Application of fiber R€acri\e Dyes and Evaluarion of Their Fastness Propenies on Conon Fibei' submitted to the Board of Advanc€d Studi€s and R€sarch' University of Karachi, by Silam Rashid satisfi€s the r€quirement for lhe award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. /"/ Ali Dr. Syed Ishrrl Dr. Mehdi Htis.r Krzmi Chainnan Res€arch Sup€rvisor Depanment of Applied Chemistry Departmed of APPlied Chemistry Univels;ly ofKarach; University of Karachi Karachi, Pakislan. Karachi, Pakislan- Prot Dr. Nhrlid M. Klr8& s r. x r. R€searcb Co'Sup€Nisor H.E.J. Res€arch Institule of Chemistry lntemational Center for Ch€mical and Biological scienc€s Univelsity ofKarachi Kamchi, Pakislan. ..- ..- . 3,1 3.2 Dyeing Procedure...........................,,..,,...,,,..,....-...,. 3,3 DdmidtionofcolorStragthofDy€in8Solulion.,........-,...,... 3.4 Dr€ Ex!!us:rion-...........-....-,,,.........,...-.........,. ......... Infomado.-.....-.................................-....-................. ,... .. - .- .. . .Dy€ Fixation ......-....,.,,,,..,,,..,,,,,-.,,..,,..........,,,,.,,....,............,,. ....... ..- . ... .. ..-..... ..- 83 ,.83 87 -8? 89 .l 8 Ud.mi.dlirr'utlrVr:r" Anlinnr.,bral A.n.r)... .... .... I08 109 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wodd lik to exp!63 ny graliiud€ lo all those tho Srve n€ lh. posibilily lo onpl.r. |}ii th6is. I wt to rhat ih€ D.plrtndt of Applicd Chmist y, Univ6ity ofKd.chi md to hy suprisor Pet Dr, Sy.d hhnl Ali for giving mc adnisiod to @@oe this lhsiq to do th. nesary rGe.rcb *orl dd to uc depdtn€olrl I nlilituoE to thlDl with d..! inddt€d to ny @supdvisr Pbi Dr, Khalid M, Kbm who gave ne opponunity for @llaboralion work viih H. E. ,1. Rs@h lBritute of Chdistry,Int rnational Cmt* for Ch.micd ed Biologic.l Scid6, Univ6ity of Kdachi ed 6@umged Dc all th. tine ro 80 facilitiB. I d hlve dso thanttul to Madan Rahid. dd s@@Cddi hclp€d n€ in dl th. rdd wh6e h.lp, slimdrlha sSeetio$ tin ofEerch 6d for niting ofhis th6is. Keni ChliAmon of Dcpaftnot of Applied Ch@isty, Univ6i9 of KEE hi for ![ th.i. hGlp, swpon, interGt dd ralulblc hinls. I m ale rhultul b Dr. Bilal Hat@, Meaga Appli@tion I also wet to lhank io Dr- Mehdi H4@ Dflelopn€nl in Claier Patiste Ltd. Mr. Mohmad M6 O@f Altu, P. S. O. of Tdtile Divisio! K@chi Pakiskn for labontory t61s. Di Shoaib !r Alm PCSIR aif, Alm€d, P, S. O, & Llto6tori6 Conplcx Principl€ of S. M. A. Rizvi Tqtile lulitule for providins dy€ins facilili6. MB. Mo62zam Qds Nlqvi, Diretor Tel'dclt at Fdid Alncd V.sda & Co. X@c,bi, P3listd fo. f.sttr* i6! md old meffid. D.. ZaId-tJl E.q Qdmi fm rrovidina f.cilitiB for QSAR snldies in Dr. P&jwei c6to for MoleulE Mcdicift & Drug R6eh, Iridltion4l Cdter for Cbdicd &il BioloSicrl Scid6, Univdity of K@hi, I d d€clly oblised lo my fmily for lovo, pnyft ed E al help in difficult dmB. Esldidly, I wodd lit€ to girc hy sIeial tharLs to my huband wboe p.liot, sulpon ed Iorc he lo @6pletc thk wo*. I m griefirl ro oy lidr for pmying s lol fd @mpl.tion oflhis work. BIOCRAPIIY w.t bdi itr K.t clti. P*iste. shc D$cd hct ss.C, tDn F zlu Rchne S€coddary sdt@l .nd H. s. c- ion Govomd Karli Co[e8. fd Wobo. Sh. got hs Hotur's d Ma3ta's d.8c Aom Deahot of chmktrv' Sitdn RNhid Mmlgcr ?inting & Qudny conLol h Al'Abid Silk Milb ltd joincd Nalslbddi Indshi6 Pvt. t l4T€ Diretor Afta fik sh. ercd a. visiiinS fiolty .t S. M. A Riai Tqtil. hsritut€. Did . PdtnEsbip in Pro6sing tt Sh€ qo*ed s Hilal DyonS P!t. Lld. Ale wdlcd 6 a prcc€lsi.S h..d in Esstd Tqtjl. PrI Ltd Fdnll.d thc oppoduity giva by N. E, D. Utlvdsitv of Engjn@in8 & T€clnoloev K@dri s ! vi3iting l*t@. She got qtrcll.d tu M. PhiV PhD PFg@ in D@drridi of Appli€d chdist y UniGitv of K.t!.!i &d tw{Bfilv omPlcLd II Lbt of Trbl€i for Chrp&r Ore T}liclt Composition of Prw Cotion ....-.....--....-.,,....,,...............-.......-..........-,,.. l0 6s Color in O.Cadc Dy6.....--...,.,,,...,,... i 5 .......-..,........,. 16 Dys Cat.goria,,....,,,........,-...... W.v.lmgtn of Lieht Aberltion Diff@t Stages of Dyeing for cotlon ,..,,,...,,...,,...-......,.....,,,,...,,................. .,, 22 P@tageDstnbutionotchmic.lCl6esinRac,tircDttltuc5610r. .. 26 Iopo.lot R@clire D'€ S,sten with Tt?icd Btud Nrs. .-...... ...-..- .. 30 c.m@ial Rodivc DFs wilh lteir Bdd Nd6 ..-- ,...,....-.....-....,..-..... RorgdizdionofcoloMiMdufelwInd6try..........-...,..- . . . 31 ...... 32 Lbt ofTrbl€s for Cbpter Two Amnatic Anin.Uscd in Synlhdh Didin€ ofRqciiveDyd. .,,,.. .. , ,....52 Bridgjng C@po.ats for lhc Slnrh6t ofrE MCT Dlts ... . 55 tmdaMd,AberbdetdMoldtbsrylittyof Svlth6i2€dDv6. .. . 62 Baic Inio@ation of SFth€iz.d Dy.''.--'--''..----'---'..''---''..'-''---''..' 63 PuiiyDah wi0rof MainP€akAr@wise ... . --..--'.,..'---_-_-- 70 Llst of Tsbtes for ChiPter Thr€€ Toblel: St€pbysi@ Dtling . P Tabb2: Sp€fophotm.tic valu6 in D65. l0D.8 Obs.fl4. T!ble3: tmd! Md. with % ---''-_-'..'-_ 84 .... ,. ...- - " " 86 Exha$tio - - .. .. .... Tabl€-5 | R6ults of Vdiou Fdlrlss PoFni.s of Dya ... . ..- ,. ... - " " Tsble6: Presot Red Rdctivc Dy€ StrucM with lh. Abetltivity .. Tablc4r l-Md. of Fabdc with P@n1 rixsion ... TabteT: Actusl dd Predicted Absorytivity of R€d Toilila stdTgl Sds...-.,,.-..... -- R4ive DF wilh Rdidual " - -- 88 89 "93 __ 96 of -- -" 98 Ill ListofTrbles for Chrptcr Four Tablcl: Statistical R6ulb for Rcd Ra.livc Dtls€d by Comfs Analrsis., l2r activitlc@ Posidve Bacldia)..'-'.-'-.'-.............. 125 Table3 | lnvito Antib.clgial activity (Grs Ncgalivc Bacha)....-.........-....... .... 126 T.ble 4:Invitro tutitunsl aclivity (Zonc of idribition in m)...........................-...127 Tabl€-2: Iwiho Andbactdial rv Llst of Figures of Ch.pter Two ChMErogM of 5..._............_--.._'..-_.-'..-'.--.,........._..,,,.......... 04 Fi8uF2: HPra ChFDalogram of5b........................'-__,.'-.-................................... 65 !i8@t: HPLC Fig@3: HPL ChmatogrlD Figlc4: HPLC of5..,,.._...._.......__......,,,,._...............,....,,,..____......,,,........6j chrmrrogrm of5d......_.........''...'-,.*..'...'-............................._..... 66 Fig@5: HPI,C ChDmatosrrs otSf..._...._......__.......,,,.............._.,,......,,........._.,,,,......_... 66 HPlr Chromarogian of5g................._............................................................ 67 Fig@7:HPtCChmlrogmof5!.....__.....,.,,..____..-''...'.,--_. .__...-'---''.__67 Fisur€ 6: Figucs; HPLC Chrcmtosm of 5t................_.._'..-'--_-'-................................... 68 Figuc9: HPra ChDbatorm ofSj .................................................__....__......_....._....__.. 68 Iis@10: Hlrc Clrmalo8lm of !k.....................-.....-'-.._'-''.._,.._................... 6e FigFl || FigFl2r HPL Chlmllogtu HPI.C Clromarognn of 5n ......,......-'-__-_..'--_............................_.... ?o Liit Figucl: of St......._......--'.....'---..---,''.........,,....._.....,,,........ 69 of Figure3 St€p by S&p Dycing ofchrpt r Thee prc _..,,..,,...._,,,,.,,.......... 84 FiguF2: Siruclurd Alieff|cnr ofAltR€d Racrivc DF by rh. Dlllbe Atitmat Mcrhod Usi.g iL€ Most Activ€ Cmp@nd 6t B T€mptate. ......,,,,,........,,,,,._.....,,,,.,,..._., 95 List ofl.tgur6 ofchapter Four Fig@r: (r Dd b).................... ...........--.....__............... r23 Lfut of ..hcmc! ofchrpter Two Schdal .................................. ......_.............................. 50 Schde2r Syrth6isofCouplingCdpondcl.........................._... .........'.-'.---..5l schd.-3: Di@tizltio! ofArot!!d. Ani!. (.-t................................................._....... 5t scbd|c4: DF Fomrlid Re.tio! ( a."af) ..._......................................._...................... 53 Li{ ofr.h.[€ ofch.pter Forr Scbdcl: Wo* Flw SdaF fo. CoMFr{ Mod.|ing.........._....._...._-.....,,....,,...,..._...._. 120 JuITTMATV For @loaiion purpos nw d,6 @ dtumds of icw fibric, !dm6 ed co.rinuouly beine da€top.d io m..r rhe in drlins &d printing equipn€lr, Th€ wilh envirermdq wolkqs. md 'Ite nost rffii rq of iheF lMr iepl'.ddts cm be on th. ls*scd hy rchmlosy, e e.i.rcd ro ov€rcon. drc sqioN @vibmmral @nefu wlicb distila dt6. !s tqlit. wirh s.cior in rctation onpding thm with similr tehiological oni.ibution io icxtil6 is ih€ dwelopmdi of @ctive dy6. Racriv. dt6 e subst61c. Usu.lly bondina @lo.€d cooFud. whi.[ fom @rd@r occ6 betv@ -A, -C bonds with d -t .ton ofde dt! &d O, ,N, -S olon ofthe substr e, Rdctive Azo dtrs conprb. of8o % ofallr€lctiv. dye,In ow F€@l study we have The dqivaliv€s of ef€.t of dimiDc @llulose exdi!€d !w groups of r€acrive reds of procion H-E q?e. l-amino,8,hydrexy naphthalde 3, 6{isubhonic 6cid md the degq of dyc dnaudor snd dt! bondiig wirh fib€6. Thc lppli@tion ed fst!6 t6ts 6ied our of rh6. dy6 @ bridge on the Raclivo dFt wcl! pr.p&€d Aom cj@uc cdo.ide (r-hino, S.hldbry mrhthalaq 3-6{isulphonic rcid) by prfomins @ndos*ion, diaarizstio4 activalion ed olpline r€acrion. Tle g€idat sttuctuat fom a is giv6 below: and H-acid /cl cl\ IK NsOrS FN \'*5"d&1"-' - sorNa N3OrS 'sorNa Alr-(monocl oreitiuinc R€lctive dye ) Wlqe Ar represdis six ditrnmi arcmatic amin6 while DA is thfte sl€dcd di@inobridging moieti6, with diflddlt @mbiBtios oflr ed DA, tbinm trfl d,€ @ srrih€siz€d, Then lpllic{lion o! coti@ falric is don€ by <rluust mdnod with dtroll.d lw€linA !g@1, which infl@e lddidon of s6l! rnd sod! to hdc a rhe @lor stldy oo cuhs. @ b. .ll' Ba of wiih addiri@ ofdy olhd .hdical dyeing wittDur artditi@ vIl Th. mlorincttic proFnies and f6t s of ti$e d!€: n.smd- Tbc influcnc oI dimine bddg. joinine two clulDoplor. systetus from dF dye baih and ws qdincd. The prepar€d d tlE dcg@ of dle dy6 exbibirr vc4, good dy. c$rution tro}!r!€s whd epplied to the Mtcrial spsidly ellulosic, plovid. !m!s rcd to blDis!- dyei4hlvins g@d tuh6 FoFni.s ad they chra.teiiz€d by tid wala elulility du. to 0!e pr.soc of n&y sdls foming goups. This nak6 it rcd a po$ible to clrry out dy€ing pm*s with d4r66 ont€ri in rlE dyc efl@rs Th. tyle of dihine dd @.rgy @sr $ a b'ids. dyc a low liquor ralio euch which joirs tvo chroboplor€ sysrfts da$ 15, whictr uld sisDifi@t illluoce oo the a dyc rfllnily to ceuulose 6bm. 4,4Urs-disminoslilbqe 22,-disubh@ic acid, l;3- phay'oe dimin€, l-4 Phdyld. itiMinc applied to c.Uul6e bd.vior diffue G bridg. which is ued fibs rc pnctiqtly @olbed qMhtative tnomr, It du€ to lhe ft d..llot foud q wilh bddcins slou!. thd by.6rrl.!r ne dy6 bonit in inq@s ircMs ihe dye.$njly to.elulosc fib6. Th.i. sbbility thal the in wsIq dlc lo d€gr* ofdy€ bondinS with inccs.d nuld the fiber of SO, gD!F, whjch in tt!. 6ily in lh€ fib6 to giE bertd nigRtion e.t tq.lir& O@d buitd-lp, €xbauslion ed fixation s. fouod b6t for dycirg eldoric fibs. The @ctivity of dys with rhe elutoe fbs dep.!d! uton the pbcioch@icd pop€nie $at e ruled by paniodd fqruG of fte mot@b The r.cenr @n@p! called lh€ lisedj€c€flor @ncelt hs bed inrldu@d which h th€ bindiry panm of thc t@fv. dr Nirh cellulo* fibd. r. $c 1bc dim@ioDl r-bnique qls 0pplied io pre$nt sMy, the qudtitzrive stiucnr lropcry ntsdoBtip (3D_QspR) study the ..d r.3ctire dyd inidacliom w h th. @llulos€ by the Conpdative Molddd Ficld halrsi, (CoMFA) aellod. This l€chliquc w6 su*srtuly ulitize<t to tul€st a sladflst Eodcl. Thc pr.did.d hodet Imlid* qui& $tisfa.tory sbristical tslts &d i! th. tight of th€s, ii pes hnlq aeined. Iunlmore, lhc g!.!hjcd conclBiou i.., co ou baps suppon !! to @mpr€hod the rfom patrm od to di.lstc tbe s1nrciual.hdS6 eith cp4t io rhc lb$rptivity. Additiorall *ler.d bod€l hs por.rrial b slpon in udasladilg th6 ch&.cr6isti6 of |]r€ erta!.l tqsi !e1, This apprcach my po$ibly b€ telptul lo 6teDds. n€w sctiv€ t!€ filal dy6 with isprcved rtrniry and Thjs pa!6 pr.s6rs-q@ritlrirc selativity for liie euutos fibd. stru<rlF*rivi9 rElatiolsbip (eSAR) EFdels for . sdiq of 26 ,ie(nolochlorchi@ine) dy.! for @llulos. fiba by cooldativ. vul nolecular field araljais. 'Ihe clc.imnic and stfucnrdl plopcniB ofthde drB wft cdsld€d Fir.tion cflcidcy is @ roled by tne Eost intoi&t hctor, which is th. "fibd shape f.ctof &d tlE study show rhrr noF plell srdctuG idd to luvc highd r{tnity for lLc c.llDiosic Eb6 4-4)ti il- 4s,t JL.lJ,z tL-n-b-.- 2tr: 1L,-.5 ots +- *r+ trr4t!rtr*.rr g,tir,.rL:l d..-G J $_lrJz!.+JJ,r d jt t,*L z:, lt- J rft--+,-,r',rrrr,-(j,!,+.-,f+;r.,z,J? r\,'t d'.t jt,-t!Fr 2. * J!tt-€ J-1"fr,J,rr, /5 us 11-z!.$)o)+j,S c) Jsr,tFlJ *!ir r|Jr:.' $-elJ or "-t .r,* t' Jsn,ne-, ;-o;+,+ J+* -4l<-c'qJS Ju,rr.+,q $'- .].-+t,t.:L I e--,.t rs -tt - o=l,rJ-tr.n, J-r!-4. o.N-, 4tvr-,rrr+r p rra,c, J !3rrt rr! F. olqr, J-.(r Ll,r'&j^. e-dirJ J-Li. rLr z, s{ J*<l!.C!q ol+}J.+rs i' J-L,.tP.dbr $E tp! 2 .r .F lLJIj ; S,qzo jfr-r.t J4Lr s-Jrrrt+q -rJur, _q xj+ t:i lg E zl.&, ^ jN, )-r)L&)dL lt elrrJJsojr.t gigrr Lt4r.trtt J"!n;i I zi, rL:.' r--rj s*ri rr sDlrzt uF, oL |' f.rr.nlq sJ.nrtJ!, sjirlj+-^,rri-l- | )!qrH ,t.Llrrt Jrli-y'D^r J-r! :-tt t jts,**'l'2+ z::f JL+trt(l-rdrir* s.jl! r r,dl$4r r'u,r LtJ"ZelJ G+ J- rr.!Jri sl.*.drEorabn ulJ*ud -2" Lt rr u- &i .r.i.3 s-Jr tt 2trit NaOrS ,iq|mocl oretrieift Ro.tiy. dyc ) x dramane- !-t.5ol)A ,ltulrl,lil-- !dj;-+_i^r JL+ r!j- SD\'ur j-J:6 eit FL, Jbrds u n'oa{ies ltst LJJ J.arr- rt Jr elh,t rr r zil j,3ts-o::: "i.')tt\rJ )\ E L-. oJ Av\S ri, d'rz.JjzrJ:L: Jr {rL 4t2ur.tJr tr ,t a eL.'-tt Aa z.- r,L)I-r" oL Jr tt {rJ(llr,jLl.r :,+ S ,t^'-+.:l h.<-n juir;rr€ Lr:St gVS z,-* 91 ,*.Jt!- J.nJ ,;z- -.'t- -4 t*r-- sJ .r,t-.-4.n, 2\t zj-+; lr,tLt 4--,5 eU J &-,;J ';!J!l"' J"r-r J.irz!t.,-i+r tJ -r,iJ J+ #u t u.j1j u+.r J (Jl&,2,Jlr,JzJ,t 1(r-,r dtL 2$t't 2\r;i ))-)-,L-A\,rJ .l-rl Lt-L-r-,.r uf ,ro.f 2\: z4,A*;-;, 21J-v.*,.4,.'\t! ftttS,C,--u,rl! z-.itc;^- u\s sp s/t- J.r{ &l*:i}'r |!.;!z-.:-r J,-"r .t-* a. qr Jrjr tt e*rai J ('K,4-1:s jt!+i-J C-{ ,J en J;j .e J s*rr J drni ol,i - I j.!, .;l, J.n,rl -++J .:.ulF ajlt^, )-t,J* 4 \rt)r ,t rr-u,7r:f :, 6 r or J./,r \J:B Jrr 2,r '., (FtL.r:JLf lrnf bis-r'.tzi Cf ,."r- -V Z+\un,tr'l\ z! ot,n JL*-l& 4-L+2, uf .-,J- *ljJ |.l-]!4rrl- jB- r o!r,+ uir .nr Jr2r+ lstJL.!!, rFJ jr}*Lf qt J\et zs {s .tn e.!r.l L," rF.r-f.c.!. z:" ZJ G,\Jr. t)t t tr.i--!,y'"!tz)itu- 2r+ 4tr 4"t z.- +rJ.!.ra.>J SIrr Ar €l.- S *l It stl3 J-rr-!r,:.,.. |J!rr2 !J+r_r.t.iL:r u? -_+; J rr*,1t ,rr1, 2*f tt^ "u;u z- jLl rt-.s a.,.' "f "f '# g! vfsG .rGJ .ll|*) .!, !t{, jrJt- zjJ -}J rt *r,!j-r )Jr (lrir J.E lt+rrrr!'r J J*,-Jo_rJ.,JLl (il3 sr,L! r- ' '|:;n CjBlrlljj-r. J -tL+ rrr Jr{ .F 'r-- .!rr(jJt+l{JJ,rrJL,drrtdrj, J-t :Jr-.i,$i-J,j-.-:{,j*lr:, ++- o.r !r--" rlrrru .=-.-,^ z- -. , J .,9iF ,t,\L,r. )\.. P Atf J"G.rtbindins C); z! a,* J6)u.Pt-i- J 1--t4i-t4t-- zaLrL-+Jlgard Jtr-! al )i .t\L- ;t CJ-1L-i.K) J-sz / li Gf i+ -.J.F "-F J-.:6 p^en .8- S ih )j j+- J-l-' \i'!-l9,lJu, u-r & u..2tt- d:,* CompaEtive Mole€ul Field z.- G\,'tt receptor corE€pt Lf !!,t PA- duS L.-l glr-l-r J(3DASPR) f ,ts ,:.-)N]€lysis{coMFA) a,- Jsleadtast model .rl+t+ +-tl lit JLr-l sr'.r,21f 6' r.+ 6 a 3v,..-r oL+Jl Jeu J !L F, -r+L:-- 6-.r JLr-l ,t -- {E s*it a* z! tLtl U.tLr .!-j- Lt.,.lu+,r,-:, J e. L. ':t 2t^--J 2j: '- y*:2, z1J..Jt--2 rJ :in u.r,rLcontour I rv"f 6t; '- o. 25 S; -d": - )\- I otr- o-.a- ,t:;ui ef J .l:r++ LFL- -* j^ J J-j jr,+ Jll-.!.-^;* ciil 6 ,t*4 a z! a,4t )i-)--Lt t - a F_,:.=+65,:* o-. u,+ 26bis z-,t +Vr €1- jer 3+.--- L{-r e-iu J.rF, J-',- j J,-L li *l;rr zf -)-r: J,L,irJJ;r'.- i,-+ -,t-- r? ltJ- rr ir';,- u-rt' - 1.a-;i F\onochlorotriazine) u4tt rl-tb 3;t- )5t g J uF, oL J r.t .JL--r ui u!-(osAR) -!r ! ,Jrr z- r! Jtfibs shape taciot , J.- it z.--- ,t J 'S,6 J E -.tL Gc. nLi 4 z!,..J )j]*.t aE-\ nL + L-.r$-,tr,{\s JtsS -a G|J-L;r ;:-t &) cJ-r d ,ur- / zJ xlt Chopter I General Considerdion Chapter Intoduction Tqiilc d is depend on l: to General Consideration T.rdla iepodlrt inregral p8n of fi€ afrodability. 11a1e fd millioN of p69le Th€ ou daily lift ftm ou baic adds ro tmity n€€d ro lu!ry, th. n tion's wealth tud provid6 s.ryic6 of teirile is to proted, provid. @nno'l hdvc ecial meding md phy idpondt rele i. veious turctions in all indutn6, Th. main p'rpo* of latile b clolhing *hich in hlm d@ed o! wioN faclos: clidtc md wethq, f6hion, availabl€ iahnology, oltutol requnmds, the @oMy, gmde! dd rge, in@De and mge of textilG aEihblc. A study of tdtile rh*foe uil6 clinalolog, chmislry, phFics, oeineaine. @onoii6 dd $ciology dd of eNe Teriil€ is thd @mnodity for which €!.rybody is mdsranding of tqtile nor only ale dryelop lh€ ability relet for ptupa to h.iliilr6 d inrelligat e uhm.t uq. €valu.ti@ of slmdads but disiinctish qu.lity in flbrie *ticlr in us. Texlile indust y is ve.y nultifsios wilh fibs pnrducrion of mtunl 6b6 Ample s tm (mle qitqi! ro it initi6l6 in aeri@lture sh 6 @tton, jute, nd !d olhd fibrcG silloom, in mining of ni.frls md neIab, in fo61ry of vood, in.ldiQl r€s.lrd 6d pDducrioc. Th6 these fibes @ lrqt€d inlo to make fabrics wilh th€ h.lp of diff@t proesd 'tmnrfling, IlE fab.i6 art tasfomed into lhc dd s nmely w€vin& kninile rnd stufis, which ofd sp@ific look ed p6fmee. Ili* clothi d a poducl g.t usd in wio6 induFi'l applistiotrs, appet ed lone fmislins. Th* with tuultiplyins cf€c1s mfthsdhed in sto6 ed tho eld. All $ov. n@tion€d fields @t grat @e opportuirid in rhd a t ldd who sde ilm r€quirc slcspopl€, Nron6, mq(nedis ndg6, snd oth6 pqeMd for the dalirg of t xtile good!, Wrile the produm of tb6. loducls ne.d but6 fm fabnc. d6i8r!6, tMa86 ftr productjoq s.Uds, .lc Th. neuhclu.d of t@ ard fabdc tr€.d €xpdico@d pople, The industry which ptu@sed th€ tatile ed which d*ls with tettilc 6!iB tiincd leMmel ir a Eious fid&. In drlditid to dl th* plmts, in {mins of shee!, olhd eiDals, md Chaph fields, hdk€ting 1.2.r &d adv€rtising sFcialis$ t l: Cencral Coasid.mtion de llso r€quired to !rcnoic re!.Ld Xiltodcd B.clgroud Sine 6ly Stonc Age ma had struggl€d a tor wirb . w€t, @td ed g6e.jty lllrl@plive clinate. He usd io have foughi rufi linutoB with rhe help of eimd stirs, tuB, md l*vs for @v€rirg whethd in th.L usl srate o, aftq .uttiq dd w'ra $d. Atlr fie Sronc Age rwo p.initire civiliatitu m bc s., The fBt foo h vho live on rh€ m€ar of hur.d minah nucd s parrimtul (father doniuted) fom of eciety ed .Drhd one n !g.i@tl!E pDdlc.d mlEieh.t (morbe dminaled) society. Unlilc het6 Natual fb6 pl&res, a 6ird rype of eonoDy rlDr of nmads ddse4 pho wft not lsqt to hunt minals, but like to ttne thm. Itey spMd thbuehout from Eat€m Asi. to Nonh@ Atica dd Cdaal Ewp€. Tney invmled tdrs &d qrpcts. and 6p4ially fton pldrs of best fib6 (fld, ju&, erc) providcd !t hitsl slag. of ne, ! mlc.iat phich fom fabris ,ftd pllNi.g e ldveed s|ag€ of W@ving is tb. mosl imporht dis@vdy attci naking of ym,hich in tuft requircd for d.vclopodr ofncrhods ofotding ro rh. fibd and falnc t3l. Cohon wa problbly groM at MetriSarh alout 7000 yess sgo. Actual pie3 of cloii e@ foud alt{ched to ihe lid of a silvr vase dd sone coppq objecls at *Chwr:lmhtMo, sr.Lt rbaDd. E ridg.t#cd{ (-d n ri,'r"S ddd.l&rd Dlr.onry ofdr Gloy'bS o,H{ (&,i $) ',q, (6oES6100 re{o) 12,0m t000 r,6 ry) d.oftd ft' dlt h O. R.o& EDdE (rto{r2ooo 8.?Gdf- .C.S|.do H!r! lfr 6c r&. h 6. t!d!r!r orfihi. (sch.!t+D Flc(aadd..r-b.l)-,'/ t!@ 'rw r!r. .ro, Draldd ro 6d|! d soodr -r.b qe-ilhi|c-b 8.1-'t EFc of f ifi. Cqsdd, Chaptet 1.2, Kbd! l: Generul Coksideration offib..t It i5 cilla spu (ttlisi.d) y.n d dh.tty cmprlls€d into fabdc. And ps3ilg rhrougi mny stasca of civiliaiiod this ficld b!! !un@u kin& of nb.r! (Sch.r;2). ftc bsic inio bowlcdge of which is d.!irau. io ctse dst wiLh filnher Fse$i!8 TE"!$TLE NEEXS I Schcb.-2 Kitds ofPibq Chapter r.2J l: Cenenl Consideruion C.[rldi. Flb.E c.llulGic nbe6 ac ilos. whicL @Bi$ of cettulo*, &o ,E origitr. Coito! is rh€ @jor $ue of ellulo6. *hich h8 IMy a: good db$!boc/, comfodable soft hdd, bE4hing pbpeny, rration, prilts v.ll, n!.hjn., dly cle&.ble, dEF, dd s.w TIF biggst culrivarioN of cotlon @b b€ foud i! Cbin4 lldia, USA, Ee).t, Elst m Eurcpc, Sudo ad p*isran [5]. Coftod fiber grc*rb hs fou bioch€,nicd dd clroloSical phs, t6l. Seordrry Wdl Ifi_.! S.h.u6! DaF post A!rh6i! h !he. on. rhc lha|olic ,r!rh6h sraiis with @brg.Eat or let@lus dd fomdion of nerhyl sr.rificd p€ti!, I! p}!. tro sr!rh6* of p€.riD, dwin 4d xylogllcm slarts yith nuct@lus dimindion. Wl le nerhyl-esLrined pe$n geLs Chao@ l: GeEral Considerution r! pha are cdlulc rydtdir n ttr siti d6qr h Kr ed ubrc. A{dc 8d ndi.d !o srtuiz. in It* b.l od b! fotrd hi8! Fqidr& dn ity. l.3J Ply.i..l .an.a.rc Th. rd @nm is digild.d A6 &. Anbic ligwe. Tt !! n tu F@u.ed s quE, hro, qllm .ra Cocd 6t6 shid oh.ird A6 r pbrt i3 .d€gdiz€d a cd ctud, e[ul@. m@..[uLr, ad dlplc Itrcr A 6noo fbd coryrlB of . a Bnod ctdicb, fibcr (lh@l). Pld FiE, s[, leey ea[, ed a hlm (fir.c2). C.Urrlc p@.d.9. id cdo fiDd i! mDd 95%. Tb. rn of lte 5% d.t6 tu waxca, sdd. GLdt!{|!, ed litog@u odq, *ii.h @ @ioly pbc.d b l[. Fin ry *al 8rd 3d. i! t!. lun(i. It5r-l C!o6 S.dlnof [.]&r! Clitoo Fit . Chotlt?r Conon fibd hs mtur.l I C rorations calLd convolutiols eQl Const.te tion thrcud thc tull lenrth of lhc tbs. Vho tu nb.B spun the ye, convolutions h€lp 10 intcd@k then strolgly. 'fte nmb€r of dvobiiois 'npcl inch is about 300 fd lons iibe$ and for shon fibds rntxi,nu 200. Sccondary *dt also @hrris€s of librils ihd erc oigeircd 8Pi$lly md inrcN i! direlion a! @nsi$.nt intcryals (FiguF3). The inv6. spilds bcienl lhe @tton fib.r lo hlve bcn r clanicity ed rwisl blt lbout 15-30% EEke n qeld in rtrErldrlltotnE Agrrc3 Re!q* The LnSilr ollhe colton libd giv€s to SPiDI $c fib.r it! ofcono! Fibd lild.s od sb.ngth. Coltm fibeu Phvtic.l sttucture of@tlon is divisible in five nlin pans ia ld8ilL tyPicd patt!, convolulios' ftntus ed color' L'!s!t in d€snption of cotton qu.lity, lhe longq the lei8th of pla's th€ mosl inponmt v&y in lensths fiom 1,4 inch !o 2 irchq ftc Pan dton fibd lh. stlongq siU bc tic prcd@d yam t7l. 3truciu.. ol @do! A cotton fiber appcs in nicospic otb.Naion s tegoh fine 6b€i lts 1681h v&i* Aon about 1.0 cn to 65 cD, codilionat upot lhc fit'r quditv laglh lo bGldth dlio for bsn qlality of @tlon 6b.t fo! tla shor&sl ed c@F on Th. nlio fibq srobe spu into {hit ym vdis iod is di@dv Plolortlonal N0tur6l .olor for cotto! to ninbL tar dependins on thc soil aboul 6000t b ' to almosl 350: I 0E asn* for Iib'B vdica in @lor tsn ofl- ed climaL t8l Chaptet 1: Genenl Cohsiderutio" 1.3.2 Ch.nicll St ucture tE of.[ pLd *nib $. ccllulos Ftqtrge in @not is 909/0 whil. 4F50% in vood. Tl| oton polymq is ! linca, 4lluloe polyma .td . e orydic dreoud wilh i!. fomula (C6HoOrL a polyscchdidc compdsiig of a liIE of . nMbd of bundrld ro abo* or Nond Eo rboMd Al--4) lintcd of D-turhydbglEGpltep uitr (AG?u) t9l. Ccflulo* is by 3l% [ I -o HOH ,** l,i-\r- I/OH lll-:l LI \ i\r / L HoH I cH20E rbJle-4 Ccuobioe Unit ofc€Uuld. elobio* (llgrrE-{), rtic! ! FFll ui! ofihe pol}mr @sislinS of moahous ud crystauile Fgjon (Fig!Gs). Il3 clystallirc ponion i! abo 65-?00/0 wbne dorylbB rSion is dout 3G35% [E, loj. rh@foE, t[. @oon ldr16 a l1s dind is *€ll odcntcd ed pqhcps no nlnhd is apan ths 0.5 nn\ in rh. c.ysLllinc r€sioN. TIl€ ofm!oo.. is €stinli.d 6 d.g@ $dich is di@{y popqlion l to lh! !tog$ offibq. polrbd lagth in rcldion ofpolymdization, D. P- 'IlE OB groups at .ach .nd ot UE c.Uulo$ chah h!rc dissiBilu pctfo@&cc. Th. c!bo! onc (C-l) cnd hls rldudivc prepeni.s, 4) of.ndins stucose unil k non{nlEing in dlhoud OlIgDup Dtrc [ l]. 0t crbotr fou (C- Chaptet l: General Corsderation 133 Ch.diql Prcp.rd6 ofcotto! dviommt in walq ed in conqrrat d $lurios ofcen in &id$ elrs dd bM. Th. swelling cE6t is ulally ouibur€d ro Io hich hmidity @tton swclk, also the eQtion of highly hydEt€d iof,s, Tbe noistuF absoDtim is by cold or hol dilde 10 ?-8%, It is atracked @rqtzted &id elutioB. Hyd@ellulos @ prcduc€d d@ rcid hydmlysis. We.l .r!d @ld acids do noi aff@i it. Th. cdlulos fibqs show good r€sislrne io alkdin€ $lutions, Only th@ @mpl€ Oie exdple h cuptuoniM (s€hw€ilzd's G.8ot) coppq wo onpld6- e f.w solvors lbfi hrdmxide ud dislv. @llon cupnelhylo€dimine Ir lhows good silbility rosdtls stoigly ldrpennE id the sbme ofoxygd. Alihough il is very stuitive towards nindd ei.Ls which act 6 oialyst in th€ hydroltsh of th€ bonds bct*h gl@s hits wtich EUlb in dcpolFriation. alkalinc elutions !t hi€h Degldaiion oI 6hon is 8ctrqdly rEaeditcd to hdroltsis, ttps ox .tior or bolL Two of oxy-*Uulose @ry due to oxidation of cellulose dep@diry on 0le situatio., in which rh€ orid.rion tat6 pl@ 021. Alttlugh, cotto celluloa is 3 polyaldhol but srrons hydroscn bondins do not polynq Doldl€s, wm in the bMk 6ily w!td. b.tvea hrdroxyl ln @tity wlra do* not .ryslallin.. @mplct struclw but p.ncbt€ inro th€ 6bols Ae!obll[:l&! I ercups c.."r". ad oradj@r ald in th€ morphous rgions r'* | **qt oo of Chaptet As wacl tum ndc hydssd bonds wilh irqt!.s tE fibs.E68lh hydDxyl { als greupG ofditr Etrl G6 pritury OH bonding is te Ceherul Cowiderolion elluloe hldrexyl 031. This fa.t is cxpbined by thc poliMitics, atG2 prcst l: wbich ereups, which in p!!g@ &d C-3 s!.ordlty O}fis foffi itrrou of thE PE$ vnik i!1d &d iatra-moleuhd hydregc! Il4l. r3.4 PrcD.ntio! of Cotto! Ilaw conon is mpo$d ofadditiolal pulFs. of icxlile prBing lhe @mporols (I'blcl) @npon nls ml|n t!. e BeB. Th. sequ@. of diff@lt T.blFl TyDic5i Cooposition of be !o Srow s Plml bul for Emord to ndc it ur.tul for (fk!F6) ro pEpde @fotr is Rr* Coion 86.E 0.7 t.0 0.5 1,2 l-0 6.8 2,0 ln $!e prFrr..tncnt pbes @usic *tlich tuncnoB s of corbn dalctials, th.y !@ boilcd with elutions of lo dulsiry rqca wlil. fds dd PtotliDr gct hldoD%' dd etubiliz. nincnl sslls. NoH.Iolosic clibohtdnt s of 163 nole' a Fislt @ de Senilg mv.d. Aldosi 7% wight lN occEcd duils $is t dtrnr ftoE colton. Ble.chitrs t!@ves the natudl is kloM 6 souirs and bl.dhine y.llowth color of @dod Alka,li boilins ehich coolirually inclrd6 $nc desrcc of ccllulos l0 Chatlter oridatioD, nducing l: Generul Cahsidention th! svmgc hol@ule *.ighr oI0E polpc. 0ll. Anothd isportalt p@css ir cofton prcpdntion b M@riation, lmess h which eslic solulion i! .pplied uda te6ion, ut l most of thc NaOH had b.d wdhed olt atq th€ rr€.llnol no sbdnkagc @urnd dd thc nb.6 devdopcd a! ailnclivc lNr.r. Duing th. prd6s, .rte!9tio! of NdOH M.Mrialion by i!..onotr ercup€ ard is the fibcrs clrs.s acidic dksociation of a sisnificdl nMbcr of hvdrcxvl eith the llelp of X-ny difiirclion tectflquc qyslalline sfirclue appclr [151. In lo* i1 b fobd our ch4ge in @nc.nttdi@ of .ll@li mud 5%, the atuctlt ofcotron ed s th. concdhalion of NaOH inc..!res, the nmbq of ML. bol6ul6 pd nola'n' of akdi cdwd for th€ fodation stulld hvdrat6. Thk Eduction in 1r di@&t of hydnicd dk li 6ctc it capable to !.letrate iBide lh. sEehlrc i' dimeilr ofhydFlcd ions s. very big to peictrate inio thc dolphoB ando. crys|.llirc Pqn of{lc c.tton fibd ll6l. A @Nidcoblc pFssw dc!€lops {ilhin the lib.u !s wter k dd lbsorb€d bv diftsio' ihe fibcr swells, c.usitrg to los. rhc ch@d.isric convolutions' Ancr Enoval of fihq adopb a m@h rcud't cos{'ction dd @mn hisher l6t r. Nowadlys m@d4tod k also pELdlh bdl$ merced&d a!6orb hiShd Pcrc€nlagc of dvca .d eira3 dcp sludls of dveing Whs lhc po6sr FquiB impro@nt in dy. sbititv onlv with m lsGI lh6 sni- the alkali by wshDs proce$, Lhe ne@dzalion ot clutisiation qih 15% ..utic so.ta is dicd out [17]' A I +-l Fi!lrhi!g rEurc{ Conob P'oc.sing ScqE cs lt Chapter 1: Geneftl Considerution t.3.5 Tte T.iilo Cbdn consh6 of variou stagcs to piodu. tl€ .nd uq lextiL pbdet olguF7} Convcnno lly atoud trc b.foE lhc Foc.dw b.gins qith fo@t! of th. tdAer Eodrct of scent &3isDs, cloilts, sh!d6 od th.l tuishee. It rld FisrF? fti6. 31.!6 ir t TcniL Chain ll8l t2 Chaprer 1.4 l: Aenerul Contideratian Dy.iry l.4J D.fililion ! FoccdN to male ey ma&rial @loEd wirh dye s,lich hs lo be ltllll@nl io $m deec. Irs p€fr!|rmy @lq it of highd valE itld shiniDg 091. 'ft. drr ch@brized as, it should be @nalic oBeic cdpomd which Dyeing is posss color wirh .ffiniry iowrd! th. sub.ltr& @ ltich n hE io b. applicd [20]. 1.42 Color Cold i! csrial ro n &e nl|tm qiltcM nN cbmins, iddiryins and feinaljrS oo th. Earlh. It h s$ocial€d qih cmri@s *ens el.bnrionr .nd w* Eqrd|!|M! in ou dlily lift. fte impoi.@ of colc k .l$ .nlrlcad by oloDrrio. of Ere in vhich v. jrds. tE quality of food d siih 6c fishBs of m..t, vcg.tlbl6 ad frlit by the Mghtn $ of lh.n ob. while ddlnN d.!qib6 r,t aged nal. ial. Alllowh th. p'4o* of @ld ir mi y d.contile blrl ir is.le urilte lo @@uiq& 6s.ii.l infomtio4 qaDple of thd.rc €l@t crbl6 @dd with 6l0ls and G4 relN ald gta td6c liCts t 2ll. Color ce b. <lefh.d i! tbt tuin l@r i. bE, r.lunrio {d valc or lightK (HSV or HSL) (Fig!ft{) 1221. 'Irt. dc mb lechniqes i4 c ilere io giv. @lor 10 dy @ is tttough s|ining wh€E .olor *irr Lqkmily, nMb.r tm i! pigDotdion in ihis olor did @ly al tbc lubslrdc 3uhe nmbcr of the ndcrial by qd!16 of this is, m.u of nx*iv. rt lc 0E fiid phenod€i, is yhdE the color FI'|I,I|*Y of loh, nEdim or valw 1231. Cer higbd FigrbS HSV Cylirder l3 Chapter 1: Aenenl Co6idention color is d@ io lidi ehich hls a b@d sDecEun of 'ldi.tioN in which tbe isiblc sp@tM @Bisb ot radialiod ww.lqglh! b€tr€er q4roxinalely 35F780 m (ns!Fe) 124251. wsv.l.nqtn ntlc9 r.4.3 n nlnom.t€f s visibl. Sp€fln Lilil A lighl m b. chaterized by !|t.a of mrey, wrclcngth ad tlqeey dd il @nmdy mtu@ in mon€l€r (M). Ttu rclationship of tl*s. t€tu b lhlr nlqency is diF{y Foponionat lo 6dgj' &d lhcy e irvq!.ly ro Mrcl.ngth. eMple 6 lt m b. explain with 1h. Irlp of mrdogth (40G a20 M) h6s bighd 6€rs' t26i. tlqiis's di.strD (FlguFlo) illusiraring the conpositiu of nix.d hrc p.rceptioN fim ihe 6iquc hB l@t d o! violct colo. at slFrtq rtlFloHcritr8l Diagm r.a.{ Bui! fo. Color h Dy€ oM olou unlike lh. olhq org$ic cmpou& for th€ [rst reaon 0Dt dEy .berb lighr h thc visible ds. (3EG750 M), *cod t thrr thcy have at minimm m @lou-bding group ttum a chsmolhoE, third tlsn is |}n iLy nusr h.w a co.jugated amgd€4 itr siich doubl. dd sinsle bonds e in alt€matins Dy€s Chaptet l: CeneEl Consideration s 3Lbilizing fo@ in oteeic coopotln&. EM, if . sin8lc fatule is missiag filn lh. molq.dd fmtion th€ colow will bi vsish.d. ID mdst of the dyca au@hrom€s de Ps.!t *iih is {rat Uey show r.ena@ of eletoB, thrt behav. oboxylic ecid tnd hvdrctvl ioB- Al$oud rh'F thc sl*de of the sreups e rcl cpoBible for 6lou bul tEir cxistcle o .hdee d}! qbiL their min turciid is to inprcve lolubilitv [28]. Trbl€'2 sho\ts itt€ corcladon ofEbso$ed and visiblo Mvdcrstr tl3, 291 chmnophorc ..4 sultotric .cid, TtblF2 Vsvelength ofliSltt AbsoFdon velss Color in orgsic Dv6 Light ,bmrb.d by lh.E terld 400-440 4354E0 Blc 480490 R.d 490-500 500-560 560{'d 5EG595 Ble 595-505 Gr..n-Ble 605.?00 Rcd l5 Chaprer l.aj Clrtdlhrtio! Dyq @ b. of L Cenerul Considerction ltra c{.todud by fouowiog M}! T.bL4 T.blFr Dy6 C{.sdi6 Non-Ioric, Cdionic Dyc .bilitt of fbcr ed An-ioaic C.Udoliq Plot ia \v@L Poly6i.r dc Aci4 Dinc! Dkp6., Rt .ri!!, Bsic.ra Ato, AathnCuim!., Stilb6. oliEi! R.4Cc4Bhl lr.5 Dlr Cts|ncdlD! A.coritbg th. t*o erin €t 8o.ica ofcololilg ao rhdr N.r. n|ll.r.E dFi dcfad i! th. bcgiDinS of rhi! chplc! .nd piguErs. ry6 c wi6lt 5Llady lddiridrt Fo!.ity s n ilbrtd b. lolubl. d dis?cBd ir rh. iolEnr ofdFing which i! ulurlly !l!r.r in tc ca of ltdila wlilc Digoor3 .r. th@ cokr coolo|ladr $tich @ mr lolubL in ed.r .!d D.d .n dhBiE r{i{li{y n, gc! boud wi$ l! ft6 (ngur$I) [30,3|]. Chapter r.4.5 CL$|fiqiioo olDy6 Dyca ce b€ d.goriz.d l: Generul Considerution TrbLn, by fotlowing mys TrbleJ Dys Cakgodes Noddq c.rionia ldA!;;fi Allulosic.?mbia Wool,polyestck/a ,a.ci4 DiEcl, Dis!e$c, Rcr.dv., B;E;; Ae, ADIbnquinoq Sdtb.E odSiN r.45 Dy. Ctalificrtion Acording to itei, llrc two Nlo6 din cd.gon$ of@lorilg baflq e dFs ed prgn@ts. Drq @ .tGady delined iD the bcgiuing of ihis cbaptcr with th. ld<tirion.l poperty ae ii should bc elubl€ or disFG.d in rhe elvenr of dr€io8 which is cutly wat r in the ce of texlilc. Vhilc pigD.nB e I!0$ @lo! on D@ds qtrich e lor solublc in w!r.. lrd ne€d e adhesive auxiliary io get bound wirh lI€ fibq (Figur._r l) t30, 3ll. l6 Chapter DtglFU L Cenetul Considerctioh Ctassitrcrdon ofDyc! Accudilg to N.m.s lb. id.lrific.tio! of dye TI|c Socidy of dr cotdtts joi ly wirh Aneicd tu$ciatioD of T.xtilc Ch.nilr ed Colori$ ns devclopcd ingenios 3rstco fo. dNifiod@ of dFs Kroh s Coto. h&x Nunbc6 (ct0. ft ct$if6 For d/$ by dud sysiem. Cotor b.tex gcn ric !a!E .Dd color i!(lcx coBriturion nubcls. An NiSnd nnbc. dcfc 6. clcnic.t cbrs &d rhc Sa.ric !n!6 id.Drig lle ulage of.plli@tion. ror cxmd. ,Modrrr bla.t l?, aa @ dy. aplricd as a rd No. | 7 i5 i! l[. tist typc. \'hilc turtq ooept. a, cr t 5{t 0 is i! dE tin of nonoazo dy$ (l l0oo- 19,999) [33, 3a]. t7 Ch'ptcr r.5 I C! net al Coisiderutio,l gilrotiql B.cksrluld In e&ly slagB of civilialion, tlr fien suoundioSs in rc@bluc. of mtrc which they obw. aioutrd th.m. It@foE ihe an of dycine is st n€d with hrDe civilizatioD, b @l rhcr! is m aidencc fourl ttat e!.D or how hllltN h!rc $aned b color lhcir dinab, qdls, vaporu, !d r[.it clorh! fq rh. putlos of idcntitlcation or baautincrion [351. Bul it is sui. thar i.itially color is peoplc u!.d lo ddotatc |!rd aon nnte a@idcnially by $b6nc @oking food a l hrnd got staircd vith thar or by sinins o! ircn-rich roil or duing the lainats litc ahap gFzrd dlong *itd shrubbeiy il€{. g.1 chanse of color with Iiuits juic.. Ancied !@ ued p@tically vcgctable dyes. Iruils lile b€Eics coloEd ma1&r s€rc @lLor.4 bono4 i|meBd, quing 6d knoM roola ed vaiou sorrs of and lhd cb6s .nd ldlite nd.dals \*!E in rh. nrn dycd produc!! 'ftis M rlc sy by *,lict rimy |w dy.stufs w.rc ayntbesizld. In $di$ic, ndy Mir€6 have contim€d ihe iifomalion of ovd on. tholsmd sourt s of dyes t361. Aj ine dycing indutry bccam. m imponld stor of bui!6! dycs g€r @Ep6r.d i! ffi of pmfirabitily whcrc rhcy id@dn d B b.tGr rLd othcr!, .nd $D. of rhcn ger teeiutc<t bciDg !$!. Natural dyes ued includ.d vegeilbI., oinut, dd nincral dyes. In 1856, St Villim Pdtin mdc d €nomoB disov.!, rhal cb6g.d ihc *orld dtling Fldc, He dsv4cd r[. @lo. !@v. by chde *bich lhe 6rsr syniheri€ dye B. He Ncd co.l new pdlhr in qle$ively ed |ar i! his n thod for rhc dy.in8 of thb n.w cotor ehich haiy ei€trritic devetopnetu md sd torlay rhe advdcd in syntFtic c.Btt dycs that de I31. l8 Chapter 1: Ceneftl Considerution r.5 Dy.bsTtdrt covls a wid ren.s of subjech es!.cially in rh. de6 of physical cheiiisty. Theorcticdly, 0F pirpoe is ro d.livq ! s€t of rheoi.s rh.1 Thc theory of dyeing cldifyh€F om&cc !c lble to L6.1 ThG This is of tugni?rd dycins F.tho&, with ttd h.lp of which oft pEdid thc rcw situaiion for ftw Foce$ [38]. Pbyli.Gch.blol tup.ct, &. pres whjch prcvides of ihe Dy€irg q@libtiv. und.^t$d low dy. noldcll€s pc@lla& inro rhe Proe$ .la1a nbq io whioh it is posible lo udsilrd ihis we dycilg m be sMied to 6d.BLnd .3 ir hA' surfacc !rca, diffulion layd Ed .let'ical In phrsico{hcDical apect th@ wld dyc is in solutior fo. e To 1391. sMy lhc aurf@ oflhe fbd. A texilc ftbcr duhg should @ double lay€r. fivc silgc5l dr€ilg WEn dy. omc closr lo diftEion layd When dye i! .lecFicd dorbL hy.r Wld dyc is Wh6 dyc is in the d sufacc fibd fiber for fixdio! alolg qilh @udanon. I! rclctiE, lixalion is ready 10 gct in hc chcniciuy wNle in othq ces il I A@Mulsdon of dy. in thc fibq stc.dy ptt)lA io gct adsorbed by me@ of phFical *iich p@s' also mcrtioncd which i5 golqn d by chonicai atr(l 6 "tute of dv.itg" is plrical FoFniB of I dve ,nd tber llong wifi condilions of dy. baLl wtich include dye @nceltration' elcctoltle @mna1io4 tcnp.6rN, Ed liqbr raiio. l9 l Chap@ t.6.2 TL Generul CotLtiderution S.X Ed.ct &d.ll fib6 utud prepcrty iltd wh.n n b *!n6d it get3 !.srrire chr8. *nich L ttFh a z.i. pot i.l. fti! ctdgc i!.!oug! io FFI CotLo @llulGic nlec a negldrely chrs€d dy. noleulc! which lubd of lulf@te gE|p3 is dirc.tly e.lE ro sulfoDte greupd (sorN6).-rhe FbFnion l io rotubility hn rh6 dy. b@@ nor. Fp€ucnt wirh fb.i sufa€. Oj oo oo o o figrFr2 Salr Eftct in DJ,.i!g oldqn tiii Flblco ett ! u..d io rU in dre botb $ lt ediu i@ Hrrlizc r.DpoElly rh. etE polaniat s rh. dye nol.cul. @ lpproach ro tE fibq io fom cord.d bold wirh tlstis dFi.g Gtl.Flt) t4ol. To )0 Crapter l: General Constderotion i.53 Dy. R.bnab! For ctEy tbich fh! iEld. OcE is 5 rpccift dr *ni.t d.iled dr $re iliariot tu6 ed V& da W.d, foB sit! ,otubitiry thc fon! tu th. .frliiy of a dr! which L@.d iooic, lydmg.n tondilg @gur.-!3). For a padicular ruhgrate ., $bst llilrly t{4. t *u @*@-@ .lt di6 Dipolr ntrFls 1,6.a to 6- 6+ 6- H)&!so-hodng lirr.rlilg Forc.€ CoDbo! Tahniqls ol Dy.ile omlfr.rtrilg pt!.G$6 oft xrit., dFiDe co bc dm. .. sry lrse i4 i! llc fotn of fib.r, rlra frbic o. gm.o!, d.ladhg on . cod of pro.6 ,rd requime ofrhc lrodtcr qu.lilr G.bL-4) It2l. Duing U. 2l Chapter Trbl.-4 Difeient I Genercl Co lideration Stagca of Dycing for Cotton n6trtrlolr rnd Dm$.ckr Mon@ y dy.irg n.thod Dtling ld8 b.foE t ginr 6id lh. nit of f$hioD chngii8. Hi8h p.rc.nLg. fih.r S@id n6r cody n t lhod DFing b.foE 5@r gia Mi4 in. rirk of fahion .h6gh& bll ls rh{ for rr@* Lidiad io gmc.l' of 3anplc t2 l: ChaDter 1.7 R4tiv. Dy.. Fib.r Itcse dre e cdor orgeic nwl@plilic goup6 ibpiortd s$ing o thai e coql.ol boad with hyd&xyl sDhi€ h ffir dy6 @ prcfcnbL !o 10 fm a daldt t doDi@t c@rribdi.s fd *it[ chss of R@drc ilt siryilg q/. @ld b.dB fm pspc6 1491. Mol€crde ih. @hr 1501. hrotu gcd uhrrn.fho,c c@hibutiDg for n.inly colo..nd ruhrst iviry [51]. Bridging group tbe stltm to lhc chrcm8m .nd .x.n3 sigrific&r inohc.s eriv. on r.erivity, st bitity ed rut lmrivity; RC = Reactive gmup witb S ralE !dd!d dy. mr only fibca Drd. of ellulos bul sko filGra B= a!.1 of it of sinsle or nuttipl. honds I4El. r.dssc.nd flc .I|F'* D@a s tte 0rio8r FquiE Moleulc of @lirc dr! i! coryo€ed of fouryins sro'p€. = bc.N . Frt q. fit ^( ^uohrcne ( bond wirh D[o6plFrcu atoo of E liw dy. n le a ofcellulos., .nim of polydilc or n MpiG sreup Ceboo id .ble chair5 wirhitr rh. fibq to f!rtr.35 t43,44J5,451- ft k ellulo* tib.i [44. of preteir $bdlMs Flym th! dyc for 'Ihe Generul Consideration lariq = Water solubilizin8 grouD such gMD a fffi olrldr bond *iih 6bc. *ni.[ .fr€.ts sulphonic eid atrach.d on lh. !ryl rings oflh. chDmoed t521. 27 Chdp'cr 1: Cenerul Conriderution Tbe wrd luohremc is deriv.d tuE .lxcitr s pFfix auo n !r! inc@$d dd cbrcne mems color so rh€ compter mtuin8 is color Au@hrcne also dBdib€d N @Iigrtor ed @lor modificB, ret!.ctiEly. aod rcnsli8.ror s ThF e electoN when bondcd witi ctuonophor. inc6s tj3l. iotrizing luochrcme gbups of aroB with no.-bonding cd shit ihc wav.Lngth and chans$ ihe htensiiy of 610r e.a -oH, -NH2, -NgCHr, -N(CHr)t, ddehyd* bul crml i,npan t!. color by itsctf to ey @np.ud. Dc lo this lt@n dso called s cotor hodifiG oisrFts)i541. H,N< >c< Frtu, :,r\: tl lhis is Padlosanilirc etich is NH, "''i"o6G't"' M€rhyl violcr ir fdtrd by rhc lddilion of fou nethyl grouls ed it! huc is N(CHrb ,",c1" .}-.-f\fi,cH.,, '\,) By rhe addidon or sB ndhyl srcups puplbh blrc dy. is foEEd which is hoM E crysrat viotcr T N(Cr{r, cr,crr" $c-$fi1cHr: -n '( ana addirion or *v.Drh mrhyl ercup m'tYl sr'cn dY' is fom'd N(CH3)3 FlSuFrs Chllgc of Color try Aur(o<lh@ Chrpt.t l: Generul Consideraion rt y @ fou typ6 . of3li0i hwtqgItr (rbqFl6): B.liocbroDic group€ e U@ Sroupe which ..Ne disphcdq of svcLngth in chrcrogo toeirds tongd wlength dw !o which &eF @Itr plodr, tbis 3hin in uEt@srl is Ltu€d s b.rh(h@ic alin or Ed in a& pdrE ), s@trdry .nd .b$rplion ditu sor4s . HyFNbFDlc soups cae hrTshmic o bl@ lhift. thb shia or rau.ry is a ,Iift of uELneth lrd tigha ftr&, ,,& stv€nt .fld. Eyp.ftnoLh .trc.1 is s iftBE in absorptid ir&8i9. short . . . fitpo.t|uic .ffer tu a a .korpri@ intdoity t551. t"l EI t;l H EO{' Fis!r+|5 Shin! iI Wrydogrl ed Absiptir 25 Chupter I GencrcL Consi.letutiok chrenoptoc @ntaininc cdFurd ir rnom 6 chDE%o (cteito. &cplo.). li is th. donatic strEtM coDrdining, etbn cn€, p.lylen o! !,ilg! t55,571. _N,CHr HlCN' ( FNiH, z) ColoEl6r (1) Chbhophor€ is b, (2) Uetulted lircrionat grcup rat .xlibii ctsrrcnic abeaiion i! W-Visibt. rcsioi [58]. fte colo, or hue of dyc is du.10 ctuoEoDhore CI$165). Th€F @ lw BF, ofn. Ind.pddor cbrohoploE i! t sirgt. chrodoplbE wiich qPalt. h k, prod@ olor e.g Nihoso goup, -NO, Aa glup _N=N_, ed orno sd pard qlinonoid @val.nily D.pelddt cl@Dophoc e rhos which rcqliF bon lb!tr on ctmhophor. to iEparl color i! chrcnoscn .& >C=O, >C-{1 groups ./.. Accionc is colorls !s it nes only one t tolic Sroup ed ao u.loiEd clccron bui diaetyl is y.ltow in @lor s tl hr5 tuo c.rtonyl grcuF a.d havilg rhF. upai€d clccr.oN whil. tikctoMid€ ori8ir thr wbonrt ercuDs is oEDs. ir @td blvile 6vc @p.iFd .l.crons l59l c!rcmophores c!! ale be chrh.&.i&d s n |,t coD$q chbEoph@ .d @njue.icd i,bond syst m ctuomopbor€, bur qplanalior need norc ..scdch T.blcs Md!lamptq AntnEq!in9nc _Eqdecydirc P.r Aa- rSG Dirribdo ofch.oical Ctas$ 90 2 l0 20 9 tl in Rc&r,vc Dyc H@ S.cbr t6 5 37 27 2 42 42 43 l5 1 l0 t I 26 Chapter 1: Ae"enl Considerction 1.7.4 Azo C|lronopboe ft. chsmoPhore coniaining dyes .re thc most inPon$t class' contributilg (rt8ur.'l?), and hlving b€ed rcs@ched @ Nud over 50% of all ndkciablc dyc! dy. Ae dy6 .otrtain at on. eo grcup or two (dia?r), thrc. (tieo), or morc s.ldom fou (tctakis@) or norc (Polv@) @ grouF. nlese dhplify the !a!i stuotural vdi6bili9 p6sibl. in e dvcs' maidv norc thm with ey lolye othd PrcF class of dys [42]. (}"Q) I -,o .. N( r c-rHr 9Hr >N" ")\.,41\/: c43 crs.oH >N. crlt oH ,*O^nefl. *<) Gv tnO"q sorH HOrS sqH C,)*n{ (r!""'i sqH 6 IiglGt? A& Dye! C. L Solvcnt Ycllow 14 (l), C Dispqs Blue (3), c. L Rcactirc Bom I (4), C, cred 26 I I Disp.ercd AcidBlack I 13(2),C (5),c l l Di@t (6) HalochF@sn in chrcnophoE wh.n a naterid 8d chsge in @lor a b. e.n in pH irdicaioB, lhdn bol4uld ati!* ulu.lly Tlis chEeldisli. cs stlu.he cbangps whd lh. pH of thc ,wuding cheged. EMPIe is phdotphtholeid a pH indicstor vhos. stuotw s.b chmgc on chagc of pH the pH ch&g€s, (I!$rcr8). 21 Chaoter l: General Cottsidention E2:12 Ga2 pH (D nguclE Hal@hremiu in Chrcdothoc l.z5 Bdddlg GruD d lintd grelp 'ilbdn*! cLd$o tld dE tEd of tlt doLtulc rb.Ffor. in lh. pt!.d. ofrtlrli lbc ldirs gtoP d.P.nt eid ! htdDsen id 16l i B.idsiq srurP I idancca l.ff lhc dfrtiy ofllF dy. e& NH d NMc. Rqcdv. Gm|lp Elerolhtlk E!.riE grelp6 t[.r @trlsb r nEkohgic lc.vi4 eroup e tb' tnlin cdloPrt in dF !!t!le lo nlc n tu to *!b bv gdiig b@d'd @cLddv eiu Tlt EdiE g10146 of diftild OF of !*irc dvd @!'i!' or differo cbdic.l tllEtuc dE lo rtic.b. *i& tu8. of tll.{ililis {! lhdq suD6t e [62t. 2E Chapter I: Gencrul Comiderction ct nRn or'^{nn/"' .$ *l{N,LNtu. (MTD (MCr) F cr "''ti^| Dyett|t\Nacl sl s, sr (DCT) DyeHN\r-'\rn t'Y\1"' "'\^\, oF-tl{*xar * 3. (rcP) (DFCP) @ca) NllR D€Ors.clrcH?OsOtt s? Drrols-ClFCH, N4r,l oyororll'""r d1co,x Sr Nico.i'yltiBr. tw Ni! clss! ,'e cold' @d bot{vcilgbt"lds I29l d o! lh. Fel.@ of how ddy IEbGB of t ldir.c Srouls in oF Dlc'ulc of <lr t' momtu!&dot l hsvilg oe i.!.iiE grow stilc ,t-fe1io!.I dv. is !NiDE two E!.tirc 8rc!p!. Thc sroup3 @uld bc ainilt (hono ,l"nedo!'l) q di$inild (he&m rFnNdoDll,imx.d ri-tulotiold) G.bleo 'IlEy csbc dBtibutsl ido 29 (r.lT) Chapter TrbL. 5 Rctrtiw Dy€ l: Generul Considercnon S}lrlo wilb T}?icd Brlnd N.d. BEld Sl 32 M0ooflDroLia?ie(MFT) 53 TdchloDlyriridi!. 64 Cl orcdmuor ndnidilc 55 Dicblooqujnoxdirc 36 Sulpharctbdsdpbotre s7 Sulphato.thylsulphonanidc St @cT) Monocbl@ti.zi!. (McT) Didnorcdein Ai@@@hlororieim) ,tddolonuorriei!.) ,i(moronic.riDoriaziexND [531 t!.e Dy.i!8Tdp. lvD( Pr@id H cibocron F Ddn&cncx DriDrEn K&& Irv.6xE Rdrzol Rqn zotD prccio' 30'c s0 t 50'C 95b 40t 50t 60t 50t H-E S0 t NomFN ruge ld0 t K!y!..lon Sot ,,](sultt rocthylsldlhoc) R.E DI RGBTLr&! DS & c/Elm|/SFM| 60 t Monochlorotri0ziGsulph4oethykulphon ulphon pr@ioo SMifixSupF C Di0@Dpyrinidiicdlhdo.thytn{Dlon DriEraK Mo@auorotiuilesulpbarocftyt Cib*rcD SOt E0.IO0 .C 4&60t 30 Chapter Comcrcial surllid R€@liva I: Cenerul Cowiderution Dys wilh Their B&d Nmes, Cowtry of Origjn ord [2q 64] Oriqi! EvdliShl Chcoiclts Ktsco KISCO: Kni Pii<i$a Dy6 Ltd (KDCL) 16'] SC Dy€stuf & Clai&t Nippon Krytu of i ury is b€sr io !e€ iE p6t hislory .t dd.lopndl n& in @!tet1$ith rle {nc pedod. h &c fo[owi.& rb@ is thc @in rolgeiztior in lst @ lo thb d To ude$hrd tlle pBenr stlt 3l Chapter l: General Considerction TrbbE R€o.seiati@ of Cllo@t Mrauf.cruer tndu' r E!roFr drshrDrtrlnctoFr Jrp.N. Mr!ar.rrR; rhe lerj!8 greup's qudig is di@{y pDportioid wilh ColrDon l@vilg SDLpc ar. hatidB (C1., tbc F, BO. r.7t W.t.r Solubithhg Crolp Cellulos rcaaire dy* s!!ly coabh l .4 sulplo srcupr. ,ft* greupE at$ .fcct 32 Chupter I Geneml Conrideratioi l.Z9 M.ctrnlrE of Racllv. Dy. trllrtlon Ih* dyca le sb{lrat udd $ibble cap6bl. of rcaciing chchlc-rlly wirh a s coval.nt dy.{ubrat bond, Th€ chder.ftlic st$ctual f..b!. tu lhu lI. possion oI otre o! bo.c rc..tirc srcupir$ of vdiou! aptli@rion conditioa to forin tinds. On th. bdsi! of E!.tion ncchldsm of A- @tivc dy4 thcs tuy b. l| Nucl@pllh Dy6 Radhg Thmud SubrtltudoD @tegorizcd R..ctio.r CNmEi"i.yl h enich !n etivslcd labil. hdogen rubGttucd (C l- or f) or ncthyl sulp!@c or licotinyl leaviry 8reup rcrilatli by ad dja.cnt Dittog.n aton lhd urddgc nucl.ophilic auhstiMo r.lcrior by a elluloer. eio! sd ellulo6e iD i!5 u.1ion wlh !.!.liv. dyca bcbwc c .l@hol. Cdlul@ i! subs.qhdy ioliz.d in dkdi@ cddiiions lnd crn *t s rucleophilic rnd shos $b..Cu€!r lwtioB .lp.cislty *it! &id hllidcs (nuclcophilic sulsdlnioo) (s.Lhd). ft. o.drnis ofnoclophjlic ruhdintion CEIOH + i3 Ns:SOi' * CEL-GNr + N.HSo{ - o.Mku.,6i) #9lr !g folloqs. cE['o Nt x ryV\.o*"u"to.. ri.o* *n"ct x + oH- Dy.\f\.ro-H ri.r'* *Nacl x Hydrctyzd dyc S.bcoc4 Nrclcophilic Subrdnlion J3 Chaptet Sld. R...aloa ol R.dis W!6 Hctirc dy6 @E€ hldrolyzd R .ti!. dr . $b6|r|rtiE ditlct bontlcd dyc vnich vit drilg h!! ir loE w.i.r |!d dtdi gd bydrtyrcd $iilc .d!.rt w$i!g.n .dFing d by rhc fibcf cobl mlberr t! .riE dr. Tb@foc, ir i. tt4sty vig@ul B. codtcr duins Gene,al Consid.rution! Dya in l: ro bcqu* ro urutdng moE n ihlr hydiotyzed $fu bchlvd rh. tiL @vddtly a!.rirt dyc by [53,6?,6E1. Dr6 Rocabr Throlth Nrcl..piluc Aildtdo! R..ortolr o:.-$-c-cx, 8H + cEr.GH + *-f,-34o,-o*ur* o Mchrla: ,{", \ ? Y"F. D,.-fi-q:'c-9-sojN. : (.) I (b)8H )\ ll e"/ I 3 t, qr-fi-c-c-o-c.n "' o{tn 3" D.-fi-crFc-o-c. ", o - Sch.n..s NBlcophilic Addirion Re..r!on 'Ih6. trF of d,€ !F lold i! t foln of 2{ulpblroc6ylsulphonyt prEuM (s.tdct.In |c fitn d.! ofEccbllilm.ltdi i,.dd!d lott PtEuM Eflp..d cbd8.d il ilio -linLd l!. fom of..tiv. vilyt su|!hoG. Vilyt ltdphoe dy€ in snich !6 |ln$a!!ld linyl gtlrp lllr r.rcB l{itt cctlulos. by rddirio! ro thc doubt. bold tl,59l. lloli .l& eer..idic disocidioo of rbc bydloxyl sDup. i! rh. eluto!., rlrultiDs i! rb. ccllulosL io! (CcU-O-) tht', l! dy !o r!3ct wirh rhG dF I?01. Coddporlri pDgte.. t v. lcd io Oc inrldu.ri@ of t@Gbinudioltl l!!.tis Tb. l4 C hapter I : M'e|tns iderat ion vilt! tso Donochlorotiazinc grcu!6 ed hcbo-biturctional @tive d}ts by Ning no@.chlorotdeine plus viDyl sulploE bollt !o eihaM rh! dF 6xrtjo! on Uc ebrEd. lim sndilio!5 tom 5F?096 wirh orc @rivc srcup, ro 8G95% witn 1.8 im reriE goup. [63]. Fh|t|on of ri-fuD.tlonrl R.rctiv. Dy.rl Firdion in the ce of ! rt:inctional t acrivc d)€ by pld-balab pmc6s is good conpqF to mdcfiDclionrl dyc, {s oE r.{criv. g@p s€ E of, !s dyc a a mom-tuncrio.d E..rive dye, l€aving 25% ua-!wLd Thoud, lle ladly hydrolyad but slill ir is @tive in naturc 6 re0a1 frirlhd. lhrough lh. s@d M.rivc group (R . Cons.qucn{, aloul 94% of lhe |slout of dye gcts boutrds to tte fibq dd jus !M!d 6% n hydrclrzld GiguF l9). Sihilrly in ealNn dycilg th. dce@ of lixarim is lowr rba rlaa of!6d-b.1ch d@ io the fet thal thd lol3l dye d@s ooi cotircly exhault onio rhe 6b.r. r{bcn @uld Eact wirh rhc 6b.r ro lhe a biturctioml rcacriv. ror thc.quidot dyc dege. (75%) cxlaur b 85%. of {hich 80% fixation 6 be achicved. dcgcc of o<hau.lioD, *rc fixlrioD of nonFtu!rction t dy. on al@8. oily to 60-65% .nd lppamt sDounr of dy! us€d lo bc rdsbcd d ofidui.s rh. Chapter l: Geneml Consideru!ion B HydrolysisE Dy .R 25y. HO. 25Vc Dye. OH HrdrolFed 15Y6 C.[.GDrc.Rt Hydelys! 15'/r Dy..R-O-C.[ 25vr HGD,GOH 75% HO-DroO-Cell dts ,tr/. Iixcddr: ---J:* FigurFl9 Fixaiion vstue for Monotunctional dd ,!fiDclionat Reacr,ve Dyc! Hwing 75% Fixarion p.. Reacrivc Greup L8.r Dy. ADpti..ttor M.ltodr o! Frbric Vdious n.rhodr are ued b give color lo the fabic &cordn8 ro end use ed batch ui! €i.sori.s.e dy.in8 ed pdn Lng. Drlins irclld. cxnaut dyeing, cold psd-barch-M5! ofl or contnuous pld-sree-Mh off.ld dly ncrhod!. Fixalion by dry hc.r, sltuated st a'l o, slFrhcarcd se.D my als be us.d @ftmlg io lhc rrF of ecrive dy. us€d 163,61. wlilc teush p.irriog ncrbod qMtty. Te dyq 6 bc applied in tocatietl this !.quiB rhickcning fo.d wlich h tcquir.d !o nakc desjsc on fabdc. .geDr b lDk a prinr psr. wi{! dy.. Many nedrods ae ued deFrdonlhc quaDrity offabri obepbduc.d. Vhco @c!vc dy6.rc ro b. Filcd tha rhe lelerion of individuat dy. should @6idcEd oo rE bsis lhat it slould b. stabl. in rhe pri !ss& lrd rhd! shoutd bc .o slainjrg for rne 8.oud or oth.i @106 .r it ..r chrrs€ thc h@ oforhcr @toB iD lh. d6ig, sFci.tly oplosire @loB f?21. l6 Chaprcr I : Gekercl ConsiderutioD Co iloou dicinsa& Pld-Thmo fs or Si.d fJ{.! dy.tng{.8. pad-Batcv Jigiqon I?31. B.lcn rtu. E rBrton dy.iog-e& ViNh, J.r, g. ad Bcm Dy.ing_ P.ltrahg-a& !.int-IrEmo fx [24]. l.8l G.D.nlSynthsi! ot Aa Re{cfivc Dys Boih orgdic rnd irore&ic @n$itucnh bd rhe of Ew mrredal Equircd e nee.led to nsk fo! dye slndrsi3 i3 ss P€irol.ub --> ArcEr{c by.trocrtotu follow tTJll -> tnte@.dltts __> dy€i L gcn€dl s)rfbais of dy6 s1rn in ! @ror, lh6 ecl dri.d an r flrltio4 aid @nbin.d vilh orh* lddirives to yietd lhe tml !rcduct. The srlrhsis froD ftrst sleD includes .actions such s sutfomrio4 halogdario4 miMnon, diazod4tiod, ed @uplinc ({), which is @n1in&d by spdstio! puincdion by prcciirdion, dd cryltallianion pr.c*e I?61. (+x (l-\ >NHr -_- ( \>MN sfor .Pnniry einc Djeiun slr ScIod Slrlheis uar hay @Eisr or of Aa Retirc Dr! Gcneral Conside tion r.83 Dl@ Dd Corpnlg CoDpoodb For thc ptuduclion ot a?o dy.s, diszo conponeds cln be spdar€d into rbe ed slbstindcd mid.3, ed suUonjc l:@s, lt! eids e dliG. eitinc eilir6, .rnirc bcMyl gtuup is mrbthyl miG sd mphrhyt min. Ex@pts includ. rotuidilc, .ilre sulfodc lcids. Aiorhei The @hpoudr Pr s.n.d in (FiguG2o) fmos by thcj. @mon .xmpls of Dphrhyl @ine sufodc aciG and @ ato be us.d s s9,rhtr, sorH t so3H at{'*' NH, NH2 so3H 'o'1--A*' Da &'d I solrr { HOrS sorH sosrNI{, \-\ sors sosH Dabl aaid so3H I HOrS Fis@20 Exdpld of Nlphtbyl Anire Slrpholic Acids wirh $cn Como! Nm.s Mth Anov hdicatirg the Colplirg posilioi 38 Chapter 1: Genqal Cors ideratiotl .td dphllob uuUy @Dlc .atily lnd Fotndry lhln !nii... Tt pronpB of t[. pt tuls L cooplc iis B th. nnb.B of hy<Lo)Vl giot!6 incft.rca In uhoophtol rdfrDi. &irk s H, lq &d S &id+ oriatdion is Phaob 't.b clwlilg m.diM cheg6. o|t o to aanno posilion i! g€nins cowled in eidrc m.diu whil! i! e .lkilir n€diM o/rr,a to ih. hldtoxyl grup b thc poritio! {,h@ @udin8 oc!u! (tlgrF2l). influlnc.d 2 r. lhr pE of rh. 2 oJ 9H |H) r ,T'YY. Tn11 ntTY)-" XO'S"\"\-^SqU z 9H Mr.)' :' z-'z'\ 3Rt \-^/ I ta sorll . n$!..?r Vdi.Iicdi! $&id (cbic|go lcid s) CoarylirgP6irio!6tyrhc l!fltte of pH 39 Cha|et L Geneml Cohsideru!ion l.E.a Il is l alsslrl tt l @tivc dy6 ri8e in tadcs wo* in the for Recdv. Dy6 is th. onty rug€ for cellulose .dly !a!r of 21d lcnluy. ft6c big sb@ &on orhq ellulosic dys lit€ suttu dtcs .Dd basis, vais on pdc. ald application, ard diEcls dye! b th.t lbey e on highly polmilg lhon apllicdtio! on le\tlc is e,(p€cLd to dyc! ate FEdictablc !o hr€ @ic dy6 fash6s. Bur eiitd *!ich in ihcir on ovitlmalal th€ d@stack ofthes indutdd sy hcsis or It Fquire hiSh !es. of sdi (ladicularjy in cxhau$ncthod ofpNessins), atoliislscd for fixatiho! lubstEt ard ligh usag. of @. (in printing), which is difficuli ro movc tluing reaiment of efflucot. MoMw., subslrale, ihd @crive dy6 @ facing @nccN tik. prs..@ ofad$d{ble oryuic balogeis (AOX) vi&in rlc dye nolecul€,.xo€s of wate! @sMprion, pEscn@ of h.$? rnaal ion h dy. hotdl.3 (Ct, Cr, Co), €tativ.ry tow fibrio! lcvcls. dimcdly in reno{og hydelyzd rc.crirc dy., and Gooval of olo. fron efflrcnl. Chapkr 1.9 l: Cenercl Consiclefttion Pr4bt Ptul..t Plu r€*eh in dyc dminty for nw g6.l!tio! E!.rivc dyB that d o@ut r all ovibMdid sledads d wll a cd fulfill th. Equircmmts of the cwlomd (i.. Qulity r.quimds). IhcFfoe, tb@ b a ncd lo d6ier @rivc dy6 sith ldldc.l Iltc solutioD of lbove-mcntioned prcbletr re lor8d5 dir.cred 'w &d envircmdi.l satisf!4tiod. d,r-MCT dyB, iniriaUy Mk€r.d for drring .dlulo$ @DFn !!l io P/C bldd!.t long-li$o.hlio!, e foui lowi! sclivity 'C) &d hish in eubslaltiviiy- Duc !o which some dBwbeks N (fxilgat E0 th@ likc l.veling, wasbinS{tr of O. dy., aad $itability to "Salt-a1-strd", inprevrin dl in lhe strucfuE by irlrodiclion of rhe di.Mine @upling @bponds. 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Exialsl dycinS To uls piloled ddutc Mh-f.slncs\ c@klsft* ed Yud iGtrunent nodcl ooh.n fdbric on $6 obbined LR hb dycing Mclnne. pcspiration vere pdfomed by F ng no. s\Y-12 fo! ISO.COT, modd no. Y57l for ISO 105 ald YG63l for rSO 105/E04, EsFctil€ly. Light 6stna h Xl2 nist.d wilh l"lB lighl fatdds lcstd by ISO 105-802 ncrlod. Colodm.tric drra of dy.d tubdca wE mee5u.d on Data @lor InlenBtional SFclofhsh whjch b s.t on spcculd includ.d, iUuiMt D65, 10q $radad ob$ryd. Duing ply wilh tai@ ndur.mcnt mcaffidt Reactiv€ dye smple! w€r. rhe re f.bric is u$d to b. 4- lo Cl.riant takistm to cvdde lie percent puity of liMl pFducr The irsl m€nl urcd wB Shinda HPLC 20 3.i$ with t,c el'tid soneEF ond PDA .lctelor E!41 mplc (25 nd of wft dissolved i! t00 mL of ac.toditdla vate! O:1) and sonicale for 5 binutes. rh$. E !$d with pump A wi$ aceb rilc lnd pMp B eitb l0 DM MnoniM ellle. Thcro ODS Hr?eBil colm w u!.d qith din. (m) 2s0 x Mob e 4.6; penicle Bize 5r. Tot l flow kcpt al 0.7 2J.1 munin. r.enit3 w@ rcpon d in lh. c!d. Etperln.nlrl Aa dyd e one of the host @mon dyc, Thcy @ ain thc b8ic {rucnE of At-N=N-Ar. Tb y appe! @loEd dw b h. tigh l4lof onju8ation dal €ncompsss tuolgn N-N doubl€ bond to the aryl unil att!.h€d wifi n. In Eilhe$is of ra dye plib.ry uift (R-NH' i5 @Dvcdd to ! diazoro@ sat sd ilris is rcacLd wirh eothd alyl uit, 41 \ napter z r.xpenneklat frcccanf?s rart.tynthests 2.l.t,lc.n.r.l Pmc.dure for th. Sytrtiqh of Re.ctive DyB 'nrc starting ucrial fd th. 3tarh*is ofchtdoridie rc.ctirc dy6 is rlE o(t.m.ty rc!.tiw 2j,6-rticNoF-t,3,5.triazi!e (cyeuic chodde) 2. Th. fi81 scp is cyanMlion of H-acid (8eindl-@phthol.3,6-disul_fonic acid) subslitution of (cy&uic chloride) 2 cyNic grid twcd 3 fmi.s .y&uic H{id with di@rirrn pli[).ly aremtic l, by nucl@philic 3. rn ihc ncxt st p min s ButinS in drr fonnadon 4 which is DCT dye. This si€p followcd by jhe addition ofbdd8iog sroup foi Oe fo@alion ofEqliEd hono-bifrerioMt MCT dye 5 (Scb.nct) [l]. Cy.llntioo of Cyeuic chlondc @ol) wlr t tur ! (10 o pdiod of H-r.ld agiated in a@tone (50 nL) at a t mp.Fiw below mol) in aq@s sodim cuboFtc $lmio! (20% w/v) $!l {En added in lcsa qwtity in lbod e 5 hou. A MuEli?rd solurio! of H{cid (10 hou!. Tlte pH was Daint.ined slution (l% w,rv). tho cl@ shdon a1 pE 3-4 by @ncwnl addition of @diw ca$onate 0-j t for nlnhd I to 2 how ch@ked by TLC etyer sysrcd ,-propdol; ErOAo Ile @iion t|A els llinld w obtaincd ar H,o(6:1:3). Ami'atic adinc (10 (10 mol) mol) in l0 DL sder diaadalion sodim is nitiL clFked in 5N.HCI (2-5 nL) t pr @ld a10.5 "C, sodium nitile l'le4 ed sddcd dF! wi* ro minohy.trGchlo.ide, by s1lrch iodide prpc., Cld slutioD is obt incd. ExN of is dcatrotrd by sulfmic &id. StGp3: Coupllng Roctton DiM solutior i! Edded slowly ar 0-5 dlid, ptl adjusted to !6 t 6 pEp6red sdih 6boEt solution. ro cye@t€d H-Acid sotutior by 6dditio! of 20% aqueous slulion is obtain d stir.d !t 0-5 t for l-2 h. C@pt.tion ofra.tion *o! mritor.d by Trc. Solvcnr qBten +burrlot; Erhyt @tate: NEOH: pFidiE (4:l:3:2) Rcd @lor dy. 48 Chapter 2. SLI{: Addidor Rs!..rirc (5 n !dd.d dtop Exwrinental Procedures Pat-1, orDhrb. Br|l|ib! Synthesis Solralor slllol) disbj!. hidsins solltioo ir 20 qi!. sill di'i!€. Icryd'rE r4| d d lc.rona or $t&r !us!.!!ioo 30a0 'C for 34 boulr pH r.?. M Doditdld ty TLC. Solv.dt stst@ DBuhlol: puified Eityl ..rtat!: NH.OH: Prddi!., (4:l:3r2), Dy! stuliod b n.E &i.d d! 5.6 ty bufrd elutim. R@tio! a (,v Visilt Sp.cdun !! rwd.d. Ilnbd! td ryoi.d in T.blF3 sdd si|!l|r p.trrorc nc i/ift ounta ed p.r! oi ield aoD elone .nd DMr. IR & i3 i!{ while IR i! mertion€d h r.sdl dd rliloulsior Ity. ,lplidion io cltoo 6bric &d frs* p(oFtica rn|did. AI iL de colcc&d Elortlil h lb T.U.. r-5 ofdrts r 3. 19 Chapta 2. Blaedttttd Pncdnt PatJ, S]''da{b ! R-NH2 Nd{q/Ho' (ar) @|!dd..) o9 R.N.NCl Gtt I #" /.0-tr @y.hdE) A&ll+l Nror OlNr e,{rodhotdr.rrdt!O. ) S.[an}l 50 Chapter 2. Experimental Prccedurcs Pat-|, Synthesh 2.1.12 Sy!t[6ir of Corpling Codporott sy,tt6n' oI't-(1, J,uill&7t1.nbo)-rhldtuxynofi not nc2,7ditalJonb @a Gonpor"4 3) 2,4,6-Tric oc1,3,t-tiazim (O0l Dol.) is hlan in 100 I crushcd ie wilh 50 ri, e.t@e thd (0.01 nol.) +mir5-hydidy-naphthal.nc2,7-disultonic acid (HAcid) pFdisslvcd 150 nL qarer w!3 add.d, ncutilikd with 20% aqM6 in sodiM @bolate solllion to pH 6, 3timd, k pt on icc blth at 0-5 t. o-, "" * "'Y"Y"' -....._ t"o,' .o,r" "E* NaOrS cl SO3llo 2 schoc2 Syrlh.3is of Coupling CobI.Mr llidd dye m srllt€iz.d in vlich thc forEtio! of 4{4,fticbloct l,3jltidin2-ylmilo!5-lydmry-EphrhrlcF2t-disulfonic &id is th. @mon sr.p in all. 2.r.risy n6i! In lhis slep six .equircd of Xri@tt4d tlFs mnatic ald olh6 of Nnatic Min conditios md in lhe is alrnon AroE lcADba for excess 13 .niB N utilizld ro ge|Ei€ di@niM dy6. Diazotiz3tion t id of 8i! eit! ra!i.[y udd nomal of rcid, tha ratc of diazolizstion of eili&, proluidile, tue (S!beEr-}. NH, ,A r.-V NiNo, -'E---* s.h€dd3 Di@tiztion of N=N .4.r *{/ Aronllic Amin (.-D 5l Chaprct 2. E peanental Prccedurcs Pat.l, Synthetis T.blFl: AnlDIic Anirc Ui.d i! SFdei! or Ra.riE Dyq R Rr_H fu = solH so.H RJ = sotH so,H &=Nor Rr = cHl ","-(-rF M: R.= cHr 2.1.2 Corpung R.rcaloa for tb. Di@ elutio! b !dd.d uli6. drep wi$ For.tto! of sl G5 'C lo cys@t ADilochlorchi.rha ({.-df) d g-Acid slurion s prcpdd by.dditid ot20% !qu@w rodiu ca(!ou& $turiotr R€d old dyc &lutio! is obilircd strr.d at 0.5 t fd 1-2 h. Rc!.tid onplciid Fonilorcd by TLC. s/slem ,-bltanol Erhyl ac€ratq NIIOH: plridinc pH adjult d to 5-6 {4:l:3rD. 52 Lhapter 1. L.xtwinenlal Prccedurcs Pat-|. tnthesis A'.N=N N<o qFA-I OH \cr V-,At N.ors,,%solt! Di@liad amdc !r!ic Dyc (4.-{D (d.-4t Sch.mF4 Dye Fofution Reaior A I\H HN-</ N ^r (_)-rcNy'\.\ '' /\,\l\ N'O3S \cl -SOrNa ,'\ HOrS. cl lLorS SO3N. .D tl N-< HrI-a-I Ho,s<_>N=N/',l\ N_\cr oH /\,\l\ N.O]S 'SOrNs Clnpter 2, Wdrnqnal M"t OH Pot-|, ,A l< tqH &".flt-t{*A \ N.olf,\o }'I l Syttr,b petin Chapte, 2. E 113 syt.h6l ntal Pftce&-.t Pat- I , Srathetis olr.F(|uodlorott||!b.) (5.{) AI dy6 e! srm.ticd.tord t T.Db-2: DimiD &itlgi!8 Diui.Fbdddlr c.ord |ilrilsdiriiat idsiq t21. C.opo.d fti tL Srrih.rir ofrtFMCT DyB (DA) DASDA !H 4.4LDi@imstilb.ne2-2, -Disulphonic II'N IAl H"N/v 55 Chaprc r 2 . E perinental Procedures Pat- l , Synthetis 2.8.r Slnt!.||, of 5r, ft, 5& 5E Solulio! of 4',4'rn-diarni!ostilb6. (5 nM), 2, disulphoiic @id in 20 6L s!l.r sspecion is ad.lcd .lrop fi!. wirh 3tiring in a& ab, 4e, af b pEpor. 5., 5b, 59, 5h dy.s, r.lpetircly. T.npenim d 30-40 'C fo. 3-4 boB. pH t ,t.t 5-6 by cl Itt sorH sorlt "At [.'J-1ur gu HH)" "=.1-Vi*i Hoss li'\:ftlFN{ ) sqH 3o3H 5. lto.s \l- orH '"tb*fu;'"$b sorH sojH HO'S SorH 5b 56 Chapter 2. Expe fieual Prccedtea Pat-L, Wthcsis 3t 57 Chapter 2. Erperinental Procedurcs pat-j, Synthesis 2J.3.2 Sy.lbBtu of 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5i md SolutioE of 1,1PbdyLd. diuile i! {4 (5 5t nM) ii 20 Er s@bn tu.dd.d d'o! wirc wir! t , a., ld !!d {f !o alt sf,, 5d, S., Sf. 5i ,id 5k drr!, n pc.tivcv. TenFr.iur! tcpt.i 3G40 t for 34 ho$. pH Lpl ar 5{ by bIfr.r diring ac, I|ors cl rA" orl E{-},]] *1fi'""1J Hoss+lF so3H ,- **$so" sorH sO3H sorH 5d 5E Chapter 2. F.xperinenal Prccelnet Pat-|. Syn h?*tr fr l{^N I' tr^N 9dT*r] ,'-o N*l* tD{hNH ,ryffi 9" ffi}*O HO,S SqH SOIH SO'H 5c ctd r/r J. SO--'f""tJ}' ",*{-},*#ff M4* - V-HG* 59 Chqtet 2. qirf'ir*ntd Ptoctu?s Pot-l, Stttdttth ]'.\- 9l "Y"rq,.- cr fI*" 60 Charter 2. Experinental Prcced,.es Pat-1. Synl'esis 2.r.2.4 syn n6ir ol5\ 5l md 5l iil ri$ witlt stiningin 4e,4d d{f !odlt 5h,5j &d 5l dy6, Fspe.tivcly. T.bF6te tept al Sol io of U Pharylco. di.diE 3040 t for l-{ hours. pH kepl (5 nM) in 20 ,r 5{ by bullcr solutioD- I' fl N^N n,c-$r. N^N E{.'1 1""!}" s" ilwffi# N=roQcn, orH \? sorH ^ l'"4' solH cJ I- N \'1 sosH cl N'- N OH F"!i" r[l,-ns_NH Z\ \) k--Jl sosH so+r so3H 5l sorH N^N u* CA"l sorH sorH 5t ?9' N^N o,r@*' lcelotu ir addd dDp *N-Q so3H "o, (hupv 2 r.xpninektal Prc..d rc" Parl. Synhe,is 'Itc st e ngth of dycs is rmded at room m6uql in aq@us solurion in quarrz rcDp€Enuc in wrcr with Tlble-3r Lmbda Md, AbsrblM dd *ll ( l0 fn). Spccia ftcmo UV v'sibl. Mol.r .ho.plivily ofsynr!*i2ld Dya. Dr00" ) H,O 5b 5d 5f (dro'M' togt 543 0.954 3.23 29535.60 5U 0.867 4.6E t8t25.64 4.21 519 0.552 7.78 7095.t2 3.85 521 t.2t4 6.23 t9,t86.36 4.29 523 0.32 8,64 3701.70 J,51 531 1.078 43.4 24E3.E7 t,l9 LlI 5.77 tn37.44 4.2E 5g 5[ 529 0.824 t7.36 4145.51 3.66 5i 5.t I 1.007 4.12 24411_15 4.39 532 0.% 5.51 t7422.E1 4.U 5t 520 0.E24 4746.54 t.58 5l 522 t.024 7.32 t39E9.071 4.15 556 o.9E7 1.25 4n3.529 4.37 62 Chopter 2 Exretine al Pn."dnrcs Par L T.blc{: Eaic Infomtion Synthesi. of Synlhsiad Dye Dv. Yi.ld Yr Petorc l8-232E TC ceHnctNlonsr.H 1546.37 70 rc c$HrlclNriorosre.H t106.49 1l PaEton 17-2120 TC c, HrcuNsotrsd.H t2E4.l0 68 Peton l&2133TC c4HlcDNlotrs6.H t284.rO 65 5e Petone l5-t9l2TC cdrrcDNror&.H 1155.97 60 5f Pelon 16-16l0TC Eqryti.d Apn@t Petonc l&382E TC c{Hsc,:Nr1oDs..H 1152.03 62 crH4cnNrozsiH t574.42 67 Poton l7-1623 TC cxxJlcuNlotrsl.H 52.03 63 ldlonc l8l5l8TC cr:HrcoN,p,.s4.H Patticidn Purptc Pdr@c 19,3022 TC 12t7.91 65 c{HlcrN r60bs..H t2li.97 70 5k lelonc l6Jtl5TC c{HncoNrODSrH ll52.0l 60 5I PdtoD. l7-1341 TC c4H)G'NuODS..H ll52.0l @ crH{ciN!O!St.H 1574.42 15 5b 5g lotonc 17-2625 I!!4r|ora'se Peton. l9-l842 Tc)< lEp !&t ria 63 Chapter 2. E perinental Prccedwet Pat-1, Syn,hesis 2.2 IIPLC Prcfl. ol Dys 'Ihh nethod is suitrble for 0!. qualii.srive &d qwtitalire dalysis of dyB a il h.s b€nd.$olutiod of dy€s, $tetiratio! .nd cprcducibtc E&nrion limes of s.paBrcd 6Dpon6ts t3l. Bcfor! H?r-C &rlrk &c risibtc rycFA E obrrin.d of sh st nda.d dye io foud its bdidm a!&lb.E wvel.oglh (hw) &d i! ordd 10 dct minc iti r.tcnrion dm. d€ry dyc ws chos8lograrh€d and pereived {t naiimm warclengu, All q!diF4l, q@ cadi.d out al rcom rdp.rlnr (2F25 C) t4l. Ile aM i6 c.tcut.r€{t by LC loldion $fige lhrclgh *tjch dr 5l peEalagc oimi! dlr i5 obrlilcd. -10 15.0 FErB-rr HPIC ChroMlogm of5. Chaptq 2. Expe nental Procedffes Pat-I,s{//,he:is Flgun-2r HPLC Chtorubgm ofsb FlgrG3: HPLC (xroorrogm! of 5c 65 ChAta 2, l|!r!1: Etwit&ttolMta HI'LC ft@dosu P6-l,l'{,d'rth ofsd rNAU 2. 0. tEra: Ertc.!-.--- d5r 66 Chapler 2. Expeituentol Procedures Pat-|, S|nthesit FlrnG6; HPrC chmmiogam of 5t MAU o+0.0 10.0 ItrF?: tlPt C 15.0 C}I.@!ros@ ofsr 20,0 mn Chapler 2. r:n Itu* Exrytnqtdl Proc6dur"* pot-|, St,i,th'/ttt * HPL Chlddr,Eofg HPL .r*{ar- o{{ o C@er Ewinatal Pnen6 2. Pd-t , $,,drr,it MAU 5.0 ,10.0 1l 20.0min r&r!.lo HI{c Cb@doSrm otsr I|8lt.. : gH.C Cbodogne of{ 69 Chapter 2. Expe.inental Pmce.lures Pat-|, S!|./,thesis rigurc-r2: HPLC Chmnarogrun T.bL's: Puiry D.l! 5. 80.4 E5.6 wirh Mri! of56 !.rt AE wis 5b 99.1 5l 80.6t 95_9 5t 5T 66.6 88.4 N.D'' 5l 5f 90.3 5r 5D 99.39 5b I 5c 5d ^d ft@ d* h i.rutlci{r 94.E6 ud 70 Chapter 2. Expefimental Pncedlres Pot1l, Synthesis 23 rl rIIR Spean { rl "$ { J E t I E >? I t6 ;; e rl 7l e. a r, P.,t C-ae1 4 X*t.L.,s.l a&4.,r.tb #il Gi s A t "] i. :* r..dc: sbRdiaDF ----;* Mmr.d, orlotlos d wsmrz r-t'doi,.6r (.@) 3 a4.zr-A.J tI .l i rl l\ '\/ C l.I , !\ d\ ,'it'i , fulir', ,i i$$i ti 1 Lrd' l.rn t6lur'sa dvscrcrt xd$ha:.@1{edu) :t (hdatrnr) ii, i )Lt J. P a.ct 64u.t+t.t*, - ab' R I !r ll ; Brd6 : rd (hosrudD x..Ed: rl/o.r@o'8:rl)M r..dbrtm. r+r (rE) a. Ia. *. 6. Az d. c I4--.t ).--t ,|r''-J a.l*' ;w - x e: E t ! i\ ,!' +dn r.@Ed : .g/otsoeovrcrokz IEtldm:a@r (t@) : t (ho*ar6r) € p F ! t t" tl E tr d, i sl|.U d.c-q lF-*i. * F5]r H3" F.* F"r'-***- ,|' !1 i'i tu:m ll I ''.: !|M|'&.rrd4'6dcd' lll lli /i \ .", iii iiit\r t r ll/ -4,.1 i I' r,il " lii llj VI I s q. $ o F .l' I s E' ^i;a !d 16 'b /) s E !., i ,,'92 $ t & I F a. o.o rs, !o, t !* ti'* .* - r*&a ki* s t $ t.o.t *, -.,4t I I L s 6 id s E t F Ii 3 't|Elt^hr*r''.d.|*' .4lh ^odit@k* ytu94* zUbt IE. $r $ t v $ e ,i9l r E t nn'r ri-r.r0--, b,ir.r--h .Fe - , *Etd rrr'r F E F. .#\ ll f i I { I I I I I qI i/ R] T ti F d l.!5! l qa, sn 2'a t- .!r rb rb. r-{a.rdardt l': rh ,'..jrh 'lnr rtua- 2trt i.- I E t F Chapter 3 Experimentel Proccdures p srt-2 Applicttfun and Evaluaion Chapter 3: Experimental Procedures pa.t-2 Application and Evaluarion 3,1 Go.r.l [lfom.tlon Appli.alion of dy.t e dF! is Bu![y done by applicd by a\lErEl dyci!8 d]ring Dcriod or by pilriry. !r@s ed rho lhci, In rhis snl(ly aU arluatiotr is sp4tophotometically .nd by ph)sical testing. Iot UE dycinc. anci n r6iz.d tud bl.ach.d fabric wa! usld r! che.k fastlcs propcnic! drling. fte liqrcr mrio was mirrain.d l0rl duing dyei.s lnd it wls wshed wilh non-ioric ddcrge .n ! @bplclioa of dyei!& Ilc $lr conc, *r! @si$rr for all .ly€s r?. 50 94. vhilc sd! w$ lsler s 20 g/1. Both cberlcqb werc f€eded in liquid fom in ncquot inr.d6lr. Th. fabric nr M .t$ys w!!..t b.forc Drying pllrc B odcd out ar rood! cnp. Sbp by sl!! dyc,ng @w {,ltn respet to rdp.nture ed tne h nedion below in the fm ofrigur.-r lnd wa! casicd our on L R, machin€ of Ro&he. rnt. Touci eic€! contDl sysi.m. Dyc q!.diry fo! r % sbdc is pre disotr€d in rcquL.d mte! dd rh@ loa<te.t gi200d[ sod!:609200nl Sallr 37.5 83 Chapter 3. Appl ic ation & Frpeinentat Prccedwes pat,2, B,aluatio" Flgw r: St.p by Sr+ TrbL-I: DyctrU SGp by Sr.p Dycins pm..$ nA *id dr Rotrrion Oycirg6 & Cb;; IlqAddirjd;iai s€@nd LiRr Addirion-iai Auatiffi &!qnd Alktti fccdi Derltrime @l!as doql (.!d of u Chapter 3. Erpelinental Prcce&res Pat-2, Appl icanon & Evaluation AA.! thc conplction of dycitrg pcedft, rb. f6ric sw.r.h6 wE snoled iw lh. rin!.j in cold warer v.O? wcll th.n sajl smllh* of eioor,l soapiry M lakcn ollt sd res of rhe fabdc sw.tchcs w.rc s&pcd-ofr sing non ionic dcr.rgenr ar dye !ol5, t fd mir Tte absorbana rdu* ofl!. 8c90 l5 dycils tiqrd b.foE ,nd !lo!s with E0etdce valEs of &ied, dyld faki. M.uuren. ,fid tb. dyci!8 wft neasuFd swarch.s b.forc and afrc. wish rrbrtc Cotor Err.bglh In color.qudion CIE L. a. b.coordiurd on Dara Color Sp.crlolhoroDetlr SF-600 wil! .a iDt 8ldidg spheE r.r$ry sld a f.bric holdd le.$ry uth rlc foloeing scinnSr illMinqt D65, ta$c ar€. vjew' s!.cda. inclutt.d ald CIE 1954 stlpplandd siodad (oto ob3cryd). To c$imr. lh. d€g!. orcrE colo! indcx v!lB, ocb selL k D*surld fow rin ! .r diffcMr fohic jrsa Tt sEr08. vale of @lor @ @rd.d ed &la obtaincd e r!!gi.d j! Tlbt62. 3.3 of 85 Chapter 3. Expefinentat pncedures pat-2, A pp I ication & Elaluation Spefophoionctric L' 5b 5d v 4247 144.47 16.38 10.73 \6.17 0.3?85 0.247E 56.29 J2.27 -9.63 33.68 143.39 30.84 24.20 32,46 0_1524 0.2766 58,6 ll,4l .1.91 3l.47 156,Q 26.60 29.83 0.3715 0.2962 52.59 42.09 -10,80 4t.45 345,6: 29.33 20.17 2E.95 0.3? 0_2621 0.{8 19.t6 t,44 45,12 40.92 4349 0.34EJ 0.1159 1922 8.94 16.03 32,4A 0.157.1 0.1206 2E.03 294,50 t4,19 13.08 27.50 0.2590 0.2JE9 t4_52 26.73 32.9n 30,0E 25.86 19.30 0 3997 o 3417 ,l6,El 20.E8 306,38 I0,87 9.80 t?.38 02857 0.2575 21.31 319.00 9.78 8.16 t4.26 0.1017 0.2535 28.52 340.01 30.76 25-44 34.10 0.340E 0 2817 3t.48 1..]l 25.79 20.03 20.50 0.1E89 0.J020 8.81 8.47 17.03 0.256E 0.2469 57.91 3747 34 32 5I x -11,41 42.89 5k c' Obsdcr 40.91 6),62 5i in D65. t0 D.B. 39,12 10.12 5h vdB 5i.51 51.87 34.95 t9.t6 18.98 2,99 1t.62 22.44 12,3E t1.59 26.80 3t.43 6.90 .t5_29 -9.75 1.82 -20,45 2t.59 288.U 86 Chapter 3. E perinental Prccedurcs Pat-2, Appl ication & Evaluat ion 33 D.i.dhrtior SFcflE of 6cI ol Colo. Strclgtt of dyc is'.d ie ihe So|Itio! enFta@ ulu6 of th€ dycd fahd.s l@ ne6ulcd spccrrophotonotrically al thc lmd md the corespondbg color sr€ngrh (VS) vdc ofrhc !.o!ls wrc cdcul.rcd lsirg Krbclh-MuDl .guti@: K/s = 03L2 2R whF R- a ft d.ciDd tlciiotr of thc en cble oflh. d}td hbiic; cocfrcio! $d s - Th. sca4edng K- Amur aberyrion of .rduEtior i! th. drio of llie end of cxlBuslion io rhc rhc ioid lDour of d}! .eout ofd)r prcst i! rhc e d@ !t in the original bath befon rhe sarl of the cxhaulrion proc.s. DegE of Extaunio! in r€ms of dhribution md liq@r nrio is giva by lh. rcLdidship (r/KtL K E- t1+ Exllnid bath o,ta)'L K+L of l% dFilg b c.tcut r.d by spctrophoroncric b.for. rnd aftct dy.ir8 wiih the ,Esrdnt ot ofrh. dyc folowins forlnttla E7 Chaptet 3. E petinental Procedurcs Pat-2, Application & Eval@tion -QL:92 xl0o;= A!A2 x l0O cl At Whft E b th. d€sF ofdy€ .xhaslion YoE CI,C2 elh.@ne 'rri@ lrom ihe dy! barh, in pert nl, of drr b.foF &d.n ..ry€io& Espetiwly Al, A2 ae solution absolbm6 b€forc sld .nd dycin& Bp€ctivety, '[re exhrusion pMBs t@d! to lhc nisntio. proc€$. Foc.s of nistalion of lh. .xhalst d dye is infl@c.d by th€ Dol@utd sia of the dyc its sp.lid pbfle (Steic) ed ih. solubilizing g.oups E sr Th. orher exr.nal racbrs would Flatc to rdFntft, ucbiDe.y us.d ajd lhc packagc plofte &d dtritie, (i! @s. of Thc TrDtco: Ldbda Md. wittr itr H:O g,tl ^r yo Exlaunio! @D) (AD) Abr. s41 0.050 0.954 0.t08 EE,68 522 0.080 0.8?6 0_l4l 81.90 st9 0.100 0.552 0,t24 77.50 527 0.0E0 1.2t4 o.341 71.9t 523 0,100 0.32 0.129 59.60 5f 530 0,500 |.078 0.37t 65.60 5g 553 0,091 Lll0 0,120 89.19 5h 529 0.200 0.824 fu% 5ii4 531 0.050 1.007 0.281 72.09 532 0,06? 0.96 0.t26 86.88 5k 520 0.1904 0.824 0,t89 17.06 5l 522 1.024 0,35E 65.04 0.9E7 0.133 86.52 5b 5d 556 0.06?0 E8 Chaptet 3. F,,pelinental Procedwes pat-2, AWI icat ion & Evoluation Thi! tcm indicate Dye rhe€lragc of dy. @val€n{y bonded yit'r fibd. fiuiion h calquk't€d s tolloml %F- k? 2x100 KVSI wldc Kl/Sl ed K2A2 fprtsmt rhe color yield of ihe dyeiDg b.forc ad ancr T&1.-1: XMa. of labric with ?elwr Fixarion 560 102 5b 540 1.05 2,15 77.U 5c 540 2.65 2.Q 75.47 5d 540 6,45 3,6 t5.E1 5i 5f 540 l.l 0.8 12.7 550 6,6 5.7E 8t.58 5t 560 5_5 4_5 81.82 5h 560 8.1 7.00 84.33 5l 565 8.0 5.7 71.25 5j 550 E.5 7.7 90.5 5k 550 7.9 5t 540 570 9.1 95.1 94.94 2.95 86.17 7.6 at.72 E9 Chapter 3. Eryerinehtal Prccedtres Pat-2, A pplic at ion & baluation Colorr$he$ .ld T.!t M.thod! 3.6 Thc Atndim ed Colorist hs del)1!rolld rhc lcd ,1ll. @lorfatnss 6 rclbrd@ of a @ieial to chalge in lry of it5 colo, chaaclerisdcs, ro lraBfer ils @lotutG) lo adjsnr D6rcdals, o! bo0\ d a resulr of tlE expow of 0! manri.l 10 atry €nvimcor that nighr be .n@uxr€F<t duidS rhe pe€ssing, tesring, srong., or @ ofil|. D!rdid.,, or, it h a fabric,3 abitiry k retsin ,b @lor dwing ir! prcjeded life cycle. Colorfsras pbpdri€s de of nmeroN Associarion of TodtL Ch@isls rl?es thal nu$ be coBida.d b d€livd {r Pt{E.$r nust knop ! f.bric,3 .nvisiocd 6d thai wiu pbdu@ a w prcdEt of ior.nue Flfolll1,M 3.61 Prhciptd of Cotor frlns podlct [5]. F@6ing choi6 coNurn€r wirh a satisf.cloix in odq r., hdt (61. T€lilg As$mdt of ilc malufactu€ lnd dyed substdc P|odud for qualig $ais ar Oc rime of its nnish€s {irh tabonlory testr desigD.rl io clssifv rhe tevel Pcrfomm@ duins irs usge. Thc obj{tiw a$s@r cfer! obidlcd i! usu.Iy b!d. o i!. b.sis ofvisual comp&isor of ile inbBit of &y chesc in rhc alpd@e of rhe suDle wirh calibn&d $rdad 8re), rrai.r n. Iftie cotrdtntio! ofhydrolyz.d reetiv. rty. j! E fiutl hot rsh b6th is <0.003 e 11, lrainins or \ [iE gnoG in U. flbric wilt b€ pF@rlrd l8]. h t@y @uFi6 sllldalds luvc b€o se1 fo! Bling fsrBs popeni6 seh 6 No -jn i .mdionat Orgeiarion fd nlndndiarion. ofdtc 90 Chaptet 3. E perinental Procedutes Pat-2, Application & Eylluatiott Dycing depth: I -0% o.w.t (lccording to rie l. qlish of ttF fabdc) Urlt FErttB Daylight method: ISO t0t-802 Expos rbc d 20 slEida dong with ISO Bluc v@l hoB (eom.ndcd for r.adjve dy.s efcM6 l-8 to Xmn o$ l@! comer.idly). 'Irt Ighr fasttEs nting oompor<b to lhe nunbd ofth. Bl@ rcfdlno€ siowing r @ltrsr cqual to ihar of thc ten 2, sple in *ldch E is excdLnt dd I vcrt poo!. is Wahim falnes Dy.d splc ir rEnlcd with fottowirg D.rhod io chet irs fasrrEs aspeialy duing ISACO3 b€d splc Soap 5 g aith odrifibd slrip i! subjwrld lo &c foUowiig soturior /L, edim carbonale aniydbus 2 g / ntio l:5O Rie ad dry. EvsluG tba chrEc srlten of Sray 3. sale tu u!.d in which 1 L.i 60 t for !0 tninucs ,Ihe in sbldc md nainin& re!.cacnr poor .nd 5 FlBor ir tiquo. dflg d@lLnt. Pffindtion lso 105/n4 speciDo of the iexrilc in @dacr with tbc adja@nt fabri* e hcaicd for 30 ninutes t*o dif.r.Dr solutios (&id pH 5.5 or .lt!li@ pH S) @Dt iniog h.isiidi!. ald ddircd. Iltd pl&€d bct*m rqo ptat s uldd a p.sse of 12.5 t!a, and ptt i, ! in &yine ovcn for 4 ioB Anwud! heg lo dry i! wm air d lndinM rl 60 iLg!. Cddstde Ass ri. cbe8. h iba& ud slainils of thc adjacent lsbnc wirh srcy at 37 dcgre C. lcat . 9l Cha?ter 3 Experinehtal Prccedwes Par2 Lhisridilemonohydrochlodd.monohyd6t A.'E|L 50 gL sodiMc oride Sodiundihydlo8.nodhophosphat d.hydrale Lhislidioe Eonolydrcchlodde momhydlat 22S'I- dL 0.5 5.0 eJL Diediu 4. Onhophosphat 5.0 CL Pi!a8&-V!EU4s Ihis test ir intcd.d to d.icdie th. $Nitivitv of @lored ldlil6 b peroxv odpoudl lik Sodrd pd boBG ehich b I comon iDgrcdi.nt of colm@ial 4.25 EIL 2.0 EIL 'fte speimco is imds.d in thc abov. liquor d 50 b fo. 30 ninucs &.iN, dry 5.Y@l4rb!!s 15O105 E't Ilis tesl m.lhod is ro detminc lhc Bistlocc of th. @lor of €Kil6 to imcsi@ ir wbr. rvd speida od moltifibd ntip s adjamt in d.mimralit d Mlet' pled it b plsLs qith prtsw of 12.5 k?& for 4 ho$ .t 3? 'C Thcd $ss lhe ch4ge, B!:bb!!g&6o!$leg rso taSx-l2 6. 'Ihis lesl nethod is 1o dct rntrnc lhc rcskt&c. of @lor of tertilca to rubbing ofl staining o0!er nal€rials. Sp€cilnans of li. ed tcxtiles io be tested de rubb€d wiL\ a dry dd sith s w.t rubbitrg doth using ! c@k mdt.r' Rub tb dd fto siraight along ! back l0 cm lonS lO tin6 in l0 s..ond! with a domqed fooe of rubbins cloth 22N or 9N. Tlc sibnling of tlF rubbitg cloth i! 8ss!.d wilh srcv sc.L 92 Chaptet 3. Experinental Procedures Pat-2, Applicanon & baluation Trbl65: Rc$na ofvadou Isb* PEFdas ofDrs Dv. Wrt.r P.nDlr.tiotr -. . -RuDo|ng Ll8lt . 10 I 4t5 4t5 3 2 5b 3 3 4t5 3 4 3 4t5 4t5 5d 5 6 5f 7 5g 8 9 ln 12 4t5 i 3 l0 I u I 12 5l l3 WbF . sLnds for shtle 4t5 3 4t5 4 4t5 4t5 3 4t5 A3 4t5 2t3 4t5 U3 4t5 2 4/5 3 4t5 3 I 5i 1t4 2t3 4t5 1t5 4t5 4t5 4t5 4t5 4ts 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 14 z7 u 4t5 3 4/5 2B 3 3 3 3 3 3 4/5 3t4 3t4 3t4 4t5 3t4 4/5 28 3 3 415 3t4 4t5 213 2 3 4t5 4t5 4t5 4t5 4 5 415 4t5 3 42 415 3t4 3 415 3 3 43 4 3t4 3 a3 y3 v1 3/4 43 43 4y3 4Zi 4 213 cie8. 93 Chapte/ 3. L\perii'entat ptocedures pat-2, Applicanob & baluation 3,? 3D.QSPR!t! Compuidional study ptays e inlodrri rcle ro dci@1 tlE binding thc @lluloF by applying v&iou nethods iD dations od r€c.ltoFliged bencncial Ddho.lology 0r utlia i hini6M ure of dy6 with time shuctu.. Dye,fsbric er&lions, both have fo! th. pEdiction sinile coD@ption, The nosl of difi@lt lmFrtjes iniiiare from nol€culr struciuat infomDtion kloM 4s three dbcBional q@ibrive smctur. propeny relationshjp (3D-eSpR) t9,l0l. 3D.eSpR ltudics de @rbjnly of importe@ erdal in diltse b@ches of ch.mhtry inctudng Dedicinat chcmistry, phm(eudclt chem'sfy ed drus di.@very I L | 21. Tris phclie q?e l*ds b [ clo* @marion berwco butt prepcrties oI compouds $t'ich prcvidcs coe.crion€h tr ed notecute strucilr€ nucoscotic ald of mncr. ODe ih. hodcl he dev.loped fi.n fi pmperis ofuDlnoM compoud. A Dlin sl.p to build of the ! *l ofnoledd d*liptoB mol*ut6. Upii[ QsPR ealysis [13-t8]. h now a rhe rhe mr@scopic @ !. used lroFrriq b foEcajr. i! coNuucrirc rh.lD_eSpR mod.l i, tb.t si8 ry lltirtio! h u. propeni.s widc range ofd6cripro6 hlve Dc! dfcdb€d in 3D- siudi* rwo difctur data se$ of Ed !@rirc dy€s wilh rhe hctp of CoMFA prorMl is s.d pri@il, [19]. rhc i @ctio. of diniMr d]rs includilg rhe qtrqdirc dlq *irh . elutoF f.bdc is t @6ptq phrsr@hoical pl@ss ruled by spoitc felrut* .nd lqtur ofile dyc nol@ule In CoMFA llc i mllrio. of dyecdlulosc is inftMc€d by veiou facroE inctudirS eled.ost tic ed scrjc fielc ed ihe eaitabt. dp.riEotol dara Thc ain of rhi! sildy i3 b {ievclop a PtldidiE CoMFA ih{ @@laL thc absrttivity of dy.s *i1h rE .jtdrio, of mlaule 3D-QSPR 94 Chapter 3. E pefinental Prcc?twes Pat-2, lppl ic at ion & Evaluatk n *w rs d.ade .nd c@idd s a nd!1 Eti!!l. mlhod to urd.Ftald Ihc {rEnld EquiMois of oy pbp€.ty *i1b rh€ iniedctive specic. Abeativiiy is rh. pbpeny rhd i! @rsidq for the cl)mr eo* wh'ch nod.ling iool5 uscd ova hn denonsf.le how mEb $e dy. .xhaustion (E) &d hish lixation i a@r witt rhe eltuloe fibq wjlh to* dyFborh qte. Conpli.tio!.I M.rtodoto!, AI moleclle modcli4 ncrhodr tv.rc p.rfqn€d uing Sybyl 7.3 t20l on Cquie lntel'>a@n Onq 3.0 cHz d@t coF ptu6M ming udd oDc. SuSe Linu I1.0 dvitu''Mr lrilialy a[ fiFnfts fisLd i!{ Mt buiti by rhe cl|€mdhw I2ll dd dm .rL.ned inio @cpudins 3D ni)cn!.! ei0 rh. hclD ofrhc T.Hc? 1221. Figlc 2: Sr.@luat Atiglrtmt of Alt R.d R@rirc D.l,bse Atignnmi l.dDt.!c. Dyca by 0E Mahod UsiEg thc Mon Actvc Con oud 6t 4 95 Clnptd 3. bipein.ntal Pat-2, App lic ation & Eva lua I ion T.bfc6. P''.st R.d Rdcdv€ Dyc Stdcnlg wit! thc Abe6$vi9 (DntMoucn X r(l) ." S.No. D),e ^r",lt,,l.*A* Briddog Moleq "DA" 3.47 -1 6d 5 Didid6tilb@+?2LdisulplDnic 4,4 429 -dianin.b@Milde 3J4 6t 7 6g 5.43 E 6n 5.81 9 6l 6.21 l0 6J Dimi.6tilb@c2, 2'.disdphonic 5.49 It 6t 4,4'{ianin bo@dnidc 495 6l 632 4.67 11 Di6i.dlilbqF22'{isulphonic 2.95 96 Diuinslilb6e2, 2'{isubhonic l5 t.85 t6 t7 1.95 IE 037 t9 5r l0 5g 2l 5[ 047 5l 2,44 23 A 5L 25 5l 26 5m 0,25 t92 Dimift srilb@e2,2'{islnpbnic t, 1,74 t, 0/1 tt Dieinestilb@2, 2ldisulplFnic 97 T.bL-7: Acntd ed PEdictld Ab$rprivity ofR.d Ra.tirc Dy6 wilb R.sidud of &.dic&d .Dlo.bhdtt CoMIA 5b by Rsldul 5.46 -0.16 5.17 5.38 -0.01 4.29 4.18 0.11 3.74 3.4 0.07 6f 4.94 4.91 0.03 6E 543 5.66 -0.23 6h 5.81 5.E5 -l).04 6i 6.21 6.24 -0.01 6j 5.49 5.37 o.t2 6l 6.32 6,51 -0,19 4.67 4.35 0.x2 5. 295 2.52 0.43 5b 1.85 L95 4.1 0,?l 0.57 0.04 1.95 2.02 -0.07 0.x7 0.43 -0.06 025 0.31 -0.06 t.92 1,35 0.5? 0!7 0.75 .0rE 2.44 2,41 0.03 5k 0.41 1.08 -0.61 5l t4 1.39 0.01 2.32 2.22 0,1 347 5.40 n,93 6k 4.95 4.37 0.58 5b 0.47 2.tE -1,71 6d 5f 5i 98 Adlladofi Chq* & Eyaletlorl 3. W*n tal Procdtttt pot-2, #"fuy 99 ldteio" Clqter t. B4Erlnatal Procder5 Pd-2, & Ewhtmr{,t 6c lm chqte Adit:otfot& Eyflhd@r 3. Werina tdl Ptoc.tu.t Pd-2, t^$HR- l0l Chapter 3. E petinentat prccedwes pat-2, Applicatio & Btaluation 6E HorsocHrcH,-d8o -Fo .\ 91 9t o3;.",c*,,*to," o=f .,\ V,"'\:I t-^i*",V *y')^i,;,1,_lni rw"o sorH sqH 1\ \-/ so!I| sqH toz Chapter 3. Expeineital Prccedurct Pat-2, Appl ic dtion & Eraluatiotl no,so'rrcrr,,.fo o\-"r""r"ote" .\irfr A V n"*t:ll' []* * V "r{&. \ .iui'A_\fEN "=N.r, n fi\,, SorH iortr SorH 6l 1\.HrCHfOSOsr{ 6j 103 Chqte ,lrylraaliot & Evabdldt 3. Watne$at procdlB pat-2, /H.CrUCOsqH 6t HOTSOCHTCH2\ 104 Chapter 3. Expelihental Prccedurcs Pat-2, Appl ic ation & Eyaluttion ort Ho;/s fl91 N^N y-F"'l [n^{ l-y'.l'itl-'H'6$r*^ d9 dr*r!4 SorH 3.72 Sel€ctto. of cwnt N^N Ii..,.:NE OH () SOrH \g sorH q"', I sorH Moleuld study d.sls wirh thc i*rJ diflcrdr d.l! 3€r re Drri rd I| rhicl,cd fDD lb. tir.rdu. G:r) c@Fuldr rcpotud by rh. J Palwzhtdtc. r, ar (dyetods 6. to dn), ft€y slrlhBiEd nd ra.livc drq @ d.rivstiyc of l@haE-hydMyuphthrl.fl.-3, ftisulphonic &id 123). Itd$d II: fis dat! et r.len pEscady ,Fth6iz.d drs.oNi$ of mthd tbinen (r3) c.oqouds (h!l/i!g '5lhc dy.{ods 5. 10 5D). Data 9.t of t*lnty Bix corpoututs wjfi tlcn ab€or?tiviry G) dD?not/@ i! r.!on d in &. T.bl69. rbe *ldlio! of ih. r.i!i!c .!d s.r! is bo!.d d tu&d alprolch. Twaty-rhrcc (23) conpoundr w.G elered fof thc tr@ @npoulds w.r. studied ud€.rbc 16! 'cr. r"idry ser and Fsr of 105 Chapter 3. F,lpetinental Procedures Pal-2, Appl ication & Evaluaton 3.7.3 Ih. Drb!.t P.ep.r.tior 3D sLucnlB ofdy€s ,or tbe AligtrD.trt vw dnw vilb rlc h.lp of Sybyl, ?.3. 'I!. gc@.tty of sile Tipos lhc @npo'llds w6 midnizcd by 8rNdicnr method aU force field [24] wilh 1000 iimlion. cellei8d Huck€l [25], mlbcc [26] and MMFF9 t27l chqge n€lhodt wrc utilizd fo. rbc crlculirio! .!d .pplicd rhw ch&96 o. lhe whoL$t by !0o1. chdsc utility ofth. OpclEyca Q@p& [28]. 3.7.4 Slnctunl Aligrbeot AliSMdl h otr ofthe d6t sigdifimr scP3 fo. CoMIA studics. The 3D sElcn@s of ihe E&livc dyc hol@ulca veE sliencd aocordirg io ! suitable confomaiionil ldplale itich show.d bighc. iDt€ractive abil'ty with lhc c.Uulos. h lhi! cdc lhd€ it no Fiviouly rclorr€d data tEilaue for rh.e twtir! dys *t!ch irdic!& rbe higlc! lot ncy of rt uctutc wirhiD thc dahs.!. Th.rcfo€, his!€sr absorbivjty conpoud *!3 coBidqed !s a t mpht noLcule. For O. Fwrli! 3.7.5 @6rol|nd is rhe dyc 6r *tlicL ls highcsl cwnt rcrk th. m6t a!$rlrivily 6-32 dm3/rur,/6 x CoDD.rdlv. Moleul.r lLld Alrlylb (CoMrA)) Sludy M Au @Dporllivc bol@ulsr fi.ld .D.lFi! (C0MFA) P9-321 perfom.d by uing SYBYL 7-3. Conpoudr rse pls.ed al ihc 3D l.nie by followins defaulr etliis of Drcedw with 2.0 A Eid slacitrs. A spr @bon aiod wilh +l ch&ge s c6ploy.d to probc lhe s&ric Ca$dJo!6) ald .Lcro3lrtic (codolrbio fcld CoMFA cncryio. Ttu cutoff int!@tio. ftrs/ + !0 tclynol M !{pli.d on both rhc CoMFA 106 Chaptet 3. Erperinental Procedurcs Pat-2, Appl ic at io n & Ey ahtat ion nsc 8.ndtd auiomncdly sd sLd An altclulrion factor of 0.1Mus.d nelds- 3.25 P.r.l.l The Paltial nodel. s Tt l,dl &u.E kln ^r+st de!.ndent vaiablc io n thod. (PLS) Squte, (PLS) re1hod ljscd CoMFA dcsqiptors by tb€ CoMIA-SID sled to @nstlct dd validarc th. 3DQSIR s! indcpcnddl wiabls dnd prcpeny value! PLs. It is exprc$ing thd ab$rbtiyiry in tcms of limd conbinatiom of thc CoMIA modcl gen Btcd B stdic dd cldrrosta& ncb. 'Ite llldiqnvc poLltbl of the CoMIA protocol M alrlyrid by 'ldv.- o!.-ouf' (LOO)I331. CFs-validaEd ladysis metho4 in from lhe daia5ct dd *l ch orc @npoud is qclldcd syn@lically iis pbp€ny pEdictcd usitrg the Do<lel dqived fmD the rcsl re of sd rcdMs ihe nois ldel. Tle cross-validaled€ o'? thai Esulted h nininal nMbq of conpon@ts ed thc lo*€st slaDd{d eru of pFdictio! (SEP) $4, accQt d. 'I1r B ri obt iFtl toD Uc l@vmst Iswld@ yi.lls u opri[d nMbd of @mpomis (ONC) which b ryciar.d by th. m!-rdidrri@ PtS ddysir. Th. rts die cohpou4 Colunn lilt ring noIles resuls wE s.l ai2,0 kcal/ nol for dalrsis alalysis Epcald for thc vdid.tiotr wilh the ONC lhe end, the CoMFA sraphically inlery€led by ft€ld codlibution m6ps using the ficld twc 10 gct lle 6nal no.lcl. At "std.v,@ll'. t07 Chaptet 3. Experinental Ptocedures Pat-2' & Evalnt iot Appl ic at ion 3.8 D.t rnlbrtlon D.lcnb.tloo of lb Yilm Arilbhrobl.l & Atrtifurgd AclMty t l".toAltioicrobi.lAdlijty All &st sshplca w@ $!ffied on Mucller-HinloD agr (@de CM033? Oxoid) fot atltibactdi.l rcrivity br di$ di$Bio mclbod. For lhis pu!Fo*, sl€dle diss (6mm dim.tcr) of lihd papq of &s1 @npoudr qw Fllored Am sbct solurion of of lottrg/ml for synrbdic @@pouft., o coDpoun& o a disc. lod @nlainils 10019 for sytth.tic Tle Muelle.-llilton lgat Plalcs w.c seded wiih 2how old SroM itr Mu€[d Ftinlon bre$ (Oxoid) uing st€lile colton swbs lh! pepar.d dircs tr€F placed onlo the agar !!rfac* !t diff.@l positions ed Pla&s test cultuic wd incubatcd al 37C' for 24 inlibiiioB in m. ll' Resutts A disc l@ded qilh D.tcob.ito! offt t rto Alr'rtulgtl afiitulgai &iivity above, M l0!l sildL rccordcd by DMSO m m6uing thc en. of !$d d a @olrol. Aca|rity die diruio! D.rhod a d*iib.d vortex in smdl $rcw capp€d lubes to ma}. a ale detabired fugal cultue vs $!r by lhc honog.n.ols susposion. Sabouud's ddrro$ agd (SDA) plats weie $eded with thb susFsion. St€dle filtd dises @DrsiDing l00Fs pd dhc ampl. of synthclic @mpund sEle pbc€d oDto the sud@s at difleMi posirions. ?late! were incubated ar @m tcmp.ratu!€ fo. inhibitioE in m. 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A|i}E20:t{33-143E. .lL ^A Cor,tsa^'. I. Glrci4 Y, Fall, G. oonca" QSAR, Dooki!& ifi bito$. CUE@I Phr8eutic.l 12. Y. w'ng. '3DQSAR lludy on Bitrosdqic K I{. Kin. c. c'!co. JNMI dd of E ettoMrtal CoMFA sludilr of GSKI D.tnC', 20r0i1 61266-261 5. E. N@llino. 'A dlicd Eviq of Ec.rn coMIA applicatioN. PcBpectircr in Drug Dilcov€.y ed De.igD'. r98il2:257-315. R D. Cnll r, D. E. Pdaloo, J. D. aunce. "ComDditiE d|ol.crll& fdd dEllsb (CoMlA) l. Effcct of rbrp. on birdirg of 3t roi.! to @id ptollioa", JowMt oj.{mqt@n chemktl So.iety l988irl0t595r5%7 . u2 Chapter 4 Result & Discussion Chapter 4: Result & Discussion 'rhis chapLr dcscdbB 6ults &d rh.i. pssiblc cxplaMton up ro ihc prereDl ho*l€dg. ldtlining ro lh€ sr!ftesis, .ppliclrion dd .valurjon of f.sticss of lhc ta4eicd dy6. 'nE rhiia! Dr(no!@htobaisift) dyes w@ synrhciirld qhich @nlain dift rnr subdtiM?d aryl min$ .l diazo @BFletrt and a bddging grcup joilioe tvo dy+holaule of di+tlorcrddinc. 'Ihe seleciion of rc&tive greup govem! dyc ch$acre.islica such liber bond s||bilily, od .frci@y 3 @EAtd dcpodert o. th. cbrcoopboF n.y Bulr $bcl.ltivity in Esctivily, dye- Ntauld of rc.orioi wirh the fibs, phlsicsl chcnisfy, stcrcochdislry, suhBtanrivity s siructue ad afrnity_ Sut6r6ririq b norc !o rlE Ba.rirc srsi.o. A hield dye cs a lowr dy.,$llbitiry ehict ir ou is ircEs.d by additio! of sllphonic acid bd it f.vos dycing by havinS hidet !.iEary .rlFusrion, a higler t€action ntc for a givd re&tviiy, a loftr di6sion coefrici€nl, a hisl€r .fftci€ncy of nxaiion, lcs eBitiviry ofdye ro nh. vdialion in Plocding condirions sucn 6 t npcrahtr. ard pH. Suht ltivity is thc b.slE6e of th. capability ofa imture rticl obw.d in lBdr pmjccl. Covdilg powr G wh6 tbe substartivity is.irhd rcry low d hjgh_ AltDugh d ir{,!@ dye to @vcr or fiben in tbe dr! sbstdrivity tur is be @tuollcd .xrctully by lowsins of the dyc €olchtntion, by using hidd colcdiration of d..rolrre, pH (up to I l) and lower liq@! to eood! rario. Rcactiviry of alt€dns thc pH or lempenhr, loE cnpcntw, hider a dye cm b. nodifi€d by By a suibbte sdjustbor of pH od i.Dpdate, two dy.s of intrisi€Uy diflant Eactivity may be nDdc ro rcld at s simil& 6c, Dtq of pr*nl wr! d b8.d on s-triuin @riv. gDup wnich hlvc good va far!|* pop.nis in illnlin. mcdiu ed tbe subBtdlivity is towrcd i&indly by bulkjness ofnolecde de !o $tich wlshing pbFrries arc inprowd. It k also found in ow peBpitalion 6d ce lhat peFbcate e s o! moM borh, orctiaziDc hay. fajr fasl!.s to lidr, @mp@ to oth.r rcrciive dys in 6e sood to ofrcds, pFFnid i!t!nd.d primeily for exlaust dlrinS. All dya stEtuB d. st1mchic.l ltour 1[c aoirlt tintilg didi@ ed all of lhc6 @nr!b rd notE@ chromosm ar @h dd of ih. nob'ne, th.e bifilrction t dy. noler{B e .ppoxinately teie rhe sia of daloeou Thc t rg€i.d dycs designed to nonofrmdoml .trucnfts. schidc bcrd fas:tr6s Chapter 4. Thei. noderate dy.ins 1o bish substantivity tcnp.nnr of E0 g €l]sw ex@Uent Res t & Discrssioa dhawtion valB ofsbour L&titrg ro fixalion a1 the pEf€ned ?G80e,6, although in full deplhs lyphal neEb.u of the msc my rcquirc Ball @n@nralions s high 6 100 g/L for oFnral yicld. gigh-i.bp6atu! .ppli€tion 6ndiIio6 c6e sood lry.lins {td thc high fixalioo to& to b.tb uritization ofde dyc! alplied \rirh hydtolysis ed ls @londo of Bult in & opaire-up of @llulose hydbxyls, less th€ €mllcnr. By tlisins the lnnpetalue sc.ns to thc @lluloe rt stue, ilc@ing €nldcing th. re&liliry h<l ovenonile thc .cdvation as welt ar rbe r 6c of ecs 10 Dobiliry of dyc molecules .las| bMid of thc! mMa, tb*by inc6ilg 0t lael ofmoleclls activily otlhe dyetbor s/sten as w€I s dyefibct iltqr.tior 1lic lu@hrcmes colfcF rhc @p&ity o! rhc @m!oud. ft. vdy huch !.t ogcn@B in strun{. due to which lh. Mutuy in ncswtucnr is hist y !r@Ed. MoMltr, fadoE tike siz€ of smpte in ill.86titrg sphaE, diEcrioMl sltucnlF duc ro @E qtilc t!).asilg in difq.Dt rexiile $mples ar! hdspaMcy of s . dccEes thd accuacy of ncasLjEnents_ Sdlt by ott@DiDg O.r factoE by n*eing lhc tuplq ia p&deid.d dnetor sturs dircclions, ed backidg i1 by irs oir! thr.. fotd s ihese e..oB ir0ucdcjrs id compeilon shrdia of @tor Mich colos Elal i bsuc !o hrc, Chroda lDd tishh€s. .Dsig of th. srnthdsia dy6 incl.{$s du lo two dyc@t@ul.s joired togcrha. Th.y behavcd .x@llmr sotubitity ln var€r duc ro bcE.!.d !Mb.r of SOr srcupq *ttich in tum e P.lhap difre *ily ln. tibcr b sis bcrs Eigdtior and t*[r8. incrcse in dyc slubility nay b. !frarcd €xtdully by inc@ing fie t nP.@turc, addiaS le iD lrd dLtBilg rh. ui. of .l@botyt4. As !t!gl dycs qd r nucleophilic displlcemenr m.chdisn lhowcd a good srabitity !o alkati s!d. ro difi.&Dt .legEcs, tss stabitig io acid. TI|c N of ! Factivc d)€ @nrainirg rs by c..rf. ercupr ptu6$s th. cotrBpondi!8 fxation cffici@cy Lvcb ed e abolt 75% 95yq The shade of rhe dyc wiih rclsrion 10 di@ 6nponot ed hidgjrg gloup sMjcd. nihcr rhln iG ,!!toge wir! otrly ore ucriE grlp p.r molc.ule irc&$es ihc fixatio! from a g?icct 60% ro approximately 80/o on av.Eg. i! a{lust dycin& h pad-bdrcl Shrd. ofthc dy. sbin.d t@ !.d ro Eddth e bluc tonc a ob6F€d by l, nd 540 nD ro 5?O m on rhe fsbric by UV_VIS s!.ctB 6 ll4 Chapter BhoM 4 Rcsult.t Disc,s\ion i! valB of drpld 3. X tm i! nn snd d)r exhusrioi studied ty I(/Setile dr! fqarion b cdqlrt d by l!flcq&e De3sl|@crl of dy€d htric. !relcni.s of5i 10 5n e rc@rdcd in T.bt65 of.hlpra 3. € (epsilon valu.9 e Emded in T.blF3 ofchalte. 2, s!4rophotometd valus &d Lr a. b.. valucs&ondalacolo.t@rdcdioT.bl62ofchapbr3fondat color. Thc farhss ln additjoD to ini!!@i!8 solubiliry, luxocbmncs sEh .s SOr sdphoric eid e .tr .tir! dlg $bslituda in previdilg rrgd c.los. 'fte yicld of all dy6 is good &d &Ddhli he s in moleds mss giv. inc@d yield. Dy.5.r t!. wF n rsuEd h ! hsco A-30 spc.trophoromrer ed following FlIs ob6.ded. IK &$.r'cr!): os 3{44 ({II), 3100 (,Nn_), 1616 C IR specta KBr on N=N.), 1587 CC=C, Ar), l42E GC-N, glrieinyt rine), 1369 (-S,O), 1209 (SO), ?59(-C-C0. Dy.5b: Tltc IR sr€fa wF n sucd i! KBr o! &UowinS pqks obi.dd. IR( a J.9 A-30 stccblhotometer ald Jaec'/cD''):D* 3444(ort,162l CN=N,),1558 c=C' Ar), l43l CC-N, sridinyl ring), I l9t (-S-O), lO42 (-S-O), ?90 (-C-Cl). The IR spectF w.F ncasuEd in KBr on a Js@ A-30 spcctrophotometd fouwi's p..b obsrcd. C=C- Ar), 1429 rR( J!sc./o.'):D* (_ dd 3441 (,NH,), 1621 (-N=N-), 1596 (- (-c-N etdlziryl dnd, I32? (-S-O), I120 (-S-O), ?92 Cc4l)_ Dy.5c: Tha IR spdIrs wrc neasud u KBr fouowins pe.ks obserrcd. IR( Ja$..,/mi)r C{- Ar), l4o/l (-c-N, rrrieilyl on a o* Is@ A-30 3435 (orl), spe.rropholomter od 1626 (-N=N_), 1556 (. dns), r 188 (-S-O), 1043 (-S-O), ?90 (_GCD. Dy.5d: IR nr. lR sp4ira were mcasu€d foUowing H- Ar), h KBr om Ja!@ A-30 spcctmpholom.t$ od pets ob*r!d. IR( J4sc./on r)rDd, 1441(_NH_), t62l (-N=N,),159j (1429 Gc-N, !-tri&jryl rids), t 32? (-S=o), I l2o (-so), 792 (_c_cD. lt5 Chapter 4. Result -Iae & Dl'ct6sion IR s!@t! wrc nasulld in KAr on a Jas A-30 sperlqhoroDeter !d 3491 ({H), 33?6 (-NH-), 1618 (- nnd, l40l GS=O), 1189 (-S-O), followiag!ql6 ob*ftd. IR( Jsc./cbi): N=N), 1564 (-c-C- Ar), 1444 CGN, !-triazinyl ed 712(-C.Ct). The IR spectra m6o@d in KBr on s Js!.o A-30 lpcctropboromeio rouowing peats obsen€d. IR( JMo/cnr)rDn( ed 3442 CoH), 3l 13 (-N'n-), 1622 C N=N'), 1562 (-C=C- Ar), 1406 (-S=O), 1184 GS-O),773 GC-CD. DJ.5gl The IR s!et! ll@ m6u€d fouowine peats N=N-), 1552 obwd. (€- in KBr oM Jsco A-30 sFctrolhotoneier IR( J!$.r'cmr): o* 3429 (-OH), 3395 GNH,), aDd 1620 (- Ar), 1400 GC-N, erisrisyl ing), lt92 CS{), 1045 (-s-o), n0gaat). Dy.5h: ! fonowile ?ealc ob5wad. lR( ,ec.,?cn ): D* The IR slet a rry4 he3uld in KB. o! c=c. Al), 1404 cc-N, siri&byl rirg), I | 84 J$.o A-30 sp*trolhotoneter ud 3420 CNH). 1622 (-N=N-), 1558 C (-S=O), lo40 cs-o), 815 (-c-cl). Dye5ll IR Th. IR sp4ln werc m.Nuled in KB! ona following peal$ observcd. lR( Jasca'/cn'): c=c-A!), Dye Iso U.! A-30 s!.crlophotomerer ed 3439CNH), 1520(,N=N-), 159(. 1339(-s=O), I | 98cs.o), 7?0(-c-cD. 5jl IR Th. IR s?eta l@ h*utld b KBr on a Js@ A-30 s!@rophotone&. @d followils p€rs oheded. IR( Js.c,/cri): H- Ar), 11146 !* 3427 CNH), 1620 cN=N,), 15a9 C (-C-N er.idinyt d,8), I194 (-s=o), 1042 (-s{), ?66 (-c_cl). lt6 Chapter 4. Result & Discutsiok Dy.skl IR '[re IR spccba 9@ nc$uEd obwen. fonowin8 c=c" Ar), 1406 cs=o), Iss/oD )rDN IR( 1045 s K& dis o. r Jas Cs-o), A-30 spehoptoioncr.r sld 343? (-NH-), 1618 (-N=N-), ls54 (- ? Dy.5l: rR TIE IR wd€ m8u€d in KBr ona Ja!.o A-30 sp€Eopholonctcr lnd JM/cm ): od 142? (-NH-), 1620 (-N=Nr, l55l (At), | 396 (-C-N, sr.ieilyl ring), 1 194 (-S=o), 1043 (-S-O), ?91 ( following pdk3 obsw.d. IR( c{IR lte IR spotn w€r n.$u!.d i! KBr oE Ja|co A-30 sFcrrcphotonercl ad fouo*irg p.{k o!*n!d. IR( N=N-), l4E7 (-C=G JedcBr):D"- 3435 (_OrD, t622 (_NH-), l59l C Ar), 1404 (-C-\ s-rieioyl rins), l2n (.S{), 104? CS-O), 170(-C-Ct). Sp€cinl Pmpcrtl* of Dy.t 'Ihe wrelogth of !BiDM rd i. &on 5r'5u e Mrd.d 6d p*nt€d and appli@lion on fabic 0b0o!t€@ of a[ stnrh.siz.d drs in edd in T.btF3 of c[s9rcr 3 whil. L- of the$ of chsptd 3. In pFsdt siudies $!th.ric dyca 3 Oe coupling asd i! wc h alt dy6 {,tich i5 cyeuLd H-acid mw dE diff.@@ in Ld e dE b difreFd di@ gtolps i! @Dbirrlio. wirh bridgitrg 8touF. The rdtca of log 6 (notor .xlilcrio! @mcidt) $e wiz.d in T.bl63 ofchlplq 2. Dy* with bddging grcsp DASDA h!v. valucs itr thc m8. of4.274.4? los d, wbich shows lh* dy.r h.w hyperchrnic efal o. hign in&ciry of llsorFion. 1,3-pl&nylc!,c dyes is prcsaled in didi& sho*B good dcrildiv. wiq Bp6r b ab6orption ,tit. l.+ph.nylerc didin ha l6s absdlion ta ht?ochrcmic .fro1€xccpt onc whic! hds u-Mi@ sulphonic eid s diuo@bpo@nct L abour 522 Dye 5r tds l,ut abour 543 m i! ercr. H@ rb. ilroducrion of 3ulp[odic m lhiL sloup " 5b hs l... -" *rui ii Chapter diazl).@F@nt qith DASDA bridging prod@ hr"sochmic crd d*ltes ed 3hinbg of lid $luc M Resuh & Discussion lhc uv.lcagrb, dy6 5r l{ow€vq, tbe iDloducrion of diazMbrondl wiih .trd L up to 20 @ l,+!hdylcr. is dd 5b o!6wed. diadine btidgirg ed 5.. The additioD of CIl3 at e/a position id dieotupo!.nt in th. dyc 5. give! 5b with DASDA bndging shows bad@bDmic etr c1 wilh iM*. in 13 nm of in Mta, while addili@ of ^.! CHr al pala positioD Bhows ts0Mbmrnic efiect wirh shift of l0 M. Anons fow s!o*s b?@trcEic isond or lEseit dy.s. up ro only 4 in dy6 5. dd 5l have hiehd 1,-" with ooe ison of 5D ed 5g sho{s 5c md 5d, 5f and 5& 5h subnftuelt al p4ra Fsilion then a uelr. Only yith othd Fop.rtic!. Dy6 wiih DASDA bddging hiv€ ttu lioo 522 10 570, ^nr eith l,3-ph.nyld. dimin. bddging shows Lq fim 540 to appbximlely siDile 560 lld b.idgirg wilh l,+ph.nylo. Eldhon withdrailc .ff*l Oq) didi!. geups plac.d n, fr@ 540 to 565 on fatsic. ir @rjus4io! provid. whici ir visible ir drq 5. ed 5l in yhjch Wiih Es!.ct to fixaii@ p@dllgc Lj hrv. ld of faldc a bath@hrmic ilcEaed wirh 15 @. 5k show 95% fxation pnich is higbly favoEue in @lo! pFdiction of rhldes $dich ir tum hvoE FTR (fisl time riclD p!@sing. wlile di8znnpoidt of toluidinc virb dl bndgirg @mpo@!t sbow !l@ lho 80ol0 6xation showirg favorablc gmup $ a di''o{olrpoftn1 fo. fo@tiotr dd c.llulorc. In dye 5J pnitto aoilile giv€ good 9lolo witr 1, diminc lho wi& l,4,phdylene of @valdl bonding betw€n dye f$tres p@ age a dimine in dye 5i which is 7l %. 'Il'is fel is dso appee in dy€ 5r in which 4iline ,s I dieo{ompoDat with DASDA bridsiry give 95.I % fixliiod sltilc vith l,4.phenylonc dimin€ in dye 5. shows 73% ! bis dDp. I,4-phmylene dimirc show exeuat fast!.$ with r-t.luidin wh'ch h w}lib wilh oihd di@@npoMt shoe! Subhonic gbup additio! lhs 5r *iicb ha .o bddging with, out of six i.. ?5 or i! di@nponcnr 95% l$ &d lho with ptoluidine 86% pct@taga 3hovs !o o! sulplonic 8mp 3inilnly in di@nponent dr lN fxarioE i! dy6 eA 5b 5d th.n 5.. lt8 Chapter 4. Result & Discltssion Fuln.s of Re.ctlv. Dys Th. f&ba thar alfet $e of Mcrilc dy6 &! th. cbFDopho.e goup, iLe stability oJ th€ dyc-0b.r bold ed the @mDleld* oI thc tlmral of lbe utxrd rsh*s dye. pDpdiies Esulti orc rcro.rd i! Trbtas of ctaplel 3. h mhing fash.s of sll thc de.ivanvc! fron 5a.5n e evaluat€d s .xc€ltcnt in shadc chsg€ wbil. siainiry is f!ir. In peroxidc sshing borh shad6 chrig. snd stljning e good showing resisradc. !o onddjon_ Whctld F6pi6tioD lad wel Nbbi!! f.sbess e fdir 1o good wlilc dry rubbing fashs is e)(cett nr Lighi fisbrcls of 5d is; e 5. md 5e QSPR Stldy good whjl. oilEB Frcn th. litcroiw ed foud good. sw.y it is quite cl@ riDt 3D_eSpR pE{rici.d ! Elialt. dodcl *hich could hcb lo dcais new rqdiv€ dy6 .c@rdiis ro ire modifietio, of Ihe dcv.lop.d f.3tures. In rh. cud€nt stu(ly w rcponcd &e appticarion of lhe CoMIA mod€ling oD rd r.acrive dlrs. CoMIA has becn applied ro denve rh. relatonship Dct@n lhc atnenlat hodifietion iillMe of ihc cee Tlt. o! l[c wo* dil're deals wirlr o.t fotu of ab5o6dvity which rc<t e.tiv. dr!, dE bindhe the dier indiqtion d eltut@, dimc6 of Ed E&ijve dys. fte ,.6on fo, $e sle.tion of i!. dirnmo fonn is that rhe monoh$ has low aninjty wiih low soluble pot dial yith ellulo$ fabric, a llu.s a lcs ioL@tirc riDctionat g.oup. Howvs, on Fphe|@lof rbe dim.! fon 5, dlrric chdg6 wcrc ouwld in 0E !ffidty of rh. @ctivc dy6 wirh r[e eUu]o$ structu&, ,ft@foF, k sleLd sri* hclp th. of the r@rive dycs for ih. 3DeSpR u to nodify lhen sirucrurs. Iinally, Dodificd $DctuEl f.ahfts hel, c€Uulor. b ger fb.i ll|c wolt ltow s@r.8y is !Mi.! i.!Ic rcsulrs EoE to dim.. pr.dd tn hodcl whicl cordd dc,noEtlar€ rhlr the ouislaodirg i dacr,on of reactive dyes wirh the repE*nrcd in wk S.b.Bel. |I9 Chaptet S.to6l L Resutu & Discussion n od( now fd CoMrA Mod€lu8 t20 Chapter 4- Result & Discussioh Aligrfrert Protocol vtth Dtfer.rt Chuses ws sl6t d for th. dignmot sd t!. 61of dF Dolould qelt aligned o thc $k t d @F structur., using lhc dala h6$ .ligricnr nethod of Sybyl?.3. Th. aligcd conpouds v,@ depicl.d i! riglF2 ofch.Fs 3. To gct lhe b6t CoMIA, lhs. ditrcleni chsscs nethods w€rc apPu.d And duccBsful The omotr 3kcLton .h4ge mctlpds (dab not shoM), w consideFd anoihd ncthod fo! the sludy, tloM s MM[F94. Bv alplirg tlE MMFF91 chqgcs ad slNfflitrs pNtocol on thc taini!8 ed tcst *ls, w obraincd r€$lts by CsiLigd Hiickel 8@d ed dntbc. s{risical rcsdis. $ sho*n 31 at ls t ics oJ Co in Trble?of claF.F3 WA Ih de I sl.c&d fot the lllining sd out of rhc bl'l 'IlD mainilg itu@ twdry.six (26) @mpoudr !o d.v€lop thc CoMFA nod'l' th' CoMtA mo&L conpounrb w€rc utili.d 6 &sl 3.t for rhc dtdnsl vali<tllion Twly [M (23) @bPoulds *tE 'f The PrS ncthod gives stisf@tolv.cads in ldm of q'1 sld n wls' cxhibiting &e nod.l nE outcod' of th' PLS edvsis is d'picled in ad lt€ T|bltsl. Thc Frits indicded [|,t lo$ on o c6s ltlidabd q' = 0 529 robushcas of lhe ddcloPcd n= 0.98s. The el6to$atr( n.U cooEibudon i5 assMcd ro bc !o sEe s&dl domindt a! conpaFd to the stedc ficl4 bui sibilar lcEl of I.blF st aglh in ficld i! t€ bread 3Fat!4 bob ltelds bive crdribulior' AlalvsisL Sr.t'tdical R6ults for R.d R.aclivc DlEs Extr"tcd bv CoDL 591.21 l2l Chaptq 4. Re8ult & Discussion a: Closs'validai€d corclation celficiat (q2); b; Oltinm nmb.r of @bpoMrs Ftdictid (SEPI d: Sidddd .rrcr of 6im* cdmion l @l.nor @fEci6t (.2); f: Cofrl.lion @fttci6r G2Fed). (ONC); q Sta'ddd .@ 3D Anqtsts olthe of (sEE)i c: coMrA Orc of th. nosl intercsting.nd innor@tivc qdlr.! f.ltws of tl€ CoMFA nDdeling is ltE @ffcicnt @nrou plor& Thc conioE mF we wil[ c!.h CoMFA @lum. TIF s@nLd G *51& Fodlcts of @frcidts 'ssiaLd rcsios of havins $aled ctrciots sr€atlr thd 8ryo (favoEd) or l6s thn 20% (dkfavoEd). ft€ tw of CoMFA nodek for th€ alalyeis bosd on ihe d!lab.$ vi.uslizlio. of t!. 3D @rou plot!. Th€ @lored polyhedbl in th. m! smud.d .ll lanie Finls *t!.e lh. 3DQSPR is slroDgly sial€d *ith lh. chrngG @uE€d in lhe conpouds field vd6 wilh Bpet to lterbijvity potential, FiglFl (. dd b) depid th. d€tic .nd cl*lbstatic cdiou maPs of CoMFA aliSr|Ml Rw F€st d &s (SrD.v.C@fl) nodel. Th. clrrou of clccndt lic 3nd nsic c@r,butroN shoe @liE dt6. To aid i! th. vi.qtI"nrio4 dlDu mp6 swuld th€ t nplst rdoldul€ 61 6 a Ef.@ conpoud dE b highcn etul potcntid ir lb. d..ign of mw lb.o'brivily which indicaid high afrnity wi$ the coton fabdc. In . SLric ft€lds fsvord for buliy gmup3 (rre!) and djlf!rcEd fd bulky greup (FUow) *hiL in b Eleftn tic 6ckls fawEd fd esEtiE greup (d) atd diibvotld rd ft8.tiE gorP Chaptet 4. Result Fig.Fr (. !d & Discussion b) th@ Ieg€ bl@ isoplcths @vq rhe Ed r€&iivc dvc due 10 lh€ niireg.n no''tv vlich shos lh,l th* ,M N itrtcEring wll with tlE E8lrive ponion of lhe The celluloe. In lhe n&6s!y for .ll th. @lduls which h dye stroctw, th.Ffo€, the r€d @n1ou show th€ b€nd ptsnt w.lq the @ dE niiroSo is coNflGd for vdialio! iD the datlsi S.vdal rcd 6rtod 9d fould rd tte Ngdive chaec moieli€s pEdomimily b.caue. oI $e hvdmxvl tld 3ulforuc gbups Tho* conpounds wirh 6t *bict hav€ rh. srtlonic greup harc the of 6€ srou!6, .d s ! GuL bigLd 6s, 61, 51, 5b .td in @ipei$n 5c ahow g@d skdbtivilv atedivitv vzlidation o! the 3D-ps'PR Mod.l nr@ $16Ld @mpo6& vw nodel. The cahul.tcd esulk e us€d s lhe lisned in td *l ro vdifv lhe T.blF? of chipter l- @nsel€d CoMIA Th€ predictd l2l Chdpter 4. Result & Discursion e dpdindlal d6t4 .nd h a slltblical tol€Eble raagc, qith iL cdrelation co€ffi.idt ofa= 0.'l97.TlE tcsl rcsulb indi.ated thd rhe CoMIA rDdcl i! Flirblc and h6 g6d pEdictiv. absorbdvity for l!€ CoI{FA modcl in Sood agrccm€nl eilh lle ability. R6Eli .nd Dila$ioo of Analiicmbi.l A.rlylty In thc prlgt ard thinen foud io b€ shtdis, peel cdE !eg.tiv. b&t,ri! 9m. cotnpouds All spld iL teicd fiften C@ posiliv. conc. loo|lg/El. AI the @pl.s v@ qmi!€d ag.jnlt thin4n Om-negative nici@.gdisns of 100 pglml. 5l md Eru9 wir.l ZOI of ZOI of st wc i@tive aeaiNt all Cran pGitirc b&t da. All fic @mpoolds w.& rhc conc. 3rnth.ric dy6 9r!. 5h tn dd 5* slDw.d lctivily agajnst ,rdi, ei.hta shovcd eriviry agalnsl Snige a 5f also showd activttr {Ee inaclive ,'@ !g.i$r sll asiBt ib dtert*r ATCC dtwtery vtll with 1l ZOI ne oud cED rcgalis bactdia bsrcd lgaiGt fourEd nDgi FaariM tp, Peiici Shise a .oI at lecly,l4,4rt( Nigq, A. JtM, Rhtaps sp., Can li.ta atbicfu, C albi.M /rcC 0381 Sach@ontres codisi@, Miqosponn @it, M gse,.,,, Ttichophtton tubw, T. sp., n .lagophtta. T.rotB@B a d H.Ittu tthosprun tp, art$ coe. IOO Fdml, 5c w imctiy. aeain$ all frDgi bui orly lbo*cd modeate a.tivity !g.i!st Mcdr& with zOI of t3m whilc all olhcr compow.ts lft imcrire asainst aI the tungi al th€ @nc. of 100 pgls . t24 Chapter 4. Retu TrblF 2Invilro A ib&rdid A.livit(Zon oftnlibitid Grn P@nv. B.ct in & Discussion m) ri. CoDp.ud! m& /corporn.b @d. Nd.otrllcre org.trbbt * 2 3 C orw b@ r. I I M.l lplu h. i d 5 corwbd.nM 6 Cortnebdctilun xercsls 8 $@ctu holna,ni l.uns ATCC$1r 9 l0 ll gapbte@tu MB-4BIEE 12 slophlococtu efuemidts l3 l4 Strcpt@tu tapophtrtcq It 125 Chapter 4. Result & Disc6sion Trble'3 Invitro Anribdcrqi6l Acriviry (zonc of Inlibitio. in tnn) Gnn Ncartlv. hd.ri. Coopou& NrDe of olcrc orgrtrirb. 2 trd. /onpo!!d! @d. f fi E ch$ichia colt ATCC 87 39 9 3 E@li ntht .!dg r.skt@. 5 1 PsetdadoMt anogkNa 8 Pseudononat etugln^o rtTcc 9 l0 ll t2 9 l0 l3 t26 Chapt.r 4. Result & Discussiok Trbl. -{ Invilro AldnDeal a.livity (Zooc ofiDhibilion in m) CoEpoubdt /corpoulib coile N.n€ ofElcro orcdbnt ,9 2 J 5 7 Cddlth albtca, ArcC 0J6l Sa4huoDrees cet vitiae 9 t3 l0 ll t2 Tr i. hop hr,t o " n g ophtr e s n ta l3 l4 t27 Fastness Cards of Reactive Dyes (5a- 5m) 128 Clap@ 4 netult & Dbcrttion h. md.: ,. Fptrd P@ni.: T1D follNins ftirEs !6pcni6 wE 11. d.4h ofsh!.L is I% TESTNA i! rt resred on follosins dy.ins of indivitd .|@iz.c @non rovcn bv @ E 3 D.tliglift0Fd MB|Ildp : lso lotAo2 at 20Hos&40HoE ,L s..H'a,- tsGcol s.p 5 !/r. edim c.lno@ etydtu 60'C, J0 nin. liqbr dio | : 50 2 sn, -_r-+.:t'\ 't29 Choptet 4 Resuh & Discussion In..od.: t (d) II l, i30 Clspter 1. Retuh & Drtlrritn I)v...dc Diswnn 2009 ,f, Irrr.tsr& Tlt folloling es6! p6t rri.. re @d Tn {LFb ofs!.d. i! l|6 i! rh.6]}fli.a @ dttila idvii.l of ffiiEd o|lon M bv Ls. IEIII !& D.tligh odtod: $o l0r*02 MBTFldp d 20l|oor +aoEdc lso{o3 sp 5 s4 6OoC. 10 I $diE 6to!- l$w $ mil liqu rnio l: 2 t/L l.ll Chapter 4. Resuh & Discustion rij'idhmdry&6}IoeiehydrE0'5s/ s.dib db'r4a dr.oqd. ddryd* t.r ? € = r4li@d60tfu]oDid vd$cjminoaniEr,idnh. p6 n ir pL6 Ni![ F of r2l rP. * ':: I ll2 Chapter 1. Resul & Ditclttion I}nd lsd,.,m 'nr rollNiis frnEs Fopcnid w er.d on ,l\titrg dt nsdiz.d @nd sor oh rh.&dlotdd. 3 r".nd.r. @r,{u|(jl,duaj@ TIST N^M[ Dry|igh4dhod:60l0J-80, ros I sA bdr4 c.Jro@ Dbrd@ 6{rr D n,n hqer dd | 50 2 rl_ l3l Chaptet 4. R6uh & Discussion t \r.& d.,c Jz-sbm! I|lddaErhyddd&IhiDeul.I s!/l Hi@di}y&tFdi.pd..'6.|.ddydu,l,] L'tl'idnimrci'{d|6&mdYd*o'5d 5d' DisodinoniodEd.r s;Jl (q5bl dt 3 0. tqc. 4 in) |]f|s'Fin6i!ilbl.dAli.dE prd n ii pnB riri F - or 12 j rA I I 134 Chap@ 4. Retlit & Disctssion Brrdir---L ESorl4rrdgi TL follotil* r..|tBpr.Fti6 MtBdtddy.insor@iz.d M It d.t}ofid.n l9a hrh. follo*i4i i!6 t^ i.i'lurl'.r- Dlyridr mrr.d : Iso 105.802 MB1Thop d 201106 s..p 5 4 6O.C. 30 lodiu + {0 l{oN qboe."t''dru r /, m. liqE di. t: 50 I i 135 Chaptet 4. Resuh & Discussion *,.d-FE*.''._ :l L+ic;dhlrni'dEnbd&dNDh'da.oJcl r., i sodud,iFryd bF\oebr &byd& I!!1 rb'idi.'idEn,ddnkidcm@tjdrk0J!i &dimGtnclqL. (q{! Pn 3.0, r7r. 4 hh) ltEtdjFiHisinn.Bdin!* :bEtiqu d 60rc tu r0 hii. wdFimliiD.rirdjz.d@' id ,rb lirt F of t2., kPr Dhln r r0i 5a I I t i 136 Chapt r 4. Retult & Discusion -tr!:lti!!!l!o9 &Elo4il 1rr lolloving Thc roFti6 EE E td d dy.itrs orMdir.d M sd b\ &rI6fd.d. i. l% h rli hllou{ urliv 4r4 Drylishl.Elhod:nol05.Bo! MBT!loD d 20Hq6iaoHo$ sr'&.h.r!.:-!1 shl|i4+- 5 c/. $diM dtom rdrnru 6fC, l0 ritr, lha 6!0 I: 50 $p 2 !4, tt7 Chapter 4. Result I"a-a.d.rti!.ddbd'lr.r. 3o&! dj|!Id.F drbtl..dc dd'dd LJI'|...dre.&il todtd- & Discussion t tb-di-.rc r.ti rir .6{.c nn '.r t r-il-g-, d..ra riF.!s td't ri 5 ",1- ,.-11 138 ChaDter 4. Colpr Renl. & Discutsion l.ttft:! T6tipe 139 Chapter Colpr L Resalt & Dkcuttlon Fur...| T..dnt T..t & Reull': t40 Chaptet 4. Resuh Color & Dic.utsion F.ttr6. T..ri!q t4t Chapter 4. Resuh & Discwsion Color tr'|th.s Tcldnp TG.t & R€6ult$ t42 Ct@ter 1. R.ttl & Itbcartloo cs!9r-ttrllr-IEger RBSULTS: t l-rr|oa4qt l,l3 Chopter 4. Resuh Color ['rrtr.[r! & Disc6sion Tdtirs T.rt & B..riltr t44 Ctader 1. Retal & Ditclttion Colpr T.rn.rr EESIII.B ta5 Chapter 4. Resub & Discssion Color tra!tn..! Te8tirt Tc.. & R..uh!: t46 Chtptet 4. Result & Discussion Color I!.lre|! T€rtins t17 Chapter 4. Resuh & Discustion Ce!er-&4!!s.IES!g Tc.r & R..ult ! t4E Chartet 4. Ret'Ill & Dbcuttbn Ca&r.&d*-I!d!8 la9 Chopter 4. R6uh & Discussion Color Fr!tu..r T..titrs T.6t & Rc.!rh.l 150 Chaptq 4. Result & Discusston Cobr F.dr... T..tirr t5l Chapter 4. Res lt Color & Discitsslon f.rtnd T.dtr! TdtLr& 152 ChaDter 1. Retult Color & Disclttsion Fr!.rd! Te|.int t5l Chaptet 4. Result & Discuttion Cobr tr,,3tn.$ Tdtirq Tc.t & n ruln 154 Chapter 5 Conclusion Chapt€r 5: Conclusion A&n s otr,r-@ twtive drs @ aining1{4,tuicNoctl,3,5luieid-2-yleie), 5'hydrcxy-dphthal.n "2,?.dirulfonic eid as @upling moi.ty hav. bcd synth.siad by @nvdtional D.thod md thln f&e!* prolErti6 $nrinizd by a?plicllion or lsill otton f.bric. Thc d.dvarivcs of prcMt invation povide norc inr6e dyeing Nith h!6 red 10 purplish blue, deFndi4 o! th. dift enr di@ @nFnc ! ir @mbimtion with difttur bridging Sllups ui.d- n cxh.$lion ed fixarion valH br aI th. dy$ e vcry good which is d$ du. to incrced nol€culd widrt which .ol&c€d dimrsiotr to girc uifod sbade qithour .ddinon of dy lcveling a8dr on *ovo fibric in exlaul shicl h tum shov riSnifcrnt inptuvcncnis ir Ed@ing dyaiuffin €muent, incr@ilg dy€ !ffiniry oflt th. .fficidcy dy.aubcuirc o$lor @rioa sd 10 the subsrlte, siDluryilg iDcBing the posr dyeile 'Soapine off prcces" rBdirioMlly sociaLrd with fib€l re.ctiv. dycs snd sho\r fan Toluidine 6 a gmup h b dieo@mpo!@i favoB moF fixarios in rhcse Lindr of dy€e simildly DASDA bridging is al${ 0!an other bridSins ir of $dsd dtts. Th* dlB e .einogdic ale Bld a a sub6dnne for bcEidin dts whjch lbow dang.ou propeni€s. Dys contrinine H.aoid rilh monoftlcrional coDlonenl[ad no1 high .xhaustion th@forc thcy ar synthesis w exhlutio! wlich shos lna! lhe6e dy.! dc fohd .xcell6t ro good b.n r for p.d-barch bln io presed ds moF b€ttq for pad baich dtlirg. Wsshins f61n€s 3how ex*ll.nt slBdc .hege *ilh nod.r.l€ lo thm @t!on, which is favonbie h$ to b. improved in futur @@.rcirl dya *fiI. f.btis ar. b.[d in @mercid laudding. Hov€vcr, th. lidt fesbss good stairirg o! @no! m* stairirg on othq t3 it is fair to p@r, $licb is @mprnSle wiilt nost for .pplicd d.rth of3hade. \'@ t$t€d lgaist tili.en Gr@ positiv€, thiied Gm !.gatiE b6ct .ia ud found tungi .t thc @c. 100F9/rbl. only 5c $os nod@t activity agai$t on tungi &.orir wilh ZOI of l3M phich ha nrlphomte grcu! at Prsenl syn$elic dy6 D.ra p$idon of diazotizd eirc in @u in8 lg€nl whil. its isa slDs no aclivity. Siructrs wjrh DASDA E a brid8ing moi.ty position in dnEtic dietired couplile is i@tive in .ll t€sh. pd portion c!6 with m.ta !t l5t Chaplcr S Concl6ion whire 5r &d 5b showd 9m. S[ ed acnviry r$nn$ Eehetkhta coli lrcC 8739 5k shoNld actritr 6sn^* ShiSeIo dt$ent.ry wilh Although 5l also slrowed acrivity agn.f/ Shii.fia dyse"tery *itt 11 vb Zot ot zol of 9m ZOI In sEilctws of 5k, 5l dd 5m. r-Toluidine as 6 di@tzed mMlic dine in @upli.8 agcnl is pFsni whil! in 5h p"loluidin€ b prcsi' whrch shows 'Cllr at positior is ravorable ihen paa which in ffi bcte Zol at m.t! position ln ',,a hs rc scrivity also hs aligmcnt a l,4phcDyl€n€mine. 5h who In the pr€s€n1sludy,l!. tb@ (3FQSPR) &chniqu€s M dinedidal qwtlaiiv. slructu. prop'nv rcLtiochip ued io alPchend thc lcd cadiv€ dvd int€dclioN lhe ceUulosc by thc Codlarati!. m€tlbd pan Proluidinc bui iG bidging eouP ako har ws €fie.lilely ulilizld Mol*uld Field Analvsis tith (CoWA) melhod 'ftis to fol.casit a Eliablc modcl 'fte foE aded do<lel n sN morc qdhcd siv.s sar'sladoty sbunical rcsults !!d in d. lighr of lh* Mo@!cr, the gnphicd tsulls (co!to!r m!9s) aid b undcd'nd the @cndm'!t 'fte pa|r.m sd onPN th. sl$ch!.t vsiatio6 with rs!@l ro th' sbsrptivity $dic hd d8M ou dvd: ifw dEnnwo @uld ilclte d sire BoE sttenliotr to*a.ds thc sllal c!ai! si8'lific! ib. bulkincs of prts{v of$c bddsrne moietv io rhe inlendion. Thoe 'vnrhcsiad lirns Dol{ul6 *ttich!'E wrt sulfoDc hd. hig! ab$rptivitv r.ruca b.caue $k moietv ltlpc to sohbili4 the dvr Foldlc isidc thc fabic but 3ho* 163 fxaton in fdtn'ss tcars Thc intomalion thc afiinitv of obtain d ton the 3D-QSPR nodcl Dav Povide a rool for PE{ticting goups w),roM sldcNes priot well d nor-toxic for 10 its svnhcais {hich could be bcst for the mvimMht lr cclhlos fibs addition, the ultimate sd'cted Dodcl $ hs tesl sel This studv wort suftcicnl potenlial to undedlan.l the poperq of the 'xtloal atrDtv ed sel'ctivitv could be bcn ficial to jultify the !.w r$.tiv. dv.s with bclcl 156 Crnprr 5: Concl'r',ton ktl.rdotr l. Aii,& Prw.a'z Qfri N.AdLta' U. lrM,8.Xd,3.r K. lit Kl!!. S. Pt v!.o !!d lt Vo.le( ' 3D'QSIR. Mdhoil ol cddkol Tcdin Adi.d d Rd f.riE D'.. bt UirS CoI{PA bl l2'p.t!6?' id',! h;,'d wfu tu EE7t, f,lc l0ll, 6Ye wt I5?