Santiago Canyon College College Council MINUTES

Santiago Canyon College
College Council (Planning and Budget Allocation)
March 13, 2007, 2:00 p.m., E-107
Administrators: John Hernandez, Mary Halvorson, Steve Kawa, Jose Vargas, Juan Vázquez
Faculty: Morrie Barembaum, Linda Cucovatz (absent), Rosi Enriquez (absent), Laura Wirtz , Connie Wilson, John Smith, vacant (alt)
Classified: Diane Durdella (absent, Zina Edwards (absent), Sheryl Martin (absent), Terry Wilksen, Janell McWilliam (alt)
Student: Meg Rothi (absent) Technology: Curt Childress
Communication: AnnMarie Librescu
Approved 3/27/07
1. Approval of Minutes, 2/27/07
1. Associated Student Body: Meg
Motion to approve minutes as
written (Smith/Wirtz) passed
No report.
Continuing Education: Jose
The sidewalk from the corner to OEC, built in collaboration with the City of Orange, was
completed two weeks ago.
Classified Advisory Group:
Zina Edwards
Items from the meeting held March 6: 1) unanimous vote to purchase a tee sign ($175) in
support of the upcoming Foundation golf tournament; 2) call for Hawks leadership in
2007-2008; 3) scholarships will be presented on May 9; 4) the classified were receptive to
Ron Kessler’s proposal to offer VISTA training classes for classified; and, 5) the next
meeting is April 3.
Communications: AnnMarie
President Vazquez introduced AnnMarie Librescu as the new Public Information Officer
for SCC.
Spring “SCC Courier” is complete and available on the web.
Next month:
“Orange Business News” article on the Master Tac Advisory Committee
“Orange Magazine” article on Continuing Education and College for Kids
Technology: Curt Childress
One time funds have been used to purchase and replace computers, laptops and
projectors, for room mediation, and media carts. The goal is to replace, yearly,
technology that is six-years old.
Services: Steve Kawa
Bids for the science building have been received, with the lowest bid at $29 million, which
is over the projected budget of $26 million. This item will go to the board on March 26th.
Curriculum and Instruction
Committee: Mary Halvorson
The annual report of catalog changes made during the last year will be going to the board
on March 26.
Academic Affairs: Mary
The only spring meeting for the accreditation abbreviated self study is Friday, April 13.
Contact AnnMarie Librescu with
names of outstanding students that
could be interviewed for potential
Student Success
Committee/Student Services:
John Hernandez
Each student services unit has already identified the assessment methodology to meet the
student learning outcomes requirement.
Friday, March 16 – KinderCaminata
Smoking cessation debate/presentation by the forensics team occurring today (day and
Club advisory recruitment and training will occur in the spring.
Friday, March 23 – Future Teacher Conference
Tuesday, April 10 – Family Day
10. Educational Master Plan
Committee/Academic Senate:
Cari Cannon
On Monday, March 12, Rosi Enriquez read a senate resolution regarding policy #6117 to
the board of trustees. The SCC Academic Senate requested an opportunity to discuss
possible changes to curriculum policy before presentation to the board.
Upcoming senate agenda items: textbook prices; emergency preparedness; distance
educator check list (the contractual issues are being discussed with Steve Eastmond).
11. President: Juan Vázquez
All faculty hiring committees are in progress.
The Dean of the Library position has been re-opened for 30 days.
Final interviews are scheduled this week for the Dean of Arts, Humanities and Social
The end of March is the deadline for purchase orders.
“Tent” event - planning is beginning for next year’s event.
Patti Cole has returned in the role of Interim Director of College
The women’s soccer team is being recognized this afternoon by the Orange City Council.
Contact Judy Chitlik if you have
suggestions for next year’s district
faculty/staff event.
Santiago Canyon College - Mission Statement
Santiago Canyon College (SCC) is a diverse learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster a learning environment that helps students
develop knowledge and understanding, critical thinking, sound decision making, cultural awareness, effective communication sk ills, and a commitment to local and global citizenship.
Santiago Canyon College offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes university transfer, associate degree and certificate programs. In addition, we provide community services,
career education, continuing education, basic skills development, and a range of support services for full and part-time students, including those with family and career responsibilities. At
SCC we encourage students to plan, implement, and evaluate their educational progress through meaningful reflection and interaction with both the college and community. (Approved by
CPAC: 1/25/05)