Santiago Canyon College - College Council (Planning and Budget Allocation)

Santiago Canyon College - College Council (Planning and Budget Allocation)
MINUTES – December 12, 2006, 2:00 p.m., E-107
Administrators: John Hernandez (absent), Mary Halvorson, Steve Kawa, Lori Fasbinder for Jose Vargas, Juan Vázquez (absent)
Faculty: Morrie Barembaum, Linda Cucovatz, Rosi Enriquez (absent), Laura Wirtz, Connie Wilson, Cari Cannon, John Smith (alt) (absent)
Classified: Diane Durdella, Zina Edwards (absent), Sheryl Martin, Terry Wilksen (absent), Janell McWilliam (alt) (absent)
Approved 1/9/07
Student: Meg Rothi (absent) Technology: Curt Childress
Communication: AnnMarie Librescu
1. Approval of Minutes, 11/28/06
Motion to approve minutes as written (Cucovatz/Wirtz) passed unanimously.
Minutes approved as written.
1. Prioritization of Construction Projects:
Steve Kawa
Steve noted that we have received permission to change the building letter for the
exercise science relocatables to “S.”
First reading to review the recommendations from the SCC Facilities Committee
regarding future construction projects. The “high priority projects” will be
competing with SAC’s list for the funds available.
Review the future projects list with
your constituency and bring
recommendations to the next meeting,
January 9.
2. Reorganization: Financial Aid – new
Senior Clerk position
First Reading: Mary Halvorson represented John Hernandez to present the
Financial Aid reorganization for a new Senior Clerk position. Position is paid for
by BFAP categorical funding.
Second reading will be on agenda for
meeting of January 9, 2007.
1. Associated Student Body: Meg Rothi
No report.
Continuing Education: Lori Fasbinder
Joint curriculum meeting was held with CEC and OEC. Effort to get both
programs on the same schedule for quadrennial reviews.
Classified Advisory Group: Diane
The recent auction was very successful. Linda Cucovatz gave a presentation at
the last Hawks meeting.
Communications: AnnMarie Librescu
New banners are being purchased through Outreach to place at the
Jamboree/Chapman corner.
The virtual groundbreaking for the demonstration garden was a success,
including an article in the newspaper.
Advertising for spring is underway, including ads in December and January on
the video screens at Main Place mall.
New magazine, “Orange Magazine,” will highlight the college and the
demonstration garden. The Orange Chamber “Business News” will feature
continuing education classes.
Technology: Curt Childress
No report.
Budget/SAFE Council: Steve Kawa
Power outages experienced late Saturday and this morning (Tuesday).
Curriculum and Instruction Council:
Linda Cucovatz
Key curriculum staff and faculty are receiving Datatel training, and also
providing input for revisions.
Academic Affairs: Mary Halvorson
The five-year plans are being submitted.
The Dean of Library, Fine and Performing Arts and Communication position will
close the end of January.
In spring, the college will begin work on the abbreviated self-study for the
ACCJC. The site visit will occur in fall 2008.
Student Success Council/Student
No report.
10. Academic Senate: Cari Cannon
The senate held a special meeting today, with Steve Eastmond attending, to
answer questions regarding the recent change in the finals schedule. The FTES
audit is why RSCCD had to change schedules. Everyone agreed to the need for
written documentation of the expectation for finals week (clarification).
Senate retreat scheduled for Wednesday, January 31, 2007.
11. President
No report.
Santiago Canyon College - Mission Statement
Santiago Canyon College (SCC) is a diverse learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster a learning environment that helps students develop knowledge and understanding, critical
thinking, sound decision making, cultural awareness, effective communication skills, and a commitment to local and global citizenship.
Santiago Canyon College offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes university transfer, associate degree and certificate programs. In addition, we provide community services, career education, continuing education, basic
skills development, and a range of support services for full and part-time students, including those with family and career responsibilities. At SCC we encourage students to plan, implement, and evaluate their educational progress
through meaningful reflection and interaction with both the college and community. (Approved by CPAC: 1/25/05)