Year 4 Spring end-of-term Written B Class achievement record Pupils’ names Objectives Q. no. Count on and back in 1s, 10s, 100s or 1000s from any whole number up to 100 000 1 Recognise the properties of odd and even numbers, including their sums and differences 2 Recognise negative numbers in context 3 Add HTU + TU, HTU + HTU using standard written methods Derive doubles of integers up to 50 and the corresponding halves 4a, b 5 Identify near doubles using known doubles 6a, b Compare and order fractions 7a, b Know the multiplication facts for the 6 times table, and the corresponding division facts 8a, b Understand the difference between area and perimeter 9a, b Recognise the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms of halves and tenths Use doubling to find new facts from known facts 10a, b, c 11 Abacus Evolve Framework Edition Year 4 © Harcourt Education Ltd 2007