Supporting Target Setting_Addition_level 3 TU + TU HTU + HTU mentally Written Two digit number add a 2 digit number mentally □ = 55 + 78 50 78 Partitioning the smaller and using the multiples of ten as a benchmark Partitioning both numbers and adding the tens numbers then the units and totalling both Adding a near multiple of ten by adding the nearest multiple of 10 and adjusting □ = 55 + 78 70 + 50 = 120 8 + 5 = 13 120 + 13 = 133 2 128 130 26 + 29 Check that the children can subtract multiples of ten from two digit numbers one jump. Discuss the similarities and differences between 56 – 30 and 56 –29 –30 26 133 □ = 55 + 78 78 + 50 = 128 128 + 2 + 3 = 133 +1 © 3 27 56 TU + TU HTU + HTU MENTALLY Using facts to help you find out what you don’t know 18 + 16 Double 16 + 2 = 34 or Double 15 + 1 + 3 = 34 Use doubles to work out near doubles 73 + 74 Double 75 – 2 – 1 =147 or double 70 + 4 + 3 = 147 Additional targets could include: Addition facts for all 2digit numbers to 100 mentally How can you complete □ + ○ = 100 Add HTU – HTU using a written method Use expanded addition as a starting point and move on to compact addition Making decisions about how to calculate based on the size of the numbers Would I calculate 71+ 49, 86 + 36 and 57 + 96 in the same way? Making decisions on whether the 3 digit subtractions would be mental or written Would the calculations 410 + 110, 425 + 199, 526 +347, 823 + 796 be calculated with a mental or written method? Applying their understanding of subtraction at level 3 to word problems There were 75 cakes and 68 scones baked for the cake sale. How many are items are there to sell? Applying their understanding of © Choose 4 single digits. Can you arrange them into a calculation so the answer is the largest possible, smallest subtraction at level 3 to reasoning problems © possible, even, odd, multiple of 2, multiple of 10, rounded to 50… Using missing numbers eg 53 + □ = 91 Using a 100 square, find a square of 4 numbers Eg 45 46 55 56 Add opposite numbers (45 + 56, 46 + 55) What do you notice? What happen with other squares of 4 numbers? What about squares of 9?