Year 2 Autumn end-of-term Written A Objectives Q. no. Use units of time and know the relationship between them: months in a year, seasons in a year 1 Know what each digit in a 2-digit number represents, including 0 as a place holder 2 Use the names of common 2D shapes, including: pentagon, hexagon, octagon 3 Partition 2-digit numbers into T and U 4 Rehearse addition and subtraction facts for pairs of numbers that total 10 5 Begin to recognise line symmetry 6 Order numbers up to at least 100 and position them on a 100-square 7 Extend understanding of subtraction as taking away 8 Know by heart doubles for numbers up to at least 15 and corresponding halves 9 Recognise halving as the inverse of doubling; Know by heart doubles for numbers up to at least 15 and corresponding halves 10 Add by counting on in 1s from the larger number, crossing a multiple of 10 11a Add three numbers by putting the largest number first 11b Abacus Evolve Framework Edition Year 2 © Harcourt Education Ltd 2007 Class achievement record Pupils’ names Year 2 Atumn end-of-term Written A CAR Objectives Q. no. Use units of time and know the relationship between them: hours in a day, days in a week 12 Sort 2D shapes and describe their features: number of sides and corners 13 Count back in 1s, crossing a multiple of ten, beginning to partition 14 Pupils’ names Abacus Evolve Framework Edition Year 2 © Harcourt Education Ltd 2007