11/14/2014 Meeting

Professional Education BSEd Secondary Oversight Committee
November 14, 2014, 1:30 – 3:30 pm (PSU 314)
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Deanne Camp, Kim Dubree, Karen Engler, Fred Groves, Steve Hinch, Andrew Homburg, Beth Hurst,
Kurt Killion, Angela Kohnen, Carol Maples, Michelle Morgan, Diana Piccolo, Debra Price, Gigi
Saunders, Tonia Tinsley, Steve Willis, and Rebecca Woodard
Call to Order
A monthly meeting of the Missouri State University BSEd Secondary Oversight Committee convened
at 1:30 pm. Chair Dr. Andrew Homburg. A quorum was established.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2014 meeting. Motion
Announcements & Updates
A. Secondary Education Update – Rebecca Woodard, Interim Director
a. If students need into a class have them contact the department.
b. If anyone feels they have students who should be admitted into Teacher Education, let
Dr. Woodard know.
c. Any student enrolled in SEC 302 after Spring 2014 will need to complete the MEP.
There is not a smooth transition for transfer students who took SEC 302. Have students
send Dr. Woodard their score report and she will enter their information.
d. MO content assessment is available.
e. Scott Fiedler will be emailing the MoSPE matrices out to everyone.
B. EPP/PEC Update – Diana Piccolo
a. The Assessment Committee will be meeting Dec 5. David Hough will be speaking with
the Provost later this week about the recommendation of Taskstream.
b. At the Dec 5 meeting they will also be discussing CAEP standards and MoSPE standards
which will be put into Taskstream.
c. They are asking each program coordinator for their standards so they will have a bigger
picture of assessment.
Old Business
A. Advisory Board Meeting – Our Next Step
a. Different ideas were discussed on ways of gathering information.
b. It was suggested to ask MSU graduates to attend.
c. It was decided that each faculty would search out one representative to represent their
discipline and invite them to the April 10 Advisory Board Meeting.
d. The topic will be the “Cooperating Teachers Distribution of Duties”. Some faculty are
adamantly against the possibility of University Supervisors redistribution of
responsibilities and more being put onto the Cooperating Teachers. It was also suggested
that we be more engaged with schools. Many schools feel there is not enough
New Business
A. RFT RDG 474 and 574 – Curricular Change (2 to 3 hours)
a. Strategies for ELL students are being added. The additional hour is to meet the K-12
DESE rule change.
b. RDG 574 change – This is a more in-depth level course. Students who cannot read
content text, and struggling students. It addresses how the teacher can teach these
students as they also teach the rest of the class.
c. Adding a special section of ENG 210 was discussed.
B. Ad-Hoc Committee on Implementing DESE Rule Changes – Rebecca Woodard
a. The Committee plans to bring to this body a proposal to meet the new DESE rule changes
by April.
Core Courses
EDC 345
PSY 360
SPE 340
EDC 150 transfer section (Bridge Class)
SEC 302 (some programs are deciding to absorb this into their programs)
EDC 150 non transfer section (this was voted on and approved to remove this course)
EDC 350 is no longer required – plans are to make this a gen ed course
EDT 365 and SFR 486 – keep course as they are where some programs do not take it but
some programs will still need it.
EDT 365 – RFT is looking at hiring a new faculty person and would like to know how
many will offer this in their coursework. Email Dr. Woodard how many student per
semester enroll in this course.
The Committee plans to meet next in January.
C. Steve Willis is designing a 12 day tour to South Africa. Let Dr. Willis know if you are
Meeting Adjourned at 3:05 pm.
Mandate of the BSED-Secondary Education Oversight Committee: The BSED-Secondary Education
Oversight Committee shall monitor the common elements of the BSED-Secondary Education program. The
committee shall have responsibility for initiating program changes within common elements of the program
and reporting those recommended changes to the PEC [Profession Education Committee]. Every
department/school having a BSED-Secondary Education program shall select a representative from their fulltime PEU faculty. The School of Teacher Education shall select two representatives from their full-time PEU
faculty who have responsibility for core courses in the BSED-Secondary Education program. The Director of
Secondary Education, Head of the PEU or his/her designee, the Director of Certification and Compliance, a
representative from both the Education Field Experience office and the Professional Education Advisement
office shall serve as non-voting, ex officio members of this committee. At the March session, the chair-elect
from the previous year shall assume duties as the chair of the BSED committee and a new chair-elect from the
current committee membership shall be elected and assume duties as chair-elect. The chair of the committee
shall be a delegate to PEC. (PEC Bylaws 2010).