03/07/2014 Meeting

BSED-Secondary Education Oversight Advisory Committee
Friday March 7, 2014
PSU 315
1:00pm- 3:00pm
Mandate of the BSED-Secondary Education Oversight Committee: The BSED-Secondary Education
Oversight Committee shall monitor the common elements of the BSED-Secondary Education program. The
committee shall have responsibility for initiating program changes within common elements of the program
and reporting those recommended changes to the PEC [Profession Education Committee]. Every
department/school having a BSED-Secondary Education program shall select a representative from their fulltime PEU faculty. The School of Teacher Education shall select two representatives from their full-time PEU
faculty who have responsibility for core courses in the BSED-Secondary Education program. The Director of
Secondary Education, Head of the PEU or his/her designee, the Director of Certification and Compliance, a
representative from both the Education Field Experience office and the Professional Education Advisement
office shall serve as non-voting, ex officio members of this committee. At the March session, the chair-elect
from the previous year shall assume duties as the chair of the BSED committee and a new chair-elect from the
current committee membership shall be elected and assume duties as chair-elect. The chair of the committee
shall be a delegate to PEC. (PEC Bylaws 2010).
BSED-Secondary Education Oversight Committee Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Minutes – Unapproved Minutes of February 14, 2014 meeting
Called to order 1:02. Approved and seconded.
Announcements and Updates
A. Rebecca Woodard—Director of Secondary Education Update
Next year our students will only be required to complete the MoPTA, it will not be assessed on any factor
other than completion. We can choose to assess it internally. The College of Education has met and decided
to provide load for grading MoPTA. Other discussion about eportfolio requirements/uses, job descriptions
for advisors, MEGA's absorption of MoSPE's, and time required for grading ensued. Other concerns over the
university's changing role in teacher certification, and possible variance in assessment by the state and
university of teacher candidates also occurred.
Concern raised over Assessment Office, and what who will be needing what from the assessment office.
Concern was also raised over online vrs traditional instruction with STEPS especially , as online uses
steps exclusively with a multitude of assessment.
B. PEC Update—Brenda Goodwin
Name changes - Effective in the fall, the PEU will be the EPP, and the PEC will be the EPPC. The new
acronyms have been proposed and accepted, has gone to faculty senate. Membership application has been
streamlined and matches DESE requirements. MEGA assessments ingegrated and the committee is looking at
it. The announcement of 4 upcoming MOTPA workshops was made. They will be divided by task, may be
video recorded for those unable to attend.
Some concern was raised for supervisors who may choose to not continue due to the increased work of
the MOTPA. Supervisors and students may have supplemental workshops available next fall. Their is an
orientation video available as well.
Some other concern was raised about who will supervise out of area students. More concern raised
about the amount of money offered to per course for the increase work load.
Other concerns about how the current courses will work with the new 12 week placement. Issues can be
fixed in the short term with a syllabus addendum. Some discussion of the number of credit hours required by
DESE for student teaching.
Discussion of how the programs fill the compendium changes, and what catalog changes are coming for
individual departments Discussion of a way to consistently introduce students to the MOTPA started, and whether the
foundations for the tasks should be offered only by content area, or whether they exist in the core as well.
Other announcements.
Several letters were distributed that indicate continued disappointment in the process in the MEGA
assessments. Several inaccuracies were discussed in the letter. The possibility of notifying Cliff Smart, and
the reviewing process were also discussed. Might be using old Pearson products as the MO "new" tests.
BSED will be formulating a letter asking about specifics about the letter.
Still many areas of unanswered questions were discussed, including other state's use of the praxis and
our use of the eportfolio. A discussion of an ad hoc committee by college to facilitate the new changes, or list
common issues all departments need, like load changes, could be generated and forwarded. Concerns of
ambiguity - and potential report card some day were also raised.
Old Business
A. DESE proposed changes to Teacher Education Preparation programs/Teacher Certification
(assessment calendar 2014)
B. Nominations for Chair-Elect for 2014-15: Angela Kohnen, candidate
Accepted - and approved by unanimous vote.
D. Results of vote on wording for message re Head of Unit Moved and seconded to open discussion of wording, will stay in the provost office, approved and seconded to
send the letter with the amended wording.
E. Student Teaching Handbook committee:
Nominations for membership were taken and the meeting time will be announced.
G. Other
A cheat sheet is still coming on changes being handed down from the state.
Data day is April 4 - from 912 PSU ballroom another data day may also be announced.
Issues with admit to teacher ed and the query of students were raised, as we transition to MOGEA etc.- students will need overrides in the short term.
Other content area concerns were raised, with additional MEP discussion as well.
There is a possible change coming to RDG 474 being discussed in the department.
New Business
A. Advisory Board meeting: questions/themes/overall message:
Out them is to know about MOPTA to talk to those who have administered it.
B. Other
VI. Adjournment 2:44
April 25 is next meeting