04/25/2014 Meeting

Professional Education BSEd Secondary Oversight Advisory Board Committee Meeting
April 25, 2014, 12:00 – 1:00 pm (Karls 236)
Meeting Minutes
Paul Ajuwon, Chris Craig, Kim Dubree, Catherine English, Fred Groves, Steve Hinch, Andrew Homburg,
John Reinert, Gayle Runke, Tonia Tinsley, Steve Willis, and Rebecca Woodard
Advisory Board Guests
Deana Butcher, Donita Cox, Rhonda Galbraith, Marty Marsh, Beth McIntyre, Chris Mostyn, Debbie Pitts,
Brady Quirk, Nancy Schneider, and Vicky Scott
The BSED Committee members have raised a number of interesting questions about current issues in
teacher education preparation and evaluation. We request your input on how we can best prepare
students for the realities of teaching. The questions are:
DESE is changing the certification process and requirements for Beginning Teachers. These
changes will obviously affect Student Teaching, and your future colleagues in the long run. What
measures is your school/district taking to prepare for these changes?
SPS is focusing more on new teacher evaluations and haven’t heard much of anything else. They
are also focusing on end of year testing right now. Dr. Tinsley discussed the Missouri PreService Teacher Assessment Overview handout with the Advisory Board. She noted that there will
be a substantial amount of change in analysis. The Student Teaching Placement Requirements by
Content Area was also discussed. The chart (handout) is for Fall and is a fluid document. By
Fall 2015 it will be set. The Advisory Board expressed that they felt that having the placements
in one area is detrimental. Student Teachers won’t be able to make an informed decision on the
area they want to teach. MSU will need to work on making sure that there are teaching
experiences integrated into the additional hours. It was also expressed that being placed in one
location for their practicum and their student teaching they will get to know their students better
and build relationships which is essential to good teaching. Their teaching experience will be
much richer, more positive and help them to be more confident. Diversity placements were also
discussed. The issues of supervisors being required to have 5 years of experience and the
cooperating teachers being required to have a masters were discussed. The content area
assessment will have to be passed prior to student teaching.
Presentation from Andrew Homburg (MSU), Vicki Scott (SPS), ??? (Student Teacher)on
the Pilot of the new requirements
A practical approach to something that seems very convoluted. The amount of time as a
cooperating teacher that she spends working collaborating with the student teacher on the
different TASKS. The information is embedded and difficult to find a lot of the information the
student teacher needs. They spent hours working together to find all of the info needed just to
complete the basic demographic information. As a music teacher she doesn’t have access to all
of the information the home room teacher has. Vicki has worked with all 4 TASKS in her
classroom. Other accommodations were the student work and gathering up the documentation
from each of the children and narrowing it down on the two and getting the permission forms was
a beast. So many at the elementary level who do not allow video tapping due to security reasons
due to home situations. Specialty teachers have to rely on the home room teacher to get
permission forms back and for other information. Once the forms come back and many didn’t
come back. With this new method it takes much more time on the cooperating teacher end.
Many teachers are on overload and do not want to take student teachers with this increased
workload. So much good comes from having a student teacher in the classroom. It is good for
the children having student teachers, but the extra this process is taking is going to be a problem.
All of the schools in Lee Summit will not allow videotaping so they are off the table for MSU to
place student teachers. There are other schools that will have issues with this. On TASK 4 once
you have the permissions to be filmed, what do you do with the students who cannot be filmed
and continue teaching? There was a real shift on time spent with the student teacher on their
teaching from a real practical sense. It was expressed that the MoPTA scoring is evidence based
and it creates frustration. Evidence needs to be shown in each category. TASK 1 will be due the
4th week, TASK 2 & 3 the 7th week, and TASK 4 due the 12th week. Faculty expressed concern
for the additional hours being added to programs. Annie Corbett stated that Student Teachers will
need to look at the big picture and not get caught up on one little thing. It was discussed that
schools who have several student teachers might put on an information class to let students know
what they need and where they need to go to get information.
What kinds of information have you received regarding Preparation or Certification Requirement
changes? The Advisory Board members stated they have not received much information from
What other changes from DESE have you heard about, and what were they?
Whole Group Discussion and Focus for the Future.
Dr. Tinsley introduced the new Chair, Andrew Homburg, and new Chair-elect, Angela Kohnen for the
2014-2015 academic year.
Professional Education BSEd Secondary Oversight Committee Meeting
April 25, 2014, 1:00 – 3:00 pm (Karls 236)
Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
A monthly meeting of the Missouri State University BSEd Secondary Oversight Committee convened
at 12:00 pm. Chair Dr. Tonia Tinsley presiding. A quorum was established.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2014 meeting. Motion
Announcements & Updates
a. Secondary Education Update – Rebecca Woodard, Director
The Exceptions Committee will be meeting the end of May. If students want to submit a
CBASE exceptions request, please submit to Rebecca Woodard. If any student needs
permission for any core education courses, contact Cathy Pearman in Reading, Foundations,
and Technology or Tamara Arthaud in Special Education. The last workshop for MoPTA is
Monday, April 28 from 11 to 12. Program Coordinators need to let Rebecca or Cindy know
if they have any students that needs to be admitted into Teacher Ed and have not been coming
up on the admit list. They are still issues with getting all students to come up on the lists. Dr.
Woodard handed out a Professional Education Information Sheet for everyone (cheat sheet)
to help with student advisement related to recent DESE changes. The standard based
performance test is now optional, so it is not listed on the sheet.
b. SFR 797- Fred Groves, RFT
MAT Program faculty have been upgrading the MAT program and the 9 credit hour course
which has embedded in it 1 credit hour of special methods. The MOU doesn’t specify how to
meet this component. Dr. Groves explained how this summer this component will be built
into the regular course to avoid the expenses incurred in the past. The goal is to have students
to take the special methods courses if those courses are offered at a time when MAT students
can take them. No catalog changes are involved. He also mentioned that the special methods
courses would need to be 3:30 or later so that students would be able to attend.
c. EPPC Update – Diana Piccolo, Chair
James Sottile has asked Candice steps on how to upload MoPTA scoring for TASK 1 into
STEPS. More information will be brought forth at the next PEC meeting.
Old Business
a. Letter to Frank Einhellig and Clif Smart – Dr. Tinsley asked if the committee still wanted the
letter sent on their behalf about the concerns on lack of consultation, and the changes in the
Teacher Education process. The committee agreed that they did want the letter sent. They
also wanted Deans included but first wanted to have an opportunity to speak with their Deans
before receiving the letter. Tonya will send the letter a week from Monday, April 28 giving
the opportunity for committee members to talk with their Deans.
b. Student Teaching Handbook and Secondary Education Handbook – Revisions Committee
met Tuesday and went through the revisions. They may have to readdress the permission slip
since parents will be getting 3 different permission slips. There were only minor revisions
this year. August 1 they will be posted online. The Secondary Ed Handbook will be posted
on blackboard and links to the programs are in the handbook.
New Business
a. New Chair and Chair-elect – Andrew Homburg and Angela Kohnen
b. Ad-Hoc Committee on Implementing DESE rule changes – Rebecca Woodard
The committee will continue working whenever DESE provides the certification templates
for the recent rule changes.
c. Kim Dubree – They will be asking schools in outlaying area if there is a teacher in the school
that can act as the supervisor, so that the supervisors will be content area specific, and this
will also cut out the mileage expense. Evangel piloted a project this year and has asked MSU
to provide 2 students for the pilot this next year. The student will stay with the same teacher
the whole year.
Adjournment at 3:05 pm
Mandate of the BSED-Secondary Education Oversight Committee: The BSED-Secondary Education Oversight
Committee shall monitor the common elements of the BSED-Secondary Education program. The committee shall have
responsibility for initiating program changes within common elements of the program and reporting those recommended
changes to the PEC [Profession Education Committee]. Every department/school having a BSED-Secondary Education
program shall select a representative from their full-time PEU faculty. The School of Teacher Education shall select two
representatives from their full-time PEU faculty who have responsibility for core courses in the BSED-Secondary Education
program. The Director of Secondary Education, Head of the PEU or his/her designee, the Director of Certification and
Compliance, a representative from both the Education Field Experience office and the Professional Education Advisement
office shall serve as non-voting, ex officio members of this committee. At the March session, the chair-elect from the previous
year shall assume duties as the chair of the BSED committee and a new chair-elect from the current committee membership
shall be elected and assume duties as chair-elect. The chair of the committee shall be a delegate to PEC. (PEC Bylaws 2010).