April 26, 2013, 1:00 – 3:00 pm (PSU 315)
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Paul Ajuwon (CLSE), Paris DePaepe (CLSE), Kim Dubree (Field Experiences), Judith Fowler (Art),
Andrew Homburg (Music), Angela Kohnen (English), Michelle Morgan (History), Lynda Plymate
(Math), Debra Price (Family & Consumer Sciences), Gayle Runke (Kinesiology), Gigi Saunders
(Biology), Tonia Tinsley, Chair, (MCL), and Rebecca Woodard (Kinesiology/Secondary Ed Director).
Brian Sims (Fair Grove R-10 Schools), Chris Mostyn (SPS-Hickory Hills), Steve Willis (MSU Art),
Jennifer Jensen (MSU Teacher Certification), Lisa Monkres (MSU Teacher Certification), Rhonda
Galbraith (Springfield Public Schools), Karen Fielding (SPS-Hillcrest), Vicky Scott (SPSCowden/Holland), Debbie Pitts (SPS-Quality Improvement), Donita Cox (SPS-Central High), and Beth
McIntyre (SPS-Central High).
Purpose of this Advisory Committee: The purpose of this Advisory Committee is to strengthen the
partnerships between MSU and K-12 schools as we prepare pre-service teachers in K-12 and 9-12 content
areas. The BSED Secondary Oversight Committee members are interested in your feedback on how
differentiated instruction, technology use, school security, and the Common Core are being addressed in
your schools. We hope to discuss the successes, obstacles, and effectiveness of MSU students in your
schools in general as well.
Mandate of the BSED-Secondary Education Oversight Committee: The BSED-Secondary Education
Oversight Committee shall monitor the common elements of the BSED-Secondary Education program.
The committee shall have responsibility for initiating program changes within common elements of the
program and reporting those recommended changes to the PEC [Profession Education Committee]. Every
department/school having a BSED-Secondary Education program shall select a representative from their
full-time PEU faculty. The School of Teacher Education shall select two representatives from their fulltime PEU faculty who have responsibility for core courses in the BSED-Secondary Education program.
The Director of Secondary Education, Head of the PEU or his/her designee, the Director of Certification
and Compliance, a representative from both the Education Field Experience office and the Professional
Education Advisement office shall serve as non-voting, ex officio members of this committee. At the
March session, the chair-elect from the previous year shall assume duties as the chair of the BSED
committee and a new chair-elect from the current committee membership shall be elected and assume
duties as chair-elect. The chair of the committee shall be a delegate to PEC. (PEC Bylaws 2010).
Advisory Board Meeting (1:00 – 2:00)
Dr. Tonia Tinsley, Chair, BSED-Secondary Oversight Committee, welcomed and introduced the
Advisory Board members.
Breakout Sessions to discuss the current issues:
1. How are the Common Core Standards being implemented in your school?
2. How is differentiated instruction being implemented in your school?
3. What are the security protocols at your schools?
4. What is the level of technology at your school? How is the technology being utilized?
Whole Group Discussion and Focus for the Future:
After meeting in groups of four, the BSEd Committee and Advisory Council Board met together to
discuss the current issues.
Group One: This group discussed common core standards/disciplines that aren’t directly identified and
how they relate to common core so they aren’t left behind. They discussed the question, “does common
core work against differentiated instruction?”. Drury had a speaker come and meet with practicum
students and they have a new protocol for lock down – run, hide, and fight. Technology – Springfield
Public Schools recently had a bond pass and this money is going toward new technology projects such as
piloting smarter balance. Also, beginning grade 3 students are now using ipads.
Group Two: Incorporating Common Core. Differentiated instruction and different modes of learning
were discussed. Some areas are moving from whole group instruction to smaller groups of instruction.
Security protocols are at the teacher discretion. They are stopping people who do not belong in the
buildings. Technology is increasing by getting more smartboards and smartboard training. Technology is
moving ahead. School security protocols are enforced.
Group Three: Springfield Public Schools is asking all areas to see how they can support common core
standards. Each school is using security protocol by doing special drills, intruder drills and some schools
have locked doors – each school is doing different protocols. There are two Resource officers from
Springfield Police at the High Schools. Technology – Smartboards are installed in each classroom. Band
width is an issue and is being addressed. Many schools are using specialized software. SPS has initiated
eLearning in PE and will add on personal finance and other courses as available. It varies from school to
school as far as if student brings devices or they are provided.
Group Four: Common core is evolving as it goes on. It seems to be a curricular realignment. This is a
concern. Differentiated instruction – They discussed how differentiation and technology and how kids
have changed. Differentiated instruction is based on how everyone gets the same answer or you fail, and
that’s not how the world works. Kids are going out into technology based jobs and they don’t know how
to be creative or how to think. Kids are being taught how to react and not think. Security protocols – It
seems every time there is a school shooting, we have to keep our kids safe and the discussing gets ugly on
how to deal with it. Emotions come out when there is any kind of school shooting. Bullet proof glass in
schools cost 20,000 and people say they don’t want to spend that but how much are four funerals?
Technology – they feel that technology is becoming a crutch. Kids are on portable devices and not
laptops anymore.
The BSEd committee chair asked the Advisory Council if there was one thing that we needed to make
sure our Student Teachers were doing, what would that be? It was mentioned that older students with
more life experience come into the classroom and know what they’re doing. They get involved with the
students without being told. Older students with more life experience have more maturity and common
sense. Student Teachers need to remember that they don’t teach content, they teach kids and they need to
develop appropriate relationships with the kids. It was also suggested to have some kind of service
requirement for Student Teachers where they get involved with kids. Such as working with the YMCA,
Boys Town, etc., and they need to also understand that everything isn’t black and white. There are gray
areas in disciplining. They need to take ownership of their teaching and don’t be someone they aren’t. If
student teachers cannot interact with kids, they won’t ever have a passion for teaching. It was stated that
dispositional factors are very hard to access and predict, and that flexibility is important. It was also
mentioned that Cooperating Teachers needed to remember that Student Teachers do have different
personalities and dispositions and that as a cooperation teacher they need to help the Student Teachers to
find their strengths and help them build on that, so that they may become exemplary teachers. The
Advisory Council mentioned the fact that it would be good if there was a way to flag students early that
aren’t suited for teaching. If they’ve passed their classes and get a license, they can teach even if they are
not good teachers. Different ideas were discussed.
BSED-Secondary Education Oversight Committee Meeting (2:00 – 3:00)
Call to Order
A monthly meeting of the Missouri State University BSEd Secondary Oversight Committee convened
at 1:00 pm. Chair Dr. Tonya Tinsley presiding, and Cindy Caddy, secretary.
Approval of Minutes
Since there was not a quorum, it was decided that the March 22, 2013 meeting minutes would be
voted on for approval via e-mail. A decision is to be made by Wednesday, May 1.
Announcements & Updates
a. Director of Secondary Education Update
Rebecca Woodard, Chair Reported.
The next Exceptions Committee is May 6. CBASE scores should be in before then. If any
student is filing exceptions, please get them to Dr. Woodard. The next PEC Executive
Committee meeting will be May 8. The Secondary Education handbook will be updated this
summer. If you have any changes to your program advising sheets, send them to Dr.
Woodard by the end of May.
b. PEC Update
Rebecca Woodard reported for Brenda Goodwin, PEC Chair.
The next meeting is May 8 and they will be voting on the new by-laws. Kim Dubree
discussed the handout on the policy regarding items required for all practicums and student
teaching experiences in education programs that will be presented at the next PEC meeting.
Old Business
a. BSED Secondary Oversight Committee Co-Chair – Dr. Andrew Homburg volunteered to cochair. Approved by acclamation.
b. Ad hoc subcommittee Low Completer Programs (Gigi Saunders, Chair, Lynda Plymate and
Andrew Homburg)
Committee has not met yet.
c. Music Education Program Change proposal – The Music proposal was approved via e-mail.
There were 12 votes in favor of the proposal and 1 vote against the proposal (with 15 voting
members in the BSEd Committee).
New Business
a. Change in TB testing, FCSR & FBI background check
Tonia Tinsley, BSEd Chair and Kim Dubree, Field Experiences, reported.
A handout was provided to the committee regarding changes in processes and required
clearances prior to practica and student teaching. The changes will be presented to PEC at
the May meeting.
Adjournment at 3 pm