09/19/2014 Meeting

Professional Education BSEd Secondary Oversight Committee
September 19, 2014, 1:00 – 3:00 pm (PSU 315)
Meeting Minutes
Kim Dubree, Karen Engler, Mike Foster, Brenda Goodwin, Fred Groves, Angela Kohnen, Michelle
Morgan, Debra Price, Diana Piccolo, Gay Ragan, Gayle Runke, James Sottile, Tonia Tinsley, Glenna
Vanderhoof, Steve Willis, and Rebecca Woodard
Call to Order
The monthly meeting of the Missouri State University BSEd Secondary Oversight Committee
convened at 1:00 pm. Chair Dr. Andrew Homburg. A quorum was established.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the April 25, 2014 meeting. Motion
Announcements & Updates
1. Advisory Board Meeting
Topics to cover at the upcoming Advisory Board Meeting were discussed. It was suggested
to cover the upcoming TASK 4, and how it has been working with student teachers (what
questions students are asking and how students are handling the load during student
teaching). Also to ask if there is anything university supervisors or programs coordinators
might do to help. Dr. Homburg will send out info to get feedback so that he may send out
information to area supervisors so they may gather info before coming to the meeting.
2. Webinar on Transition of Coursework and Certification Requirements – Tuesday,
September 12 (email sent from Rebecca Woodard)
This webinar will focus on the transition from the previous MoSTEP and Compendium
Requirements to the new MoSPE and Certification Requirements. The areas of discussion
will be the process, resources, documents, and timelines for making this transition. The
webinar link will open at 8:30 a.m. and the presentation will start at 9:00. It will be
approximately two hours. The link to the webinar is: http://desemo.adobeconnect.com/oeq8/
You may enter or exit the Webinar at any point. It will also be recorded and posted at a later
date to review at your convenience. Hopefully this will give additional insight into the new
compendium and certification requirements.
3. DESE Update (MoPTA Support & Documents Provided) – Tonia Tinsley
Dr. Tinsley asked that the committee send Dr. Homburg summaries of how each area is
supporting their out-of-area supervisors, so that it may be shared with the committee.
Candace Fairbairn’s blackboard site has the latest updates and information. Dr. Fairbairn has
a discussion board so that students may access her site to ask questions. Adobe Connect,
Google Plus, Go To Meeting, and Screen Share were discussed as useful communications
tools to use with student teachers.
4. PEC Update – Diana Piccolo
PEU is now EPP. Sometime this fall the Rules Committee will meet to address the PEC
changing to EPPC to align with the new CAEP standards. Will have more updates from Dr.
Hough after the next Executive Committee meeting. The Commissioner of Education, Chris
Nicastro will be retiring at the end of the year. Carol Wrinkle is the new Chair for the
Admission, Retention and Procedures Committee. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for
charges for this committee, please email Dr. Piccolo.
5. Secondary Education Update – Rebecca Woodard
The Secondary Ed Handbook and Website have been updated. If anyone sees any changes
that need to be made, please let Dr. Woodard or Cindy Caddy know. All students in intro
classes need to be taking the MEP. Transfer students that took the MoGEA or MEP need to
provide documentation that they have completed both since there is not a smooth transition
for this. Dr. Woodard has also been visiting the EDC 150 and SEC 302 classes.
Old Business
New Business
1. E-portfolio Discussion
It was discussed that some programs need to continue keeping the e-portfolio or something
like it in order to demonstrate content standards for their program accreditation. Dr. Sottile
mentioned that both Taskstream and TK20 have either templates or templates and frames
regarding how to enter information into their systems. Both systems can accommodate
rubrics and portfolios. Both systems are comprehensive in nature and will help to consolidate
a lot of our assessment needs.
2. Modern and Classical Languages has put all of its degree programs under one degree code to
compensate for low completer programs.
3. New meeting time (1:30pm)
It was decided to change all future meetings for the academic year to begin at 1:30 pm.
Adjournment – 2:10 pm