EL CAMINO COLLEGE Office of the President Minutes of the College Council Meeting of April 23, 2001 Present: Dr. Caldwell, Dr. Hata, Dr. Caldwell, Dr. Simon, Mr. Hanson, Ms. Ely, Ms. Smith and Mr. Marston. TEAM REPORTS Student and Community Advancement - Dr. Patricia Caldwell 1. The Enrollment Management Task Force meeting went well. They have divided into three subcommittees. 2. The Planning Task Force meeting went well. There may be a recommendation to break into two groups, which can then meet together each semester. Academic Senate - Mr. Doug Marston 1. During the Academic Senate meeting there was a wide range of discussion on the alternative calendar with no concrete outcome. The policies were not discussed and will be on next meeting’s agenda. 2. A copy of Standard Timelines for Consultative Process Between Academic Senate and Dean’s Council developed by the Academic Senate in conjunction with the Dean’s Council was distributed. It was submitted for consideration as an addition to Procedure 801 in the section that refers to consulting collegially with the Academic Senate. Administrative Services - Mr. Victor Hanson There was a recommendation by the vice presidents to re-establish the practice of dropping students for nonpayment of enrollment fees. This recommendation received negative responses from both the Registration Task Force Committee and the Dean’s Council. This recommendation will be reconsidered and introduced at the next Academic Senate meeting. If this is going to be reinstated it must go out in the registration appointment letters. El Camino Classified Employees - Ms. Luukia Smith They are meeting weekly to prepare for negotiations. Academic Affairs - Dr. Nadine I. Hata The Intertribal Pow Wow and Chocolate Sunday events were a great success. Direct deposit of part-time faculty pay Dr. Simon brought forward a question regarding part time faculty eligibility for direct deposit. This matter was referred to Janice Ely. Policies: The following policies were discussed: 7100: Delegation Vic will bring back after checking with Ed Code. 7250: Educational Administrators Vic to cross-reference with policy # 4316 and bring back. 7260: Classified Supervisors and Managers Revised and ready for Board approval. 7310: Nepotism Does not conflict with Ed Code 297, revised and ready for Board approval. 7330: Communicable Disease Vic will make revisions and bring back. 7335: Health Examinations Ready for Board approval as is. Agenda for Meeting of April 30, 2001 1. Minutes of the Meeting of April 23, 2001 2. Team Reports 3. Policy Review 7100, 7250, 7330, balance of 7000 series beginning with 7350, and 6000 series. April/May: Policy 2510 Participation in Local Decision Making