March 12, 2001

Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of March 12, 2001
Present: Dr. Fallo, Ms. Caldwell, Mr. Hanson, Dr. Hata, Dr. Simon, Mr. Fasteau, Mr.
Marston, Mr. Chao.
District Involvement in Developing the System’s 2002-2003 Budget
Recommendations must be received by April 13, 2001. A brief descriptive was given as to
each issue identified. Dr. Fallo will draft a response for review on Monday.
Team Reports
Administrative Services – Mr. Victor Hanson
1. A policy statement will be developed to address the usage of personal electrical devices.
Student and Community Advancement – Mr. Steven Fasteau
1. Partnership for Excellence proposals are due March 16, 2001.
AFT, Local 1388 – Dr. Angela Simon
1. The agreement between Federation and District will be ratified at the next Board
Academic Senate – Mr. Doug Marston
1. The Academic Senate has no position at this time on alternate schedules.
Academic Affairs – Dr. Nadine I. Hata
1. The Louisa May Alcott luncheon was well received.
2. There is still time to nominate Distinguished Women for the Women’s Wall.
3. Nominations for Distinguished Faculty and Staff are due.
Associated Students Organization – Mr. Pei-Jay Chao
1. ASO has not adopted a final position on alternative schedules. General student
population may not be aware of alternative schedules.
Agenda for Meeting of March 19, 2001
1. Minutes of the Meeting of March 12, 2001
2. Team Reports
3. Budget Change Proposals
4. Policy Review 3200, 3410, 3420, 3430, 3540, 3710, 3720, 3820 and 7000 series
April/May: Policy 2510: Participation in Local Decision Making