August 18, 2003

El Camino College
Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of August 18, 2003
Present: Dr. Fallo, Mr. Hanson, Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Pickens, Mr. Samimi, Ms. Ely, Ms.
Smith, Dr. Simon, and Ms. Stewart
1. Board Agenda
a. Bond section lists $4.1M of equipment appropriations for this fiscal year.
b. Contracts listed on page 2 of Administrative Services are tied to previous
paramedic/affiliate programs. Paramedic and other fire training spending
have been restricted. We were spending $1.5M and the total budget for
2003/04 is not to exceed $700K. These contracts are important for oncampus programs.
2. Budget
a. The state of California still has $8B problem for next year and there is
always the possibility of more cuts. We would like to see a healthy fall
semester. We should have a good feel about our fall numbers by October 1,
2003 and will make a decision regarding summer school after that.
b. Pat Caldwell’s office will send notices to students about fee increase.
c. The budget cuts were not ad severe as the January budget and the May
revise. Some increases are deceptive such as the increase in Financial Aid,
which was taken from P4E. We are still analyzing budget. Mr. Hanson is
putting together estimates of our increased district costs for this year.
d. We still have the concurrent enrollment issue and we are reserving $2M for
e. We will go into our final budget with a 7% reserve.
3. The Facilities Steering Committee will meet this Wednesday, August 20, 2003.
The programming notes will be basis for meeting. There will be changes in
campus plan and concepts. We are trying to maximize our money from the state
4. Planning Summit Executive Summary was sent to all College Council members.
Dr. Caldwell asked College Council members to review the document to see if it
accurately represents what occurred during the Planning Summit. The
Educational Master Planning Timeline 2003-04 was also distributed.
Agenda for September 8, 2003
1. Approval of Minutes for August 18, 2003 meeting
2. Board Agenda
3. College Council Goals