FINAL El Camino College Office of the President Minutes of the College Council Meeting of May 17, 2004 Present: Dr. Fallo, Ms. Caldwell, Dr. Caldwell, Ms. Ely, Mr. Hanson, Dr. Schwartz, Ms. Pickens, Mr. Samimi, Dr. Simon, and Ms. Stewart. 1. Board Agenda a. Human Resources section page 7 item 1 will be separated from the consent agenda. The Board will recess into closed session for discussion and then vote on this item in public. b. There is a non-consent agenda item request to change the Board meeting time and place. The ECCFT representative will speak in support of this item if the E-Board is in agreement. c. It was noted that item C under Human Resources section page 6 is presented to satisfy documentation required by the County. d. The Special Temporary Administrator salary schedule is tie to the management schedule. Temporary Casuals are tied to minimum wage. Temporary Administrators have ranges and step increases because this was developed parallel to the management schedule and has to do with experience and whether they have BA degrees or not. e. Policy 2730-Health Benefits: There is an “and” left out of the first sentence of the third paragraph. This policy will not be pulled and this change will be made for the second reading. f. Policy 7340-Leaves of Absence: President’s Cabinet changed the first sentence in the second paragraph for clarity. 2. It was reported that the Statewide Academic Senate is hoping to put pressure on publishers to lower textbook prices. The Senate Representative would like our bookstore to lower its prices. It was also suggested to give students who purchase the ASB sticker discounts on textbooks. Dr. Caldwell will set up an Auxiliary Services meeting and will discuss that possibility. 3. The ASO representative expressed disappointment about the possibility of the Vienna Institute Study Abroad Program not being continued. It was reported that the Study Abroad Committee inquired if any other faculty member would like to take a study abroad program. They are trying to have a more equitable distribution of summer assignments. The major issue is rotation and allowing other faculty the same opportunity to participate in these programs. Agenda for May 24, 2004 1. Approval of Minutes for May 10, 2004 and May 17, 2004 2. State Budget 3. Board Policies 4. Team Reports