December 1, 2003

El Camino College
Office of the President
Minutes of the College Council Meeting of December 1, 2003
Present: Dr. Fallo, Dr. Caldwell, Mr. Hanson, Ms. Pickens, Mr. Samimi, Ms. Smith, Dr. Simon, and
Ms. Stewart.
1. The Planning & Budgeting Committee has sent out requests for recommendations on what
frozen positions employees feel should be filled.
2. Julian Peters distributed his Recycling Program proposal for review by College Council. There
will be further discussion at the next College Council meeting.
3. Facilities
a. President Fallo had another meeting with the coaches. They stated that the document
presented to the Facilities Steering Committee was not a proposal but more of an idea
paper. It would have cost an additional $5K to have architects price the project. There
will be two additional meetings with P.E. staff.
b. We have received rough preliminary estimates for each building renovation at each
stage of renovation.
4. New members have been appointed to the Insurance Benefits Committee.
5. Employees are encouraged to reduce their comp to 20 days by the end of January. This request
is not mandatory and the contract states that employees have one year to use their comp time.
6. Academic Senate
a. The Academic Senate is reviewing AA and AS degree requirements.
b. The results for Academic Senate President-Elect will be known tomorrow.
7. We are.27 positions off from our 75/25 Full-time/Part-time ratio. The Board of Governors has
approved a deferral. We will request a waiver of our penalty, which is 50% of what the
average faculty salary is.
8. Board policy 5570 was distributed for review at the next meeting. This policy needs to be on
the December 15th Board agenda.
Agenda for December 8, 2003
1. Approval of Minutes for November 24, 2003 & December 1, 2003 meetings
2. Team Reports
3. Recycling Program
4. College Council Goals for 2003-2004
5. Board Policy Timeline-Janet Clarke
6. Board Policy 5570 – Student Credit Card Solicitations