FINAL EL CAMINO COLLEGE Office of the President Minutes of the College Council Meeting April 14, 2008 Present: Francisco Arce, Thomas Fallo, Ann Garten, Leo Middleton, Jeanie Nishime, Barbara Perez, Susan Pickens, Angela Simon, Luukia Smith, and Arvid Spor. 1. Budget update – we are facing a $1 million deficit as a result of the property tax issue. The problem is the tax is still an estimate and we don’t know if the number is going to be worse or better. The state has gone from a $14.5 billion to an $8 billion problem and we don’t know why. Ann is going to formally ask the Community College League of California. There is discussion in Sacramento that fees will not be increased. The state is relieving us of our obligation to match deferred maintenance amounts. We would like AB 2277 – Community Colleges: Property Tax Backfill to pass so we could back fill for last year’s deficit. President Fallo has a handout from Sacramento that Susan will distribute with minutes. 2. The Del Fox luncheon has been rescheduled to Wednesday, May 7th at 12:00 p.m. at the Ayres Hotel on Rosecrans Avenue. 3. It is reported that we are on track to make at least a 4% growth rate for spring and fall which exceeds our projection of 3%. 4. The Accreditation Self-Study should be posted to the website by Thursday, April 17th. 5. Luukia attended the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) annual convention in Oakland over the weekend. The CFT is really pushing progressive taxation – the need to quit finding places to cut in the budget and find new sources of revenue. They want to try and make sure that education continues to be funded. 6. Last month the President of CSSO asked categorical programs to fill out a grid of the impact of cuts. Our campus completed the grid and it was distributed to College Council along with a summary indicating the statewide impact. 7. President Fallo met with Barbara Beno of Accreditation Commission last week. They are considering having a special team for El Camino College that will include a team going to Compton Community College District and reviewing the center – treating it separate. 8. Paving the practice fields and looking to rent off site parking are two measures that are being presented to the Board to help alleviate parking shortage. Agenda for the April 21, 2008 Meeting: 1. Minutes of April 14, 2008 2. Board Agenda 3. Procedure/Policy 5137 – Distribution and Exhibition of Posters, Bulletins, Newspapers, Pamphlets, Circulars, Handbills, Broadcast and Electronic Media, and any Promotional Materials on Campus 4. Review ECC Vision/Mission Statement – to complete College Council Goal C (Core Competencies – inclusion) 5. Board Policy Status Reports – VP’s