September 28, 2004

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
September 28, 2004
_x_Rocky Bonura
_x_Mike D’Amico
___Janice Ely
_x_Pam Fees
_vac_Bob Gann
_x_Vic Hanson
_x_Alex Kelley
_x_Donna Manno
_x_David Miller
___Andy Nasatir
___Lynnda Nelson
_x_Allene Quarles
_x_Marcy Wade
_x_Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of September 21 were approved with the following change:
 Bullet number 3 under Satish: Change “rebuilt” to “rebill.”
Accreditation Improvements: Donna reported that evidence of how results were applied is needed
for the accreditation report. She suggested drafting a report on what Administrative Services did to
comply. Managers should send her evidence of how results were applied in individual areas. Alex
suggested sending costs also to provide a budgeting link. Comments:
 The president sees this as a focused report on how the college is linking planning with
 The customer survey helped identify objectives for Q-Builder, and Q-Builder has become
the vehicle for the annual report.
 The Q-Builder program is out of compliance with Microsoft (security) and this needs to be
addressed because it will cause major problems. Donna asked for a written statement on the
problem from Alex.
 Donna is still having problems with Q-Builder reports not printing or printing incorrect
 She will also share information she gets from the accreditation meeting next week.
Vacant Position Priorities: Copies of a report on Projected Credit FTES for 2004-05 as of
September 13, 2004 were shared with the group. The president cited his feeling that the unfunded
FTES will affect the budget as his reason for requiring the vice presidents to revise the Priority for
Filling Vacant Positions memo once again. He is now requiring that Phase I cannot not begin until
October 15, Phase 2 cannot begin until January 15, and Phase 3 cannot begin until March 15. Also,
since he feels there will be reduced funding in January, Phases 2 and 3 are uncertain. Phase 4 will
be combined with Phase 3, and there will be some funding changes. For example, funding for the
Director and secretary for the Teacher Education program will be funded by a recently received
grant. Noted:
 The FTES figures start with what ECC was funded (less than our entitlement last year).
 There is still no information from the Chancellor’s Office re: additional unfunded growth
 The budget is built on 19,900 FTES. The summer school number may be high, and the
spring figure is more than we realized last year, but the winter session will be the balancing
session. The target is well above the current base, so ECC should be well situated even if
the base is raised.
There was discussion on positions vacated in 2004, which will be stuck in the lowest priority. It
was felt that since they are already in the budget, managers should be able to fill them. The practice
of management by attrition was condemned as stressful and demoralizing to employees and
damaging to all services offered by the college. The reigning philosophy seems to be that since the
college has done without these people and services, it can continue to do so and current employees
should just do more with less. However, the reality is that the infrastructure is crumbling and things
will only get worse. Meanwhile, the vice presidents are being forced to spend their time endlessly
revising a memo on filling vacant positions when in all probability few, if any, will be filled. Vic
reminded everyone that lowering one’s expectations helps the frustration level, but if managers
wanted to send him information on the dire situations in their departments before tomorrow’s
meeting, he would present the issues at the meeting. Pam and Marcy are to attend the VP meeting
tomorrow (Pam at 10:30 and Marcy at 11 a.m.).
There was also discussion on interpretation of the contract re: filling vacancies with transfers. Vic
noted that managers first need to verify that there is a vacant position to fill. Alex stressed the need
for a trainer, which raised the issue of who will supervise the trainer when Donna retires.
CIE – Modulars: Part of Pat Caldwell’s reorganization plan (which will probably in the October
Board agenda) calls for moving the International Education Center to a new space. The modular
classrooms have been suggested as the location, however, they need to be reconfigured from labs to
classrooms for use during construction of the new humanities building. Also, they have no data or
telephone lines, and it would be cost prohibitive to install them. Other suggestions for the
relocation of the center included the Hawthorne building, the cafeteria, the old Foundation office
and the old Purchasing office. The latter appeared to be the best option since it is already wired and
isn’t currently occupied.
Committee Reports
 Alex Kelley
 ITS has found several computers configured to function as servers for spam, etc., and
they are finding more and more machines with spywear on them; consequently,
something needs to be done for security and protection against viruses. They will be
looking at PCs and converting them to general purpose machines equipped with only the
programs the user needs. Old computers need to be removed from the system also,
because they take too much work to maintain. Once everyone has moved up to XP, ITS
will have more control, because only ITS can make changes to these new machines. Vic
will take the information to the Board for additional funding.
 Mandated training for supervisors is recommended so that they can be more responsible
for what their employees are doing on their computers. Also, every fall, the ITS
workload increases when faculty return and infect the ECC system with viruses, spam,
etc. from their personal machines. He feels training should be mandated and would like
it to start on Flex Day.
 Donna Manno
 Although all registered students have an E-mail address, most aren’t aware of that fact or
they don’t know how to access it. Some sort of notification may be in order. Students
looking to access their student E-mail addresses should be directed to Portal.
 The new staff orientation went well.
 Marcy Wade: She will be on vacation from October 1 – 5. She will still make her
presentation at the Management Forum on October 7.
 David Miller
 Current projects include the science complex, the design phase of the humanities
complex, replacement of the pool building roof, the remodel of the Marsee Auditorium,
floor replacement in the Campus theater, and the electrical substation. The substation
project will involve major trenching throughout campus, and while the trenches are
open, they will also put in all other infrastructure items.
 The first draft of the Campus Standards Handbook will go to Cabinet tomorrow.
 Satish wants to be involved in Marsee remodeling project.
 Ruth Sanchez: The final version of October board agenda items is due October 1.
 Pam Fees: Today is the last day for budget book changes.
Meeting adjourned at 9:43 a.m.