January 15, 2002

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
January 15, 2002
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
____Donna Manno
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
Minutes: The minutes of December 18 were approved.
Budget 2002-03: Vic will be attending the ACCCA Budget Workshop tomorrow. Copies of the
Governor’s Proposed 2002-03 State Budget were shared with the group. Highlights:
 Funding for the CalWorks program has been slashed.
 There is a 35% reduction in funding for the matriculation program.
 Funding for Staff Development (training, etc.) has been reduced.
 Some scheduled maintenance and some instructional equipment money have been restored.
 Funding for energy costs has been cut, and since Enron is the college’s provider (through the
CCLC), that is a problem.
It was noted that ECC has had no growth for first quarter (per the 320 report), and the numbers are
actually below the projections on which the budget is built. Also noted: It is difficult to get
accurate figures, because some instructors have not even turned in their paperwork from the fall
semester yet.
President’s Themes: The President has reduced his ten themes to six areas he wants addressed for
the coming year. They are (not in priority order) learning, bond, accreditation, calendar, partnership
for excellence and planning and budget.
Status Reports:
Budget: The President likes the monthly reports (especially the stats) and wants them to
continue; however, he wants them closer to the first of the month. Include how enrollment
figures in what we do, budget management issues and bond issues also. Two or three topics
are sufficient.
Bond Activities: Efforts are moving in the direction of a bond initiative on the November
Natural Science Project: Copies of an updated Science Complex Renovation Project Report were
shared with the group. This document was also shared with College Council yesterday. Noted:
 There are two areas that will not be renovated (the basement of the multi-story building and
the portion of Chemistry building that has Physics room numbers) because funding was
based on safety concerns, and safety was not an issue in these areas.
 Classes will be moved into temporary buildings beginning with the fall semester.
 Lot B was determined to be the best site for modular facilities, and it will probably close in
May to prepare for moving them there. Portions of Visitor Parking and student parking near
Stadium Way will be used to replace the approximately 110 parking spaces that will be lost
due to the closure of Lot B.
They are looking for alternatives to using the Cafeteria meeting rooms because this
negatively impacts the catering program; however, the Cafeteria was clearly better than the
Activities Center due to the amount of work needed to accommodate the changes. Let Bob
or Vic know of any suggested areas. Comments:
 Consolidate current labs and open labs for additional availability of these rooms.
 Check on using the MCS tutoring lab for Natural Science labs.
 Use the game room in Student Activities. It was noted that elimination of the game
room could resurrect the problem it was created to solve.
 Look at the class schedule to see if it has been reworked.
 Put the project report on the Infonet and continue with updates.
The Natural Science Division Office will move to Natural Science 110.
Phase 1 of the construction is scheduled to start in September of 2002. Haz mat abatement
will be done first (approximately 30 days), with actual construction commencing in October.
The gap between estimated cost ($20,835,000) and current funding available ($17,306,000)
needs to be closed. A successful bond measure could help.
Phasing costs, which are included in the renovation figure, are not state supported costs.
Spring Enrollment:
 There were no cashier lines until yesterday. Students can add/drop in the Activities Center.
6,000 registered via the Web.
 In response to complaints about taking the system down at the end of registration to produce
semester start materials, ITS is offering a proposal to keep registration open through the first
week of school and produce rosters then. This is a common practice at many colleges.
Applause Card: An applause card for Linda Mobley was given to Janet.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Maurice Elmore: The furniture at the Hawthorne site covered outlets, etc.; consequently, it
needs to be modified. This will put the move back to the 22nd or the 28th. Wording for the
sign is still an issue. Regarding the janitorial services, it was suggested that since the
Foundation owns the building, it should issue the contract and the college should reimburse
it. Regarding the records from the 1980s that have already been microfilmed, they are still
waiting for Janice to sign off so they can discard them.
 Mike D’Amico: Parking was not that much of a problem yesterday.
 Bob Gann: He would like to send staff members to trade workshops. Vic noted that the
Area Council has been working to determine core training, which is to start in July. He
suggested requesting Staff Development funds first and contacting him if more was needed.
 Rocky Bonura: The Emergency Preparedness Training class on March 6 is full. There is a
new buzzword “Serious and Willful Negligence” which attorneys are trying to attach to
disability amounts. This reinforces the importance of resolving any reported safety problems
asap. Stress and problems with coworkers seem to be escalating. Worker’s comp and
disability issues are expected to increase. He has postponed the SWACC inspection.
 Pam Fees: Overall, the audit report was a good one. She is working with Bill Mulrooney on
a couple of recommendations outside the scope of fiscal services.
 Janet Clarke:
 There are three shopping months until the April deadline (all funds). Pat Caldwell has
an issue with this date.
 The Datatel training in Texas was lacking. Alex will follow up on this.
 Janice Ely:
 The new salary rates should be Board approved on Tuesday and should appear on the
February checks.
 They are working on the mouse/rat problem in the Accounting and Purchasing offices.
Foods have been removed from the area, and cable determinations have been made, so
the holes should be able to be filled now. This needs to be addressed asap.
Marcy Wade: She will be making presentations on the new contracts.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.