October 30, 2001

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
October 30, 2001
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
____Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
__x_Andy Nasatir
__x_Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
__x_ Satish Warrier
GUESTS: Jim Beavers, Janet Levine, Katy Gleason
Minutes: The minutes of October 16 were approved with the following changes:
 Under Maurice Elmore, change “the flames surrounding the door issue” to “the issue
regarding the door in the kiln area.”
 Under Bob Gann, take out the specific amounts for hazard abatement and equipment and the
last sentence “Rather than be creative…”
Food Services Proposal: Lynnda Nelson and Andy Nasatir gave a brief overview of food
services on campus and distributed a handout on the mini food court proposal prepared by two
vendors (California Fresh). The plan is to create three centrally located areas that will offer fresh
food. The vendors’ plan will allow the culinary arts program to continue on campus, but they
want the food trucks eliminated so they can bring in their own. If the proposal is approved at the
November 19 Board meeting, California Fresh promises to be operational by January 2002.
Concerns expressed:
 It was reported that Cal Caswell was concerned about the competition and that the Culinary
Arts Program was not allowed to bid on this. It was noted that they don’t have the funds to
make the necessary capital investment. Vic suggested a meeting with Pat and Cal Caswell.
 The increased food services will increase the custodial workload, and they don’t even have
enough staff now.
 Proper disposal of food trash is an issue. Duties need to be clearly defined, and someone
needs to take responsibility for making sure things get done properly. Jim Beavers of
California Fresh stated that they will take care of the trash.
 Who will pay for gas, electricity, etc.? A bid process may be necessary.
 What impact would this proposal have with the union?
 A College Council presentation on this proposal is needed.
Charitable Gifts from Vendors: Janet Levine and Katy Gleason discussed the Foundation’s
desire to develop and enhance partnerships with vendors to include monetary gifts to the college.
In order to facilitate this process, let them know about contracts being formed or already formed
and about individuals who might want to donate to the college. In response to a question on the
bond issue, it was noted that the Foundation is currently working on getting a new rating which
would allow them to participate in a bond drive.
November 8 Management Forum: The topic for the November 8 Management Forum will be the
compressed calendar and how it will affect the college. Each VP area will have 20 minutes to
discuss their concerns and possible solutions. Then there will be table discussions.
 Facilities: The windows of opportunity for renovation projects will be smaller, i.e., they will
no longer be able to do projects in between semesters. They may have to take things down
during the semester for classrooms and labs; however, things can be worked out with a little
advance planning. People just need to be open to new ways of doing things.
 Accounting: The impact will be on salary for classified employees; additional staffing may
be needed.
 Bookstore: They will be in a perpetual ordering and returns mode. Inventory will be affected
also. Faculty cooperation would make the transition easier.
Other issues not in our area: Divisions will need to complete class schedules on time, and the
class schedules will need to be printed on time. Also, implementing the compressed calendar
during the renovation of the science complex will create additional challenges. Accountability is
needed, and this needs to come up at the Forum. Notes will be taken at the Forum.
Board Agenda Due Date: Board agenda items for the November 19 meeting are due in Vic‘s
office no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, November 5.
Infonet for Students: Since students don’t have access to the internal Web site (Infonet), the
Board agenda and all committee information will be posted on the external Web site (Internet).
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Janet Clarke:
 The furniture for the Hawthorne 1 site will be ordered this week.
 Plans for the Inglewood Transition Center are proceeding. The earliest they could be in
would be the last week in December.
 A decision on the Ad Camp contract is needed this week.
 Rocky Bonura:
 In his recent memo, he recommended that the command team should go to the conference
room in the Police station in case of an emergency situation.
 A meeting to discuss ID cards is needed.
 Satish Warrier:
 Howard Story will take over the Internet assistant program on November 1.
 Alex is responding to complaints about the Timekeeper system that he received at the
recent area meeting. The issue of “It takes too much time” is one of incorrect use of the
system. The issue of interpreters getting a guaranteed minimum of hours is more of a
policy issue, i.e., why do we have guaranteed hours for casual workers? There is a
liability issue if the system is modified to show people were here when they were not.
 Agreement needs to be reached on the proper method for manual reporting on issues like
differentials before these things can be automated.
 Vic will meet with Alex before he sends his response.
 Janice Ely:
 The auditors finishing up.
 Kirk Johnston did a security assessment of the accounting office and drafted some
recommendations. They are currently stopping everyone at the gate.
 ITS is meeting with Accounting at 10 a.m. today.
 Marcy Wade:
 Now is the time to schedule Section 125 appointments.
 They are working with the Community Advancement area on training for specific issues.
 Lynnda Nelson: The convenience store near the Bookstore will open December 3. Vic will
meet with Lynnda and Andy this week.
 Bob Gann: The old door has been disposed of and N. Moss will be notified via memo.
Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.