August 5, 2015

Facilities Services Weekly Update Meeting
Attendance: Kelli, Fred, Ray, Kevin T, Kevin K, Ron, Pat, Jessica, Bill
1. Current Projects
a. Vangstad
i. Getting ready to pour the cement between the buildings with the new drain
ii. Doing the final mudding and taping in the basement to prepare for painting.
iii. Hooking up main air handler to the rest of the system, pressurizing piping for
testing and continuing to hook up heating loop system.
b. Flood Wall
i. They will be pouring the last section of the east portion of the wall tomorrow.
ii. Continue to set forms going west.
iii. They have 50 more feet of footings pour before they meet up with how far
they’ve dug.
1. Trying to pour 200’/week.
iv. Start backfilling next week.
c. Climate Control Upgrade
i. No update.
d. McCoy/Snoey Basketball Court
i. Court and sidewalk poured.
ii. Work orders have been sent in-house to prepare for basketball hoop posts. This
work needs to be done by Wednesday morning because Wick is pouring
concrete at that time.
1. We will have to use the skid steer to haul the concrete to fill in the hole.
iii. Bench and picnic table have been ordered and shipped.
e. Back Alley
i. Waiting on Border States Paving.
f. Hill slide waterfall
i. No update.
ii. Be thinking of ideas to help catch ice further up so water can flow better this
g. McFarland 1st Floor Water-proofing
i. Wick will be pouring the north and west sides on Wednesday. They will set
walls on Thursday (they will be poured next week).
ii. After this part is complete they will finish digging the area that was part of
McFarland Stabilization Phase I.
iii. Elevator drain will be tied into this as well.
h. President’s House Retaining Wall
i. This project will be completed by the end of the week.
1. Done backfilling and installing drain tile. They have put down black dirt
and seeded the grass.
Field House Addition
i. We will need to get SBHE approval before we can move forward (over
ii. Bids came in over the total project amount. Will need to determine if there are
funds available to move forward when we receive the necessary approval.
iii. Low bidders were Wick Construction, Hi-Line Electric and Bakkegard & Schell.
j. Wellness Center
i. They are continuing to dig in the storm sewer around the building- this will
affect our internet going to the Shop. IT (Joey) will need to go out and pull back
cables so they can continue to dig.
k. Heat Plant
i. No update.
l. Circle Hall
i. Awning has been installed- will be removed from agenda.
m. SEGS Office Remodel & 3rd floor carpeting
i. Final finishes are being completed.
ii. Windows need to be installed.
iii. Carpeting will be done on both sides of 3rd floor starting yesterday- starting at
the west end.
iv. Put in temporary tables until new ones arrive.
n. Training Room Accreditation
i. Field House
1. No update.
ii. Graichen
1. Final finishes are being done.
2. Sink will be plumbed in today.
o. Housing
i. Mythaler & President’s House Sewer Line
1. In progress- Mythaler will be completed today and then they will move
on to the President’s House.
ii. Robertson/Mythaler Fire Alarm Upgrade
1. Simplex will be here today to start up the system and then the project
will be complete.
2. IT (Joey) will need to run a piece of fiber when Simplex is on site. Ron
will contact Joey.
iii. University Housing 610
1. Will be completed today and removed from the agenda.
p. Campus Lighting
i. Pedestals will be poured on Wednesday and then Hi-Line Electric can continue
their work.
ii. Sidewalk will be usable starting Thursday.
2. Future Projects
a. Fine Arts Building
i. On hold (will remain on agenda)
b. Student Center Upper Lounge
i. On hold until summer 2016 (will remain on agenda)
ii. Guest suites in McCoy & Robertson
1. On hold (will remain on agenda)
a. Viking Preview today
b. Welcome Week
c. Inauguration October 1st- will set up the day before
a. Department Training – Professional Development
i. Will be put on hold until November- would like to do a Microsoft Office Suite
ii. Security staff had a full day training. Seemed to go well, will have a follow-up
b. One-time security funding
i. Waiting for the budget to be approved before we can make decisions.
ii. Card access in Rhoades
1. Ron and Jessica will meet with Joey to come up with a game plan to get
this finished.
a. No updates
a. Budget
i. No updates
b. Department Meeting
i. Next week- Kevin K and Scott will be doing presentations
c. Powerhouse
i. Painting curbs and such- most of it is done. Waiting for the rest until
construction has slowed down.
ii. Would like to work with Rick to show all building services people where the
breakers and fire alarms resets are.
d. Maintenance
i. Not much of an update- just continuing with projects.
ii. Kevin trying to get estimates on sprinkler system- has called place in Jamestown
multiple times. Will try Northern in Fargo now.
iii. Will be looking into what can be shaved for concrete for safety hazards and
what could be re-poured.
iv. Ron would like to get a work order put in for the pipes by the front steps of
McFarland to be sanded down and re-painted.
e. Building Services
i. No updates