Spanish 1 Course Syllabus/Overview 2015 - 2016

Course Overview for Español 1 2015-2016
Bienvenidos a la Clase de Español
El Profesor Prenger
The following is an outline and description of the Spanish 1 courses taught during the academic year of 20152016. Please read through this and use it as a resource throughout the school year regarding my
expectations and goals for this course.
Course Objectives:
Students will develop and hone their Spanish skills in the areas of speaking, writing, reading and listening
comprehension. Their Spanish language skill development will occur through thematic vocabulary and
grammar lessons, geography, culture, politics, music and literature.
Grading Weights:
Active Participation
Grading Scale:
Tests and quizzes occur often and in a variety of formats. They will vary with respect to covering areas of
study such as vocabulary, grammar, cultural issues, etc. Tests and quizzes will be based off all activities
occurring during class meetings and homework assignments. Students will receive notice of major exams, in
all formats, for the purpose of individual and group preparation. Students will be subject to pop quizzes.
Written homework is assigned almost daily. It will be checked visually and orally during the course of each
class meeting. Full credit for homework is earned by the completion of each entire assignment and partial
credit is earned for more than half of the assignment completed. To receive credit, all homework will be
finished by each student prior to each class meeting. Late homework will be accepted only for students with
absences that are excused or prearranged; otherwise no late homework will be accepted.
Active participation is assessed and evaluated daily by the following standards:
* Coming to class prepared with books, pens, pencils, notes, ready to learn, etc.,
* Speaking Spanish as much as possible and when necessary,
* Using class time effectively when working alone or in-groups,
* Using and volunteering in Spanish during all lectures, activities, exercises,
conversations, games, etc.
The text you will be using is ¡Avancemos! Level 1 ( McDougal-Littell). You will also use a variety of
supplementary materials throughout the course of the year. It is mandatory to bring your text and
supplements to class each day. If you lose the text, you will be responsible for payment for replacement.
* September * October-November * December & January * February & March * April & May * June -
Introduction and Unidad Preliminar
Unidad 1
Unidad 2
Unidad 3
Unidad 4
Loose Ends and Summative Final
All students will receive Mid-Term Progress Reports regardless of class standing.
Classroom Behavior:
Students are expected to act like responsible adults and will be held accountable for their actions. They will
treat all members of the class with the highest levels of esteem and respect. Rules and regulations stated in
student handbook will be enforced in the classroom at all times.
Daily attendance is required and vital. All absences must be excused by a note or phone call through the
attendance office. Excessive absenteeism, both excused and unexcused, could have a profound effect on a
student’s grade and will be referred to Student Management.
Prearranged absences must be brought to my attention as soon as possible. This ensures that the student
receives work to be completed prior to the next class attended.
All students are expected to arrive to class on-time. In-class detention lasting up to (30) minutes will be
served by students with the second and subsequent unexcused tardy. Excessive tardiness, excused and
unexcused, could have a profound effect on a student’s grade and will be referred to Student Management.
“Make-up” Work:
Students will “make-up” tests, quizzes, homework and participation only in the case of an excused absence.
It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about missed work and complete all missing work from the class
meetings that are missed with an excused absence. If work is not inquired about nor completed in a
satisfactory time frame, it loses all value.
All missed tests and quizzes are to be taken before or after school. The student must set a time for the
“make-up” and will be expected to comply with this scheduled meeting.
Unexcused absences are treated as skips. All unexcused absences will result in a “0” for all tests, quizzes,
homework and participation during the period of time missed.
Extra Credit:
Extra credit is rarely offered in this class. When it is offered, it will represent a small (tiny) portion of a
student’s overall grade for the quarter, semester and school year.
Absolutely no extra credit assignments will be offered at the end of the quarter, semester or school year.
Reaching the Teacher:
My phone number is:
(503) 353-5840, extension 38320.
My email address is: