You the student, helped produce the following guidelines. These guidelines were developed to help guarantee your success in this class. We will all be: Responsible = Please bring all needed materials and be ready to work. Respectful = Please respect yourself, your classmates, and the room. Reliable = Please be on time, in the room when the bell rings. Grading Policy Students will be graded, based on the following: Daily Participation Class Work / Homework Tests / Quizzes Projects 40% of your grade is based on participation, class work and homework 60% of your grade will be based on quizzes, tests, and projects Grading Scale 90%-100% A 60%-69% D 80%-89% B 50%-59% F 70%-79% C Grades may be rounded. Needed Materials Note cards Textbook Pen or Pencil Paper Make-Up Work For excused absence, you are allowed one day to make-up work, tests, and quizzes. This is your responsibility! A Message From Mrs. Rumble I hope you have a wonderful semester and enjoy taking classes in the Business Dept. We offer many interesting classes and have a certificate program that will assist you in continuing your education, obtaining part-time employment or a full-time position after graduation. If you have any questions or concerns, please see me at any time.