EARTH and SPACE SCIENCE 11 With the knowledge and understanding of how Earth is structured and the processes that have occurred and are currently occurring, we are better equipped to understand the world around us and be in a better position to sustain its resources. A. Units covered are: o o o o o o Introduction: branches of earth science, careers, mapping, tools Earth’s Materials: rocks, minerals, extraction and sustainability of resources Seismology: plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes Surface Processes: weathering, erosion, landslides, shoreline features Geological Time: fossil record, early life on Earth Astronomy: origins of the universe, solar system, the relationship between the Sun, Earth and its moon, stars B. Supplies you will need: o o o o o o o Textbook Large binder with paper Pen Pencil Eraser Ruler Pencil crayons, glue, scissors will be needed at various times throughout course (we have limited supplies of these so if you have your own, it is best to bring them when asked) C. Evaluation o Every 6-8 weeks you will be required to write a short current events report. o There will be a final project in June worth 10% of your final grade. (this will take the place of a final exam) o Term marks Assignments, Mini Projects & Labs 40 % Current Event Reports 10 % Authentic Inquiry Experiments 10 % Quizzes & Tests 40 % D. Expectations: 1. Lates If you are late, quietly knock on the door and wait for my attention before going to your seat. Consequences will result for habitual lates. 2. Absences are automatically deemed unexcused until the office reports parental permission for absence. Unexcused Absences: - automatic zero on any assignments, quizzes or tests. - You are responsible to learn missed material on your own. Excused Absences: - You are responsible for making up missed assignments, quizzes and tests - Report to me on your first day back at lunch time with a note from home Behaviour No electronic devices, including cell phones during direct instruction. Devices distracting you from classroom tasks will be taken away. Clean up your garbage, don’t leave anything even lab supplies in the sink Follow all safety rules Come to class on time Don’t talk when others “have the floor” Bring all your supplies to class Push your chairs in at the end of the day Treat the room and equipment with respect Treat others with respect