News from Room 113 A Peek at our Week Reading :

News from Room 113
12, 2016
A Peek at our Week
Reading: This week we will be starting our
Nonfiction Unit!
Phonics: (A-Z, or, ar, ur, ir, er, ch, sh, th,
wh, ing, ed, ai, ee, ie, oa, ue, ou, ow, oy, oi,
oo, blends) We have spent some time on
Phoneme Manipulation where we work with
the individual sounds in words to make new
Writing: We wrapped up our mini unit on
writing sentences and will start our “How
To” writing. It is so fun to see the kinders
develop as writers.
Words Their Way: We are working on
individuals sorts to practice specific skillsshort vowels, blends, digraphs, and long
Math: We finished our graphing unit.
We made different types of graphs,
looked at and compared the data. Next,
we will begin our unit on measurement.
Please play the math game throughout the
week and sign and return the bottom
portion on Friday in their purple folders.
Feb. 12 & 15: No School
Mar. !!: Early Release
Mar. 25: No School
Mar 26-30: Spring
Six Flags Read
to Succeed log
is due February
Snappy Words: (I, a, and,
me, the, to, go, you, can, my, he,
she, we, at, be, no, it, like, am,
Social Studies: We are discussing Friends play, on, in, yes, did, for, see
through various books and activities.
that, up, with) Take some time
Science: We are continuing with our Earth to practice these so they know
Science unit.
them in a “snap.”