4 Grade News th

Upcoming Events
Student Council Winter Hat Sale
1/6/16-1/20/16 *order forms were
sent home in Backpack Wednesday*
January 8, 2016
H&S Food and Fun @ Pizza Time
Tuesday- 1/12/16 @ 4:00 PM
English Language Arts
By: Miss Vilsmeier & Houghton Mifflin
This week was all about creativity! We explored
the question “What does it take to be a great performer?” In
the biographical selection Jose! Born to Dance, we read
about a man who learns to express himself through dance.
We also read the poetry selection Dance to the Beat,
about dancing and rhythm.
This week’s…
Target Vocabulary: debut, stubborn, permission, hauling,
mournful, towered, triumph, discouraged, toured, border
Vocabulary Strategy: Shades of meaning
Comprehension Skill: Author’s Purpose
Comprehension Strategy: Analyze/evaluate
Writing: Informative Writing- explanatory essay
Grammar: Pronouns
Check out Think Central (online) to
view the eBook and listen to this
week’s selection.
Contact Information
Mrs. Susan Lahneman
215-855-4331 Ext. 5718
Mrs. Jigna Patel
215-855-4331 Ext. 4628
Miss Christie Vilsmeier
215-855-4331 Ext. 4682
Monday- 1/18/16
H&S Roller Skating (offsite)
Friday- 1/22/16 @ 5:45 PM
**Pencil Supplies**
Our pencil supplies are dwindling. We
find that if students are using their own
personal pencils, they tend to take better care
of their writing tools.. Please check-in with your
child to see if they are in need of new pencils.
Thank you!
By: Mrs. Patel
Happy New Year! The students jumped right back into working
with long division this week. We reviewed doing long division using
partial quotients, but then focused more on the traditional method of
long division, which we call regrouping. The students have been told to
learn both methods, and then they will be able to choose which method
works best for them. We also discussed how to check if the quotient of
a division problem is correct by using multiplication. Blocks 2 and 4
will have their chapter 4 test on Wednesday, January 13th. Block 1
will have their chapter 4 test on Thursday, January 14th. A key
concept that we will review next week is what to do with a remainder
when solving a division word problem. Have a great weekend!
S.S. & Science
By: Mrs. Lahneman
The students were introduced to the processes of
scientific inquiry that are typically used by scientists. While
previewing the structure of the new textbook on Ecosystems, the
students worked together to identify just what science is, what
“doing” science means, and what people actually do when they
are “doing” science. In Mrs. Lahneman’s class, students did a little
research on the computer to find some famous scientists. In this
new unit, the students are expected to be able to identify different
types of ecosystems and some of their similarities and
differences. We focused on the words living and non-living, as
well as the interactions between them. This is an exciting week
for our young scientists, as we created the habitats for the little
critters we received this week. Then we had to observe, record our
observations, talk to others about what we observed,
and even came up with some questions.