President Mangin and Faculty Senate:

President Mangin and Faculty Senate:
I want to thank you for your work on brainstorming enrollment and for the information received regarding
marketing. I want to take one minute to give you some status reports on both so that we can use your ideas to our
best ability and make sure I have communicated effectively. These are the areas I can report on from my area.
K-12 Outreach
This is one of our strategic plan goals and is led by Student Services under the leadership of Dr. D (Michelle). We
are just getting started on that planning and I would welcome your input and thoughts to Michelle directly at any
point in time. I am going to get your bullet items to her next week so that we can at least incorporate those
brainstorms when the team begins which is September 6 . Let’s make sure we follow up with you all in the spring
semester to be sure we keep you updated and have your thoughts.
Also, Cabrillo Student Ambassadors are going to be part of the High school outreach.
Cabrillo Classes Inreach
I think the guest lecturer idea is a great one and I would be sure to have Vicki take that forward through the FCN if
you can.
I will let Margery know about the CG 51 tour of STEM
Direct Connection /Orientation
We have just started a prospective student emailing through an online company that has given us some student
‘hits’ for follow up. This should be something we review after a full year to look at what we are getting in return
but we are on this in partnership between Student Services and Marketing.
I will let Georg know about thoughts for orientation for students before classes start – this might be good as part
of a new student orientation that we invite all of our incoming students to attend before school. Again, Michelle
has had some experience with this so we will talk.
Increased access to marketing can be done several ways – through a task force or through the track it system
which would allow folks to ask for implementation ideas, etc. Kristin and I have put the latter into place but we
simply have not had the staff to get it started. We should have assistance in the next few weeks and I will make
this a priority.
Open classes can be advertised on the homepage and as part of our outreach at Admissions and Records as well so
that students can go directly to the open class area as they are signing up. This can also be available at the Student
Center. I will look into that.
Thanks again for the feedback and I will commit to following up on those areas noted here and get back to you.