Committee Name: Student Equity & Success Date: Monday, September 29, 2014 Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Facilitators/Location/Chair: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier/SAC 225 Attendees: (in bold) Guests: Dennis Bailey-Fougnier, Enrique Buelna, Christina Che, Natalia Cordoba-Velasquez, Michelle Donohue, Vicki Fabbri, Joyce Flager, Eric Grabiel , Matt Halter, Ian Haslam, Michael Mangin, Rachel Mayo, Beth McKinnon, Graciano Mendoza, Adela Najarro , Diego James Navarro, Margery Regalado Rodriguez, Christopher Reinoldson, Barbara Schultz-Perez, Sue Tappero, Alex Taurke, Martin Vargas Vega, Terrence Willett Terra Morris, Steve Blohm, Joseph Carter Agenda Items: Topic Topic Lead Outcomes Timeline Dennis Meeting dates and plan deadlines were distributed. Data Terrence Academic Senate Report Michael Break into Goal Groups Dennis • Course completion = class not dropped; grade D or F okay • Course success = class completed with a C or better • Terrence explained disproportionate impact data, reference groups, success rates, how to read the data in the draft plan, how it was derived Equity = fairness Equality = sameness Student Equity Plan is a 3-year cycle; don’t have to complete everything now – better to have fewer things to do with more clarity. Suggested training our 700 employees to do what three new hires would do. A: Access – Michelle*, Beth, Margery, Graciano B: Course Completion – Michael*, Eric, Margery C: ESL/Basic Skills Completion – Eric*, Natalia, Rachel, Beth, Vicki, Ian D: Degree & Certificate Completion – Barbara*, Rachel, Vicki, Margery E: Transfer – Rachel*, Barbara, Michelle Groups will present revisions at 10/13/14 meeting. Meeting Summary or Take Away: 1. Sue Tappero spoke about mentoring, MESA’s success, and how Student Equity funds would benefit MESA. She 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. distributed Matt’s Mentoring Program information. Does mentoring work? Margery will share the SSSP plan. Everyone review Program Plans to find common goal areas/activities. Sandi will create a Google doc and share with committee for input. Terrence will bring visuals of data analysis part and maybe age broken down by ethnicity for ELS/Basic skills. Dennis will send the link to “Practically Speaking” for all to read. Rachel will look into other active initiatives /funding scope (after accreditation project). 1