College of the Redwoods Program Review Committee Summary As per its Mission

Fiscal Year: 2011-12
College of the Redwoods
Program Review Committee Summary
As per its Mission, the Program Review Committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews to provide the foundation upon which the district
develops, identifies, and documents the direction of the prioritization of planning. Our objective is to provide an evaluative Executive Summary of each
program’s review for authors, Integrated Planning Committees, and the District.
Program Review Area:
Residential Life, Campus Life
Program Review Authors:
Robert Ekholdt, Kintay Johnson
Area Manager:
Robert Ekholdt
Performance Indicators for Student Services Programs
1. Program Assessment
Measurable Goals and Objectives
Consistent SLO Assessment
2. Program Resources
FTE Student Services Faculty and Staff
Not Applicable
Committee Comments
Personnel (Dollars)
Discretionary (Dollars)
Additional Workforce (Dollars)
3. Program Efficiency/Productivity
FTES per Department FTE Faculty and Staff
Department Cost per FTES
No request for additional staffing was included
Residential life is a revenue generating program
but all monies go into the general budget. As a
program, it is doing a good job. Noted that the
campus life salary is split between the two
Budget clarity is difficult because the Residence
Hall budget is combined with Dining Services and
Bookstore; campus life funds are discretionary
Budget not adequate.
Indicator is not clear, difficult to utilize as a
meaningful measure of efficiency/productivity for
this program.
Indicator is not clear, difficult to utilize as a
meaningful measure of efficiency/productivity for
this program.
Program Outcomes- three required
Evening/Weekend Services Offered
On-line Services Offered
Number of Applications Processed
Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors, who will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation.
PRC will forward the summaries and author responses (if available) to the appropriate integrated planning committee, EMC and the IEC. Adopted by PRC April 29, 2011
Student Satisfaction Results
Student Term Persistence
Student Course Retention
Student Course Persistence
Student Transfers
Average Counselor/Advisor Load
Number of Goals Met
Number of Students Completing Educational
Number of Students Receiving Financial Aid
Total Financial Aid Dollars Awarded
Default Rate
Number of Audit Findings
Revenue Generated
Would be helpful to see assessment plan to
improve or inform faculty on how to increase
student success
The committee recommends that Residential Life
and Campus Life reviews may need to be separated;
the needs are very different as is the scope of their
mission. ASCR is a district wide program, where as
Residential Life is only relevant to the Eureka
Programs could use a needs addendum (resource
request for staffing)
Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors, who will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation.
PRC will forward the summaries and author responses (if available) to the appropriate integrated planning committee, EMC and the IEC.
Adopted by PRC April 29, 2011