REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Boardroom Monday, November 21, 2011 1:10 p.m. NOTES PRESENT Jeff Cummings, Anna Duffy, David Gonsalves (phone), Kathy Goodlive, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill, Anita Janis (phone), Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler, Mark Renner (phone), Keith Snow-Flamer, Ken Strangfeld, Bruce Wagner and Danny Walker. ALSO PRESENT Joe Hash, Michael Regan ACTION SUMMARY NOTES EMC summary notes of November 7, 2011, were approved with corrections. FTES/TLU from EMC to BPC Keith and Bruce reviewed the FTES/TLU table handout with the committee. There was concern expressed regarding the two percent growth assumption that was factored in for 2013-2015. Mid-year budget reductions were also discussed and Keith stated that although we have not received official notification the cuts will most likely occur. There was also discussion regarding faculty reassign time and how overload is determined. The committee supported moving forward the 3 year FTES/TLU/Section plan to the Budget Planning Committee for their review and funding. DISCUSSION CO-CHAIR MTG Bruce reported that he and Keith met with the President. The President is pleased with the committee’s continued focus on student success and retention. He asked that the EMC concentrate on building stable enrollment and become instrumental in driving the development of strategies that will promote access, retention and completion for the district. Additionally, the President provided further clarification on the administration’s decision to reduce the Spring schedule by 50 sections. The underlying reason for the decision was to ensure that the district would not exceed the FTES target cap at the end of spring semester and would have TLUs set aside to provide for a summer schedule. Bruce noted that in the future the President would like to see the schedule development include TLU allocations for Fall, Spring and Summer. SUMMER Continued discussion led to questions about how to proceed with the summer schedule. It was noted that based on the cuts from the spring schedule there may be at least 50 sections for summer. Keith noted that once we have an idea what the enrollment for spring is we will have a much stronger projection for summer. Keith also noted that he would like this committee to come up with guiding principles to help determine what should be offered in the summer. Bruce stated that the courses that were cut from spring may not be the appropriate courses to offer in the summer. It was decided that Keith, Bruce, Rachel, and Angelina will work to create the guiding principles. DRAFT 2011-12 EM PLAN REPORTS Other comments made on the topic included: How many sections do we need to meet the FTES target? TLUs added to summer above the 50 sections will come out of next year. Highest priority should be given to courses required to complete a degree/certificate or begin a degree/certificate program. Do other community colleges still offer summer courses? Student success with online courses. Keith reported that meetings with the leads for each subcommittee will be set up and timelines developed to complete the work. Keith will send out the revised list of subcommittees and members as well as the updated list of goals for the EM. Jeff, Keith and Bruce met with the senate co-chairs regarding the TLU allocation process. They described the subcommittee’s charge and the concept underlying the subcommittee’s work. The concept will be further discussed with the EMC. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNED The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m. SUBMITTED lw