REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Boardroom Monday, October 17, 2011 1:10 p.m. Draft NOTES PRESENT Rachel Anderson, Nick Bogdan, Jeff Cummings, Paul DeMark, Anna Duffy, David Gonsalves (phone), Kathy Goodlive, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill, Anita Janis, Allen Keppner, Pam Kessler, Mark Renner (phone), Tiffany Schmitcke, Keith Snow-Flamer, Ken Strangfeld, Juana Tabares, Bruce Wagner and Danny Walker. ALSO PRESENT Roxanne Metz, Michael Regan DISCUSSION SUMMARY NOTES EMC summary notes of October 3, 2011, were approved with corrections. COMMITTEE ON MEASURES OF STUDENT SUCCESS Angelina stated that a draft report from the Committee on Measures of Student Success has recently been sent out and it contains a lot of information that may be helpful to this committee. She will email the report out to everyone on the committee for review. The report makes note about the diverse mission of the Community College and why students attend. IPEDs reporting was discussed and it was noted that this is only one type of reporting but it could have broad implications. Discussion also took place regarding the definition of success at the Community College level. It was also noted that this is a time of transition for the Community Colleges and in the future who and how students are served may be changing. COMMITTEE EVALUATION RUBRIC Sheila reported that in developing the Evaluation Rubric she, Angelina and Rachel started big and looked at several different models and themes, they also reviewed the planning principals. She noted that the rubric could be kept general so that it could be used by other committees or it could be made more specific so that it only applied to EMC. This is only the first draft of the rubric and the components are overlapping. There was discussion as how to deploy this and if it should go back to Institutional Effectiveness, do we make it specific or have it general and over-arching? Rachel stated that if we made it really specific to EMC and then moved to the rubric used by ACCJC we would be grading ourselves and in the end we would match up or diagnose the problem. The importance of communication was discussed and it was noted that EMC has gotten much better at this than in the past. Communication needs to happen at different levels throughout the district and meeting minutes and committee representatives are helping with this. Some committees are still struggling to do this and if an evaluation instrument were put together that could be used across the district it would be very positive. It was noted that this is a great document to improve the feedback loop. Keith stated that the goal is to get the final draft of the rubric to the committee by November 7, at which time we will decide if we will forward it to the IEC. SPRING SCHEDULE UPDATE Tiffany reported that a huge portion of the spring schedule has been sent out to be reviewed by the deans and directors, area coordinators and faculty will also have opportunity to review it. She hopes to get changes back no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday and have the schedule available on Web Advisor for viewing only on Saturday. She also reported that she is not able to give an update on TLUs yet, but it’s looking really good. With new guidelines from the Chancellor’s office she had to make sure that everything was entered accordingly. Tiffany noted that she does not enter the schedule for either Del Norte or Mendocino but once it has been entered she double checks it to make sure it is consistent with Eureka. IR will do a FTES projection as soon as Del Norte and Mendocino are entered to compare to last spring. When the final numbers are calculated she will forward them to Keith so that he can release them to the committee. Kathy stated that during the district audit this year the auditor’s requested documentation on how the student was informed about scheduling and they’ve asked to review about 40 different sections. She also reminded everyone of the repeatability guidelines that will go into effect this spring which will trace the number of times a student has attempted a class to the beginning of their student career. Discussion continued regarding concerns related to course repeatability. Some of the concerns included: Extenuating circumstances, what are they? Should we consider having Recentcy requirement? Will counselors have the necessary information when enrolling students? Student appeals Apportionment/FTES SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Develop plan to allocate additional TLUs Spring/Summer (Rachel, Bruce, Kathy) Rachel noted that this subcommittee is not going to do anything until the schedule is out. They will be coding the schedule for spring to see how it falls out per area and how to allocate appropriately. They will also be comparing and contrasting and refining the total numbers served. Recommend TLU allocation strategy (Rollover, decrease and growth funding) for 2012-13 (Jeff, Mark, Ken) Jeff reported that this committee has not met yet but is scheduled to do so soon. Review fall schedule blocks and develop recommendation for improvement (Jeff, Allen, Danny, Tiffany) This subcommittee has not met yet. Develop 2011-14 EM plan (Keith, Sheila, Juana, Pam, Anna, Dave) Looked at best practices, put recommendations together on themes and actions will meet again by end of October. AB 743 and AB 1056 These bills were signed into law by the Governor, however, the chancellor’s office does not know yet how they will be implemented. SUMMARY OF EMC BPC COCHAIRS MEETING Bruce and Keith reported that over the last couple of years the allocation of TLUs has changed. A concern this year is that the BPC did not factor in faculty re-assign time. As the district’s budget has shrunk faculty has had to fight for reassign time. Problems arise when with faculty retire or on leave. A discussion was started with Lee Lindsey and Bob Brown, co-chairs of the Budget Planning Committee (BPC) and some problem solving was done. BPC and EMC need to work with Administrative Services to take all into account. As reassign time changes, money needs to flow in and out of the Associate Faculty budget. A preliminary time-line needs to start with EMCs FTES projection. Administrative Services is trying to work on the development of a 3 year budget cycle. Bruce also noted that we have to decide what kind of cap on enrollment we want. We also need to get an estimate of Associate Faculty and an estimate of faculty retirements to forward to the BPC. It will take a couple of meetings to decide on the instructional budget and what the targets will be. They will also need to come up with allocations. Deans won’t have to be concerned with associate faculty only with FTES. Didn’t have the budget category for reassign time. We really need to get information to BPC. ADJOURNED The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m. SUBMITTED lw